Biden-Harris Admin “Switches” To Pressuring Israel For Deal Instead Of Hamas

Of course, how much pressure has the Biden-Harris admin put on the US State Department designated terrorist organization Hamas since they attacked and slaughtered, raped, kidnapped, and tortured Jewish civilians? Did they even threaten them to return the hostages immediately, especially the American citizens? And pressured Hamas’ supporters in other nations?

US switched to pressuring Israel for hostage deal concessions, officials say

Israeli officials responded Saturday evening to CIA Director Bill Burns’ comments, in which he said that a new framework for an agreement between Israel and Hamas would be presented in the coming days.

“The Americans are very eager to conclude the negotiations and finalize a deal because of the American hostages,” said the Israeli officials.

“If they were able to reach a direct deal with Hamas to free the American citizens held hostage, they would likely have done so,” the officials noted. “Now, they are choosing to pressure Israel instead of pressuring Hamas. The Americans should have long ago demanded that Qatar expel all Hamas members residing in the country—but that hasn’t happened.”

According to the officials, “Until the murder of the six hostages, the administration projected optimism, even praising Israel and emphasizing that Hamas was the side that needed to compromise. The execution of the six hostages significantly changed the tone.”

“It seems that Washington feels helpless toward Hamas and is choosing to pressure Israel, which has already shown a willingness to make concessions for the deal,” they added.

Helpless? The most powerful nation on Earth is helpless? Well, yeah, because the Biden-Harris admin started out by showing weakness before the October 7th attack, and continue to be feckless after. The never threatened Hamas, never gave them an ultimatum, never told them to stand down and surrender. They’ve simply been telling Israel to have restraint. To not go in to certain Gaza areas.

According to a report by Reuters, Burns stated that 90% of the details in the deal to release the hostages have already been agreed upon, adding that the US would continue to work as hard as possible along with the other mediators on a ceasefire in Gaza.

90%, eh? Israel wants the hostages back. Period. Hamas doesn’t want to give them up, and wants to retain their ability to launch terrorist attacks on Jewish civilians.

Read: Biden-Harris Admin “Switches” To Pressuring Israel For Deal Instead Of Hamas »

Good News: D.C. Government Institutes Snitch Line On Plastic Straws, Utensils, Bags

Remember, though, ‘climate change’ is all about Science, not instituting Fascism on citizens and controlling their lives (via Climate Depot)

They seriously want people to snitch if it’s a plastic straw, fork, stirrer, paper bag, foam cup, bowl, container (including coolers), and packing material.

Being a liberal mecca, there will be lots of snitching going on.

Read: Good News: D.C. Government Institutes Snitch Line On Plastic Straws, Utensils, Bags »

If All You See…

…are beach houses that will soon be destroyed by carbon pollution fueled hurricanes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on even Mark Cuban realizing Kamala’s capital gains tax is horrible.

Read: If All You See… »

Pakistani Man Arrested Over Plot To Kill Jews On October 7th

How dare the Associated Press write this article, and Politico publish it! It’s Islamophobia (fortunately, this is only worth a page A14 article at the NY Times. Imagine if it was a Republican trying to kill Muslims)

Man charged with plotting to kill Jews in New York on Oct. 7

A Pakistani man was arrested in Canada this week and accused of plotting a mass shooting at a Jewish center in Brooklyn on the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that sparked the latest conflict in the Middle East, federal authorities announced Friday.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said Muhammad Shahzeb Khan had attempted to travel from Canada, where he lives, to New York City with the “stated goal of slaughtering, in the name of ISIS, as many Jewish people as possible.”

The 20 year-old, who is also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was apprehended Sept. 4 and charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to the terror group, which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.

“Jewish communities — like all communities in this country — should not have to fear that they will be targeted by a hate-fueled terrorist attack,” Garland said in a statement.

No, they shouldn’t. Meanwhile, college campuses are full of Jew haters and Islamic terrorist supporters. They’re protesting on subways.

How does a young Canadian citizen get “radicalized”? They don’t ask: Why do we treat radicalized organizations such as CAIR and SJP as bonified civil organizations, when “globalize the intifada” is their daily mantra?

“This planned antisemitic attack against Jewish people in the U.S. is deplorable and there is no place for such ideological and hate-motivated crime in Canada,” Michael Duheme, commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, said in the statement.

Oh, really? There have been plenty of anti-Israel/Jew protests since October 7th, 2023, in Canada. Islamists are protected as much as the gender confused. Jews? Not so much.

Yup, she’s a government official in Canada. If people continuously call violence against Jews, they will get violence against Jews.

