My Netflix Thoughts

I recently changed my T-Mobile plan, which gets Netflix free. I was excited, because it gives me another movie and show outlet, and I love watching movies. It’s the basic plan, which means only 720p, which I can live with. Only one stream at a time, I’m OK with that. No commercials. But, would it be worth $9.99 a month?

Not really.

I’m actually a bit underwhelmed by the amount of content. That could be due to me mostly watching horror, scifi/fantasy, and period pieces (mostly things from hundreds to thousands of years ago). And while there’s certainly some different stuff than on the other ones, it’s not that great. I thought there would be much, much more. And most is within this century, mostly from the last 10 years. A few that are older, but, not many.

One problem is that many of the shows and movies look fantastic, and then you realize they’re dubbed. The problem with dubbing is not so much that the words do not match lips, but, that the voices sound separate from what’s going on. It’s rather like someone doing karaoke: you know the voice and music are separate. Like listening to a 3.1 soundbar where the voice channel is overpowering the rest of the music and sound. Barbarians looked great, but, it’s in German.

Then there are the shows that are not complete. Cursed was exactly the type of show I would love. Except, there was no season 2 and will never be (partly due to COVID), and it ended in a cliffhanger. Nope.

Then there’s the interface, which is a pain to find things. It’s almost like you have to know what you’re looking for exactly and hope they have it. There is a good outside site, Just Watch, but, it shouldn’t be necessary to use it.

I had been, and still do, use Amazon Prime, Freevee, Tubi, and Pluto TV. They have massive libraries. Sure, a lot is crappola, but, you might find a gem that most do not like but you like. I’ve found a few of those. I find a ton of movies and shows (especially Freevee for those). I also pay for the basic Paramount Plus, which had been free for a year. It’s mostly about CBS shows, and I do love putting on Survivor and The Amazing Race, a lot of the time as background. They have a few good movies here and there, such as the new Dungeons and Dragons (good movie. Not great, but, a fun watch with zero woke, zero messages). Scream 6 (that was good). The Star Trek shows and Halo. I saw Top Gun: Maverick on it first. And Smile (it was Ok). It’s worth the money for me. Even with ads, which you get on Freevee, Tubi, and Pluto.

Then there’s Peacock. Is it worth $4.99, and deal with ads vs $9.99? It probably is, they come out with some movies from the theaters before others.

But, Netflix? If I had to pay $9.99 a month, I probably wouldn’t. I appreciate The Witcher, though a bit dark. Vikings Valhala, yes. Definitely going to watch The Last Kingdom movie, might even rewatch all 5 seasons. Some other stuff. I just expected more. Maybe it will surprise me in the future.

Read: My Netflix Thoughts »

Climate (scam) Czar John Kerry Thinks Farm Confiscation Is Fantastic

I linked this from The Lid (who links to The People’s Voice) in the Patriotic Pinup post yesterday, but, wanted to note something on it as well

John Kerry targets agriculture as part of climate crusade

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry warned Wednesday that the world can’t tackle climate change without first addressing the agriculture sector’s emissions.

Kerry lamented that agriculture production alone creates 33% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that reducing those emissions must be “front and center” in the quest to defeat global warming, during remarks Wednesday morning at the Department of Agriculture’s AIM for Climate Summit. The former secretary of state also touted so-called climate smart agriculture as a potential solution.

“A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world,” he said during his keynote address. “We can’t get to net-zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission.”

I wonder what the carbon footprint of Heinz is, with all the tomatoes, chili peppers, mustard, and various other things needed to make all their condiments? And the shipping. And a lot is made to put on animal products, like chicken, beef, turkey, and whateverthehell hot dogs are made of.

“Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we’ve been doing,” he continued. “With a growing population on the planet – we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world – emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century.”

Can we sue Kerry if this doesn’t happen? How does he expect people to eat? I bet he’s not missing any fancy meals. Let’s flip to the People’s Voice

Now, is Kerry proposing confiscation? Not explicitly, and maybe not at all, but, the people he’s working with and giving speeches at have been

Recently, the governing body of the European Union officially endorsed measures to compel farmers to vacate their lands as part of the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme, which categorizes farms as significant emitters of nitrogen.

Under the plan, farmers would be offered 120 percent of their farm’s value through a “buyout” program. However, those who decline this offer would face the risk of being forcibly removed from their land without any financial compensation.

And this really stems to lots of WEF meetings and such. I’ll wait for Kerry to eat bugs while flying on his private jet.

Read: Climate (scam) Czar John Kerry Thinks Farm Confiscation Is Fantastic »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, Evil, utterly no good for Other People fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on every voter in Nassau County, NY, being listed as a Democrat after a printing “error”.

Read: If All You See… »

Who Are The 33% Who Approve Of Biden’s Handling Of The Economy?

