If All You See…

…is a wonderful form of low carbon travel, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Discern Report, with a post on why companies are doubling down on on Woke even while losing billions.

It’s women having fun week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the NC GOP censored Thom Tillis for being a RINO. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Doug Ross @ Journal has Hillary: the graphic novel
  2. Gates Of Vienna covers Germany wanting to send more citizen money to other countries for “climate aid”
  3. Geller Report notes California trying to make it child abuse if a parent doesn’t let their kid transition
  4. IOTW Report discusses the left still unable to define what a woman is
  5. Legal Insurrection highlights Alberta arson investigators looking at the wildfire
  6. Moonbattery notes a leftist court declaring women-only spas unconstitutional
  7. Pacific Pundit covers Modelo Especial being the new top selling beer
  8. Powerline Blog highlights Gavin Newsome betraying Progressives
  9. The First Street Journal says that the Left really hates freedom of speech
  10. The Gateway Pundit notes Ukraine’s failed offensive
  11. The O.K. Corral covers stealing Captain Morgan
  12. The Other McCain discusses trans folks hearing voices in their heads
  13. The Right Scoop features Brandon talking about “transjester” children
  14. This ain’t Hell... covers the Pentagon giving another $1.2 billion to Ukraine
  15. And last, but, not least, Victory Girls Blog notes a Seattle ice cream store supporting CHOP but suing for lost revenue

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

People’s Republik Of California Sees Public Transit Collapse

I thought the PRC was trying to get fellow Comrades out of their fossil fueled vehicles and into electric vehicles? Why bother pushing what people are barely using

Car-dependent California seeks to follow New York’s lead and save public transit

Sadaf Zahoor has bucked California’s car culture by never owning one, yet she and other residents who rely on public transit worry its bleak financial outlook could soon leave them standing at empty train stations and bus stops.

The agencies running the public transit systems, particularly in San Francisco and Oakland, where Zahoor lives, have been living off billions of dollars in federal aid that will soon expire.

Ridership plummeted by as much as 94% during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving a gaping budget deficit. Fare box revenues have rebounded a bit, but with more people working from home, some systems haven’t returned to even half their previous levels.

Hmm, the Government locked everyone down, made them stay home, and is shocked that ridership nosedived? And then you have the homeless, crazies, druggies, filth, and criminals on public transit with the cities doing little.

The transit agencies have asked Democrats who control California’s government to rescue them, much like Democrats in New York recently did with a $227 billion spending plan. The request is proving to be a much tougher sell in the nation’s most populous state, where majestic mountain highways and seas of suburban single-family homes have made it far more automobile-reliant than much of the Northeast.

Pumping money into it won’t help when people are avoiding it, because it is often inconvenient and dangerous.

The California Transit Association says transit agencies will have a collective shortfall of about $6 billion over the next five years. The state, which relies heavily on taxes paid by wealthy people, is projected to have a $31.5 billion budget deficit this year amid a struggling stock market and layoffs in the tech industry.

Hmm, so that taxing the rich plan isn’t working? Who woulda thunk it? How many rich folks have abandoned the PRC?

The pandemic was particularly damaging to Bay Area Rapid Transit because as much as 70% of its revenue came from fares — far higher than most other transit systems, said Janice Li, president of the transit system’s board of directors. Los Angeles, the nation’s second-largest city, relies less on public transit than San Francisco, although voters have expressed support for it in recent years.

Perhaps they should have thought about this before the prolonged lockdowns. You gotta hate it when Democrat policies screw Democrat voting citizens. Speaking of that

Oregon to crack down on illegal pot growers by holding landowners responsible

Oregon has long been known as a mecca for high-quality marijuana, but that reputation has come with a downside: illegal growers who offer huge amounts of cash to lease or buy land and then leave behind pollution, garbage and a drained water table.

Now, a bill passed by the Oregon Legislature seeks to tackle that by making the landowners themselves responsible for the aftermath. The bill also prohibits the use of rivers or groundwater at the illegal site, as well as criminalizes seizing the identity papers of migrant workers who tend the plants or threatening to report them for deportation.

Under the bill, local governments are authorized to file a claim of lien against property used for illicit marijuana, if the owner doesn’t pay for the cleanup.

