Your Fault: Remaining Calm About Climate Crisis (scam) Will Doom Us All

There have been some climate cultists who have stated that all the fearmongering needs to stop, since it really doesn’t help. Other than those heavily into the climate cult, does it bring anyone into the cult? Does it sway them? Motivate them? Or do the base level Warmists and non-Warmists think these people are as wacko as the ancient aliens folks, the 9/11 Truthers, and Scientologists? Warmists will never give up their fearmongering, even as it makes Warmists wacko

Remaining “Calm” About Climate Change Will Kill Us

The “calm down” set fancy themselves as professional and sober-minded, a tasteful levee protecting the marvel of our civilization from the uninformed and hysterical masses.

The “calm down” person’s business is the business as usual.

They defend the status quo with a practiced rueful resignation: “Believe me, I wish things were different too, but it’s just the way things are.” Only “the way things are” is on an historic and murderous losing streak.

This line of wackadoodle continues on for quite a bit, and, it’s not just going after Skeptics, but, Warmists who refuse to dive deep into the climate cult, like Scientology members buying the books, paying to move up, and disconnecting from their friends and family. Or drinking the Koolaid in Jonestown

A world climate plan that after hundreds of forums, treaties, and “net-zero pledges” still saw emissions reach their highest levels ever this past year?

Yet, the computer models which predict doom for these emissions do not accord with the actual minor trajectory of warming, which is nothing abnormal for a Holocene warm period.

“A troubling look into our climate future.” The “calm down” expert intones vague ideas of a three-part series and maybe an award comes to mind.

“But it’s all happening right now,” you say, scratching your head with an almost manic fervency.

“It’s happened before. Winter tornados, El Niño, droughts. Let’s not overreact,” he says or posts or op-edifies. “Calm down.”

And it is then that you realize this perfectly smooth stone of a person will kill us all.

So, give up your money and freedom or we all die.

Read: Your Fault: Remaining Calm About Climate Crisis (scam) Will Doom Us All »

What Does SCOTUS Decision On Affirmative Action Mean For Workplaces?

Boy howdy, the USA Today was ready to start spreading the subject out toot sweet

Supreme Court just reversed affirmative action. What that means for workplace diversity.

For years, Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, has crusaded for stakeholder capitalism, the idea that business leaders should value the well-being of people and the planet along with the interests of shareholders.

These “woke” beliefs – Salesforce offered to relocate employees concerned about being able to get an abortion in Texas, stopped selling software to retailers that stock military-style rifles and Benioff spoke out against Georgia and North Carolina for passing laws that would allow LGBTQ+  discrimination – have gotten this activist CEO in hot water with conservatives who say he’s sacrificing profits for politics.

But Benioff hasn’t backed off. Last fall, Salesforce sided with Harvard University and the University of North Carolina in a pair of cases before the Supreme Court challenging the practice of considering race in admissions to build diversity on college campuses.

In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the high court on Thursday struck down affirmative action in college admissions.

The decision is limited to higher education and won’t directly affect employers like Salesforce, which are governed by a different statute. But the ripple effects from the ruling could come quickly, starting with a decline in college graduates from underrepresented backgrounds, meaning the loss of “a pipeline of highly qualified future workers and business leaders,” companies from Google to General Electric warned the Supreme Court.

That seems rather…..racist. Liberals really do think that minorities, mostly meaning blacks and Latinos, because they couldn’t care less about Asians, since that’s what brought on the suit and decision, cannot succeed without discriminatory policies that put them in line for college. Here’s a question: if they are highly qualified future workers and business leaders, then why would they need to be given special consideration for education? Why can they not earn it? And, if liberals would stop thinking that blacks and Latinos, and, especially blacks, aren’t capable, they would be forced to compete.

In reality, schools will graduate the same number of people, and, if people can compete they will. It will be based on capabilities, forcing the kids to work hard and learn. If people cannot compete, they shouldn’t be considered qualified. And, now maybe Democrats will stop telling blacks that they cannot succeed without Government.

