Your Fault: Risk For Hurricanes Moving Further Inland Or Something

This couldn’t possibly have anything to do with nature, and what happens during a Holocene warm period, could it? Are the researchers comparing now to previous warm periods? Because that would be rather necessary to do Proper Science

Climate change is moving hurricane risks further inland

The Atlantic hurricane season starts on June 1, but you don’t have to be on the coast to be in the path of dangerous winds and flooding.

Researchers say climate change and rapid development are moving danger zones farther inland, putting more people in harm’s way.

This is troubling news for the many North Carolinians still reeling from the impact from Hurricane Florence in 2018. That storm dropped over three feet of rain – the state’s wettest hurricane.

The behavior of tropical systems is changing due to climate change. Now they are producing more rain, moving slower, and lasting longer over land.

And? Nature happens

As temperatures rise, warmer air molecules carry around more water vapor, causing more potential rainfall and increasing the chance of inland flooding.

The North and South poles are also getting warmer, and the pressure differences between the poles and tropical systems is now smaller, slowing down the steering currents that push these tropical systems along.

A recent study shows that tropical systems have slowed down by 10% in the past 75 years.

Another study shows that tropical systems are lasting longer over land. Fifty years ago, a typical tropical system would have lost more than three-quarters of its intensity in the first 24 hours of landfall. Now, it would only lose half.

How does this compare to the Medieval and Roman warm periods? Can we also look at the behavior during the Little Ice Age and Dark Ages? No? We’re just supposed to take it on faith, and do as the climate cult tells us? Interestingly, the article provides zero links to this new study. Just take it on faith and give your money, liberty, and life choices to government.

Read: Your Fault: Risk For Hurricanes Moving Further Inland Or Something »

If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be really expensive due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Texas continuing to bus illegals to sanctuary cities.

Read: If All You See… »

Credentialed Media Is Losing Minds After Target Removes LGBT Material

And they are pretty much getting it wrong

Target is being held hostage by an anti-LGBTQ campaign

During every Pride Month in June for the past decade, Target has sold merchandise for LGBTQ customers, employees and allies. But this year, Target faced an anti-LGBTQ campaign that went viral on social media.

Fueled by far-right personalities and on social media platforms, the anti-trans campaign spread misleading information about the company’s Pride Month products and its business practices.

Hurting brands’ sales and reputations was the stated goal of the campaign: “The goal is to make ‘pride’ toxic for brands,” said right-wing commentator Matt Walsh on Twitter. “If they decide to shove this garbage in our face, they should know that they’ll pay a price. It won’t be worth whatever they think they’ll gain.”

The campaign became hostile, with threats levied against Target employees and instances of damaged products and displays in stores.

That effectively held Target hostage: The company was forced to make an impossible choice to either safeguard its employees and stores or continue to support customers who wanted to buy the products it was selling.

Weirdly, no one really can state specific instances of threats of violence or damage. Where are the videos? Anyhow, that’s how most of the articles go, when the whole issue came to light when someone noticed all the trans material, especially “tuck friendly” swimwear for children, which the media is now claiming was only for adults.

There are also lots of trans clothing, including ones with slogans, for children. The displays aren’t really about celebrating gays and lesbians for pride month (I noticed a similar display for black history month at the Knightdale Target the other month, didn’t think much of it), but, the gender confused. I must have missed the same type of displays for Latino and Asian months.

The media is also complaining this is most just the South. If so, then why

Target shares hit amid Pride merchandising controversy

Target shareholders are feeling the backlash underway at the retailer as controversy swirls over its Pride merchandising plans, as first reported by Fox News Digital.

Shares slipped 2.7% on Wednesday and have dropped more than 9% this month, with 6% of that decline this week alone, as tracked by Dow Jones Market Data Group. That amounts to $4.2 billon in market value.

Over the same time frame, the S&P 500 has dropped just over 1%.

