New York Looking To House Illegals At JFK Airport

I wonder if this is a cynical way to attempt to get Los Federales to pick up the tab? Plus, keeping all this illegals away from all the Democrats who support illegal immigration in theory

NYC preps 500 cots for migrants at JFK mail warehouse, awaiting FAA approval

Five hundred cots have been set up and ready for use at a cavernous warehouse at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens as Mayor Eric Adams’ administration awaits federal approval to convert the space into a migrant shelter.

New York City is bursting at the seams to house 45,900 asylum seekers in the 157 emergency sites that have been set up across the five boroughs.

An additional 4,800 asylum seekers arrived at city shelters over the last two weeks alone, said mayoral spokesperson Kate Smart this week.

The beds at JFK’s Building 197 and multiple trailers outfitted with showers and toilets are expected to accommodate up to 1,000 asylum seekers, THE CITY reported Thursday afternoon.

The warehouse is ready to welcome single adults as soon as the city gets the green light from the Federal Aviation Administration, a source said on an internal call between City Hall and City Council Friday morning.

Single adults, eh? Weren’t we told it was all families trying to escape whatever the current excuse is? I guess the Sanctuary City residents aren’t particularly interested in letting them out in the streets, so, they’ll lock them down at JFK.

They’re having fun with a different group of illegals in England

Migrants barricade London hotel after being denied private rooms

Migrants are staging a pavement protest after deciding the hotel they have been transferred to was nothing like the “nice” accommodation they saw on Google Maps.

Instead of the single rooms with en suite bathrooms that they had in their Essex hotel, they found they were being forced to share – four to a single room with two bunk beds and a “smelly” toilet – in a hotel in central London.

On Thursday, the 25 migrants refused to return to their rooms in the Comfort Inn in Pimlico and instead decamped to the pavement. They say they will sleep there with their blankets, duvets, cushions and suitcases until they get single rooms.

A 27-year-old Iranian said: “Two square metres is not enough for sleeping four people. And when you go to the toilet, the smell damages you.”

Well, go home. You weren’t invited.

Read: New York Looking To House Illegals At JFK Airport »

The Traditional British Loaf Of Bread Could Be Wiped Out Or Something

I done told you to stop driving in fossil fueled vehicles, turn your AC up to 80, only shower once a week, and use 2 sheets of TP, but, no, you want to destroy everything

Why this type of bread could be wiped out by climate change

The traditional British loaf could be wiped out by climate change, new research warns

Wheat crops struggle when the weather gets too hot. Yields are being slashed because of unprecedented droughts, say scientists.

The likelihood of extreme temperatures has increased significantly in grain-producing regions, the study shows.

Lead author Dr. Erin Coughlan de Perez of Tufts University said: “The historical record is no longer a good representation of what we can expect for the future.

“We live in a changed climate and people are underestimating current day possibilities for extreme events.”

How horrible! Um, they do realize that climatic changes have always happened, and that whole (fake) Marie Antoinette quote about “let them eat cake” was really about there being wheat grain shortages from harsh cold weather during the Little Ice Age?

Of course, everyone is on the bandwagon of wheat shortages, such as

World’s wheat supply at risk of a dangerous shock due to heat and drought, study warns
New research outlines a worst-case scenario in which extreme weather hammers winter wheat crops in both the U.S. Midwest and northeastern China in the same year.

It’s always worst case with these cultists. Say, what about the big heat wave in the 1930’s, creating the Dust Bowl? Wasn’t that much use of fossil fuels then, and CO2 was under the “safe” level of 350ppm.

Could seaweed be the ‘fastest and least expensive’ tool to fight climate change?

A bold experiment to use seaweed as part of a solution to climate change is underway in Iceland, where millions of basketball-size buoys made of wood and limestone and seeded with seaweed will be dropped into the ocean in the coming months.

Running Tide is part of a new crop of startups that position seaweed as a multi-pronged solution to climate change—able to absorb atmospheric carbon, reduce cattle’s methane emissions, provide feedstock for biofuels, and feed the world—no fertilizers, fresh water, or even land required. Some of these ventures, like Running Tide, want to sink seaweed to remove carbon from the atmosphere. Others want to replace carbon-intensive materials like soy, fertilizers, plastic, and petroleum with seaweed-derived versions.

Hey, if it works and is less environmentally damaging, I’m for it. As long as it provides enough power. Can’t wait till they start telling us that this is Bad.

