Climate Wackos Drop Trou At Mass Statehouse

Is this actually convincing people to Do Something about Hotcoldwetdry? Will any reporter ever ask the climate nuts if they’ve stopped using fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral?

No ifs, ands, or butts: Protesters drop pants to protest climate change at Massachusetts Statehouse

Climate change protesters dropped their pants at the Massachusetts Statehouse during a debate on a proposed tax relief package Thursday to bring attention to what they say is the need for swifter action against the use of fossil fuels.

About 1 p.m., protesters stood, turned their backs to the Senate chamber and lowered their pants to reveal letters that spelled out STOP PASSING GAS! on their bare backsides.

The protesters were all wearing pink thongs.

The eight protesters were chanting and disrupting the Senate session, according to state police investigators. Just before 2 p.m., the protesters were told that the public gallery was closed.

After being warned that they were subject to arrest, the protesters refused to leave and were placed under arrest and escorted out of the chamber, investigators said. They were charged with trespassing on state property, disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.

Sounds rather like insurrection.

The group Extinction Rebellion has staged other protests at the Statehouse. They say they plan to continue their efforts until lawmakers approve legislation banning new fossil fuel infrastructure.

Ask the protesters how they traveled to the statehouse. Ask them if they own fossil fueled vehicles.

More protesting wackos below the fold, ruining a Monet

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Read: Climate Wackos Drop Trou At Mass Statehouse »

Crenshaw Obliterates Trans Supporting Professor Over Lack Of Studies

Well, Dan Crenshaw has mostly been pretty useless the past few years, seemingly captured by the system, going rather GOPe, but, he’s on the money on this one. You can bet If the roles were reversed, and the professor took him down, it would be all over the news

Crenshaw grills Dem witness over failure to name one study citing benefits of surgeries for trans kids

Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw tore into a Democrat witness Wednesday over her inability to cite a medical study that states the benefits of transgender surgeries for minors.

Crenshaw’s comments came during a House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing when he questioned Yale School of Medicine assistant professor Meredithe McNamara about his proposal to withdraw funding from certain hospitals that provide surgeries, puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to transgender minors.

“You’ve said that we cherry-picked data. How do you mean that?” Crenshaw asked McNamara.

“So, it is very unscientific and flawed to pick a single study or a single statistic and discuss it in isolation,” she responded. “Medical experts are able to talk about all of the evidence as a whole.”

Crenshaw went on to cite multiple studies that show, essentially, that no one really, truly knows what the effects of puberty blockers, other trans drugs, etc, in the short and long terms.

“Which journal says something different? We should have that debate. Tell me a journal that has done systematic reviews that cites different evidence, that cites strong evidence of benefits for these therapies,” he said.

McNamara responded, “The standards of care were developed based on extensive—”

“You’re not telling me any study, don’t say ‘standards of care,'” Crenshaw interjected. “Tell me one.”

“So, um, the standards of care,” McNamara said.

“The standards of care,” Crenshaw questioned. “That’s not a journal, that’s not a study. That’s not an organization. That’s not an institution. You’re just saying words. Name one study.”

She couldn’t. Surprise. It’s wild how Democrats bring witnesses up who do not really seem to know anything. The hearing was about the Children’s Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act. The act needs to be reauthorized every 5 years, and Crenshaw is looking to block any hospital that gives trans crazy “gender affirming care” to kids from receiving money to help train pediatricians.

Read: Crenshaw Obliterates Trans Supporting Professor Over Lack Of Studies »

But Of Course the Climate Cult Linked Philly Road Collapse To Climate Crisis (scam)

You just knew this had to happen, right?

The Climate Story Behind the Philadelphia I-95 Bridge Collapse

Eighty-five hundred gallons of gasoline is a cargo that needs to be handled carefully. If you doubt that, consider what happened on June 11, at 6:15 a.m., when the driver of a tanker truck filled with gasoline lost control of his vehicle after taking an exit ramp below Interstate 95 in Philadelphia and struck a wall. The truck tipped and exploded, setting off a fire that melted the support structure of the road above, causing it to collapse.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro issued a proclamation of disaster emergency the next day and acknowledged at a press briefing that that section of I-95, which carries an average of 160,000 vehicles per day, would be closed for “some number of months.” The ripple effects along I-95, a 1,927-mile roadway that runs from Florida to Maine, are yet to be determined.

