CNN Wonders What Would Happen If All Gas Guzzlers Disappeared

Why don’t all the Warmists give up their own?

I’m sure there will be some serious proof, right?

If gas guzzlers disappeared from US car lots by 2035 and were replaced by zero-emissions vehicles – essentially, electric cars, trucks and SUVs – the nation would see 89,300 fewer premature deaths by 2050, according to a new report from the American Lung Association. But the country would also have to move more toward clean noncombustion electricity – like wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and nuclear – to see the full health benefit.

The report, published Wednesday, says that people in the US would have 2.2 million fewer asthma attacks and 10.7 million fewer lost workdays, and the country would net $978 billion in public health benefits with the move to cleaner vehicles and a cleaner power supply.

“There are very clear benefits of zero-emission technologies,” said report author William Barrett, national senior director for clean air advocacy for the American Lung Association.

The few studies cited are internal and do not do much than extrapolate what they think might maybe possibly happen, especially using computer models that are garbage in garbage out, citing previous garbage studies that always give them the answer they want. It’s a garbage study using shoddy scientific methods and made up data. But, hey, why not have all Warmists give their fossil fueled vehicles up?

Say, I wonder how many will die and how much pollution will be released from all the necessary mining? And how quick the grid will melt down? Of course, not all the vehicles will be replaced, because they will be unaffordable to the working class and much of the middle class.

Read: CNN Wonders What Would Happen If All Gas Guzzlers Disappeared »

LOL: Sanctuary City NYC Sues 30 Counties For Not Taking Illegals

Did those counties declare themselves sanctuaries for illegal aliens? How many of them vote Democrat and support unfettered illegal immigration?

NYC sues 30 counties for refusing asylum-seekers

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) announced Wednesday the city is filing a lawsuit against 30 New York counties over executive orders that aim to prevent the city from sending asylum-seekers to their jurisdictions.

“This lawsuit aims to put an end to this xenophobic bigotry and ensure our state acts as one as we work together to manage this humanitarian crisis fairly and humanely, as we have done from the beginning and as we will continue to do,” Adams said in a statement.

The announcement states at least 30 counties have filed executive orders to stop New York City from arranging for asylum-seekers to stay in hotels within their jurisdictions at the city’s expense. The lawsuit argues that the executive orders are an “unlawful attempt” to prevent New York City from addressing a statewide emergency and humanitarian crisis.

The announcement also noted that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s (D) emergency order emphasized there is an “already a large-scale humanitarian crisis and emergency” that she expects to get worse. According to the announcement, the city is providing shelter to more than 47,200 asylum-seekers.

“Since this crisis began, New York City has — virtually on its own — stepped up to provide shelter, food, clothing, and other services to asylum-seekers arriving in our city. We are doing our part and will continue to do our part, but we

Why is declared sanctuary city NYC kicking the illegals out, rather than finding ways to take of them? And how many counties are Republican voting? Twenty four. Some are very close, some are massive Republican counties. Many are way upstate and way west. They never asked for any of this, and do not want this. Why not send them all to the Democrat voting counties, such as Erie (Buffalo’s county) and Albany (where the capital is)?

Under what authority does Adams have to ship those illegals elsewhere? The federal government sets immigration policy, as we were told by Democrats after the Arizona SB1070 lawsuits. Democrats get very upset when they are forced to practice what they preach.

Read: LOL: Sanctuary City NYC Sues 30 Counties For Not Taking Illegals »

Climate Envoy John Kerry, Who Served In Vietnam, Thinks Fighting ‘Climate Change’ Is Like D-Day

Is that John Kerry joke too 2000’s? Anyhow, like any good climate cultists, Kerry decided to glom on to D-Day, which was June 6th, of course

Biden climate czar John Kerry likens D-Day invasion to battling climate change: ‘The fight of our times’

John Kerry climateSpecial Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry celebrated the 79th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy by likening the historic event that resulted in the deaths of thousands of American and allied service members, and the eventual victory over the Nazi regime, to the fight against climate change.

According to a report by Recharge, Kerry made the comparison in Norway on Tuesday during an appearance at a shipping exhibition in which he was the keynote speaker.