Adding fuel to the fire, the retailer’s Gay Pride collection has been linked to a controversial designer: Abprallen’s Erik Carnell, who is an outspoken Satanist whose brand features occult imagery and messages like “Satan respects pronouns” on brand apparel, Fox News Digital reported separately.

These companies which go Woke never seem to pay attention to what happened to others. Patronizing a group, then turning the amp up to 11, never helps, especially when you’re annoying the rest of your target (sic) audience. Target would have been fine with the lesbian and gay stuff (do they really wear different stuff?), but, the gender confused, especially for kids, was just too far.

Read: Credentialed Media Is Losing Minds After Target Removes LGBT Material »

Climate Cult Is Looking For $23.2 Trillion From Fossil Fuels Companies

Of course, the Warmists who have been using fossil fuels and are mostly refusing to give up their own use of fossil fuels are exempt

The fossil fuel industry owes at least $23.2 trillion in reparations for climate change

A new study by the environmental research group One Earth estimates the world’s top fossil fuel companies have emitted around 36% of all global emissions since 1988. That amounts to 403,092 metric tons of CO2 emissions, based on the group’s 2023 analysis that builds on the Carbon Majors 2018 data set.

Have they emitted it themselves or just provided the fuel that runs the world that has created it?

The aim of the study is to provide, for the first time, a methodology to quantify the economic impacts of individual companies’ damage to the climate. Estimates for the reparations are conservative, as they do not take into account factors including lives and livelihoods lost, species extinction, and biodiversity loss.

The impacts disproportionately affect poorer regions: Oxfam estimates that carbon emissions of the world’s richest 1% is more than double the emissions of the poorest half of the world.

Global economic damages resulting from the climate crisis are projected to be $99 trillion between 2025 and 2050, and fossil fuel emissions are responsible for $69.6 trillion of that. Around one-third of that number rests on fossil fuel companies, amounting to $23.2 trillion, or $893 billion annually.

So, it’s basically a money grab. A shakedown. One that uses those poor folks as human shields, and, you know they wouldn’t really get the money. It would be siphoned off by government, lawyers, warlords in those 3rd world shitholes, and ‘climate change’ groups.

The top 21 fossil fuel-emitting companies owe $5.4 trillion, or $209 billion annually in reparations (excluding some companies such as those in Venezuela, which the study considers to be in too poor an economic situation to pay). Liability was also halved for producers in Russia, China, Mexico, Brazil and Iraq according to One Earth’s methodology.

Companies in countries that can afford to pay reparations include Saudi Arabia’s state-run oil and gas producer Saudi Aramco, which would owe the most at $43 billion annually, or about a quarter of its $161.1 billion profits in 2022.

In the US, ExxonMobil and Chevron would annually owe $18.4 billion and $12.8 billion respectively. ExxonMobil’s profits in 2022 alone were $56 billion, while Chevron made $35.5 billion in profits.

Yeah, well, good luck getting it. I’d believe this is real if the Warmists gave up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Cult Is Looking For $23.2 Trillion From Fossil Fuels Companies »

Biden Renews Call For Banning Scary Rifles From Peasant Hands

He made this pronouncement at 330pm Wednesday. What was he doing the rest of the day? He schedule doesn’t say. I guess it takes a while for the meds to kick in

Biden renews call for assault weapons ban a year after Uvalde massacre

President Joe Biden renewed his call for a ban on assault weapons as he and his wife Jill held a White House event on Wednesday to mourn the 21 victims shot dead at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, one year ago.

The May 24, 2022, massacre, in which an 18-year-old gunman opened fire with an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle inside Robb Elementary School, killing 19 children and two teachers, marked the deadliest U.S. school shooting in almost a decade.

The assault ended when police officers who had waited more than an hour to storm in and directly confront the gunman – even as children hiding inside repeatedly called emergency-911 for help – finally charged into the classroom and shot the suspect dead.

Law enforcement’s response to the Uvalde school attack has been widely viewed as disastrous.

Many people, including myself, are still wondering where he obtained the thousands and thousands of dollars needed for all that he purchased, and wonder why the ATF did nothing when alerted to all the quick purchases.

But, I’ll tell you what: let’s ban the Secret Service and all law enforcement and military who are tasked with protecting Biden, Harris, the White House, Congress, all the federal buildings, and all the appointed Executive Office leaders from carrying any of the weapons Biden wants banned, along with all the actual military grade ones which are automatic. They can only carry rifles with no pistol grips, no flash suppressors, no extendable stocks, no foregrips, and the magazines can only hold 5 rounds. That’s fair, right? If they can do this for 4 years, that we can try a 10 year ban for citizens, which would sunset.

It’s also weird that Biden has really had nothing to say about the wackjob who rammed the fence. You’d think, after all the yammering Biden has done about “white supremacy”, that he’d mention a guy with a Nazi flag

Driver of U-Haul that rammed White House gate is not a U.S. citizen, prosecutors say

The man accused of ramming a U-Haul truck into barriers near the White House earlier this week isn’t a U.S. citizen, authorities said Wednesday.

Sai Varshith Kandula, a 19-year-old from suburban St. Louis, wore an orange jail-issued jumpsuit in his brief courtroom appearance — his first since the Monday incident — when prosecutors requested pre-trial detention.

A government prosecutor told the court that Kandula is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident.

But later on Wednesday, a Department of Justice official clarified the open-court remarks and said Kandula does hold a green card for lawful, permanent U.S. residency.

And, suddenly, the government is clamming up about him. It’s thought that he is most likely from the nation of India, based on his links to that community. Some are wondering if part of any plea deal will be simply deportation. What’s the Vegas odds that he’ll be deported before he even goes to court? Heck, quietly deported by the end of Monday, being a holiday weekend? If so, we’ll know the fix is in.

Read: Biden Renews Call For Banning Scary Rifles From Peasant Hands »

Teen Vogue Wonders What Americans Will Give Up To Stop Climate Doom

I have a few ideas for the kiddies that supposedly read this loony tunes outlet

Will Americans Change Their Daily Lives to Acknowledge Climate Change?
This op-ed asks when Americans will be willing to make personal sacrifices for the climate.

What are you willing to give up to offset the impacts of climate change? It’s a question that should keep us all up at night, and it’s one that could depend as much on our nationality as our individual personality.

I’m not willing to give up anything, nor are most people in practice. I don’t lose a minute of sleep

In many ways, the European Union, where I currently live, has taken a leading role on answering this question — in stark contrast to how the United States has reacted. Last month, the European Commission approved what could be a precedent-setting decision from France. The country opted to ban flights between cities that could be reached by train in less than two and a half hours. In the US, that might eliminate plane journeys between major cities like Philadelphia and Washington, DC. The move was actually first proposed by a citizen assembly looking for ways to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

You live in Europe, so, mind your own f’ing business. Also, remember that private jets for the Elite in France are OK, but, not commercial for the peasants. Perhaps Elizabeth Djinis should ask Biden when he will stop taking fossil fueled flights from D.C. to Delaware. He could drive there in an hour and a half.

Still, the idea of actually forcing consumers’ hand on transit might strike Americans as a regulation that would never work in our country. After all, this is a country that bailed out airlines almost immediately during the pandemic to the tune of more than $50 billion. When it comes to saving corporations, we move fast. When it comes to saving the planet, not so much. While Europe was cementing its Green New Deal plan last summer, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court was issuing a ruling that hampered the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Pray tell, who would be doing the forcing? I love when the Cult of Climastrology shows their hand.

So, it’s not that we don’t care. One major impediment is the way the United States views climate as a partisan issue. In fact, in a survey of 13 countries on 5 continents, the United States had the biggest ideological divide when it came to climate action, according to a 2022 Politico Morning Consult Global Sustainability poll. About 97% of left-leaning voters were concerned about climate change compared to only 51% of those on the right. About 64% of Democrats said the US government was doing too little on climate change, according to the same poll, whereas only 26% of Republicans agreed with that statement.

In other words, you aren’t allowed to have an opinion, you must conform to the climate cult’s dogma and demands. Even though almost no Warmist practices what they preach.

There’s also the fact that America has another value that runs contrary to acting on climate at all — that of personal liberty. Just think of the protests and disputes that broke out across the country when masks were mandated in schools and certain public areas throughout the pandemic. A study of various countries, including Australia, Canada, China, India, and France, showed that the United States was the country second most likely—after Japan—to be unwilling to sacrifice their own rights for public health.

Yes, personal liberty is anathema to the climate cult.

When it comes to climate, Americans seem a little more amenable to the idea of changing their daily lives. A 2021 CBS News poll showed that 58% of Americans said people should do things to shape and change the climate crisis rather than simply learn to adapt and make the best of it. Then again, when asked whether they would pay higher taxes to help stop climate change, 65% said no.

Yet, Warmists do not change their lives. Because saying they’re willing to do so is theoretical, not in practice. I say I should give up bread and ice cream to lose weight. In practice, that ain’t happening.

Our approach to the climate crisis has to be a combination of everything, and there’s no question that corporations must be held accountable. But we live on a planet that needs saving from the very beings who inhabit it. The time has passed to put our own comforts above the mortality of the place we call home.

Or, and I write this respectfully, you can go fuck yourself and mind your own business, Adolph.

Read: Teen Vogue Wonders What Americans Will Give Up To Stop Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is a giant pipe meant to direct the massive floods from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Biden considering an anti-Semite for ambassador to Israel.

Read: If All You See… »

Guy Who Slowly Drove Into White House Barrier Wanted To Kill Biden, Seize Power

Hey, listen, I’m am really not a conspiracy theory guy. If you start talking 9/11 Truth, I’m walking away or blocking you. Afghanistan and Iraq were not about stealing the oil. Jews do not control the world. Roswell was not aliens. Some things, though, make you think

So the guy slow crashed, got caught immediately, just happened to have a Nazi flag back there, which investigators then spread out in contradiction of the way you handle a crime scene, and we’re supposed to think this is all above board? And within minutes we’re getting every bit of information?

Driver who crashed near White House told officials he was prepared to kill Biden and ‘seize power’

The 19-year-old Missouri man accused of deliberately driving a rented box truck into a White House barrier allegedly told authorities that he admires Nazis and wanted to “seize power” and “kill the president,” court documents released Tuesday show.

Sai Varshith Kandula, of Chesterfield, Missouri, rented the U-Haul truck Monday night immediately after flying from St. Louis to Dulles International Airport on a one-way ticket, a Secret Service agent said in a statement of facts filed in federal district court in Washington D.C.

The statement was included with a criminal complaint charging Kandula with depredation of property of the United States in excess of $1,000.

Around 9:35 p.m., he drove the vehicle onto a sidewalk outside the White House and into a metal barrier just north of the White House, according to the document.

Kandula put the truck in reverse and crashed into the barrier a second time before United States Park Police officers took him into custody, the documents state.

And, this guy who is definitely not white is a big supporter of Hitler

When Secret Service agents asked Kandula about a flag with a swastika he removed from a backpack, he allegedly said he’d bought it online because Nazis “have a great history,” according to the court document.

He allegedly said he “admires their ‘authoritarian nature, Eugenics, and their one world order,'” the document states, adding that Kandula identified Hitler as a “strong leader” he admires.

Kandula allegedly told authorities he had been planning the attack for six months and detailed the plans in a “green book,” the document states.

He “stated his goal was to ‘get into the White House, seize power, and be put in charge of the nation,'” the document states. “When agents asked how KANDULA would seize power, he stated he would ‘Kill the President if that’s what I have to do and would hurt anyone that would stand in my way.'”

Planning for 6 months to kill Biden and seize power, barely took the paint off the barriers, got jammed on curb, surrendered quietly, and mostly just had a Nazi flag in the back? Really? We’re supposed to believe this garbage?

Let’s see that green book. Meanwhile, we still do not know what the manifesto for the Nashville shooter says. Weirdly, the authorities do not want to release it.

Read: Guy Who Slowly Drove Into White House Barrier Wanted To Kill Biden, Seize Power »

Totally Not A Cult Members Pour Mud On Selves To Highlight Flooding Or Something

Mental illness abounds

From the link

A pair of bare-chested protesters smeared themselves with mud outside the Senate building in Rome on Tuesday to protest fossil fuel use and remind people of the dangers of flooding linked to climate change.

Police quickly removed the two. Since last year, an activist group called Last Generation has staged numerous attention-grabbing events in Italy, including pouring black liquid in the Trevi Fountain in Rome and gluing themselves to the glass protecting the Botticelli masterpiece “Spring” in the Uffizi Galleries in Florence, to highlight the harm that fossil fuels cause to the environment and its role in global warming.

The activists used mud to remind people of last week’s severe flooding in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, where 21 rivers overran their banks and hundreds of mudslides were triggered by a heavy concentration of downpours on rain-parched land.

Italy has a history of floods, being that it’s a rather mountainous nation, especially the north, and receives rain. Said rain runs down. Fast. There’s no need to invoke witchcraft. But, some people are simply indoctrinated and nuts. And, really, lots of these youts are looking for something to protest, a Cause, but, it’s fashionable, they do not really have to do something difficult nor change their lives.

Read: Totally Not A Cult Members Pour Mud On Selves To Highlight Flooding Or Something »

Tampa Pride Cancels Drag Show As It Might Expose Children To Sexually Explicit Material

Why would they have to cancel the show if all they’re doing is providing some family entertainment?

Tampa Pride Festival Canceled After Florida Cuts Off Access to Children

The Tampa Pride on the River event has been canceled due to the series of anti-groomer bills passed by the Florida legislature and signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), which in part imposes penalties on establishments that expose children to sexually explicit drag shows and similar adult performances.

DeSantis recently signed a series of anti-groomer legislation designed to protect children from the radical left’s woke gender agenda, which includes pushing transgender ideology and gender confusion on minors. One of the pieces of legislation signed is titled the “Protection of Children,” or HB 1438, which imposes fines on establishments that allow children to attend sexually explicit adult shows, such as drag shows.

“We’re going to hold you accountable. … When you have adult entertainment, you have these sexually explicit performances, there should not be any of these kids there. And this is going to make sure that that’s the case,” DeSantis said ahead of signing the bill into law.

As a result, Tampa Pride President Carrie West recently told outlets that their festival has been canceled, apologizing for the series of events that led to that decision, as there would be drag queens performing at the public event, which children would be easily exposed to as last year’s event occurred along the river walk. As a result, participating businesses could face penalties.

“Lot of famous Ru Paul drag queens that come in for the event,” West said, according to WFLA. “People come flying in for that event just to see the famous drag queens.”

From that WFLA link we see

Unlike Tampa Pride’s parade in March, West said drag queens perform in the open at the festival, which could be a violation of the new law.

“Very sad,” said West. “Because this was a very fun event. People already, they’ve been talking about it, they’ve been making plans to come to Tampa, fly to Tampa, drive to Tampa.”

If there were no problems, then why cancel? If the kids are not going to be subjected to what one sees at a strip club, why cancel? That they did shows the lie in their propaganda, that this is a sleazy, adult show rife with nudity and filth. Which is fine if it’s in a private venue with no minors allow.

Read: Tampa Pride Cancels Drag Show As It Might Expose Children To Sexually Explicit Material »

Pirate's Cove