Climate Today: Concerts, Private Jets, $8 Million Grants

Who’s excited for yet another “global concert” to spread awareness about ‘climate change’?

Lenny Kravitz, Billie Eilish set for Global Citizen’s ‘Power Our Planet’ show for climate financing

Music superstars Lenny Kravitz, Billie Eilish and H.E.R. will team with advocacy nonprofit Global Citizen for a free concert in front of the Eiffel Tower designed to convince world leaders to take further action against climate change.

“Power Our Planet: Live in Paris” is set for June 22 to coincide with the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact, a gathering of the world’s political and business leaders to help developing nations finance sustainability projects.

Global Citizen CEO Hugh Evans says the summit is an opportunity for governments and global banks to collaborate to jump start climate projects stalled by the COVID-19 pandemic. He hopes “Power Our Planet” will encourage leaders to take advantage of that opportunity and provide the $16.7 billion in outstanding climate financing promised in 2009 to lower-income countries. He is also seeking to advance reforms at the World Bank to make up to $1 trillion in additional financing available.

If these projects are so great then why aren’t banks dumping their own money into them? Why is it necessary for “superstars” to take long fossil fueled trips to participate in concerts where people take lots of fossil fueled travel to attend?

France Bans Short-Haul Flights: Decrees Travelers Must Catch a Train Instead

The French government published a decree Tuesday banning domestic commercial airline flights for journeys possible in less than two-and-a-half hours by train.

AFP reports although the move was first included in a 2021 climate law and applied in practice, the Union of French Airports (UAF) as well as the European branch of the Airports Council International (ACI Europe) sought European Commission action to investigate whether it was legal.

It has now been passed into law.

The legislation does specify train services on the same route must be frequent, timely and well-connected enough to meet the needs of passengers who would otherwise travel by air — and able to absorb the increase in passenger numbers, according to AFP.

Here’s where it gets fun

No comparable decree for elite private jet travel on the same routes has yet been issued.

In other words, the Elites, including those passing the laws, can still take their private flights. Funny how this always only applies to the peasants.

Explosion of AP climate change stories following $8 million environmental grant

In the year following a grant of more than $8 million to the Associated Press from key climate change advocates, the news service has poured out at least 64 stories warning of environmental calamity, according to a new media study.

Media Research Center Business charted the stories and language used following the multimillion-dollar grant and found that AP also used over 500 environmental extremism buzzwords in the stories. (snip)

The MRC Business study authors wrote, “The so-called ‘journalism’ AP has been doing on climate involves behaving like the de facto mouthpiece for its major left-wing donors who have an obsession with pushing apocalyptic climate narratives on the internet.”

Funny how journalism is part of the climate cult. For a bunch of cash.

Read: Climate Today: Concerts, Private Jets, $8 Million Grants »

If All You See…

…is the ground drying up from too much carbon pollution drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on how well Biden’s doing at the G7.

Read: If All You See… »

Not Helping: Trump PAC Spends More Attacking DeSantis Than Backing Mid-Term Candidates

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s utterly unhelpful to attack fellow Republicans in such a hardcore manner. It can harm them for other races, and can diminish Republicans overall. Ronald Reagan had his 11th commandment “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican,” which originated with Gaylord Parkinson in the 1960’s, when he said “Henceforth, if any Republican has a grievance against another, that grievance is not to be bared publicly.”

Trump PAC Has Now Spent More Attacking DeSantis Than Backing GOP Midterm Candidates

Former president Donald Trump’s super PAC, MAGA Inc., has now spent more money on attack ads targeting Florida governor Ron DeSantis than it previously did on supporting Republican candidates in the 2022 midterms.

Trump, who is the current frontrunner in the 2024 presidential race, has launched a series of attacks against DeSantis, who is expected to enter the race this week. MAGA Inc. has spent $15.3 million attacking the Republican governor and just $1,500 on supporting Trump.

In the 2022 midterms, the PAC spent $15 million to support Republican candidates in the key swing states of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio and Nevada. Republicans lost Senate races in four out of those five states, with only Ohio Republican J.D. Vance securing a win.

A spokesperson for DeSantis said the figures make clear that Trump views DeSantis as a threat.

“These are the largest ongoing expenditures against a non-candidate in Republican primary history, and that’s all you need to know to draw the obvious conclusion: Governor DeSantis presents the best option for defeating Joe Biden,” DeSantis political team press secretary Bryan Griffin told National Review.