It’s nice to see the Supreme Court say it was wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color or ethnicity. They effectually said racism is wrong. Good for them and us. People will be treated according to their individual merits.Now, if only Benioff, a white male, would put his beliefs into practice and step down, giving his position to a minority. Because, you know liberals love affirmative action as long as it doesn’t mess with their own positions, be it college or the workplace.

Read: What Does SCOTUS Decision On Affirmative Action Mean For Workplaces? »

If All You See…


The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post stating to know thine enemy.

Whoops, forgot to hit post earlier. My bad

Read: If All You See… »

Buried: 60% Of Americans Are Against (Forced) Phasing Out Fossil Fueled Vehicles

Pew Research and Warmists are super excited about some of the results of this poll

Majorities of Americans Prioritize Renewable Energy, Back Steps to Address Climate Change

A new Pew Research Center survey finds large shares of Americans support the United States taking steps to address global climate change and back an energy landscape that prioritizes renewable sources like wind and solar. At the same time, the findings illustrate ongoing public reluctance to make sweeping changes to American life to cut carbon emissions. Most Americans oppose ending the production of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 and there’s limited support for steps like eliminating gas lines from new buildings.

This report comes about a year after the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act introduced policies and incentives meant to dramatically reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels, a signature part of the Biden administration’s efforts on climate change. The survey takes stock of how Americans feel about related questions on climate, energy and environmental policy, including proposed changes to how Americans power their homes and cars and what to do about the impacts communities face from extreme weather.

The Pew Research Center survey of 10,329 U.S. adults conducted May 30 to June 4, 2023, finds:

74% of Americans say they support the country’s participation in international efforts to reduce the effects of climate change.

67% of U.S. adults prioritize the development of alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and hydrogen power over increasing the production of fossil fuel energy sources.

By sizable margins, Americans support a number of specific policy proposals aimed at reducing the effects of climate change through targeting greenhouse gas emissions and carbon in the atmosphere:

Look, I’ve written numerous times that I’m just fine with alternatives, as long as they are dependable and affordable, and would very much support 5th and 6th generation nuclear. If they want to replace coal and gas (again, I’m not a fan of coal and gas, and it has everything to do with real environmental concerns, not CO2), the replacements have to make financial senses. But, way down

Only 31% of Americans currently support phasing out the use of fossil fuel energy sources altogether. Another 32% say the U.S. should eventually stop using fossil fuels, but don’t believe the country is ready now. And 35% think the U.S. should never stop using fossil fuels to meet its energy needs.

Less than half of the public (40%) favors phasing out the production of gas-powered cars and trucks. Support for this policy is 7 percentage points lower than it was two years ago. And underscoring the strong feelings big changes to American life can engender, 45% say they would feel upset if gas-powered cars were phased out; fewer than half as many (21%) would feel excited.

I’m fine with phasing out fossil fuels eventually. The interesting part is fewer people want to phase out gas powered cars and trucks, because 2 years ago it was more about being in theory, now they’re seeing it in practice, and they do not want this for themselves. Heck, even among Democrats 51% are against a full phase out of fossil fuels

Overall, 45% of Americans say the Biden administration’s policies on climate change are taking the country in the right direction, while slightly more (50%) say they have the country headed in the wrong direction. This overall rating reflects a sharp partisan divide: 76% of Democrats see President Joe Biden’s climate policies as heading in the right direction; by contrast, 82% of Republicans say they’re taking the country in the wrong direction.

I’d like to know who the 24% of Republicans who approve of Biden are. They’re morons, of course.

What’s truly missing are questions on what people will do themselves, what they’re willing to do. There is one on purchasing an EV, where, when it comes to “not at all likely” it has gone up 5 points from 2021, from 23% to 28%. And fewer who are “somewhat likely.” Most are not interesting in installing solar panels, heatpumps, or replacing a gas water heater or stove.

The very first question asked is “Do you favor or oppose EXPANDING each of the following sources of energy in our country?” There really should be a question “Do you favor or oppose EXPANDING each of the following sources of energy near where you live?” Also, “how much are you willing to spend of your own money to expand alternatives?”