“Today is June 6th. D-Day. One of the most singularly important moments of history,” Kerry told those in attendance. “A moment that calls to mind every single thing that defined the past half of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century.”

“They were fighting for a set of values I would say to you are just as important today as they were then. They put their lives on the line to fight against fascism, tyranny and misinformation and the savage slaughter of innocent lives,” he said.

“Make no mistake, just as that was a fight for the future as much as anything we have ever faced, what we are seeing now is the same,” he later added.

Let me get this straight: Kerry took a long, fossil fueled flight, most likely on a private jet, to Norway to say this malarkey?

According to the report, Kerry argued that failure to address climate change could lead to greater consequences than what the world faced in 1944 when then-German leader Adolf Hitler still controlled much of Europe.

“What is also clear right now is we can also win this fight, but it requires the same level of innovation and mobilization that was required back then by those in the greatest generation,” he said. “Today’s threat comes from all of us. It comes from the result of the things we do or avoid doing.”

The report said that Kerry faulted modern generations for not acting decisively to address climate change, something he argued the generation who took on the Axis powers in World War Two “rose to the occasion” to do.

“This is the fight of our times. A fight against greed, selfishness, disinformation and outright lies and a fight for that cleaner, healthier and more prosperous and safer world,” he added.

When does he start living the carbon neutral life?

Read: Climate Envoy John Kerry, Who Served In Vietnam, Thinks Fighting ‘Climate Change’ Is Like D-Day »

If All You See…

…is horrible flooring made by killing trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bustednuckles, with a post on Arkancide being real.

Read: If All You See… »

North Carolina Democrats Have Hissy Fit Over Party Switching, Demand Election Changes

The bill they’re offering will go exactly nowhere, since they do not control either the House or Senate in the general assembly, and probably won’t even get a vote but, they had to figure out a way for sore losers to sore lose

North Carolina Democrats seek election, campaign changes after lawmaker switches to GOP

Sore LosersNorth Carolina state legislators who change party registrations midterm could be subject to an early election to keep the seat, according to a bill filed Tuesday by Senate Democrats in response to Rep. Tricia Cotham’s switch to the GOP two months ago.

The measure would be prospective and wouldn’t apply to Cotham, whose move gave Republicans a veto-proof majority in both General Assembly chambers. It likely won’t get traction in the GOP-controlled Legislature. Her altered allegiance helped Republicans pass new abortion restrictions when they were able to override Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto on party-line votes.

Her change angered Democrats both in Raleigh and in her Mecklenburg County district where she won last fall by over 18 percentage points. Critics say those who voted for her are being robbed of representation. Speakers at a Tuesday news conference about the bill included Cotham’s constituents.

She probably angered the unhinged, wackadoodle Progressives in Mecklenburg. Maybe Democrats shouldn’t be so crazy leftist

The measure says that when an elected or appointed General Assembly member switches party registration with more than six months remaining on their term, the seat would be declared vacant. The special election to complete the two-year term would be held within 90 days. The bill also would force a party-switcher to refund recent campaign finance donations if requested by a donor.

“You can’t completely switch teams, put on the other jersey and start scoring goals for the opposite team and have no recourse whatsoever from voters,” Sen. Natasha Marcus, a Mecklenburg County Democrat and bill co-sponsor, told reporters. “So it’s time we made this change.”

Actually, you can. Perhaps the GOP could modify the legislation so that anyone who runs while calling themselves a moderate then votes like a leftist moonbat is forced to have the seat declared vacant and have a new election.

“I laughed at it at first. I think it’s also just really, really sad,” Cotham said. “There’s a lot of work to be done at the general assembly right now. It’s a very busy time.

“Clearly, they’re not in the in crowd, working on legislation, working on this budget, working on solutions. They’re coming up with just petty nonsense that really just shows their ineffectiveness. That’s very unfortunate.”

The bill would also require switchers to refund their campaign donations. Perhaps Democrats should just take the L, move on, and stop reminding voters that they’re nutso.

Read: North Carolina Democrats Have Hissy Fit Over Party Switching, Demand Election Changes »

Here We Go Again: Arctic Ice Free By 2030

Will these prognostications ever end?

Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer by 2030s, say scientists – this would have global, damaging and dangerous consequences

The Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer by the 2030s, even if we do a good job of reducing emissions between now and then. That’s the worrying conclusion of a new study in Nature Communications.

Predictions of an ice-free Arctic Ocean have a long and complicated history, and the 2030s is sooner than most scientists had thought possible (though it is later than some had wrongly forecast). What we know for sure is the disappearance of sea ice at the top of the world would not only be an emblematic sign of climate breakdown, but it would have global, damaging and dangerous consequences.

Remember this?

Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within four years

That was September, 2012, when all the media was running with it. Remember when Al Gore said in 2009 “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.” Of course, the cult media later tried to cover for him when this didn’t happen.

We’ve had ice free by 2018, ice free by 2016, predictions for doom by 2035, 2040, 2050, and more. What happens when this doesn’t happen? Who pays the price for this in the scientific community and the credentialed media who ran with it?

Read: Here We Go Again: Arctic Ice Free By 2030 »

Insane: Federal Judge Says It’s Unconstitutional For Florida To Block Kids From Getting Puberty Blockers

In Florida, one must be at least 16 to get a tattoo, and parental consent must be provided for those that are 16 and 17. One must be 21 to drink. One must be 18 to vote. Those under 18 cannot purchase a vehicle, buy a home, or sign for a cellphone, because one must be 18 to legally sign a contract. They cannot purchase cigarettes or cigars. Heck, you have to be 18 to buy lottery tickets (same in all states). Yet, a federal judge thinks this is cool

Judge Sides With Families Fighting Florida’s Ban on Gender Care for Minors

A federal judge in Florida issued a scathing assessment Tuesday of the state’s ban on gender transition care for minors, asserting in a ruling that the families with transgender children who sued the state are “likely to prevail on their claim that the prohibition is unconstitutional.”

Judge Robert L. Hinkle of U.S. District Court in Tallahassee ruled specifically that three transgender children can be prescribed puberty blockers despite the new state law, which also adds new hurdles for adults who seek similar care.

But as legal challenges have been mounted to new restrictions on transition care that have been enacted across the country, Hinkle’s ruling exemplifies the kind of chilly reception that the bans may receive from judges.

“Gender identity is real,” Hinkle wrote, adding that “proper treatment” can include mental health therapy followed by puberty blockers and hormone treatments. “Florida has adopted a statute and rules that prohibit these treatments even when medically appropriate.”

That is a political decision, not a legal one, and will certainly be appealed. I’m not sure why it was in federal court to start with, when it should have been in state court, up to the Florida supreme court, first. I’m also missing where Hinkle cited the relevant parts of the Florida Constitution which allow children to be mutilated in such a manner. It’s depressing that a judge can step in and negate (at least temporarily) state laws. The idea that certain families are in favor of doctors prescribing puberty blockers for their children is scary. Wait until the child is no longer a minor to get involved with so-called “gender identity” issues. Children do not have the mental maturity to make a decision that will affect them for the rest of their lives.

Consider that Sweden and Finland have banned Puberty Blockers for kids. They found that Puberty Blockers inhibited the development of Bone Density. Kids who took them as very young children looked like old people with Osteoporosis by the time they were 21.

Read: Insane: Federal Judge Says It’s Unconstitutional For Florida To Block Kids From Getting Puberty Blockers »

Who’s Up For Greening The Health System?

What could possibly go wrong with blowing off the core mission to join the climate cult?

Can Hospitals Turn Into Climate Change Fighting Machines?

On the grounds of the University of California San Diego health system, cacti and succulents thrive where water-hogging grass once lived. Patches of bare earth await replanting or a blanket of mulch. Recycled “grey” water runs through pale purple pipes.

But the real action is inside the hospitals, where another set of pipes carry nitrous oxide. It’s a common anesthetic, also known as laughing gas, and it spews greenhouse gases that linger in the atmosphere for around 114 years. The pipes leak, a lot. Up to 80 percent of the gas can escape.

So the San Diego hospitals are planning to shut off those pipes. They’ve already done a successful pilot in the outpatient surgical center; other operating rooms are in the process of switching to storing the gas in less leak-prone tanks or canisters. Sometimes they’ll use more Earth-friendly drugs when appropriate. They’ve already stopped using another common anesthetic gas, called desflurane, which remains in the atmosphere for a decade or more, according to Shira Abeles, an infectious disease physician at UCSD, who recently became its chief medical sustainability officer.

