Gavin Newsome, Sacramento Mayor Freak Over Handful Of Illegals Flown In

It’s so strange, as we were told that California is oh so welcoming of illegals. Gavin Newsome declared San Francisco was a sanctuary city while he was mayor. Sacramento, the capital of California, declared themselves a sanctuary city all the way back in 1985

They don’t seem very welcoming

California authorities say migrants flown to Sacramento have links to Florida

More than a dozen migrants were flown to Sacramento and dropped off in front of a Catholic church on Friday, sparking speculation from California officials that the flight was arranged by Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration.

DeSantis created a national furor last September when his administration paid to fly nearly 50 migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, an act that he frequently mentions during public appearances and speeches, including while campaigning for president.

But so far his administration had not commenced a second round of flights — even after state lawmakers expanded the program in February in response to a lawsuit that challenged whether the governor had the authority to ship people from Texas to Massachusetts. There is also an ongoing lawsuit in Massachusetts federal court that sought to block any more flights by Florida.

Funny how Democrats get so upset when illegals are dropped off in their states and cities, eh?

Bonta suggested that the DeSantis administration may be linked to the operation because he said the migrants appeared to have paperwork connected to Florida, though he did not provide details on the documentation. The migrants flown last fall by the DeSantis administration to Martha’s Vineyard were given pamphlets detailing the benefits available to them in Massachusetts.

If Florida flew them, he’d be happy to let Gavin know. What does it matter? It sure doesn’t look like Gavin is welcoming of illegals. DeSantis or Texas governor Greg Abbott should drop some off in front of the California governor’s mansion.

Eddie Carmona, campaign director at PICO California, a faith-based community organizing group that has been assisting the migrants, told The Associated Press that the migrants had already been given court dates for their asylum cases when a person representing a private contactor approached them outside a migrant center in El Paso, Texas. Carmona told the AP that “they were lied to and intentionally deceived.”

If he’s correct, then they came from Texas. Perhaps Gavin should be speaking to Joe Biden about his essentially inviting illegals to show up at the border. And all his Democratic Party Comrades. And look in the mirror and ask himself.

Read: Gavin Newsome, Sacramento Mayor Freak Over Handful Of Illegals Flown In »

Unhinged Climate Group Slashing Tires Reported To Be In 18 Countries

First, this is a great way to get shot. Second, wouldn’t this be considered an international crime syndicate per U.S. federal law?

Radical climate group slashing SUV tires says they’re now active in 18 countries including US

A far-left international group that encourages groups of people to deflate tires on parked sports utility vehicles (SUV) in an effort to combat global warming has expanded its operations to 18 countries.

The group, named the Tyre Extinguishers and based in the U.K., has claimed credit for tire-deflating operations in American cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco, and cities in England, Canada, France, Spain, Germany and Italy among others. And most recently, on Thursday, members affiliated with the Tyre Extinguishers conducted an action in Lisbon, Portugal.

“Reports coming in of very angry #CarShaggers who are upset they can’t drive their massive tanks around Lisbon. Oh no!” the group said. “Welcome to the fun, Portugal! Now that we’ve had our first action in Lisbon, where’s next?”

On the group’s website, it provides instructions for quickly deflating tires on parked cars and a template for pamphlets that activists can use during operations. After deflating an SUV’s tires, individuals affiliated with the group generally leave the document, with a headline stating “ATTENTION – your gas guzzler kills,” on the vehicle’s windshield explaining to its owner why the action was taken.

“You’ll be angry, but don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s your car,” the pamphlet says. “We did this because driving around in urban areas in your massive vehicle has huge consequences for others.”

Well, don’t take it personally when someone pulls a gun, and, if you’re lucky, all that happens is they hold you till you get arrested. If you’re not lucky? Well, don’t take it personally. Or if someone beats your ass.

Seriously, at this point this group is basically violating RICO. It is a multi-state and multi-national organized crime organization. And many states have their own RICO standards. You can start with extortion. Criminal street gangs. Conspiracy. Malicious mischief. Maybe even terrorism, as they are pushing for political outcomes.

Read: Unhinged Climate Group Slashing Tires Reported To Be In 18 Countries »

Nearly 10% Identify As LGBTwhatever Or Something

You’ll never guess who identifies the most

Nearly 10% Percent of Adults Around the World Identify as LGBTQ: Survey

A global survey conducted by Ispos found that the number of adults who identify as LGBTQ+ is now 9 percent.