Climate change is intensifying, and people are “panicking,” says Kristen Davis, professor of civil and environmental engineering and earth system science at University of California Irvine. But seizing on seaweed-based carbon removal as a solution before the science is settled, she says, could cause environmental harm or distract from more surefire strategies, such as swiftly cutting emissions.


Read: The Traditional British Loaf Of Bread Could Be Wiped Out Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a field perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Corportate LGBTists coming after pets.

Read: If All You See… »

Ukraine Vs Russia: Ukraine Battling High Expectations Or Something

It’s like reading the sports news, not two nations locked in a war. We’ve been hearing about a planned counter-offensive from Ukraine for at least a month now. Seriously, you don’t tell the enemy your intentions, and this isn’t like getting ready for a playoff series or the release of a movie

It’s very weird, like this article

Ukraine battles sky-high expectations ahead of counteroffensive

Ukraine is facing sky-high expectations ahead of its upcoming counteroffensive, raising a litany of dangers if Kyiv fails to make major advances against entrenched Russian forces.

Lackluster results could hurt Ukraine’s international support moving forward, embolden critics of continued military support and ultimately benefit Russia.

Ukraine has received nearly all of the promised military aid from Western allies, including infantry fighting vehicles and main battle tanks, all of which are upping the global pressure for Ukrainians to succeed.

But victory is far from assured.

“Sometimes, war is sold like a consumer product, where there’s a lot of hype and a lot of hope,” said Bill Astore, a retired U.S. Air Force veteran and a senior fellow with the Eisenhower Media Network. “That is contrary to the reality we often see.”

“Sold like a consumer product.” Or, like listening to the wackos yammering about an upcoming series on ESPN, which highlights players talking trash and saying what they’re going to do to the other team. All we need are a few Vegas odds.

For months, messaging from Ukraine and its allies has been that Western armor, such as Germany’s Leopard tanks and American-made Stryker vehicles, are far superior to Russian equipment and will swing the war in Ukraine’s favor.

Yet Russian forces are dug in across the 600-mile front line in eastern Ukraine, and Kyiv will not have the element of surprise that helped its successful counteroffensives last year in the Kherson and Kharkiv regions.

At the same time, the counteroffensive, anticipated to stretch until the late fall, is Ukraine’s one chance this year to prove its capabilities, according to military analysts.

Prove? Isn’t the idea to beat Russia and destroy their military, kicking them out of Ukraine? This is weird

“They don’t need to do everything, but they need to do enough for that support to continue for at least another year,” Arnold said. “They need to deliver a pretty significant play to Russian forces this year, and then it will be on Western backers to decide whether that is enough.”

It almost sounds like a racing team: they have to have a good showing otherwise their financial backers might pull out.

Read: Ukraine Vs Russia: Ukraine Battling High Expectations Or Something »

Bummer: Reducing CO2 Emissions Could “Unmask Deadly Face Of Climate Crisis (scam)”

So, damned if you do, damned if you don’t, so, why not just go about our lives as we have, and tell the cultists to just mind their own damned business?

Climate paradox: Emission cuts could ‘unmask’ deadly face of climate change, scientists warn

stop global warmingScientists have uncovered a potentially lethal paradox at the heart of efforts to slow human-caused climate change.

A series of new studies suggest a stark truth.

One the one hand, cutting fossil fuel pollution is necessary for avoiding severe destruction over the long term. But such cuts will make the earth much hotter in the short term.

One recent study cast the well-known declines in air pollution during the COVID-19 pandemic in a darker light.

ZOMG! Run!

From a research station in the Maldives, an island archipelago off the coast of India, Gustafsson’s team detected that when pollution from smokestacks fell, so did concentrations of aerosols — tiny floating particles that hang in the atmosphere.

That fall was an unmistakable boon to public health. According to Our World in Data, these contaminants — like tiny floating particles of soot or sulfates — cause millions of global deaths per year.

But for all the damage they do to human lungs, aerosols also help shade the earth by scattering light particles from the sun that would otherwise warm the planet.

After the cuts, the study found that light reaching the surface increased by 7 percent.

So, wait, these particles, which are actually an environmental issue, reduced sunlight reaching the surface, and when those plants were shuttered for Wuhan Flu, sunlight increased? That’s rather stating that that big ball of nuclear fire in the sky is actually the primary driver of climate, and the works of Man have limited the effect.

A draft study led by Columbia University climate scientist James Hansen suggests that the recent rise in temperatures doesn’t come from greenhouse gases at all, but from the reduction in sulfate aerosols since the early-2000s.