A leader of the state’s cannabis and alcohol regulatory agency has said southern Oregon is to marijuana what Bordeaux is to wine. But the state faces challenges on two fronts: The regulated industry has a glut of product that has slashed prices and profit margins, and there has been huge growth in illegal pot farms operating under the guise of growing hemp, which became legal nationally in 2018.

So, let’s see: the state legalized marijuana, and thought they’d make a killing in tax revenue off its sale. The prices were kept artificially high, so, citizens took advantage of the system and started growing their own and selling if for a lot less, leaving a glut of “legal” product they can’t sell because it’s too expensive. And because of government policy, they now have to try and get rid of all the illegal growers (who I bet mostly vote Democrat). But, come on, despite the whole war on drugs over many decades, how much of a dent did it make? You could still get pot. How did it work out when prohibition was passed?

Read: People’s Republik Of California Sees Public Transit Collapse »

CNN Seems Pretty Upset That Those Brown People In Singapore Are Using World Killing Air Conditioning

CNN Is claiming that the use of AC is a Bad Thing. When will the main CNN building, located in the hot, humid, and sweltering city of Atlanta stop using it? Even without the massive urban heat island effect of Atlanta, the area would be rough during large parts of the year

This country’s love affair with air conditioning shows a Catch 22 of climate change

When the temperature soared to 99 degrees Fahrenheit last month, Singapore resident Chee Kuan Chew saw just one option: cancel all plans and stay indoors in air-conditioned comfort.

“You can’t survive without air con in Singapore,” Chee said. “It’s impossible with the heat.”

The 20-year-old university student lives with his family in a four-bedroom flat in Ang Mo Kio, a bustling district that made headlines in the Southeast Asian city state when its temperatures hit a 40-year high in a recent heat wave. Thankfully, Chee said, his home has five air conditioners – one in each bedroom and a larger unit in the living room.

“I drank plenty of water, took cold showers and kept the air conditioning on for the entire weekend. That’s my way of managing the heat,” Chee said.

Taking solace in air conditioning in Singapore is hardly unreasonable behavior. Situated roughly 85 miles north of the equator, the island nation is famously hot and humid, with temperatures that stretch into the 80s year-round – a climate that has helped make it one of the most air-conditioned countries in the world, with more units per capita than any of its Southeast Asian neighbors.

Singapore is a modern city, so, they can afford it. CNN doesn’t like this, and would like the use ended, like they do in developing nations.

Indeed, in this city, air conditioning has become almost a way of life. An office or mall without it is near unthinkable; 99% of private condominiums are air conditioned, as are the majority of public housing apartments.

And this is CNN’s business, why, exactly? Why do Warmists, and Progressives in general, always want to control the way Other People live their lives?

But Singapore’s love affair with air conditioning has an enormous cost.

It has trapped a nation already hot – and getting hotter – in what experts describe as a “dangerous, vicious cycle.” It’s a climate change Catch 22 paradox that faces all nations which rely on air conditioning to make life just that little bit more tolerable.

Put simply: the warmer the world gets, the more people turn to their air conditioners. And the more they turn to their air conditioners, the warmer the world gets.

Yes, just like during previous Holocene warm periods, except, they didn’t have AC to cool them down back then. Now we do, and CNN can piss off.

Read: CNN Seems Pretty Upset That Those Brown People In Singapore Are Using World Killing Air Conditioning »

If All You See…

…is a horrible painting using OIL paint*, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on the incuriousity of the media into Joe’s bribe scheme.

*Yeah, I kinda made that one up, unlike most. For now.

Read: If All You See… »

CBS News Wonders If Mandatory Gun Insurance Can Stop Criminals From Shooting People

Well, actually, the only ones who would be forced to obtain the insurance, which would be expensive for people with legal firearms, and unaffordable for people who live in high crime areas, would be the law abiding

Can mandatory liability insurance for gun owners reduce violence?

The idea has been floated for years, and it may seem straightforward enough: if gun owners were required to purchase liability insurance, proponents argue, they would have to follow safe practices to limit their financial and legal risk, thus reducing incidents of gun violence.

But as New Jersey and the city of San Jose, California, have found, actually implementing the idea can be quite difficult.

A recently enacted gun control law in New Jersey that among other things required gun carriers to purchase mandatory liability insurance was scheduled to go into effect on July 1, until it was blocked by U.S. District Judge Renée Marie Bumb. 

Bumb, citing the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision on gun carry permits, ruled that parts of the law went too far and infringed on the right to bear arms. “The insurance mandate does regulate who can carry firearms in public,” she wrote, explaining how the state was overreaching its constitutional authority, thus dealing a blow to the measure.