From February 7 to March 13, Ipsos surveyed 22, 514 adults across 30 countries, including Portugal, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Brazil. Brazil had the highest percentage of LGBTQ+ adults at around 15 percent, while Peru and Japan had the lowest at 4 percent.

Of the adults surveyed, an average of 3 percent identified themselves as gay or lesbian, 4 percent as bisexual, 1 percent as asexual, and 1 percent as pansexual or omnisexual. Gen Z respondents were two times more likely to identify as LGBTQ+ than Millenials, and four times more likely when compared with Gen Xers and Boomers.

The United States matches the world average with 9 percent of the population identifying as LGBTQ+. This represents a one percent drop since 2021, according to the survey.

Now, I really do not care if people are gay or lesbian or into both. You be you. As long as it doesn’t negatively affect my life, no skin off my nose. I do care when you try and force this belief on me, and on kids. No one should be forcing adult sexuality on kids, be it straight or not.

When it comes to gender identity, 1 percent of the surveyed adults described themselves as transgender. Another 1 percent identified as nonbinary, genderfluid, or gender non-conforming, and 1 percent identified as other than male or female. In this area, too, Gen Zers were more likely to identify as one of these categories than older adults.

So, three percent have serious mental illness and need competent mental health therapy. And Gen Z has been brainwashed, indoctrinated into these beliefs by adults who are, well, let’s just refer to them as assholes. Thing is, in this day and age being LGB won’t ruin their lives (unless you want to have unprotected gay sex and get HIV/AIDS). Remember a bit ago when all those teen girls were claiming to be bi-curious? How many did it as a fad? How many acted on it? How many became lesbian? None of their lives were really harmed. Kids taking drugs and cutting off their genitals? Yeah, that’s life damaging.

Off course, 8 billion people in the world yet roughly 22k were interviewed meaning the sample size was 0.00000275%. Meanwhile, it’s getting rather cultist…though at least Rolling Stone seems to understand what a woman is

13 Lesbian and Queer Women-Owned Brands to Support During Pride (and All Year Long)

Real talk: you know you are going to get that crystal, some rainbow gear for the Pride parade, those sunglasses for your upcoming trip to Bali, something to wear to your cousin’s wedding, and a new bag of coffee beans because returning to that commute and the office at 9 a.m. has been brutal — and that’s ok. You buy stuff. We all do. We’re Americans. It’s basically written into the Constitution at this point.

But they call it buying power for a reason. What you buy and where you shop matters, especially in this day and age where “pinkwashing” is common practice, with big-name brands and mainstream retailers commandeering Pride Month to release out-and-proud and “love is love” lines just to cash in as they do with just about every holiday or celebration. Worst of all, many of those same companies fund politicians who threaten to or take away LGBTQ+ and trans rights at every turn.

So, yeah, they’re pushing those brands. Not sure about you, I neither look to see or care about the sexuality of who runs the products I buy. These people are getting as cultist as Scientology, Heaven’s Gate, and People’s Temple.

Read: Nearly 10% Identify As LGBTwhatever Or Something »

If All You See…

…is wonderful bamboo, which is great for slowing climate doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on pics of the day.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Gil Elvgren

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, birds are singing, and summer is fast approaching. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Outside The Beltway cover winners, losers, and the debt ceiling
  2. Pacific Pundit notes MLB quietly losing the pride logo
  3. Sultan Knish discusses Biden’s anti-Semitism strategy enabling Jew and Israel hatred
  4. The First Street Journal covers the Left wanting to control your thoughts by controlling your language
  5. The Gateway Pundit notes Six Flags planning to hold an all ages drag show
  6. The O.K. Corral covers Minnesota giving tuition to illegals and felons
  7. The Other McCain notes what happened when Chicago hired gangsters to be peacekeepers
  8. Victory Girls Blog is not impressed with Trump congratulating Kim Jong Un
  9. Jo Nova discusses the peak of ESG
  10. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers false weather data
  11. Real Climate Science notes the world ending in 18 days
  12. American Greatness covers how bad Bernie Sanders’ health plan is
  13. Blazing Cat Fur discusses more suspected terrorists sneaking across the border
  14. Chicks On the Right highlights a woman shooting a man foolish enough to fool around and find out
  15. And last, but, not least, Cold Fury notes the Texas Rangers refusing to celebrate Pride month

