Can You Guess When Carbon Capture Will Truly Be Ready?

If you read deep into ‘climate change’ like I do, you’ll constantly see articles about carbon capture, and how awesome it is. How it’s the wave of the future. About that

Removing Carbon From the Air Enters Its Awkward Teen Years

If you want to understand the potential of direct air capture, or DAC, all you have to do is see its end product: solid rock. The world’s first plant to pull carbon dioxide from the air and turn it into stone has been operating in Iceland for nearly two years, and the fruits of its labor were on display last week at Climeworks’ DAC Summit.

Sitting under glass and beneath a spotlight, a nondescript-looking gray cylinder of rock roughly the size of a water bottle containing carbon the company’s technology had removed from the air using massive machines was the centerpiece of the summit held in Zurich. It’s a wonder that could someday be in a museum, among the first few tons of carbon mechanically taken out of the atmosphere in the fight against climate change.

This is all that was done

There are now at least 18?direct air capture plants operating worldwide, according to the International Energy Agency, and more are coming online. That makes the rock on display at the summit a tiny piece of today’s $2 billion market for carbon removal, which includes everything from offsets to DAC. Depending on the rules that end up shaping the sector, direct air capture alone could be a nearly $1 trillion business in the next decade, according to projections from researchers at BloombergNEF.

As long as you taxpayers are willing to pony up lots of money…oh, heck, it doesn’t matter, government will give your money away regardless of what you think

Even if the concerns about high costs aren’t over, it’s still a remarkable moment in direct air capture’s history. The technology is leaving behind its training wheels and may be able to pass its driving test while remaining nowhere near ready to be an adult making meaningful contributions to cleaning up the atmosphere. The growing number of researchers, investors and policymakers willing to turn up at the party is a strong indicator, but there’s no guarantee direct air capture is ready for rapid growth.

But, they’re happy to take you money

Science has increasingly shown that to avert catastrophic levels of global warming, the world will need to cut carbon pollution dramatically while also developing the capacity to pull billions of tons of carbon dioxide — or gigatons — out of the atmosphere each year by 2050. Climeworks is the most advanced of the DAC hopefuls, and its vision is to become a megaton-scale company — that is, one capable of nabbing 1 million tons of CO2 — by the end of this decade.

The timing for getting this one up-and-coming company to a gigaton? Not until mid-century.

So, basically, a pipe dream. But, hey, I don’t blame them for trying to take advantage of the scam. There’s lots of money involved in the grift.

The DAC Summit highlighted some of the outside forces that could help the technology grow up fast. There are major corporate investments, such as the multiple multi-million dollar deals to buy carbon removal services using direct air capture. There are potentially billions of dollars in US government incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act, in addition to $3.5 billion in funding for so-called DAC hubs where fledging startups can run experiments and try to scale their technology.

Notice most money comes from government. If companies really saw the ability to make money they’d invest heavily.

Read: Can You Guess When Carbon Capture Will Truly Be Ready? »

Surprise: Even Fewer Americans Support Biological Men Playing On Women’s Sports Teams

Let’s be honest, this has almost nothing to do with biological women pretending to be men playing on male sports teams. How often do you hear that happening? Almost never? Huh. This is about biological males taking positions and wins from biological women, which can lead to loss of scholarships, not too mention simply stealing wins that the women worked for

Americans less supportive of transgender athletes playing for teams of their choice, poll finds

Americans are less supportive of transgender athlete participation in single-gender sports than they were two years ago, a national survey has found, even as more people say they know someone who is transgender.

The findings, gleaned from Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll, suggest Americans see the issue more as one of competitive fairness than of transgender civil rights, said Jeff Jones, a senior editor for the public opinion polling firm.

What about the civil rights of actual women to not have their spots taken, their wins taken away, all their hard work destroyed? Is this fair?

Gallup’s telephone survey of 1,011 U.S. adults was conducted last month. It found that 69% of Americans say transgender athletes should be restricted to sports teams that conform with their birth gender, compared to 62% in 2021.

Likewise, the findings showed that just 26% of Americans support transgender athletes playing for teams matching their gender identity, compared to 34% two years ago.

They’re basically saying the same thing: most Americans do not want the gender deranged competing against biological women. I wonder how many who approve of it have women in their lives who have to compete, or have competed themselves? Because virtually every time real women have to compete against the gender confused men they lose.

Z Nicolazzo, an associate professor of trans studies in education at the University of Arizona, said the results show that fearmongering rhetoric accompanying the rapid rise in anti-trans legislation is having an effect.