Read: Pakistani Man Arrested Over Plot To Kill Jews On October 7th »

Australia To Hold Off On Releasing 2035 Climate (scam) Goals For Some Reason

It’s because of uncertainty over the U.S. elections or something

Australia may delay release of 2035 climate target as world awaits outcome of US election

The Australian government may delay the announcement of a 2035 climate target until after the February deadline and beyond the next election, in part due to uncertainty about the ramifications of the US presidential election.

Some big emitting countries are lagging in developing their 2035 emissions reduction targets, which under the Paris climate agreement are due before the UN climate summit in Belém, Brazil, in November next year.

Major investors said they were comfortable with countries delaying target announcements if it meant they did the work to make a commitment that was “aligned with science” and reaching “for the highest possible level of ambition”.

Globally, governments are watching the US election before finalising their 2035 commitments. Observers believe Kamala Harris will quickly announce a target if successful but Donald Trump, who has called the climate crisis a “hoax”, has said he would again pull the US out of the Paris deal.

The article really offers no good reason other than “Trump.” If Trump wins, countries are still welcome to institute their wackadoodle doomsday cult policies. Maybe these countries are just coming up with excuses to not destroy their economies?

Read: Australia To Hold Off On Releasing 2035 Climate (scam) Goals For Some Reason »

Seinfeld Campaign: Even Kamala Aides Aren’t Quite Sure What Her Policies Are

In a sane world the Credentialed Media would demand that Kamala ask questions about her policies, make her actually answer. But, that’s so 30 years ago.

Report: Kamala Harris’s Aides Are Unsure of Her Policy Positions

Not even campaign aides are sure of what Vice President Kamala Harris’s policy positions are, Axios reported Friday, fueling concerns that Harris is an empty political shell with intentions to do or say whatever is needed to get elected.

With only 60 days left until the presidential election, time is running out for Americans to learn about Harris’s ambiguous plans. She has only sat for one pre-recorded interview since joining the race seven weeks ago on July 21, 2024.

In those seven weeks, Harris allegedly changed her view, outright flip-flopped, or has an unknown position in nine areas:

Like this

And then

“Harris and her campaign haven’t provided many details explaining her policy shifts,” Axios admitted Friday. “[E]ven some of her own staffers aren’t sure where she stands on a range of issues.”

Axios reportedly asked the Harris campaign six days in a row about her unknown policy positions before getting a “no comment” from aides.

Super! It’s like watching Seinfeld: a show about nothing.

Read: Seinfeld Campaign: Even Kamala Aides Aren’t Quite Sure What Her Policies Are »

Who’s Up For An Eco-Chaplain To Deal With Climate (scam) Grief?

This sure seems like something a cult would come up with

A new kind of chaplain is helping people deal with ‘climate grief’

When Diane Ware’s home state of Oregon proposed a natural gas pipeline that threatened local waterways, she sprang into action – leading workshops on lobbying state lawmakers, mentoring student activists and organizing lectures at her church.

But when plans for the pipeline were canceled, Ware, 78, found little pleasure in the victory. The retired elementary school teacher couldn’t shake the feeling that it may be too late to save a planet in deep peril – a prospect tinged with grief, anger and depression. Ware realized she had a case of “climate grief” – and needed help.

Ware is one of a growing number of people using the services of an eco-chaplain, a new kind of spiritual advisor rising among clergy trained in handling grief and other difficult emotions.

Each month, at the Talent Public Library, Ware attends Sustaining Climate Activists, a gathering of mostly retired adults led by an eco-chaplain. She went to her first meeting shortly after a wildfire swept through Lahaina, Hawaii, in 2023. She was upset by a report that claimed news organizations had failed to link the wildfire to climate change.

The eco-chaplain is a 21st century invention, and while no one knows exactly how many there are, chaplaincy experts agree that the number is likely less than 100. There is no universally recognized eco-chaplaincy training, as there is for other kinds of chaplaincy, but a number of organizations offer training from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish and secular perspectives.

Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief and spirituality in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada. Most develop their own ways of addressing the issue, from one-on-one therapy sessions to online climate grief circles and in-person support groups.

Hey, nothing like taking advantage of people who’ve already been driven batshit guano by a doomsday cult, right? And then being given all sorts of advice which keeps the crazy going, eh?

Read: Who’s Up For An Eco-Chaplain To Deal With Climate (scam) Grief? »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea which will swamp all the cities, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is If You are Left you ain’t Right, with a post on your attention whore of the day.

Read: If All You See… »

Hamas Supporter Tim Walz Pushes For A Two State Solution

You know what the two state solution is? It’s Israel giving up territory it won during wars that Arabs started. It would allow more extremist Palestinians area with which to launch attacks on Israel, especially civilian Jews. And the Islamic extremists do not want two states: they want one, with Israel overrun and replaced. Along comes Tim Walz, who has to patronize the hardcore Islamists in his state and who support Democrats with a bad idea

Harris running mate Tim Walz: ‘We can’t allow what’s happened in Gaza to happen’

“We can’t allow what’s happened in Gaza to happen,” Kamala Harris’s Vice Presidential running mate Tim Walz told WCMU radio in Michigan in an interview on Thursday.