Read: Buried: 60% Of Americans Are Against (Forced) Phasing Out Fossil Fueled Vehicles »

GOP Oversight Committee Gives Brandon Two Weeks To Say How Many Illegals He’s Freed

The problem with any demand for information is there needs to be a threat as to what happens if the information is not provided. Penalties, punishments

House Oversight Republicans Give Biden Two Weeks to Disclose How Many Illegal Aliens DHS Has Freed into U.S.

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee, led by Reps. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) and James Comer (R-KY), have given President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas two weeks to disclose the number of illegal aliens the agency has released directly into American communities through its massive parole pipeline.

When Biden took office in late January 2021, he blew open the use of the nation’s parole authority that allows foreign nationals to enter the United States on a very limited, case-by-case basis.

House Oversight Republicans, in a letter dated June 23, have told Mayorkas he has until July 7, approximately two weeks, to disclose the total number of illegal aliens DHS has released into American communities under his watch. The Republicans write: (snip through that)

In particular, the Republicans ask Mayorkas to hand over “all documents and communications containing any numerical accounting” of illegal aliens given parole to enter the U.S. through Biden’s migrant mobile app, as well as those who crossed in between Ports of Entry.

So, they want all types of documents, but, can you guess what’s missing from the full letter? There’s not even a threat as to what happens if DHS refuses to provide the documents. Perhaps this is the way D.C. works, but, come July 7th and the documents are either light or DHS didn’t even bother, what do the Republicans do? Historically, not much. We’ll be lucky if there’s a small hearing, at which Democrats will bloviate and call Republicans names and such. We’ve seen it before. There are too many get along go along. They’re the guard dog which lies down to get its belly rubbed by the burglers.

From January 2021 to February 2023, it is estimated that Biden’s DHS has released more than 880,000 illegal aliens into the U.S. interior via the agency’s parole pipeline at the border. The estimate, though, is not a definitive figure as DHS actively buries such data.

I have little confidence they’ll get the data. DHS will not provide it, the GOP will call Mayorkas to a hearing, Mayorkas will yammer and bloviate and say he does not have the numbers, and Republicans will thunder and bloviate and let him off the hook, rather than saying something like “OK, here’s a phone, call someone right now. We’ll wait.” Or, better yet, threaten to hold him in contempt prior to the hearing if he fails to have the required information. I have little trust in the GOP Elites. How long is it taking the investigations of Hunter and Joe?

Read: GOP Oversight Committee Gives Brandon Two Weeks To Say How Many Illegals He’s Freed »

Surprise: Heavier EVs Will Damage Roads Twice As Much As Gas Vehicles

Obviously, the Warmist solution is for Other People to be restricted from driving any privately owned vehicle

Pothole damage from electric cars is double that of petrol, Telegraph data show

Electric cars damage roads twice as much as their petrol equivalents, analysis has shown, as the pothole crisis grows on Britain’s roads.

Analysis by The Telegraph has found that the average electric car more than doubles the wear on road surfaces, which in turn could increase the number of potholes.

The country is suffering from a pothole crisis, with half as many filled last year compared to a decade ago amid an estimated £12 billion price tag to fill them all.

Road industry bodies have raised fears that electric cars could exacerbate the problem on residential roads. The number of electric cars being driven has tripled to 900,000 since 2019 ahead of the Government’s 2030 ban on sales of new petrol and diesel cars as part of its net zero drive.

I really should have started keeping a list of all the problems from EVs, such as higher risk of fires that are difficult to put out, higher insurance rates, needing special fire trucks to put out their fires, the danger in parking decks from their much heavier weight and from fires, danger from accidents due to their higher mass, and so on.

Study: Here are the 10 fastest, and 10 slowest, states for adopting EVs

Electric vehicle adoption is and will continue to be a hot-button issue, both politically and economically, as the automotive world shifts to a new reality. That said, the changeover to electric vehicles won’t happen quickly, even with tantalizing government incentives and an array of new electric models. iSeeCars recently released a study on the growth of EV adoption over the past five years and found that buyers in some states are picking up more EVs while growth in other states has slowed.