“It’s resonating with people regardless of what the scientific evidence demonstrates,” she said.

But equally damaging, Nicolazzo said, is that Democrats and progressives are not creating “a pro-trans narrative.”

How about a pro-women narrative? What about real women? Good grief, it wasn’t that long ago that we were supposed to “believe all women”. Democrats just tried to pass their Equal Rights Amendment (which wouldn’t actually. And they cannot even define women anymore), yet, they’re all in for this trans madness fad. At the expense of real women.

Gallup’s poll found that more people say they know someone who is transgender compared to two years ago: 39% of Americans reported that someone they knew personally told them they were transgender, up from 31% in 2021.

The madness is spreading, and spreading fast.

Read: Surprise: Even Fewer Americans Support Biological Men Playing On Women’s Sports Teams »

Montana Youts Go To Trial Over ‘Climate Change’

I’m really hoping that the lawyers for the state of Montana ask the youts what they’ve done in their own lives to reduce their own carbon footprints. Do they take fossil fueled travel in autos? Buses? Do they have FF ATVs to head out for recreation? How much time do they spend on-line, burning up lots of electricity?

Youth go to trial in a test of state’s obligation to protect Montana residents from warming

Youth plaintiffs said warming temperatures were harming their health and threatening their futures as a closely-watched climate trial kicked off Monday in Montana. But a lawyer for the fossil fuel-friendly state argued its emissions were “minuscule” on a global scale and that eliminating them would have little impact.

The case over state government obligations to protect people against worsening climate change is the first of dozens of similar lawsuits to reach trial. It’s scheduled to last two weeks.

The 16 young plaintiffs — supported by a parade of climate experts — are trying to persuade state District Judge Kathy Seeley that Montana’s allegiance to fossil fuel development endangers their health and livelihoods and those of future generations.

Plaintiffs attorney Roger Sullivan said in opening arguments that his clients and their families already were suffering health problems and economic losses as climate change dries up rivers and worsens wildfires. He said Montana has a obligation to protect residents from climate change under its unusually protective state constitution.

Here’s the thing: they’re going to have to prove it. They’re going to have to have facts, not scaremongering. They’ll have to prove that their health is suffering and it is due to the use of fossil fuels by Mankind which have cause a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850.

Experts say the case in state court could set legal precedent but isn’t likely to make immediate changes to policy in fossil fuel-friendly Montana.

Environmentalists have called the bench trial a turning point because similar suits in nearly every state have already been dismissed. A favorable decision could add to a handful of rulings globally that have declared governments have a duty to protect citizens from climate change.

Neither the US nor Montana Constitutions say anything of the sort. There is not duty to protect from a slight increase in temperatures, even if it was caused my Mankind. What will the climate cultists say if they lose the case?

The plaintiffs and their attorneys were cheered by supporters as they arrived outside the courthouse on Monday. Inside, Seeley’s small courtroom was packed with observers and members of the media.

How did the plaintiffs and attorneys arrive? Bus? Or, fossil fueled vehicles? One thing

One reason the case may have made it so far in Montana is the state’s constitutional requirement that government “maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment.” Only a few states, including Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New York, have similar environmental protections in their constitutions.

Which is about actual environmental issues. ‘Climate change’ is not.

The case was brought in 2020 by attorneys for the environmental group Our Children’s Trust, which since 2010 has filed climate lawsuits in every state on behalf of youth plaintiffs. Many cases — including a previous one in Montana — have been dismissed.

In other words, it’s purely astroturfed, and plaintiffs are as young as 5. Does anyone think a 5 year knows what the hell is going on?

Read: Montana Youts Go To Trial Over ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the safe climate of 70 years ago.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Gender Confused Fleeing States With “Anti-LGBTQ” Laws

Anti-LGBTQ? Pretty much all the laws that have been passed are there to protect minors from being groomed, from them being given all sorts of drugs and medical procedures, from being exposed to adult sexuality. Kids cannot go into strip clubs, they should be exposed to drag shows with nudity and such. But, regardless, I fail to see the downside when people with mental illness, who tend to have suicidal thoughts at a much higher rate than others, and vote Democrat leave Red states and go to Blue states. And their wacko parents are often taking them and leaving

‘Genocidal’: Transgender people begin to flee states with anti-LGBTQ laws

When Texas officials announced their intentions to launch child abuse investigations involving people who provide gender-affirming care for their transgender children, Susan’s heart dropped.

Susan has a 7-year-old transgender daughter, Elsa, whose parents asked that she be referred to by a pseudonym for safety reasons, who they say may one day need such care.

Elsa’s parents describe her as wise beyond her years. She had expressed that she was a girl from an early age and guided her parents through her gender journey – asking to wear dresses, change her name, and to be referred to as a “daughter” by her parents.

“When she was 3, one day, she told me, ‘I’m a girl person,’” Susan said in an interview with ABC News. It was National Daughters Day, “and she said, ‘Can I be your daughter?’ – which made me cry.”

A 3 year old did this? She’s guiding her parents? Does anyone actually believe this mule fritters? These are parents who should be in jail for child abuse, not lauded and supported, held up as role models.

Susan and her husband Brian, who asked that their last names not be used for safety reasons, decided the family needed to move out of Texas in light of the child abuse investigation threats. They say they weren’t sure how far the government would go to separate families like their own or affect Elsa’s access to care as she gets older.

Her family is not alone. Across the country, advocacy groups say some families are packing up and moving out of their home states that have implemented anti-LGBTQ legislation to get to a place with greater protections for the community, according to queer advocacy groups nationwide.

Well, bye, take your Crazy with you.

Jamie, another parent who asked to be referred to by a pseudonym for safety reasons, moved their family from Texas to Colorado to protect her gender nonconforming teenager.

They said the move took up a lot of their savings — a costly but important decision families say they had to make.

“That did not feel like normal teenage stress, in Texas,” said Jamie in an interview with ABC News. “Knowing that your governor and the top officials in your state literally don’t want you to exist – That’s a different kind of stress. It felt very genocidal there.”

Genocidal. Exaggerate much?

In Florida, new legislation bans gender-affirming care for transgender patients under 18 who are just starting their treatments.

The law also mandates that adult trans patients sign an informed consent statement, see a physician in person to receive care instead of using online medical services or seeing a health practitioner of another kind.

State funds, including social support such as Medicaid and economic assistance programs, may also not be used for gender-affirming care.

The state should not be paying for any of that. The state won’t pay for laser eye surgery to correct vision, right? They’d probably pay for mental health therapy to move these people away from crazy. But, the states are not blocking crazy gender affirming “care.” If a doctor prescribed testosterone or blockers to a non trans child for the sole purpose of changing their appearance, it would be malpractice and they would likely lose their medical license. Somehow prescribing testosterone or blockers to a trans child is not only being done but celebrated. Medicine is science. There should not be such a disconnect with what is deemed appropriate care.

Meanwhile, Let’s Go Brandon’s people show this is a cult above the nation

Read: Bummer: Gender Confused Fleeing States With “Anti-LGBTQ” Laws »

Interesting: Rural Folks Really Do Not Want Massive Solar Farms In Their Areas To Help Out Urbanites

It is interesting that all the urban dwellers, who tend to be members of the Cult of Climastrology, always want solar and wind farms, as long as they are Over There, usually meaning in the areas where Republicans voters live

Rural opposition to solar farms goes beyond beliefs in climate change

When it comes to local support versus opposition against large scale solar farms there are a number of factors at play in the divide that may surprise you. One university sought out to find out more.

With New York State’s ambitious decarbonization goals of being 70% renewable by 2030, there’s a lot of enthusiasm for solar energy that’s also being met with opposition primarily in rural areas of upstate that go beyond being for or against the idea of climate change.

In a survey conducted by Professor Richard Stedman at Cornell, it was found that while most people support the idea of solar energy in general, those views become a bit more divided when it comes to the installment of large-scale solar farms.

“When you ask more specifically about big solar, utility scale solar, which are these facilities that cover hundreds of acres potentially thousands of acres in some cases you do get much more of a divide,” says Stedman.

This divide primarily comes from rural communities feeling like they’re “taking one for the team” in terms of providing energy to downstate interests in particular; all centered around this sense of carrying the “rural burden.”

“There’s this sense among some that rural people and rural places are being asked to bear the cost of this development, in terms of loss of scenic vistas, loss of access, wildlife impacts farming impacts, without reaping any of the benefits,” says Stedman.

Interestingly, those downstate aren’t all that interested in reducing their own use of electricity in order to mitigate their own carbon footprints. No, they just want it all, while attempting to force the people in the rural areas to bear the costs. How many of those urbanites really get out in the country? If they do, they typically view rural folks as bumpkins, stupid, living in Dumbfuckistan. Utterly condescending and nasty.

Those who are much more attached to their landscape and community are less likely to invest in energy especially in an area that identifies strongly with being from upstate versus downstate, and with little experience in large scale solar.