Huh. 84% of scientists say that 96% of climate scientists are right 3% of the time, although there is only a 50% chance of that. Really, this just goes to show that we don’t really understand how the climate works but does not seem to slow us down from throwing random solutions at the problem. Ones that involve your money and freedom.

Read: Bummer: Reducing CO2 Emissions Could “Unmask Deadly Face Of Climate Crisis (scam)” »

Chicago Democrats Divided Over Spending $50 Million On Illegals

I’m very surprised that all the Democrats in Chicago, a self described sanctuary city which voted over 75% for Biden and Hillary, aren’t super supportive of spending tons of their tax dollars on all the illegals

Chicago Spending Over $50 Million on Migrants Divides Democrats

Chicago’s City Council has approved $51 million in 2021 budget surplus funds to be used in caring for the hundreds of Latino immigrants that are flooding the city, a vote that divided the council’s Democrat aldermen.

The plan has created a rift between the Black and Latino communities in the city, with some residents requesting that the additional funds be used to address Chicago’s homeless population or to invest more in Chicago’s Black population, which they say has been neglected for decades. However, since Texas Governor Greg Abbott began busing immigrants to Chicago and other cities last year, the city has seen a growing crisis over its immigrant population, with hundreds of migrants sleeping on the floor of police stations in the city.

A report from PBS TV station WTTW said that care for the migrants could exceed $112 million through June. City leaders have been scrambling to find space to house the flood of people, which has picked up in intensity as issues concerning the U.S.-Mexico border and the expiration of the Title 42 policy have divided national Republican and Democratic leaders.

Tense and aggressive discussions led up to the vote, according to tweets from WTTW politics reporter Heather Cherone. Aldermen reportedly yelled over each other numerous times, and members of the crowd were removed by security. Cherone said that the meeting was out of control and that the “intense debate,” which lasted for 90 minutes, “featured racist abuse.”

See, Democrats are super supportive of illegals in theory, but, not so much when they’re having to pay for it, deal with it, and put up with it.

Democratic Alderman David Moore, who spoke against the proposal, said that Chicago must take care of its own residents before aiding immigrants.

“Make sure you put your mask on first before you help someone else. And so we have to put our mask on first, and we have to help the residents of this city,” Moore said, according to a tweet by Cherone.

Funny how that works, eh? This is what opponents of unfettered illegal immigration have been saying. Now those chickens have come home to roost. And up in New York, the mayor of NYC is shipping “asylum seekers” up to Albany County, and Albany itself, which is the capital. Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis should drop some off at the NY state house and governor’s mansion.

Pro-sanctuary politicians learn consequence of their policy | DUFFY

It’s easy to take strong stands on controversial issues, pleasing to the political base, when consequences seem distant. Things change when the consequences arrive by the busload.

Denver recently joined the list of cities where Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, frustrated by the negative impacts of virtually unrestricted access to his state’s southern border, is sending busloads of migrants. (snip)

The point, of course, is the liberal leaders were proud to earn the badge of “sanctuary cities,” and “sanctuary states” when the stakes were pretty low. They enacted local ordinances and state laws that, in varying ways, stiff-armed cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Colorado’s left-leaning legislature passed a law in 2019 that prohibited law enforcement from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on so-called “detainers” where a suspect would be held temporarily so ICE could take custody.

And then they had to deal with it in practice, not just theory. Read the rest.

Read: Chicago Democrats Divided Over Spending $50 Million On Illegals »

Good News: You Poors Can Give Your Carbon Emissions Rights To Elites

Of all the Elitism I’ve read from the climate cult rich folks, this easily makes the top 20. Maybe top 10

Got that?

“If I want to fly, I buy some carbon emission rights from someone who can’t afford to fly, for example… Or if someone lives in a small house, he can sell his carbon emission rights to someone who lives in a big house. This way, poor people can benefit from the green economy.”

You can sell you rights away so the rich folks can keep living the high life! They’ll probably offer a pittance, then you’ll be taxed on it. Meanwhile

Rich nations say they’re spending billions to fight climate change. Some money is going to strange places.

Italy helped a retailer open chocolate and gelato stores across Asia.

The United States offered a loan for a coastal hotel expansion in Haiti.

Belgium backed the film “La Tierra Roja,” a love story set in the Argentine rainforest.

And Japan is financing a new coal plant in Bangladesh and an airport expansion in Egypt.