Aaaaaand? Skipping past 4 paragraphs that do not involve anything about ‘climate change’, just how much fuel is moved by truck and train

Environmentalists refer to trucks and trains carrying oil as “rolling bombs” and if that overstates the case, it’s only by a little. “This tanker crash is just the latest example of the risks of relying on fossil fuels,” says Jordan Brinn, a policy advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council. “From exploration to tailpipe exhaust, our dependence on oil is dangerous for our health and for the environment. Transitioning to electric vehicles is not without risk, but compared to the enormous costs of our current reliance on fossil fuels, it is a key part of building a cleaner, smarter transportation system for the future.”

But that transition will be a good while in coming. There are more than 282 million motor vehicles registered in the U.S. and just over two million of them are EVs. With the average price of an EV close to $59,000, many motorists are simply priced out of the electric market. For the present then, we are likely to continue to live with the danger of accidents like the one that struck Philadelphia. The internal combustion engine is, by its very design, built around a series of tiny explosions that take place inside its cylinders. When those tiny internal explosions become massive external ones, we all pay a high price.

Weak sauce. But, in the mind of a climate cultist, this is rock solid proof of Doom

Read: But Of Course the Climate Cult Linked Philly Road Collapse To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful railroad track, great for moving Other People instead of fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on Bud Light losing their top spot.

Read: If All You See… »

Sanctuary City Of Los Angeles Blows Gasket Over Texas Sending Illegals


Los Angeles City Council approves ‘sanctuary city’ ordinance

The Los Angeles City Council on Friday, June 9th, unanimously approved a motion to make Los Angeles a “sanctuary city” for immigrants.

The motion directs the city attorneys to prepare an ordinance that would enshrine the sanctuary policies into the city’s municipal code to ensure that no “city resources, property, or personnel are used for federal immigration enforcement,” according to a news release.

LA had been a sanctuary city in name only previously. This bakes it into law.

“Our immigrant communities make up the nervous system of Los Angeles. They need more than symbolic gestures and internal policies that can change from administration to administration,” Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez said in a statement.

Huh. Chaser

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott buses 42 migrants to Los Angeles

Forty-two migrants arrived in downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday afternoon after a nearly 24-hour bus ride from Texas, where Gov. Greg Abbott called their removal “much-needed relief” for his state.

“Texas’ small border towns remain overwhelmed and overrun by the thousands of people illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico because of President Biden’s refusal to secure the border,” he said in a statement. (snip)

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass was away on a planned trip to Washington, D.C., when the bus arrived, but city and Los Angeles County officials had initiated multiagency preparations Tuesday night when word spread that Los Angeles was next on Abbott’s list of sanctuary cities.

In an emailed statement, Bass said “it is abhorrent that an American elected official is using human beings as pawns in his cheap political games.”

She doesn’t want them? So strange. How about Democrats who are inviting people from all over the world to come to the U.S. illegally? Is that not playing games?

Speaking to reporters outside the church, immigration advocates and city officials did not provide a full manifest of those who arrived by charter bus but said several of the passengers came from Venezuela, Guatemala and Honduras, with two of African descent and one of Asian descent.

It’s certainly not cheap to travel around the world, right? Where’s the money coming from? Expect Texas to ship even more to Los Angeles, per Abbott, now that they’re a sanctuary city. As Ron DeSantis stated when he visited the Southern border in Arizona “When they have to deal with some of the fruits of that they all of a sudden become very, very upset about that.”

Read: Sanctuary City Of Los Angeles Blows Gasket Over Texas Sending Illegals »

What Is Climate Colonialism, And Why Are These People So Bat Guano Insane?

But, yeah, keep saying this is all about science, and has nothing to do with far left authoritarian politics

What Is Climate Colonialism? What to Know About Why Climate Change and Colonialism Are Linked.

They might not be two terms you expect to see together in any context but climate change and colonialism are inextricably linked.

We’re going to take a look at why that is, and why considering the impact of historic and ongoing colonialist practices is so essential in the movement to tackle climate change.

Let’s start with a quick refresher of what colonialism means, before we dig into what it has to do with climate change.

Colonialism is defined as “control by one power over a dependent area or people”. It generally involves one country taking control of another, often amid violence and in

So what’s climate colonialism? 