Trump forgets that the true enemy is the Biden and the Democratic Party, not fellow Republicans. You beat fellow Republicans with better policies and campaigning, not smears. What if DeSantis wins the primary? Trump will have diminished him in the eyes of the voters, making it harder to win, and the number one priority should be defeating Biden in 2024. You know Trump will attack all the other Republicans who have and will declare.

Pro-Trump ads attack DeSantis for policies Trump once also embraced

What’s unusual about the pro-Trump ads is that they attack DeSantis for policy positions that once enjoyed broad support within the Republican Party — so much so that Trump also embraced these same ideas.

In other words, these ads offer a template for President Biden to attack either Trump or DeSantis if either becomes the Republican presidential nominee.

Trump is hitting DeSantis on Social Security and Medicare reform, positions that Trump himself held.

Finally, the pro-Trump group repeatedly has attacked DeSantis for having expressed support for a “FairTax” system. As a member of Congress, DeSantis several times co-sponsored a bill that would implement a sweeping new tax system. (snip)

As far as we can tell, DeSantis has not backed away from his support of the idea, though he also appears not to have talked about it since he left Congress and became governor. But guess who also talked it up? That’s right, Trump, during the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Stop doing this. Attack Biden. Attack Democrats. They are the enemy. Yes, enemy. Democrats have long ago embraced the notion that Republicans are enemies, not opponents. Republicans need to understand this.

Read: Not Helping: Trump PAC Spends More Attacking DeSantis Than Backing Mid-Term Candidates »

Your Fault: Summer 2023 To Be Scorching Hot Or Something

How dare you! You could have given up your fossil fueled vehicle, ditched your gas powered stove, turned the AC up to 85 and heat down to 60, and give all your money and freedom to government, but, no, you just spread awareness

Scorching summer predicted across US with no areas forecast to be cooler than average

Summer 2023 is expected to be a scorcher for millions of Americans in the West, South and East, according to a long-range outlook issued by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC).

The forecast covers the three-month period of June, July and August, also known as meteorological summer.

Residents of the Southwest and southern Rockies have the highest likelihood of hotter-than-average temperatures this summer. However, the CPC also predicts a 50% or higher chance of above-average temperatures for a large area stretching from the Four Corners region through the Gulf Coast states and along the East Coast from Florida through Maine.

The odds of above-average temperatures fall below 50% from the West Coast to the northern and central Rockies to the mid-South to interior portions of the Southeast, mid-Atlantic and Northeast. However, a warmer-than-average summer is still favored in those regions.

According to the CPC, no areas in the U.S. are expected to have a cooler-than-average summer, but the northern and central Plains, Midwest and Great Lakes are predicted to see temperatures relatively close to average between June and August.

Of course, this is all due to the coming El Nino and ‘climate change’, and you know the climate cult will blame all the warmth solely on anthropogenic climate change if this happens. And, I just wonder, if this doesn’t happen, who loses their job? Who’s reputation is tarnished? Who pays the price?

Read: Your Fault: Summer 2023 To Be Scorching Hot Or Something »

NC Gov, Who Sent His Kids To Private School, Declares State Of Emergency Over School Choice Bill

Isn’t it funny how this kind of stuff works? Lots of moonbat Dems call for defunding the police, then hire private security or call for more police to protect themselves. Governors who sent their kids to expensive private schools are against the peasants having school choice

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declares ‘state of emergency’ over school choice bill

Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declared a “state of emergency” on Monday in an attempt to stop a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

Cooper released a video announcement where he declared a state of emergency, arguing that the state of public education is “no less important” than other emergencies.

“It’s time to declare a State of Emergency for public education in North Carolina. There’s no Executive Order like with a hurricane or the pandemic, but it’s no less important,” Cooper stated.

He continued, “It’s clear that the Republican legislature is aiming to choke the life out of public education. I’m declaring this state of emergency because you need to know what’s happening. If you care about public schools in North Carolina, it’s time to take immediate action and tell them to stop the damage that will set back our schools for a generation.”

Funny, you’d think he would think about the children first, but, no, he cares more about the unions who donate to Democrats, regardless of whether they are doing their jobs or not.

Let’s check WRAL

Rep. Tricia Cotham of Mecklenburg County, whose recent party switch from Democrat to Republican gave the GOP veto-proof seat majorities in both chambers, dismissed Cooper’s speech as “political theater.”

“The true emergency here is that the governor is advocating for systems rather than students themselves,” Cotham said in a statement. “Education is not one-size-fits-all, and North Carolina families should have the freedom to determine what kind of education is best for them.”

I’m totally shocked that they failed to mention where Cooper sent his kids to school. CBS17? Nope. Nor at ABC11. Nor the News and Observer. Totally oversights, right?

Read: NC Gov, Who Sent His Kids To Private School, Declares State Of Emergency Over School Choice Bill »

My Netflix Thoughts

I recently changed my T-Mobile plan, which gets Netflix free. I was excited, because it gives me another movie and show outlet, and I love watching movies. It’s the basic plan, which means only 720p, which I can live with. Only one stream at a time, I’m OK with that. No commercials. But, would it be worth $9.99 a month?

Not really.

I’m actually a bit underwhelmed by the amount of content. That could be due to me mostly watching horror, scifi/fantasy, and period pieces (mostly things from hundreds to thousands of years ago). And while there’s certainly some different stuff than on the other ones, it’s not that great. I thought there would be much, much more. And most is within this century, mostly from the last 10 years. A few that are older, but, not many.

One problem is that many of the shows and movies look fantastic, and then you realize they’re dubbed. The problem with dubbing is not so much that the words do not match lips, but, that the voices sound separate from what’s going on. It’s rather like someone doing karaoke: you know the voice and music are separate. Like listening to a 3.1 soundbar where the voice channel is overpowering the rest of the music and sound. Barbarians looked great, but, it’s in German.

Then there are the shows that are not complete. Cursed was exactly the type of show I would love. Except, there was no season 2 and will never be (partly due to COVID), and it ended in a cliffhanger. Nope.

Then there’s the interface, which is a pain to find things. It’s almost like you have to know what you’re looking for exactly and hope they have it. There is a good outside site, Just Watch, but, it shouldn’t be necessary to use it.

I had been, and still do, use Amazon Prime, Freevee, Tubi, and Pluto TV. They have massive libraries. Sure, a lot is crappola, but, you might find a gem that most do not like but you like. I’ve found a few of those. I find a ton of movies and shows (especially Freevee for those). I also pay for the basic Paramount Plus, which had been free for a year. It’s mostly about CBS shows, and I do love putting on Survivor and The Amazing Race, a lot of the time as background. They have a few good movies here and there, such as the new Dungeons and Dragons (good movie. Not great, but, a fun watch with zero woke, zero messages). Scream 6 (that was good). The Star Trek shows and Halo. I saw Top Gun: Maverick on it first. And Smile (it was Ok). It’s worth the money for me. Even with ads, which you get on Freevee, Tubi, and Pluto.

Then there’s Peacock. Is it worth $4.99, and deal with ads vs $9.99? It probably is, they come out with some movies from the theaters before others.

But, Netflix? If I had to pay $9.99 a month, I probably wouldn’t. I appreciate The Witcher, though a bit dark. Vikings Valhala, yes. Definitely going to watch The Last Kingdom movie, might even rewatch all 5 seasons. Some other stuff. I just expected more. Maybe it will surprise me in the future.

Read: My Netflix Thoughts »

Climate (scam) Czar John Kerry Thinks Farm Confiscation Is Fantastic

I linked this from The Lid (who links to The People’s Voice) in the Patriotic Pinup post yesterday, but, wanted to note something on it as well

John Kerry targets agriculture as part of climate crusade

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry warned Wednesday that the world can’t tackle climate change without first addressing the agriculture sector’s emissions.

Kerry lamented that agriculture production alone creates 33% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that reducing those emissions must be “front and center” in the quest to defeat global warming, during remarks Wednesday morning at the Department of Agriculture’s AIM for Climate Summit. The former secretary of state also touted so-called climate smart agriculture as a potential solution.

“A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world,” he said during his keynote address. “We can’t get to net-zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission.”

I wonder what the carbon footprint of Heinz is, with all the tomatoes, chili peppers, mustard, and various other things needed to make all their condiments? And the shipping. And a lot is made to put on animal products, like chicken, beef, turkey, and whateverthehell hot dogs are made of.

“Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we’ve been doing,” he continued. “With a growing population on the planet – we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world – emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century.”

Can we sue Kerry if this doesn’t happen? How does he expect people to eat? I bet he’s not missing any fancy meals. Let’s flip to the People’s Voice

Now, is Kerry proposing confiscation? Not explicitly, and maybe not at all, but, the people he’s working with and giving speeches at have been

Recently, the governing body of the European Union officially endorsed measures to compel farmers to vacate their lands as part of the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme, which categorizes farms as significant emitters of nitrogen.

Under the plan, farmers would be offered 120 percent of their farm’s value through a “buyout” program. However, those who decline this offer would face the risk of being forcibly removed from their land without any financial compensation.

And this really stems to lots of WEF meetings and such. I’ll wait for Kerry to eat bugs while flying on his private jet.

Read: Climate (scam) Czar John Kerry Thinks Farm Confiscation Is Fantastic »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, Evil, utterly no good for Other People fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on every voter in Nassau County, NY, being listed as a Democrat after a printing “error”.

Read: If All You See… »

Who Are The 33% Who Approve Of Biden’s Handling Of The Economy?

Would they be the ones who are profiting immensely from his clusterf*** of an administration? The ones who are simply brain-dead and brain-washed? The ones getting free money and stuff?

Biden gets low ratings on economy, guns, immigration in AP-NORC Poll

As President Joe Biden embarks on his reelection campaign, just 33% of American adults say they approve of his handling of the economy and only 24% say national economic conditions are in good shape, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Public approval of Biden’s handling of the economy remains low in a time of high inflation, a difficult housing market and concerns about a potential U.S. government debt default. American opinion is also gloomy about Biden’s efforts on gun policy and immigration, with only 31% saying they approve of the president’s performance on those hot button issues. Overall, 40% say they approve of the way Biden is doing his job, similar to where his approval rating has stood for much of the past year and a half.

Zoie Mosqueda, 24, who does not identify with any political party, said her family is ready to buy their first home but with the average mortgage interest rate hovering around 6.9%, that goal, at least for now, is out of reach.

The woman from West Texas said she also has been frustrated with Biden’s handling of gun policy and said he’s fallen short on his campaign promise to implement a fairer immigration policy.

In fairness, the primary driver of poor economic conditions is China’s coronavirus, yet, Biden has done little to better the conditions, as he and his party messed things up through 2021 and 2022. Biden is so cantankerous and out of touch that he really doesn’t push sound policies.

John Billman, 79, of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, said Biden doesn’t get enough credit for passage of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill and $280 billion CHIPS Act aimed at boosting the U.S. semiconductor history, or the historically low unemployment rate. The unemployment rate stands at 3.4%,

The unemployment rate was as low as 3.5% while Trump was president prior to COVID, and you can’t blame him for locking everything down, as that was mostly Democrats. The CHIPS Act was a bipartisan effort for which Biden had little input, and hasn’t really made a difference yet. The infrastructure bill? How much difference is it making? Do you hear about projects? Do you see them?

Biden underperforms on the economy even among Democrats: 61% approve of him on the issue, compared with 75% for his job overall. Democrats feel even more dour about the current condition of the nation’s economy, though they continue to be more likely than Republicans to say the country is headed in the right direction (36% vs. 7%) or to rate the economy as good (41% vs. 7%).

So Dems approve of Biden but only 36% say the country is head in the right direction and 41% say the economy is good? Sounds like partisan wankering. Imagine how much worse the economic conditions would be if Biden wasn’t working just 30 hours a week and taking almost every weekend off?

Read: Who Are The 33% Who Approve Of Biden’s Handling Of The Economy? »

Climate Nuts Pour Black Die In Famous Trevi Fountain

Does this actually help their cause, or make them look like out of control, unhinged wackjobs?

Trevi Fountain water turns black in Rome climate protest

Seven young activists protesting against climate change climbed into the Trevi Fountain in Rome on Sunday and poured diluted charcoal into the water to turn it black.

The protesters from the “Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) group held up banners saying “We won’t pay for fossil (fuels),” and shouted “our country is dying”.

Uniformed police waded into the water to take away the activists, with many tourists filming the stunt and a few of the onlookers shouting insults at the protesters, video footage showed.

I wonder how many of those shouting insults believe in anthropogenic climate change in theory? I’m guessing that’s all fine right up till stronzos pull a stunt like this.

In a statement, Ultima Generazione called for an end to public subsidies for fossil fuels and linked the protests to deadly floods in the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna in recent days. The group said one in four houses in Italy are at risk from flooding.

And how does Rome survive without fossil fuels for tourism? Italy itself? There’s a lot of tourism. How do they get products in and out?

Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri condemned the protest, the latest in a series of acts targeting works of art in Italy.

“Enough of these absurd attacks on our artistic heritage,” he wrote on Twitter.

Yeah, well, you politicians enable this behavior by kowtowing to it, patronizing the climate cultists, rather then telling them to piss off. Personally, I’d like the cultists to continue doing this, driving people away from the cult

Read: Climate Nuts Pour Black Die In Famous Trevi Fountain »

Pirate's Cove