Funding for the five projects totaled $2.6 billion, and all four countries counted their backing as so-called “climate finance” – grants, loans, bonds, equity investments and other contributions meant to help developing nations reduce emissions and adapt to a warming world. Developed nations have pledged to funnel a combined total of $100 billion a year toward this goal, which they affirmed during climate talks in Paris in 2015. The funding helped crown Japan and the United States as two of the top five contributors.

Although a coal plant, a hotel, chocolate stores, a movie and an airport expansion don’t seem like efforts to combat global warming, nothing prevented the governments that funded them from reporting them as such to the United Nations and counting them toward their giving total.

No, no, not a scam at all.

Read: Good News: You Poors Can Give Your Carbon Emissions Rights To Elites »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Trump doing his normal thing in trashing a former employee, Kayleigh McEnany.

Read: If All You See… »

Bud Light Decides To Keep Digging Their Hole

There’s nothing inherently wrong with support of LGB groups from a company. And the controversy was really about having a mentally deranged beta male pretending to be a young girl, really making fun of actual women, be a part of their advertising, along with making derogatory remarks about their core consumers. But, with Bud Light and Anheuser Bush have major money issues from the boycott, maybe they should hold off on doing stuff right now

Bud Light Announces New Initiative With LGBTQ+ Business Owners Despite Boycott, Loss of Sales

Anheuser-Busch is doubling down on support for a pro-LGBTQ+ organization amid recent backlash.

Bud Light announced on Tuesday, May 30 that it would be extending its partnership with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce which started last year. The brewing company is also donating $200,000 to the NGLCC for the second year in a row.

“Today, Bud Light and the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), the exclusive certifying body for LGBT-owned businesses, announce they are extending their partnership to continue supporting economic opportunities and advancements for LGBTQ+ Americans and business owners across the country,” Anheuser-Busch said in a statement.

Sometimes you just have to just chill, let things ride, and hope the issue goes away. Even though the problem isn’t lesbians, gays, and bisexuals, this will be seen as tone deaf and rubbing people’s faces in it

(Newsweek) According to data by Bump Williams Consulting and Nielsen IQ, provided to Newsweek, in the week ending May 20, sales volume—the number of units of beer sold—declined 29.5 percent compared to the same period last year, while sales revenue was down 25.7 percent on the same week in 2022.

There are plenty of other beers out there. And they look like “dead man walking”

Read: Bud Light Decides To Keep Digging Their Hole »

Your Fault: Earth Is Really Quite Sick

The word went out for all the media outlets to publish their fearmongering. Remember when some Warmists said “please stop with the doom and gloom, it isn’t helping”? Yeah, most cultists ignore that, so you get things like

Why won’t you just give up your money, life choices, and freedom to government already

Earth is ‘really quite sick now’ and in danger zone in nearly all ecological ways, study says

Earth has pushed past seven out of eight scientifically established safety limits and into “the danger zone,” not just for an overheating planet that’s losing its natural areas, but for the well-being of people living on it, according to a new study.

The study looks not just at guardrails for the planetary ecosystem but for the first time it includes measures of “justice,” which is mostly about preventing harm for countries, ethnicities and genders.

The study by the international scientist group Earth Commission published in Wednesday’s journal Nature looks at climate, air pollution, phosphorus and nitrogen contamination of water from fertilizer overuse, groundwater supplies, fresh surface water, the unbuilt natural environment and the overall natural and human-built environment. Only air pollution wasn’t quite at the danger point globally.

The first link about identifying is the actual Nature article, heavily paywalled. You’d think if it was just so darned important they’d make it available to everyone. You’d also think that if this was about science they would not be including a non-scientific notion of “justice”, which is incredibly arbitrary in this manner.

The study found “hotspots” of problem areas throughout Eastern Europe, South Asia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, parts of Africa and much of Brazil, Mexico, China and some of the U.S. West — much of it from climate change. About two-thirds of Earth don’t meet the criteria for freshwater safety, scientists said as an example.

Clean water is an entirely separate issue from ‘climate change’, and it causes quite a bit of harm to the environmental movement when environmental issues are linked to climate doom, or placed under the climate banner.

“We are in a danger zone for most of the Earth system boundaries,” said study co-author Kristie Ebi, a professor of climate and public health at the University of Washington.

If planet Earth just got an annual checkup, similar to a person’s physical, “our doctor would say that the Earth is really quite sick right now and it is sick in terms of many different areas or systems and this sickness is also affecting the people living on Earth,” Earth Commission co-chair Joyeeta Gupta, a professor of environment at the University of Amsterdam, said at a press conference.

Read: Your Fault: Earth Is Really Quite Sick »

Pirate's Cove