Would they be the ones who are profiting immensely from his clusterf*** of an administration? The ones who are simply brain-dead and brain-washed? The ones getting free money and stuff?

Biden gets low ratings on economy, guns, immigration in AP-NORC Poll

As President Joe Biden embarks on his reelection campaign, just 33% of American adults say they approve of his handling of the economy and only 24% say national economic conditions are in good shape, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Public approval of Biden’s handling of the economy remains low in a time of high inflation, a difficult housing market and concerns about a potential U.S. government debt default. American opinion is also gloomy about Biden’s efforts on gun policy and immigration, with only 31% saying they approve of the president’s performance on those hot button issues. Overall, 40% say they approve of the way Biden is doing his job, similar to where his approval rating has stood for much of the past year and a half.

Zoie Mosqueda, 24, who does not identify with any political party, said her family is ready to buy their first home but with the average mortgage interest rate hovering around 6.9%, that goal, at least for now, is out of reach.

The woman from West Texas said she also has been frustrated with Biden’s handling of gun policy and said he’s fallen short on his campaign promise to implement a fairer immigration policy.

In fairness, the primary driver of poor economic conditions is China’s coronavirus, yet, Biden has done little to better the conditions, as he and his party messed things up through 2021 and 2022. Biden is so cantankerous and out of touch that he really doesn’t push sound policies.

John Billman, 79, of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, said Biden doesn’t get enough credit for passage of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill and $280 billion CHIPS Act aimed at boosting the U.S. semiconductor history, or the historically low unemployment rate. The unemployment rate stands at 3.4%,

The unemployment rate was as low as 3.5% while Trump was president prior to COVID, and you can’t blame him for locking everything down, as that was mostly Democrats. The CHIPS Act was a bipartisan effort for which Biden had little input, and hasn’t really made a difference yet. The infrastructure bill? How much difference is it making? Do you hear about projects? Do you see them?

Biden underperforms on the economy even among Democrats: 61% approve of him on the issue, compared with 75% for his job overall. Democrats feel even more dour about the current condition of the nation’s economy, though they continue to be more likely than Republicans to say the country is headed in the right direction (36% vs. 7%) or to rate the economy as good (41% vs. 7%).

So Dems approve of Biden but only 36% say the country is head in the right direction and 41% say the economy is good? Sounds like partisan wankering. Imagine how much worse the economic conditions would be if Biden wasn’t working just 30 hours a week and taking almost every weekend off?

Read: Who Are The 33% Who Approve Of Biden’s Handling Of The Economy? »

Climate Nuts Pour Black Die In Famous Trevi Fountain

Does this actually help their cause, or make them look like out of control, unhinged wackjobs?

Trevi Fountain water turns black in Rome climate protest

Seven young activists protesting against climate change climbed into the Trevi Fountain in Rome on Sunday and poured diluted charcoal into the water to turn it black.

The protesters from the “Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) group held up banners saying “We won’t pay for fossil (fuels),” and shouted “our country is dying”.

Uniformed police waded into the water to take away the activists, with many tourists filming the stunt and a few of the onlookers shouting insults at the protesters, video footage showed.

I wonder how many of those shouting insults believe in anthropogenic climate change in theory? I’m guessing that’s all fine right up till stronzos pull a stunt like this.

In a statement, Ultima Generazione called for an end to public subsidies for fossil fuels and linked the protests to deadly floods in the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna in recent days. The group said one in four houses in Italy are at risk from flooding.

And how does Rome survive without fossil fuels for tourism? Italy itself? There’s a lot of tourism. How do they get products in and out?

Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri condemned the protest, the latest in a series of acts targeting works of art in Italy.

“Enough of these absurd attacks on our artistic heritage,” he wrote on Twitter.

Yeah, well, you politicians enable this behavior by kowtowing to it, patronizing the climate cultists, rather then telling them to piss off. Personally, I’d like the cultists to continue doing this, driving people away from the cult

Read: Climate Nuts Pour Black Die In Famous Trevi Fountain »

Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle Hits The Southern Border

I simply love the NY Times headline

The U.S. Left Them Behind. They Crossed a Jungle to Get Here Anyway.

Twasn’t the U.S. which left them behind: it’s was Biden, his administration, and their disastrous withdrawal plan. And the Times and their writers, Julie Turkkewitz and Federico Rios, go to great pains to make it seem as if this is not on Biden

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanShe and her husband, Ali, pleaded for help from a half-dozen nations — many of which they’d worked with — and found an American refugee program they might be eligible for. Taiba said she sent off her information, but never heard back.

“They left us behind,” she said of the Americans. “Sometimes I think maybe God left all Afghans behind.”

Nope, that would be Biden.