It’s essentially placing a tax, a fee, on a Constitutional Right, and it meant to make owning a firearm to expensive for Citizens. That’s it. Nothing else. Nothing more. They know it will do almost nothing to stop idiots from shooting other people, and since the majority of intentional shootings are by those who do not own the firearm legally, it is meaningless except to disarm people.

Can insurance change behaviors?

No. The people committing most of the violence using firearms are not legal owners. And have you driven out on the road? How many people are blowing stop signs and lights? How many change lanes without signaling? Cut in front of other vehicles? Speed excessively? Drink or do drugs and drive? Pay too much attention to their phones? Make illegal turns?

An insurance marketplace, proponents say, would ensure gun owners follow safe practices and avoid risky decisions in order to avoid paying high premiums or losing coverage, similar to the auto or health insurance model.

Have you driven on the roads lately? Etc. Does having the insurance actually reduce accidents? I cannot find a study that covers this. Perhaps if the insurance is really expensive, but, then, the ones I see who would be paying hundreds every month will also drive like morons, the answer is probably “not much” at best.

Proponents say that mandating liability insurance for gun owners harnesses long-held and trusted American ideas around the power of the market to tackle a uniquely American problem.

In their amicus brief, Brady referenced the first property insurance company founded by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia in 1752 to encourage homeowners to implement safety measures after a series of fires in the city. He started it so homeowners “would come together to share the risks,” the company said on its website and highlights the lengthy history insurance plays in American culture.

Is owning a home a Constitutional Right? Is it made so expensive that it is not worth buying the home?

The NRA filed a lawsuit with its affiliate Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs against the New Jersey legislation which “requires gun owners to acquire insurance that does not appear to exist in the state.”

And when the San Jose ordinance passed the NRA published a news statement saying; “Taxing lawful ownership and requiring insurance will do nothing to reduce gun violence, which is often committed by repeat criminals who will not be paying the fees or obtaining insurance.”

That San Jose ordinance is mired in legal wrangling, and has yet to be implemented. And through this long CBS News piece there’s not one shred of evidence that forcing the law abiding to obtain insurance will reduce shootings. It’s a poll tax designed to make ownership so expensive you won’t have a gun.

Read: CBS News Wonders If Mandatory Gun Insurance Can Stop Criminals From Shooting People »

Excitable Joe Biden Says Global Warming Is The Only Existential Threat That Exists For Humanity

Well, in fairness, he’s just reading what they told him to, and probably has no clue what he’s saying

Huh. Also Biden

  • The President and The First Lady depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Goldsboro, North Carolina
  • The President and The First Lady depart Goldsboro, North Carolina en route to Elm City, North Carolina
  • The President and The First Lady depart Rocky Mount, North Carolina en route to Fort Liberty, North Carolina
  • The President and The First Lady depart Fort Liberty, North Carolina en route to Joint Base Andrews

That’s an abbreviated portion of his schedule, which doesn’t really explain how he traveled. Obviously, a helicopter to Andrews, then a jumbo jet, with a backup jet and fighter jet protection, to Goldsboro. The trip to Elm City ended at the Rocky Mount-Wilson Regional Airport. Did they take a large fossil fueled convoy, or fly there in a fossil fueled helicopter or plane? How about to Fort Liberty? They left directly from there to Andrews. Did AF1 fly solo to Andrews? They really didn’t do much of anything in Goldsboro.

Also also Biden

Biden to host thousands at White House Pride party

President Joe Biden will host the largest White House Pride Month celebration in history on Thursday, in a deliberate contrast to a cascade of Republican legislation and other attacks targeting LGBTQ+ people.

Biden, a Democrat, will host thousands of people on the White House’s South Lawn for an evening celebration of LGBTQ+ families that will feature singer Betty Who and Baltimore DJ Queen HD.

And how are they all traveling to the White House? In fairness, the party was postponed due to the air quality

President Joe Biden unveiled initiatives Thursday to protect LGBTQ communities but hastily postponed a big Pride Month celebration on the White House lawn with thousands of guests from around the country because of poor air quality from the Canadian wildfires.

The event, which will now be held on Saturday, was intended to be a high-profile show of support at a time when members of the LGBTQ community feel under attack like never before and the White House has little recourse to beat back a flood of state-level legislation against them.