Remember, much of this is being forced on consumers. The 10 fastest states, from highest, are Maryland, Virginia, North Dakota, Arkansas, Wyoming, Louisiana, New Jersey, Colorado, West Virginia, and Alaska. A very interesting list, eh? You wouldn’t expect some to be on there. How about the bottom 10 (the numbers are in growth over the past 5 years

  • Georgia: 70%
  • Michigan: 67.2%
  • Kansas: 65.3%
  • South Carolina: 64.1%
  • Washington: 63.6%
  • California: 63.5%
  • Vermont: 53.1%
  • New Mexico: 53.1%
  • Oregon: 47.8%
  • Hawaii: 43.7%

Of course, they want to make Excuses, but, really, you have Washington, California, Vermont, Oregon, and Hawaii being massive climate cult states which constantly climavirtue signal.

Read: Surprise: Heavier EVs Will Damage Roads Twice As Much As Gas Vehicles »

Bud Light Hits Point Of Giving Away Free Beer

Maybe stop calling attention to the problem?

Bud Light offers $15 beer rebates for Fourth of July weekend amid boycott, declining sales

As the Fourth of July weekend rolls in, Bud Light is offering a rebate of up to $15 on purchases of a 15-pack of Budweiser, Bud Light, Budweiser Select or Budweiser Select 55. And in places where a 15-packs sells for less than $15, the beer could be practically free.

Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch, offered the same promotion over Memorial Day weekend.

The rebate applies to purchases of up to $15 that are made between June 15 and July 8 and will be offered via a prepaid digital card. Customers can redeem rebates on the Bud Light websiteRules vary by state.

It won’t help.

The company introduced a new television commercial “Easy to Summer,” set to the soundtrack of “Good Times,” the 1979 hit by Chic. Social and digital content will feature famous NFL players like Travis Kelce, George Kittle and Dak Prescott, and Tyler Braden and Seaforth will headline a national summer music tour, the Bud Light Backyard tour.

Really, this means that AB will be losing money on every can that it sells during this promotion. The retailers bought it at wholesale prices. The retailers make their profit. Bud Light is giving a rebate of more than the wholesale price that it got. This is a way for Bud Light to try to get rid of all of the excess inventory of its retailers and itself. Desperation move. The shareholders should be very happy about that. And adding these stars won’t help. And it could hurt them, especially Braden.

(Fox News) Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth declined to say if he would allow Bud Light’s disastrous promotion with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney to happen again, in hindsight, despite ongoing backlash.

“It’s been a challenging few weeks. I think the conversation surrounding Bud Light has moved away from beer, and the conversation has become divisive. And Bud Light really doesn’t belong there. Bud Light should be all about bringing people together. And there’s an impact on the business, and I think that’s publicly covered on Bud Light specifically,” Whitworth said Wednesday on “CBS Mornings.”

This is one of those “between a rock and a hard place” interviews, where he can end up annoying the core consumers and then extreme rainbow alphabet folks (do they buy AB products?). The best thing to have done was lay low and hope it blows over, because all this just keeps it going.

Read: Bud Light Hits Point Of Giving Away Free Beer »

EU Looks To Block The Sun Or Something

What could possibly go wrong, and how much will it cost, and then how much will it cost to fix what they tried to fix?

European Union to look into blocking sun’s rays to combat climate change: Report

The European Union is set to look into blocking rays from the sun as a possible option to combat climate change, according to a report.

According to Bloomberg News, the European Union on Wednesday will announce a framework for assessing possible security implications of climate change, which includes a study regarding the possible dangers of re-engineering the atmosphere itself.

“These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raises a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues,” a document obtained by Bloomberg states.

The technology, described as solar radiation modification, will be studied by the EU.

“The EU will support international efforts to assess comprehensively the risks and uncertainties of climate interventions, including solar radiation modification,” the document states.

Look, I’m a big reader of science fiction, over half of what I read, maybe closer to 75% (the rest being horror, mostly zombies, some mystery, and some adventure), and this is the stuff of far in the future science fiction….wait, what’s that? It’s a scam, you say? The EU will give lots and lots of taxpayer money to groups to study this, come up with “plans”, and lots of donors and people engaged in climate cult Rightthink will make a bundle, and not a damned thing will happen? Huh.

Among the options to combat climate change that will be looked at are stratospheric aerosol injection, which would increase the atmospheric concentration of particles in order to reduce the overall sunlight which will reach the Earth’s surface.

That’s the beginning of a bad scifi movie, where they do this and Bad Things happen.

Read: EU Looks To Block The Sun Or Something »

If All You See…

…is lovely tea which will soon be destroyed by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is bluebird of bitterness, with a post on a ring toss.

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenconomy: 52% Say America Is Too Expensive To Live In

Wildly, there is not one mention of Biden policies making things worse, nor any mention of the Democrat/Biden legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, which doesn’t

Is the US getting too expensive to live in? Many Americans worry about economy, inflation

As Americans look ahead to another Independence Day and a likely contentious 2024 presidential election, many are feeling fiscal pain as the prices of food, shelter, healthcare and transportation climb higher than their paychecks. About 52% of Americans participating in a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll said the United States is too expensive to live in. And about seven in 10 Americans said stifling inflation and the economy are the nation’s top problems today, according to a new Pew Center survey. A majority across age, gender and race told Pew inflation is “a very big problem.”

“Their spending power has been minimized,” said Gene Ludwig, former head Comptroller of the Currency, a  U.S. Treasury Department bureau.

What’s America’s economic state? Frustrating and uncertain. The typical American household spends about $768 more on monthly purchasing goods and services these days compared to 2020 because of high inflation, Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, said.

Meanwhile, as the United States skirts a recession, Zandi said some Americans seeking relief are also dipping into their savings for survival. Around 25 million Americans are behind on their credit card, auto loan or personal loan payments, according to a recent Moody’s/Equifax data analysis. Also, the delinquency rate for bank credit cards was 3.27% in May, nearly two points higher than in 2021, Zandi said.

Darned that Donald Trump and all his policies that do not focus on inflation

Zandi’s theories echo a Brookings study this month by former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernake and former International Money Fund chief economist Olivier Blanchard titled, “What Caused the U.S. Pandemic-Era Inflation?”

They wrote the Fed and many forecasters didn’t expect “mismatches” of a strong job market while the interest rate spiked. “Together, these shocks to prices given wages would prove to be the critical triggers of the rise in inflation,” the economists said. Bernake and Blanchard said lowering the current inflation rate of 4% to the Fed’s preferred 2% target requires a better balance.

Again, the root cause is China’s COVID19, which obviously messed up the supply chain badly, especially as mostly left wing governments here and around the world locked things down, picking and choosing what to lock down, and often picking poorly. Shutting down the auto industry, from the direct manufacturers to all those who supply the parts to those who ship them, was a Bad Idea. Shutting down food growers and suppliers. Those who supply wood and everything else to build housing. And more. You lived this, you know it.

The extreme spending, which sorta made sense through 2020, made zero sense in 2021. That was a bipartisan. Biden’s policies have mostly been the exact opposite of what should be done. The Credentialed Media really doesn’t want to talk about that

Nearly half of California residents are considering leaving the state, a poll finds. Many cite the cost of living as the main reason why.

Most Californians love living in California, but many are also considering moving to another state.

A new statewide poll found 70% of respondents expressed high levels of happiness with living in California and applaud the state for its diversity. But 4 in 10 Californians are considering moving out of state, with the majority saying it’s too expensive to live in the state.

California has had three consecutive years of population declines, according to U.S. Census data.

Only 29% of Californians reported feeling satisfied with the economy, which is down from 41% at the beginning of 2020. Nearly half also noted that they get by, but struggle to save money or pay for unexpected expenses. Over a quarter of respondents reported struggling to make ends meet.

Well, I hope there are no Democrats in that 4 in 10. They voted for this, so, they should love it, right?

Read: Bidenconomy: 52% Say America Is Too Expensive To Live In »

Pirate's Cove