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Majority Of Americans Say There Are Only Two Genders

Nice to see that 57 percent of Americans are not anti-science, anti-biology, and wackjob moonbat (I will say that the headline is a bit off, as this is not so much a rejection of the gender confused as a reality check)

Poll: Public ‘Strongly’ Rejects Transgenderism Despite Corporate ‘Pride’

Americans are uniting in broad opposition to the transgender ideology despite a roar of pro-transgenderism rhetoric from Fortune 500 corporations, government officials, and establishment media.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans strongly agree that “There are [only] two genders, male and female,” according to a May 23-24 survey of 1,116 adults by Rasmussen Reports.

That is a 14-point jump from 2019, when only 43 percent of respondents said they strongly think there are “only two possible gender identities, man or woman,” a poll of 1,100 people by the left-wing Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) found.

Similarly, the Rasmussen poll showed that only ten percent of Americans “strongly disagree” with society’s recognition of just the two complementary sexes, male and female.

But in 2019, a much higher share — 24 percent of respondents — in the PRRI poll said they strongly think “There is a range of many possible gender identities.”

So, fewer and fewer people are buying into the 925 genders that wackos are pushing. Listen, gays and lesbians and bisexuals are not saying they are different genders, just that they like the same sex. Or both sexes. This whole many genders beyond male and female are simply people with mental illness with no one around who say “stop. Join us in reality land. Let me get you some competent mental health help.”

The polls help explain why sales of Bud Light dropped by roughly 30 percent and why the stock price of the Target retail chain lost roughly $10 billion after their status-seeking middle managers wrapped their shareholders’ brands around the unpopular transgender ideology.

When the government wackos are pushing this and companies are going Woke there will be backlash. People do not like to be taught how to think and act.

Meanwhile, NASCAR is looking to alienate their customer base, pulling a Budweiser

They’re not going to be happy when viewership drops, attendance drops, merchandising crashes, and, while I’m not a race fan at all, the sponsorships are huge in NASCAR. Hardcore fans will only buy certain products for whom sponsors their favorite team.

Read: Majority Of Americans Say There Are Only Two Genders »

June Gloom Brings Feelings Of Climate Grief In California

You can tell it’s a cult when overcast and dreary weather to start the month sends a person’s mind to immediately think of climate doom. This is bat-guano insane

Newsletter: Hooray, another June gloom in L.A. How that intensifies feelings of climate grief

Good morning. I’m Paul Thornton, and it is Saturday, June 3, 2023. Let’s look back at the week in Opinion.

With much of Los Angeles shivering under the cold blanket of fog we call May gray or June gloom — arguably our only truly identifiable season — it may seem odd to begin with a discussion on climate change. It may also seem like overkill, with last weekend’s newsletter devoted to wondering what a global warming-supercharged El Niño might bring to California (and what it might preview for a future of greater than 1.5 degrees Celsius [2.7 degrees Fahrenheit] of warming).

But the likelihood of global warming permanently burning away our mild late-spring respite serves as a good segue to a discussion on climate grief. It’s an all too easy emotion to feel spending your life in Los Angeles, where oceans warmed by our burning of fossil fuels mean the impending end of coastal fog and reliably cool starts to our summers, and hotter temperatures and longer droughts mean worse wildfires in our local mountains. The things we’ve had this whole time are disappearing; how we react to losing them isn’t all that different than how we’d handle losing a loving friend or relative.

The question now is what we do with that grief — and by grief, I do not mean hopelessness. It’s the process of acknowledging, however painful it might be, that something you love is lost or may soon be gone, and how that changes you.

For me, climate grief has intensified my antipathy to oil companies and clarified my resolve to use their products as sparingly as possible. It’s made each trip into local forests and mountains much more intentional: I connect now with nature in ways I never have before, aware that the spruces, pines and oaks that generously shade my favorite trails will probably perish soon from pestilence or fire. I make sure my children know their parents are doing what we can to make their future as habitable as the one we inherited. And I appreciate when May gray and June gloom arrive on schedule, or when snow falls on peaks within sight of L.A.

So, really, almost no change in behavior to limit his impact on the climate emergency. I’m not surprised.