Huh. All around the country. What’s the carbon footprint? Why do we listen to utter hypocrites? Why does our media not call him out?

Read: Excitable Joe Biden Says Global Warming Is The Only Existential Threat That Exists For Humanity »

Whiny People Whine About Texas Plan To Buoy Barrier In Rio Grande

Hey, all the people complaining can offer to put the migrants up in their own homes, right?

Outcry as Texas to install ‘buoy barrier’ in Rio Grande to deter border crossings

Americans before illegalsThe governor of Texas announced the state will install a barrier made of buoys along a section of the Rio Grande where people often wade or swim across the treacherous river from Mexico seeking refuge in the US, as the state committed $5.1bn towards ramping up plans to thwart border crossings.

Greg Abbott said a “new, water-based barrier of buoys” will be placed in the river. At a press conference he showed a line of large red buoys floating in the center of the Rio Grande.

The installation of the buoys would begin “pretty much immediately”, Abbott said on Thursday, in what is the latest step in Republicans’ campaign against immigration.

Republican governors from 14 states have already said they would send thousands of national guard troops and other personnel to the Texas-Mexico border, in an orchestrated effort that immigration advocates said would “put migrants’ lives at risk”.

Sounds like a great idea!

Rodolfo Rosales, Texas state director of the League of United Latin Americans Citizens, condemned Abbott’s plan.

“We view it as a chilling reminder of the extreme measures used throughout history by elected leaders against those they do not regard as human beings, seeking only to exterminate them, regardless of the means employed,” Rosales told CBS News.

Latin American. Not United States. They’re welcome to apply for citizenship the legal way.

“The governor was also concerned about loss of life – is this going to be a risk to migrants coming across, family units, along those lines,” McCraw (the director of the Texas department of public safety) said.

“And the answer is any time they get in that water it’s a risk to the migrants. This is to deter them from even coming in the water.”

Hopefully it will work

“Unfortunately, both Governors DeSantis and Abbott have used tools of intimidation in many different fashions through the past couple of years and put migrants’ lives at risk in doing so to win political points,” Hanne Sandison, director of the refugee and immigrant program at the Advocates for Human Rights non-profit, told the Guardian .

The illegals are putting their own lives at risk, as do Democrats and the Advocates for Human Rights, who entice people to make long, dangerous treks to come to the U.S. illegally.

Read: Whiny People Whine About Texas Plan To Buoy Barrier In Rio Grande »

D.C. Got A Lungful Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

I was trying to ignore the insane cult rambling over the Canadian wildfires, but, this is just too stupid to ignore

D.C. gets lungful of climate change

In a stunning manifestation of the dangers of a warming world, large swaths of the eastern U.S. are suffering from extreme air pollution driven by hundreds of wildfires raging across Quebec.

The smoke has spurred renewed calls for more aggressive efforts to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions warming the planet. And unlike with most climate-linked disasters, people in Washington are feeling this one firsthand.

Paul Miller, who leads a Boston-based group of air pollution regulators, said air pollution could drive real action, if history is any guide.

“People tend to act on things they can see,” he told Sean Reilly, referencing passage of the 1970 Clean Air Act. The bedrock environmental law received a groundswell of bipartisan support after smog and other pollution reached extreme levels in the 1960s.

Good grief. Wildfires are mostly natural. Lightning strikes. Of course, then there are idiots who intentionally or unintentionally start fires. This has zero to do with ‘climate change’

On the Hill: Lawmakers certainly took notice as a thick layer of smoke penetrated Washington and the Capitol.

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the top Republican on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, called the plague of smoke “a sobering reminder that we must manage our forests to make them more resilient to catastrophic fires.” But he stopped short of making the connection between fires and fossil fuels.

Because there isn’t any. Fires happen. And leftist enviro-weenies stop government and groups from clearing dead brush.

Meanwhile, Republicans are still opposing multiple federal and state-led efforts to tackle climate change. This prompted Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, to deride Republican “climate denier[s]” in Congress.

“You show up to work at the Capitol today, see the skies filled with smoke … and you still don’t get that we need bold and immediate action to save our planet? Ridiculous,” she tweeted.

And how’s she, and all the others, getting around D.C. and between their districts? This is all a political movement to take your money and control your life.

Read: D.C. Got A Lungful Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon sailboats, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on the Biden regime and the plague of loneliness.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove