Oregon Taxpayer Funded Group Giving Illegal Aliens $30K To Buy A House

Must be nice to be an illegal alien

Good deal, eh?

(Daily Caller) Hacienda Community Development Corp. is participating in a taxpayer-funded down payment assistance program that gives money to non-citizens to buy homes in Oregon while excluding American citizens from eligibility, according to records provided to the Daily Caller.

Hacienda CDC is reportedly offering $30,000 for down payment assistance for eligible new homebuyers through their Camino a Casa program, according to a screenshot first reported by X user Oregon Citizen. “Clients work closely with financial coaches and HUD-certified housing counselors throughout the entirety of the homebuying process. In addition to mortgage readiness and financial fitness workshops, we provide various opportunities for down-payment assistance,” the organization states. (snip)

Hacienda CDC is partially funded through the Economic Equity Investment Program (EEIP), an equity-based beneficiary project established through the Economic Equity Investment Act (SB 1579), which the Oregon legislature passed in 2022. The organization receives millions in Oregon state taxpayer money and federal taxes through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), according to its recent annual report.

Of course, Oregon is 9th most expensive for median home value in the US, at $511,513, so, can illegals actually afford a home?

The organization’s actions appear to violate its contract with the state by denying an application based on citizenship if the participant meets the other criteria, according to the contract viewed by the Daily Caller. “Recipient shall consider all eligible beneficiaries (meeting 2 or more economic equity risk factors) as described in Exhibit A and shall not refuse to work with individuals, families, businesses, or communities based on protected class considerations,” the contract states. U.S. citizens are eligible for these benefits, according to the EEIP guidelines.

Why are Democrats so intent on helping non-Americans with American money?

Read: Oregon Taxpayer Funded Group Giving Illegal Aliens $30K To Buy A House »

Starbucks’ New CEO To Take Long Fossil Fueled Flights To Work


Our Environmental Promise: Give more than we take

At Starbucks, we promise to give more than we take from the planet. Our comprehensive approach is built on our commitment to build a more sustainable, equitable and resilient future for coffee, farmers, communities and our planet. Across our company, we are testing and scaling innovative solutions to support partners, farmers and communities in the face of global climate change.

How about the guy they hired?

Starbucks’ new CEO faces backlash over 1,000-mile commute by private jet

Starbucks’ incoming CEO, Brian Niccol, is facing environmental criticisms following the company’s offer for him to commute from his home in Newport Beach, California, to its headquarters in Seattle via a private jet instead of relocating.

In Starbucks’ offer letter to Niccol, the company said, “During your employment with the company, you will not be required to relocate to the company’s headquarters … You agree to commute from your residence to the company’s headquarters (and engage in other business travel) as is required to perform your duties and responsibilities.”

Speaking to CNBC, a Starbucks spokesperson said that Niccol will be expected to work from Starbucks’ Seattle office at least three days a week in line with the company’s hybrid work policies.

Following reports of Niccol’s super commute, people were quick to point out the apparent hypocrisy in the use of private jets in the context of the company’s sustainability efforts, including its ban on plastic straws.

“The new Starbucks CEO is ‘supercommuting’ 1,000 miles to Seattle on a private jet to work, so don’t be too harsh on that waitress who gave you a plastic straw when you didn’t want one,” one user wrote on X.

Starbucks has banned straws at their stores. I can’t find anything where Niccol is yammering about ‘climate change’: he’s being brought in to revitalize Starbucks, which is having issues, having done the same for Taco Bell and Chipotle. Starbucks has apparently realized that a sound business model is more important than climasignaling.

Read: Starbucks’ New CEO To Take Long Fossil Fueled Flights To Work »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on the truth on the Trump tax cuts.

Read: If All You See… »

FBI Investigating Who Left Bugs On Breakfast Tables At DNC Or Something

We still have no report on the wackjob who tried to assassinate President Trump. There aren’t even leaks. There are people running around the DNC proclaiming they want to

  1. Kill Jews
  2. Destroy Israel
  3. Support Islamic terrorism groups
  4. Wearing the apparel of Hamas, a US designated terrorist group
  5. Many are imports, not natural born, and would be eligible for deportation for this, even if they have permanent resident status or had been granted citizenship

and the FBI is seemingly doing nothing, but, bugs on tables? Send in the Gmen!

FBI probes insect attack on Democratic breakfast in Chicago

Chicago Police and the FBI are investigating if saboteurs placed bugs in a breakfast buffet prepared for delegates at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday.

“Multiple unknown female offenders are alleged to have entered a building…and began placing unknown objects onto tables containing food,” the convention’s information center said in a statement. “The offenders are believed to have then left the area. One victim was treated and released on-scene. Along with CPD, FBI-Chicago is assisting in the investigation.”

One witness told USA TODAY the creatures appeared to be crickets while other reports suggested maggots.

The incident took place at Fairmont Hotel, where delegates from Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio, Missouri and South Dakota are staying.

“We were all coming down to breakfast, and there were these two women who had hidden themselves in the bathroom,” Indiana delegate Karen Tallian told USA TODAY. “And they ran out and threw maggots into the breakfast buffet.” Tallian, a retired state senator, said friends who reached the dining room ahead of her had witnessed the contamination.

What’s the over/under these moonbat women typically vote Democrat? I’m sure they have lots and lots of cameras in the building, but, the women probably wore masks or covered their face, maybe with Intifada keffiyehs.

Last month, maggots and other insects were reportedly released at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC, during a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Chicago has seen nightly protests during the convention by organizations seeking an end to the Gaza war and an end to U.S. military support for Israel.

“All Americans have the right to peaceful protest, but ugly attacks like this have no place in our democracy,” Indiana Democratic Party spokesperson Sam Barloga said. “We thank the security team for responding swiftly.”

See, it’s only ugly when wackos are leaving bugs on tables, not when Democrat supporters are calling for killing Jews.

I can find zero reports of the FBI investigating who left the insects at the Watergate Hotel.

Read: FBI Investigating Who Left Bugs On Breakfast Tables At DNC Or Something »

Climate Cult Leaders Are Fine With Kamala Going Light On Climate (scam) Policy

I wonder why?

Harris Goes Light on Climate Policy. Green Leaders Are OK With That.

Kamala Climate ClownIn the 2020 presidential election, climate activists demanded that Democratic candidates explain, in detail, how they planned to tackle the planet’s greatest environmental threat.

But in the weeks since Vice President Kamala Harris ascended the 2024 Democratic ticket, she has mentioned climate change only in passing, and offered no specifics on how she would curb dangerous levels of warming. Climate leaders say they are fine with that.

“I am not concerned,” said Jay Inslee, the Democratic governor of Washington, who made climate change the centerpiece of his own 2019 bid for the presidency. Mr. Inslee said he believes it is more important for Ms. Harris to draw a distinction between her and her Republican rival, former President Donald J. Trump, than to drill down on policy nitty-gritty.

“I am totally confident that when she is in a position to effect positive change, she will,” Gov. Inslee said.

If only there was some sort of outfit that could demand that a person running for President of the United States Of America answer questions on her policies and plans, instead of simply writing an article from hundreds of miles away while never leaving the office/living room.

While President Biden has made climate change a signature issue, signing into law the largest clean energy investments in American history, Ms. Harris has yet to detail for voters her climate or clean-energy positions. Some analysts chalked that up to strategy and said new promises to slash greenhouse gas emissions or rein in fossil fuels could alienate voters particularly in the energy-rich swing state of Pennsylvania.

“This doesn’t look accidental, it looks like a deliberate choice,” said Kevin Book, managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, a Washington-based research firm, referring to the sparse mentions of climate change in the speeches of Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz.

“I think they are worried if she takes a strong position on climate, even it fits the same position that Biden took, it will make her look too progressive,” Mr. Book said, adding, “It’s a divisive issue and they need both sides as much as possible to win Pennsylvania.”

In other words, she’s hiding what she plans to do from the American citizens, and the Credentialed Media is failing at the job they were given a specific mention in the 1st Amendment to do.

Read: Climate Cult Leaders Are Fine With Kamala Going Light On Climate (scam) Policy »

Good News: PRC Looks To Help Illegal Aliens Purchase Homes

But, hey, all you Comrades in the People’s Republik Of California need to keep your complaints to yourselves: you voted for this

The rest of the tweet:

Two million illegals will qualify for the program

“The social and economic benefits of homeownership should be available to everyone.” – Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula

Specifically, AB 1840, will prevent the state’s Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program from denying individuals on the basis of their immigration status. The program will allow applicants to get “loans” of up to 20% of the home’s purchase price — or, about what a typical down payment is — with zero down payment on the state loan required. There are also no provisions on how the “borrower” can pay back. Meaning they can get the home and live in it for as long as they want without ever paying a dime

I know, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it too. I guess trying to use logic to understand what CAN’T be logical is pointless.

Why try? This is Liberal World. The Elites couldn’t care less what the peasants think.

California bill aimed at making it easier for migrants to buy homes makes major advancement

A key California Senate committee advanced a bill this week that would allow migrants and illegal immigrants to use a program aimed at helping widen the swath of the population who can become a homebuyer.