There’s two main ways to look at climate change in the context of colonialism and, as The Conversation put it: “Connecting climate change to such acts of colonization involves recognizing that historic injustices are not consigned to history: their legacies are alive in the present.”

The first is about the historic causes of climate change. The Global North is responsible for the climate crisis we’re currently living through — in fact, Global North countries are responsible for over 92% of carbon emissions.


It’s this injustice that has sparked a wave of calls for climate reparations — essentially, calling on wealthy countries in the Global North (that have caused climate change) to financially support those countries that have done the least to cause climate change in responding to its impacts.

Always back to redistributing money. Why aren’t the Warmists giving their own money up voluntarily?

The second way climate colonialism is manifesting is through the exploitation of the resources of the Global South by countries in the Global North, to further their climate agendas.

Like this?

Read: What Is Climate Colonialism, And Why Are These People So Bat Guano Insane? »

Rubio Notes Next GOP President Will Have Great Pressure To Go After Biden

We sane people told you that it would be a monumentally Bad Idea to go after Trump. Look, Trump could have gone after Hillary Clinton, and, despite all the “lock her up calls” on the campaign trail, he never let the DOJ off the chain. Did Trump do wrong? Probably. And surely in the same manner as most presidents. But, the Obama regime set it up to prosecute Trump. There was zero reason for the dawn raid with armed agents at Mar Lago. It’s all a setup process to charge Trump. And now Democrats have set the standard for political revenge

Rubio: There Will Now Be ‘Tremendous Pressure’ on Next GOP POTUS to Charge Biden, His Family

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) predicted that the indictment of former President Donald Trump will create a precedent and “The next Republican president is going to be under tremendous pressure to bring charges and indict Joe Biden, his family, his crackhead son, whoever.”

Rubio said [relevant remarks begin around 4:30] that an attitude has developed where we can weaponize institutions “on both sides. You think this ends here? The next Republican president is going to be under tremendous pressure to bring charges and indict Joe Biden, his family, his crackhead son, whoever. The pressure’s going to be extraordinary. They’re going to turn us into — so, we’re decadent and we’re in decline because we thought we could do anything we wanted with our economy, we could send our jobs and factories overseas, break our politics, break our culture, break our society. We don’t need parents, we don’t need neighborhood[s], we don’t need family anymore, all these crazy ideas. And now reality’s catching up and it’s hurting us badly. And today is frankly just a symptom of a much bigger problem…and that is, we no longer live in that world. We need to understand America is being challenged in a way it hasn’t been challenged in 30 or 40 years and we either respond or we are going to live in a world in which the most powerful and stable country in the world is going to be China, a Communist dictatorship, not the United States.”

Would it stop there? Let’s say Trump or DeSantis (or another Republican, damned sure won’t be super squishy, and Dallas Cowboys loving, Chris Christie) win in 2024. The standard is now set to go after Biden and his family. Maybe Kamala Harris. While the DOJ and FBI might be infested with Leftists, there are surely enough to investigate and charge Biden. And then maybe some of the Democrat frontrunners for 2028. Maybe some Democrat Senators and Representatives. The Democrats and their pet media can’t complain (but, they will), as this is what they started.

Read: Rubio Notes Next GOP President Will Have Great Pressure To Go After Biden »

Toyota Shareholders Shoot Down Proposal To “Do Better” On Climate Crisis (scam)

The Warmists are trying to game the system by getting involved as minor shareholders and Demanding that companies Do Something. The rest who want a good return from their invest aren’t interested

Toyota shareholders reject proposal demanding better performance on climate change

Electric vehicleToyota executives fielded challenges and reaped praise from investors at an annual general meeting Wednesday where shareholders ultimately rejected demands the automaker do better on fighting climate change.

The investor proposal was initiated by AkademikerPension, a $20 billion Danish investment fund. It accused Toyota Motor Corp. of lobbying to weaken efforts by governments around the world to phase out the internal combustion engine.

Shareholders applauded in rejecting the proposal, as expected, at the meeting in Toyota city, central Japan. Some 3,800 shareholders packed a hall at Toyota headquarters. The exact number of the ballots cast will not be disclosed until Thursday, but were taken into account in the vote.

The majority of Toyota shares are held by the company and its group companies, retired employees and others sympathetic to the company’s perspective.