She’s got plenty of science backing these shifts. The American Society of Anesthesiologists has identified alternatives that are better for the planet, just as safe for patients — and often cheaper.

“One hour of that volatile agent is equivalent to driving a car 250 miles, a gasoline car, I should say. And there’s very little we do in one hour,” said Joanne Donnelly, who, as director of the nurse anesthesia program at the University of Minnesota, has trained personnel in sustainable practices in hospitals across Minnesota and Wisconsin.

When are they replacing the ambulances? How about the fancy, expensive, fossil fueled vehicles the doctors drive? No, look, I could understand fixing the pipes, methane is an actual issue, but, good grief, do not go all cult on this. Remember what’s important, which is taking care of the patients.

The drive to reimagine anesthesia is part of a broader if belated effort to decarbonize U.S. health care, from the operating room to the cafeteria to the gardens and grounds. It’s a push spurred on by both medical professionals and Washington policymakers, who feel increased pressure to act amid the dangers of climate change and who acknowledge health care has been slow to engage on sustainability.

Wait, I thought that politicians were supposed to stay out of our healthcare decisions? No?

The health sector is responsible for 8.5 percent of U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide, methane and ozone — an outsized impact compared to the rest of the world. (Globally, health care systems contribute roughly 4.6 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions.) Without huge new efforts, the U.S. will have trouble reaching its ambitious emissions reduction goals.

Really, almost no one cares. And those cultists who do will find themselves upset when it messes up their own healthcare and drives the price up.

Read: Who’s Up For Greening The Health System? »

If All You See…

…is a field perfect for wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on NYC housing migrants in private homes.

Read: If All You See… »

NYC Mayor Wants “Migrants” Put Up In Private Residences

All of the Democratic Party voting, sanctuary city believing, illegal immigration loving NYC residents should be supportive of this, right? They’ll all step forward and volunteer immediately, right? When will Mayor Adams offer to house some illegals?

Adams floats idea of New Yorkers housing migrants in ‘private residences’

Any spare rooms at Gracie Mansion?

Mayor Eric Adams now wants to start paying every day New Yorkers to shelter migrants in their own homes – as the Big Apple struggles to find beds for the thousands of asylum seekers still flooding into the city.

In his latest attempt to battle the ongoing migrant crisis, Adams on Monday floated a half baked “private residence” plan, which could possibly see local homeowners getting compensation to put up asylum seekers.

Hizzoner put forward the proposal as he revealed religious leaders had agreed to start housing adult male migrants overnight at 50 places of worship scattered across the five boroughs next month.

“It is my vision to take the next step to this, to go to the faith-based locales and then move to private residents, there are residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges,” Adams said. “They have spare rooms, they have locales and if we can find a way to get over the 30-day rule and other rules that government has in its place, we can take that $4.2 billion, $4.3 maybe now, that we potentially will have to spend, and we can put it back in the pockets of everyday New Yorkers, everyday houses of worship, instead of putting it in the pockets of corporations.” (note: I included the full quote from Adams, rather than the piecemeal the article does)

I’m getting the feeling that the NY Post isn’t very supportive of the plan. Adams did say that he would pay faith based shelters $125 a night per, apparently, every single adult male they shelter…where are all the women and children? Why does it seem this is mostly adult males? Oh, and it is more than the state pays to shelter foster children.

“It would be absolute bedlam,” Park Slope resident Zainab Jah told The Post.

Her partner, Tim Naylor, who has owned their townhouse for 24 years, added migrants shouldn’t be getting a “free ride” when many New Yorkers “cannot afford a decent place of their own.”

“Even if it was worth it to homeowners, the city shouldn’t be spending our money on that kind of crap. You have enough New Yorkers who can barely afford to live,” he said.

“Before you know it we’re going to get flooded with even more migrants.”

Well, hey, NYC was super supportive of illegal aliens. I guess when only they are somewhere else.

Read: NYC Mayor Wants “Migrants” Put Up In Private Residences »

Pirate's Cove