Asked by the interviewer how a Harris-Walz administration would handle the Israel-Hamas war, and whether it would break from the Biden administration, Walz said that October 7 was a “horrific act of violence against the people of Israel” and reiterated statements by Harris that Israel has the right to defend itself.

However, he added that “we can’t allow what’s happened in Gaza to happen. The Palestinian people have every right to life and liberty themselves.”

The answer is simple: Palestinians need to stop attacking Israel, especially civilians. They need to stop backing internationally designated terrorist organizations. Gaza and the West Bank would be fine if Palestinians were peaceful. The cities could be wonderful. Has Tim noticed that the Gaza border with Egypt has a big wall and lots of security because Egypt is worried about the extremism in Gaza?

Walz then advocated for a two-state solution, and added that he wanted to push “the Netanyahu government to start moving in that direction.”

Speaking on the pro-Palestine protests in Michigan recently, including at the university, Walz said he thought “those folks who are speaking out loudly are speaking out for all the right reasons. It’s a humanitarian crisis. It can’t stand the way it is.”

Germany and Japan started WWII: when their cities were obliterated, well, don’t start none won’t be none. Did Dhimmi Tim see this?

IDF destroys explosives lab hidden under mosque in Jenin counterterrorism operation

The military, Shin Bet, and Border Police forces have eliminated and apprehended numerous terrorists, dismantled booby traps, and conducted aerial strikes in Jenin, the IDF reported Friday morning.

Terrorist Wassem Hazem, Hamas’ terror organization head in Jenin, was killed after directing explosive and shooting attacks in the area, as well as numerous terror attacks in the West Bank.

Over the last week and a half, this joint operation has led to the elimination of 14 terrorists, the detainment of over 30 suspects, and approximately 30 explosives planted under roadways were dismantled.

Several sites for terrorist infrastructure were destroyed, including a weaponry storehouse and a lab used for manufacturing explosives located under a mosque.

Nothing like two states for Palestinians to do this, Tim.

Read: Hamas Supporter Tim Walz Pushes For A Two State Solution »

Bummer: Volvo Ditches 2030 Fully EV Goal

Volvo has learned a valuable lesson on trying to force their consumers into buying vehicles they do not want. Volvo customer are rabid about purchasing Volvos, much like Subaru customers, and they aren’t really biting on EVs outside of Europe

Volvo reverses goal to make only EVs in 2030

Volvo on Wednesday announced that it is dropping its goal of making only electric vehicles by 2030, saying it now expects it will still be offering some hybrid models as part of its lineup at that point.

The Swedish company, which has China’s Geely as its largest shareholder, and other automakers have seen slowing demand for EVs as price-conscious car buyers turn to hybrids and gas-powered vehicles over affordability concerns as well as access to charging stations.

Volvo and other EV makers are also bracing for the impact of European tariffs on electric cars made in China, a move that follows similar steps in the U.S.

In a statement, the company said it is aiming for 90% to 100% of its 2030 global sales volume to consist of fully electric EVs and plug-in hybrids, with the remaining zero to 10% of its lineup allowing “for a limited number of mild hybrid models to be sold, if needed.”

The reversal of plans to be fully electric by 2030 comes as the company expects the percentage of its electrified lineup — which includes EVs and hybrids — to be between 50% and 60% by 2025. Its share of fully electric vehicles was 26% in the second quarter of 2024, while EVs and hybrids combined amounted to 48% of its electric lineup.

It’s actually still rather tough to get people to get regular, non-plugin hybrids. EVs? Well, it’s a little easier with Volvo, considering they are a premium vehicle, and a goodly chunk of the purchasers will have garages. Home charging is where you save money. The only way to really get people to consider adopting is significantly building out the level 3 charging infrastructure, and losing lots of money on the sale of each one. So, realistically, if Volvo wants to stay in business, they’ll backtrack more and more on their EV pledge.

What’s Stalling Electric Vehicle Adoption in Wyoming?


Wyoming has the second-lowest number of EVs in the country after North Dakota, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, with 1,080 registered. To some degree, that makes sense. Wyoming’s vast open spaces, harsh winters that can reduce battery capacity and populations spread out in small rural pockets make many residents wary of EVs. And disagreement between federal and state authorities about the best locations for chargers might also be slowing the growth of electric cars in the Cowboy State.

Wait, the batteries do not work well when it is cold? Huh.

Read: Bummer: Volvo Ditches 2030 Fully EV Goal »

Pirate's Cove