Akademiker Pension has very much joined the climate cult, and is blowing their fiduciary responsibility to make the most for their clients, pushing the scam. If they don’t like the way Toyota runs their business, well, sell the shares.

The resolution filed by the Danish fund was also supported by Norwegian financial services company Storebrand Asset Management and a Dutch pension investment company, APG Asset Management.

“From an investment perspective, we’re concerned that Toyota is missing out on profits from soaring EV sales, jeopardizing its valuable brand and cementing its global laggard status,” Anders Schelde, CIO at the Danish fund, said in a statement ahead of the meeting.

But, is there really that much in the way of profits? Based on Toyota’s record, they know what they’re doing and what their customers want. Certainly better than these European companies.

Major U.S. pensions, including the New York City Comptroller’s Office and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, backed the climate change proposal.

Are all the executives and employees at all these driving EVs right now?

Outside the grounds where the meeting was held, several demonstrators for Greenpeace were holding up a sign that read: “No fossil fuel cars by 2030.” That target is two decades earlier than Toyota’s.

“Diversity of technology is certainly something that I can agree with in principle,” said Daniel Read, who oversees climate and energy campaigns at Greenpeace, “but in fact the options are quite limited.”

Piss off, dirty hippies cultists.

Read: Toyota Shareholders Shoot Down Proposal To “Do Better” On Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on yet another Oregon county voting to secede.

Read: If All You See… »

In Order To Save Democracy, Democrats Look To Stop 2024 “Unity Ticket”

That’s the refrain we hear on a constant basis from Democrats and their pet media, right? That we need to save democracy. So, why do they want to block people in the general election?

A ‘unity’ ticket in 2024 presidential race? Why Democrats are objecting to 3rd-party group’s plan

A “unity” team running for the White House next year may sound farfetched — one Republican and one Democrat teaming up to share a platform and a presidential ticket — but some Democrats say they are worried that such a possibility could spoil Joe Biden’s reelection hopes.

And they’re looking to stop it.

No Labels is the group floating a bipartisan team-up if 2024 features the increasingly likely rematch of Biden versus Donald Trump, both of whom face weak approval ratings. Democrats, burned by third-party candidates who may have tipped key states in 2016 — when, for example, Hillary Clinton lost Michigan to Trump by 11,000 votes while Libertarian Gary Johnson earned 172,000 ballots — are sounding the alarm that No Labels could similarly siphon votes from Biden.

In response, Democrats are mounting a scattered effort to blunt the outside group’s efforts.

Among No Labels’ gripes are what they decry as attempts to block access to the ballot in certain states. And while both Democrats and No Labels agree avoiding a Trump presidency is a priority, the feud has sparked a debate over whether efforts to pump the breaks on a third-party bid amount to suppression or due diligence.

Don’t Democrats typically push for more access to the ballot box? Yet, here we have them attempting to squash the ability of No Labels to be on the 2024 ballot. That would sure seem to be contradictory to “saving our democracy.” Of course, Democrats do no want Democracy except in terms of everyone voting and only having the Democratic Party to vote for, much like Saddam Hussein allowed voting and he was the only one on the ballot.

Still, Chavis and No Labels’ chief strategist, Ryan Clancy, insisted repeatedly in a nearly 45-minute interview that the momentum of a ballot access campaign wouldn’t prevent the group from pulling the plug if need be.

“No Labels is on the record, we will not be a spoiler in any case … to the interests of Donald Trump,” Chavis said.

So, they’re really about trying to take out Trump (or, whichever Republican wins the primary)

The Democratic Party in Arizona is suing No Labels and the Democratic secretary of state, contesting No Labels’ status as a third party in Arizona and accusing it instead of being a “dark money” group. And in Maine, the Democratic secretary of state sent letters to residents who signed forms registering with the No Labels Party seeking to ensure they indeed meant to register.

Saving our Democracy by limiting who can run.

“No Labels is kind of the ‘Seinfeld’ of political parties. It’s a party about nothing. And I think they’re pretty clearly out there to sabotage,” said one operative, Jared Leopold.

“Absolutely, Democrats should aggressively try to stop ballot access if there is reason to do so,” he added. “There’s a lot at stake here. And I think Democrats need to play hardball.”

Or, Democrats could offer a better platform and beat them at the ballot box. To save democracy, you know.

Read: In Order To Save Democracy, Democrats Look To Stop 2024 “Unity Ticket” »

Pirate's Cove