The “Dream For All” shared-appreciation loan program is billed by the state as a down-payment assistance program for first-time homebuyers.

When the qualified homeowner later sells or transfers the home, the homebuyer repays the original loan’s down payment, as well as a share of the residence’s value appreciation, according to the California Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA).

I wonder how much money has simply disappeared?

“When undocumented individuals are excluded from such programs, they miss out on a crucial method of securing financial security and personal stability for themselves and their families,” Democratic Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula said in a statement obtained by The Center Square. (snip)

After the bill was first introduced earlier this year, state Sen. Brian Dahle, a Republican, called it an “insult to California citizens who are already being priced out of homeownership.”

Well, will any of the illegals actually be able to afford a home in the PRC even with the help of the government?

Read: Good News: PRC Looks To Help Illegal Aliens Purchase Homes »

Federal Judge Blocks Biden-Harris Non-Compete Rule

I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes non-compete clauses are overboard. I had one way back in the day when I was working for a little wireless company, and they tried to enforce it when I went to work for a carrier, even though I was bringing no customers with me. It might have made sense if I tried to work for another independent agent, but, NC is also a right to work state, so, they had a tough time enforcing it. Regardless, they are often there for a reason, and it is not the federal government’s role to control this

Federal judge blocks FTC noncompete ban

A federal judge Tuesday blocked a nationwide ban on noncompete agreements from taking effect in September.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted in April to ban most noncompete agreements, which prevent tens of millions of employees from leaving their jobs to work for competitors or start a competing business.

The Dallas-based tax firm Ryan LLC, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and other business groups sued to block the rule from going into effect, alleging agency overreach that would make it harder for companies to retain talent.

U.S. District Judge Ada Brown in Dallas said the FTC had overstepped its statutory authority and called the rule “arbitrary and capricious.”

“This win preserves the validity of millions of employment contracts across the nation that facilitate trust between employers and employees, innovation through the protection of IP, and investment in the training of employees,” said John Smith, senior vice president, chief legal officer and general counsel for Ryan.

It would be one thing if there was a method to arbitrate non-competes – oh, wait, there is. Court. And, in some cases, state law. The FTC, though, did not have the authority as designated by the US Congress to make this rule.

Last month, a federal judge in Philadelphia rejected a bid by tree-trimming company ATS Tree Services to block the ban, reasoning the FTC has the authority “to prevent unfair methods of competition in commerce” under the 1914 Federal Trade Commission Act.

If it is an unfair non-compete, yes, that’s where courts, usually arbitration, comes in. But, say, someone jumping from one law firm to another in the same city and bringing all those clients of their previous firm is where a non-compete makes sense. Regardless, in most cases the federal government really has no authority to regulate the economy in this manner. But, this is exactly what Kamala and her comrades would want to impose.

Read: Federal Judge Blocks Biden-Harris Non-Compete Rule »

If All You See…

…is a horrible flower garden which uses lots of water, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on fraudulent jobs numbers.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Reporter Natasha Frost Doxxed 600 Australian Jews

I’ve been sitting on this story for several days. She’s still employed, which means the NY Times is fine with her actions, which are very much despicable, and violated the rules of employment for working at the Times

NYT reporter responsible for doxxing of 600 Australian Jews, to face legal action

New York Times reporter based in Melbourne was responsible for the leak of personal information of over 600 Australian Jewish members of a WhatsApp Group earlier in 2024, according to a New York Times statement and Wall Street Journal investigation. The New York Times has announced that it will be taking legal action against the reporter, Natasha Frost, after she acknowledged the data breach.

The data was subsequently disseminated online, leading to mass doxxing, threats and harassment against the members of the group by pro-Palestine activists.

Frost, downloaded and shared 900 pages of content from the private WhatsApp group launched by multiple Australian Jews in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre and which become a “lifeline” to its members, according to New York Post and WSJ reports.

The incident, which happened in February, resulted in list called “Zio600,” which was used to threaten the people in the WhatsApp group, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency at the time.

The pro-Palestinian activists posted names, photos, and social media pages of many of the 600 members of the group, resulting in online and in-person harassment, threats, and vandalism, the WSJ said.

Frost has admitted she did this, though, has not said why.

A spokeswoman for the NYT said that said that “appropriate action” had been taken against Frost.

“It has been brought to our attention that a New York Times reporter inappropriately shared information with the subject of a story to assist the individual in a private matter, a clear violation of our ethics,” she said. “This was done without the knowledge or approval of The Times.”

What “appropriate action” was taken? Her profile is still on the NY Times, and, interestingly, includes this tidbit

I strive for accuracy, fairness and neutrality in my reporting. All Times journalists are committed to upholding the standards of integrity outlined in our Ethical Journalism Handbook. I do not participate in politics and I am always careful to identify myself as a reporter for The Times in news-related conversations.

Her stated job is European top stories for the European edition, but, she lives in Australia.  Jeffrey Blehar at National Review has a good, long summary of the Wall Street Journal article (which I do not have access to), and explains how this all happened. Many in the group were upset with anti-Semitic “local Australian woke cause célèbre Antoinette Lattouf.” Frost had been invited into the group, and, right before she leaked the names, she bolted the group. She then leaked the names to Lattouf herself, who then gave the names to a pro-Hamas group

For I am trying to imagine the circumstances under which a New York Times journalist — someone trained to be responsible with confidential sources — could, with such lifelong training, hand over the unedited monthslong private correspondence of her community to someone she had just written a piece about. Given the obviously related subject matter — discussions about Lattouf — I at least find it difficult to imagine doing this without malice aforethought. I will be honest, I don’t know how any responsible journalist could; even someone unprofessionally crossing the line to say “Listen, people I know really are pushing to get you canned” could easily have given Lattouf blind quotes. (Someone who does that is still a viper in my opinion, but at least one with some constraint.) What you don’t do is send 900 unredacted pages of free-flowing private conversations to a known bad actor. That speaks either of bad faith or irresponsibility so staggering as to beggar belief. Either one demands instant firing.

And yet Frost remains employed at the New York Times, a scandal beyond reckoning that, in a different era, everyone would be ablaze over. Australia itself is completely losing its gourd over this, just so you know — it is not some minor news story. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese went on the air to publicly denounce it, and an anti-doxxing bill is being introduced into Parliament as soon as this month, according to the Journal. Since Australia lacks our more robust free-speech principles, the incident may well result in heavy-handed censorship, English-style. Congratulations on triggering a potential free-speech clampdown in Australia because of your reporter, New York Times! Finally — you’re a truly global brand.

I do think Blehar is expecting better conduct from the NY Times than they deserve. Frost’s contact information has been removed from her Times webpage, and it looks like they are simply waiting for the clock to wind down on the story.

Read: NY Times Reporter Natasha Frost Doxxed 600 Australian Jews »

Esquire Warmists Super Excited They’re Talking About Climate Doom At DNC

There is just one bit of information Warmist Charles Pierce forgot to mention

Finally, Someone Is Talking About Climate Change At A National Party Convention

Tuesday happened to be the 80th birthday of Smokey Bear, an environmental avatar for most people my age growing up, often the first inkling we’d all have of what we came to call ecology. He made his first appearance on a poster in 1944. At the time, the nation was panicked at the possibility that Japanese submarines might fire-bomb the west coast. (In the spring of 1942, Japanese submarines actually did bombard Santa Barbara.) Created by an artist named Albert Stehle, Smokey soon became the face of fire prevention.

Climate and the environment, invisible at the Republican National Convention last month, hangs heavy over the proceedings here at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The party’s Council on Environment and the Climate Crisis has organized a number of events over the four days, starting on Monday with Al Eastman, an Oglala Sioux climate scientist from the Rosebud reservation in South Dakota, who said,

“Just last month, there was something that was a little surprising. There were 27 tornadoes in one evening in the Chicagoland area. I was working that evening and it was a pretty exciting ride home—trees falling down into homes and into the street….my relatives back in South Dakota talk about drought. The bottom line is that we just need to elect people that are willing to stand up and fight the climate crisis, and for the solutions.”

Both Senators Jeff Merkley and Ed Markey are scheduled to speak on the subject on Wednesday. I am nothing short of dumbfounded that half of the American political system chooses to ignore, or downplay entirely, this crisis. Fire doesn’t care about your poll numbers. Drought brings thirst to both your base voters and the undecideds. Only you can prevent catastrophes.

Will they really tell us their plans, though? Do they want the average American to truly know that they want government to control their lives and take their money?

Interestingly, none of the media, including the above article, mention the 50,000 who are supposed to attend the DNC, as well as the at least 50,000 pouring into Chicago to protest. How are they getting there? How many are taking the train and bus, and how many are flying in on fossil fueled planes or taking fossil fueled vehicles? How many of the big wigs are being ferried around in fossil fueled limos and SUVs?

Read: Esquire Warmists Super Excited They’re Talking About Climate Doom At DNC »

Pirate's Cove