I have my ways of dealing with climate grief, and others have theirs. Writing for our op-ed page, poet Tess Taylor beautifully describes the respite from climate grief that she finds in backyard gardening:

Yeah, Tess doesn’t really do anything, either. Bunch of climate cult lunatics.

Read: June Gloom Brings Feelings Of Climate Grief In California »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is neo-neocon, with a post on censorship and “What Is A Woman?”

Read: If All You See… »

Looney Tunes Goes Groomer By Pushing Drag

Looney Tunes is a cartoon brand meant for kids. Yes, they’ve done some drag stuff, meant for laughs, much like Monty Python, Bennie Hill, and many others have done. Looney Tunes is not doing this for laughs

Looney Tunes Uses Bugs Bunny to Celebrate Drag Queens for Pride Month: ‘Get Your Drag On’

Looney Tunes — the classic children’s animated brand from Warner Bros. — is celebrating Pride Month by encouraging people to dress up as drag queens.

In a tweet Thursday, which was the first day of Pride Month, the official Looney Tunes Twitter account posted a tribute to Bugs Bunny in various states of female attire — though noticeably not from his turn as Brunnhilde in “What’s Opera, Doc?”

“Happy Pride, get your drag on,” Looney Tunes wrote.

If you’re pushing this on children, you’re grooming. There’s really no reason for this. There’s no reason to be advertising in this manner to children. Leave the children alone. Disney is pushing this for babies, which is more about patronizing Woke wackjob parents. And parents at a North Hollywood, California school protested the school wanting to have a Pride event for for kids

Some protesters marched outside the school wearing shirts and holding banners that read, “leave our kids alone.”

Others held signs with slogans like “no to sexualizing our kids,” “no pride in grooming,” “parental choice matters,” and “our protest is against [Los Angeles Unified School District].”

However, counter-protesters showed up on the scene to support the “LGBTQIAAP2S+” community. Helicopter footage showed the protesters and counter-protesters get into a physical altercation at one point, with the parties punching at each other. Ultimately, LAPD officers stepped in and separated the groups.

Obviously, no one in the Credentialed Media is going to ask why they’re Comrades are doing this stuff, why they are pushing so hard. And then there’s our Woke Navy, which is all in

Later in his message, Del Toro said LGBTQI+ Sailors, Marines, civilians, and contractors were working to mold the future of the Navy and realize the “limitless possibilities of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive workforce where everyone can live as their true self and defend our Nation from extremism and any threat.”

That has zero to do with their actual mission, which is defending the United States from foreign invaders and the citizens of the U.S.

Read: Looney Tunes Goes Groomer By Pushing Drag »

Good News: Ireland Planning To Kill Up To 200K Cows Over ‘Climate Change’

Yes, the climate cult is deranged, and this won’t cause any problems with the cost of milk and beef going forward, right?

Ireland’s mooted cow massacre is a warning to net zero Britain

climate cowThe collateral damage of net zero is now getting uncomfortably close to home. First Dutch farmers were threatened with compulsory purchases to satisfy EU emissions targets, fomenting a new revolt in the process. Now it’s Ireland’s turn, where the government is reportedly looking at plans to cull around 200,000 dairy cows to meet its climate targets. The scheme would be a bit like voluntary redundancy, with farmers offered financial inducements to give up their cows.

British beef and dairy farmers are now very jittery. It seems increasingly clear that there is an eco-modernist agenda to do away with conventional meat altogether. It’s not just the Extinction Rebellion mob, either; many of the world’s politicians are on board.

It’s very fortunate we’re out of the EU or we could be facing the same pressure from Brussels. Now, we can only hope that Rishi Sunak, who represents a heavily rural constituency in the Yorkshire Dales, understands what’s at stake for farming communities.

Spending vast sums of taxpayer’s money on destroying productive animals would be a perfect summation of the net zero madness infecting the West. The Irish Department of Agriculture has said that the report was just a “modelling document”, but no sane government would even get to the point of including such a plan in “a deliberative process”. Why? Because it is irrational.

All for a scam. This is all purely unhinged, and only cult members would consider this. The same people who say they love the environment want to kill all those cows. How about all the wankers who believe in this make their own lives carbon neutral.

Read: Good News: Ireland Planning To Kill Up To 200K Cows Over ‘Climate Change’ »

Pirate's Cove