Why don’t those in the urban areas invest? Hey, they could replace Central Park with solar panels. Put a bunch of wind turbines off of the 5 Boroughs. Same thing in Dem strongholds like Albany, Buffalo, and Syracuse.

“Putting in the time to try and understand local community perspectives is super important in trying to roll out utility scale solar,” says Stedman.

In other words, the cult wants to force the rural folks to accept this.

Read: Interesting: Rural Folks Really Do Not Want Massive Solar Farms In Their Areas To Help Out Urbanites »

UK Guardian: Social Media Needs Massive Moderation To Save Democracy Or Something

Nothing says freedom and democracy like advocating to shut down those you accuse of Wrongthink. This is utterly unsurprising from the UK Guardian, and Progressives (nice Fascists) in general, as it’s always about massive, controlling government and refusing to allow people with different opinions from speaking. They only care about the 1st Amendment as it supports them, not for others

‘Fundamentally dangerous’: reversal of social media guardrails could prove disastrous for 2024 elections

Increasing misinformation on social media, platforms scaling back content moderation and the rise of AI are converging to create a perfect storm for the 2024 elections that some experts warn could put democracy at risk.

YouTube this week reversed its election integrity policy, allowing content contesting the validity of the 2020 elections to remain on the platform. Meta, meanwhile, reinstated the Instagram account of misinformation super spreader Robert F Kennedy Jr and will allow Donald Trump to post again imminently. Twitter has also allowed Trump to return, and has generally seen a rise in the spread of misinformation since billionaire Elon Musk took over the platform last year.

These trends may prove disastrous for the 2024 elections, and for the health of democracy at large, said Imran Ahmed, chief executive officer of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a non-profit that fights misinformation.

“This is fundamentally dangerous,” he said. “American democracy itself cannot survive wave after wave of disinformation that seeks to undermine democracy, consensus and further polarizes the public.”

See? People having their say is dangerous. Allowing people to make up their own minds is dangerous. Good grief, do you know some of the cesspools, to put it mildly, I’ve scrolled through since I started blogging? The lunatics on the Republican side, those on the Democrats side, Nazis like at Stormfront, Communists, BLM, Antifa, hate groups, 9/11 Truthers, Islamic Jihadis, you name it, all to see what nuts say. Not to join them, but, you have to understand other sides to be able to defeat them. It’s why Bush and Obama couldn’t beat Islamic jihadis: they refused to acknowledge what they wanted.

YouTube said in a statement on its decision that leaving the policy in place risked “curtailing political speech without meaningfully reducing the risk of violence or other real-world harm”.

See, in the eyes of the Left (who are truly far to the right on the political scale, deep into the Authoritarian model), any political speech that doesn’t bend the knee is violence.

Such misinformation rabbit holes serve to further polarize voters and delegitimize the election process, said Ahmed of the CCDH, adding that if social media platforms’ enforcement actions are removed, then “the danger will reappear very, very quickly”.

“The real threat now is that we’re going to have an entire electoral cycle dominated by a debate over the legitimacy of elections, leading to a significant and disastrous erosion of the confidence people have in the electoral process,” he said. “Democracy is consensus based and the most important tenet that underpins our democracy is that we accept the results.”

Where were these complaints when Democrats said Bush stole 2000 and 2004? When some wackos were saying Republicans stole the 2010 midterms. They said Trump would steal the 2016 election, and made up lies to prove this, and still believe it was a Russian plot.

The deterioration of the information system also creates a primed environment for malicious actors, including other countries, to further destabilize the US, said Payton. She also warned of potential violence, including what was seen in the January 6 Capitol riots. Further, it may simply leave Americans so divided that they don’t feel the need to vote at all, Payton added.

“My concern is that there will be whole groups of people who become so disenfranchised that they don’t vote at all,” she said. “If you think your vote doesn’t matter because of misinformation and disinformation and you don’t vote, democracy dies.”

That’s on those adults. They need to make up their own minds. Not be only allowed to see Approved Doctrine.

Read: UK Guardian: Social Media Needs Massive Moderation To Save Democracy Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful form of low carbon travel, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Discern Report, with a post on why companies are doubling down on on Woke even while losing billions.

It’s women having fun week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the NC GOP censored Thom Tillis for being a RINO. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Doug Ross @ Journal has Hillary: the graphic novel
  2. Gates Of Vienna covers Germany wanting to send more citizen money to other countries for “climate aid”
  3. Geller Report notes California trying to make it child abuse if a parent doesn’t let their kid transition
  4. IOTW Report discusses the left still unable to define what a woman is
  5. Legal Insurrection highlights Alberta arson investigators looking at the wildfire
  6. Moonbattery notes a leftist court declaring women-only spas unconstitutional
  7. Pacific Pundit covers Modelo Especial being the new top selling beer
  8. Powerline Blog highlights Gavin Newsome betraying Progressives
  9. The First Street Journal says that the Left really hates freedom of speech
  10. The Gateway Pundit notes Ukraine’s failed offensive
  11. The O.K. Corral covers stealing Captain Morgan
  12. The Other McCain discusses trans folks hearing voices in their heads
  13. The Right Scoop features Brandon talking about “transjester” children
  14. This ain’t Hell... covers the Pentagon giving another $1.2 billion to Ukraine
  15. And last, but, not least, Victory Girls Blog notes a Seattle ice cream store supporting CHOP but suing for lost revenue

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

People’s Republik Of California Sees Public Transit Collapse

I thought the PRC was trying to get fellow Comrades out of their fossil fueled vehicles and into electric vehicles? Why bother pushing what people are barely using

Car-dependent California seeks to follow New York’s lead and save public transit

Sadaf Zahoor has bucked California’s car culture by never owning one, yet she and other residents who rely on public transit worry its bleak financial outlook could soon leave them standing at empty train stations and bus stops.

The agencies running the public transit systems, particularly in San Francisco and Oakland, where Zahoor lives, have been living off billions of dollars in federal aid that will soon expire.

Ridership plummeted by as much as 94% during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving a gaping budget deficit. Fare box revenues have rebounded a bit, but with more people working from home, some systems haven’t returned to even half their previous levels.

Hmm, the Government locked everyone down, made them stay home, and is shocked that ridership nosedived? And then you have the homeless, crazies, druggies, filth, and criminals on public transit with the cities doing little.

The transit agencies have asked Democrats who control California’s government to rescue them, much like Democrats in New York recently did with a $227 billion spending plan. The request is proving to be a much tougher sell in the nation’s most populous state, where majestic mountain highways and seas of suburban single-family homes have made it far more automobile-reliant than much of the Northeast.

Pumping money into it won’t help when people are avoiding it, because it is often inconvenient and dangerous.

The California Transit Association says transit agencies will have a collective shortfall of about $6 billion over the next five years. The state, which relies heavily on taxes paid by wealthy people, is projected to have a $31.5 billion budget deficit this year amid a struggling stock market and layoffs in the tech industry.

Hmm, so that taxing the rich plan isn’t working? Who woulda thunk it? How many rich folks have abandoned the PRC?

The pandemic was particularly damaging to Bay Area Rapid Transit because as much as 70% of its revenue came from fares — far higher than most other transit systems, said Janice Li, president of the transit system’s board of directors. Los Angeles, the nation’s second-largest city, relies less on public transit than San Francisco, although voters have expressed support for it in recent years.

Perhaps they should have thought about this before the prolonged lockdowns. You gotta hate it when Democrat policies screw Democrat voting citizens. Speaking of that

Oregon to crack down on illegal pot growers by holding landowners responsible

Oregon has long been known as a mecca for high-quality marijuana, but that reputation has come with a downside: illegal growers who offer huge amounts of cash to lease or buy land and then leave behind pollution, garbage and a drained water table.

Now, a bill passed by the Oregon Legislature seeks to tackle that by making the landowners themselves responsible for the aftermath. The bill also prohibits the use of rivers or groundwater at the illegal site, as well as criminalizes seizing the identity papers of migrant workers who tend the plants or threatening to report them for deportation.

Under the bill, local governments are authorized to file a claim of lien against property used for illicit marijuana, if the owner doesn’t pay for the cleanup.

A leader of the state’s cannabis and alcohol regulatory agency has said southern Oregon is to marijuana what Bordeaux is to wine. But the state faces challenges on two fronts: The regulated industry has a glut of product that has slashed prices and profit margins, and there has been huge growth in illegal pot farms operating under the guise of growing hemp, which became legal nationally in 2018.

So, let’s see: the state legalized marijuana, and thought they’d make a killing in tax revenue off its sale. The prices were kept artificially high, so, citizens took advantage of the system and started growing their own and selling if for a lot less, leaving a glut of “legal” product they can’t sell because it’s too expensive. And because of government policy, they now have to try and get rid of all the illegal growers (who I bet mostly vote Democrat). But, come on, despite the whole war on drugs over many decades, how much of a dent did it make? You could still get pot. How did it work out when prohibition was passed?

Read: People’s Republik Of California Sees Public Transit Collapse »

Pirate's Cove