For months, Taiba kept trying to make it to America any way she could — even by foot. She and her husband fled with their 2-year-old son, first to Pakistan, then to South America, joining the vast human tide of desperation pressing north toward the United States.

Like thousands of Afghans who have taken this same, unfathomable route to escape the Taliban and their country’s economic collapse in the last 17 months, they trudged through the jungle, slept on the forest floor amid fire ants and snakes, hid their money in their food to fool thieves and crossed the sliver of land connecting North and South America — the treacherous Darién Gap.

Now, after more than 16,000 miles, Taiba and her family had finally reached it: the American border.

Will Biden let them in like so many others, or pick and choose as he’s done with some groups, like Haitians?

Their journeys represent the collision of two of President Biden’s biggest policy crises: the hasty American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the record number of migrants crossing the U.S. border.

That’s weird, because I’ve been reliably informed that there is no border crisis. And Afghanistan was not a crisis, it was an abject failure.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan is not just a failure “in the rearview mirror,” said Francis Hoang, a former U.S. Army captain who runs an organization to help Afghans immigrate, called Allied Airlift 21.

“The failure is happening right now,” he said.

See? The article then goes on to show a hell of a graphic with the route so many of the Afghanies took, worth a look.

There are a total of 5 mentions of the name Biden: the above mentioned, then, way down in the article about Biden trying to shut down the travel routes (sure he is), about how Biden is clamping down on immigration (where the heck are they getting this information?), then about Biden yammering on how many were flown out (after his fiasco) and him bragging about it (while Afghanistan descended into utter chaos). This is an incredibly long article, and barely notices how bad things are thanks to Biden, but, because he’s a Democrat, the Times ignores that in a way they never did for Bush or Trump.

Read: Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle Hits The Southern Border »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled airplane, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post wondering why Ukraine wanted F-16s

It’s women with guns week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Peter Driben

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation of America. A little bit of drizzle, the new fish in the tank are doing well, and finally finished watching Fringe (which I had only see the last 2 seasons when it was on). This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Victory Girls Blog discusses Casey DeSantis become a target of the left
  2. The Right Scoop covers an Insane Nebraska state Democrat lawmaker totally losing it
  3. The OK Corral shows just another day in Philadelphia
  4. The Lid notes John Kerry yammering about US farm confiscations
  5. The Hayride covers constitutional carry in Louisiana
  6. The Gateway Pundit discusses Brittney Griner now wanting to state for the national anthem
  7. The First Street Journal notes that Progressivism is for the wealthy
  8. The American Conservative says the trans mind-virus is mutating
  9. Powerline wonders if DEI training is unconstitutional
  10. Pacific Pundit is disgusted by Target offering “tuck friendly” girls swimwear
  11. neo-neocon covers the FBI protecting Hillary while going after Trump
  12. Moonbattery notes Oppressed Person demanding $3 million in reparations
  13. Legal Insurrection highlights Biden’s Sec of Education saying all kids belong to teachers
  14. IOTW Report covers Obama approving Hillary’s Russia hoax
  15. And last, but, not least, Da Techguy’s Blog discusses a Sandamann sequel coming to NYC

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

LOL Democrats Trying To Stop Crime: NYC And Minnesota Edition

Hey, you know how the mayor of New York City plans on dealing with shoplifting? It’s a hoot

That’s the plan. How will they blame Republicans and Trump when it fails? Can you imagine giving this training to retail employees making minimum wage? Can you imagine them trying to deal with a big mob coming in to steal? How is a retail watch going to work? They report the info which a lot of retailers no longer bother to report because if the cops bother taking a statement and catching the perp the Soros-style prosecutors will let them go. And then the kiosks. It’s like some sort of Monty Python sketch.

Minnesota governor signs gun safety bills into law: ‘It’s about keeping our kids safe’

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) signed two gun safety initiatives into law on Friday that will establish universal background checks and a process for temporarily removing firearms from those who imminently pose a threat to themselves or others.

Walz signed the measures into law as part of a broader public safety budget bill after it narrowly passed by one vote along party lines in the state Senate last week.

The package includes a red flag law to allow authorities to ask courts to grant “extreme risk protection orders” for a person’s guns to be temporarily taken away if they could imminently harm themselves or other people.

“As a veteran, gun-owner, hunter, and dad, I just signed a red flag law and universal background checks into law, Walz wrote Friday on Twitter. “Basic gun safety isn’t a threat to the Second Amendment – it’s about keeping our kids safe.”

You know what they forgot? Well, that’s to explain how this will protect kids. If the background check system fails because authorities do not enter information that would deny a background, how will universal work? I’m not against requiring everyone who buys a gun, regardless of where and who from, but, they ends up requiring a database of who has what and where, and that’s not the government’s business, and can lead to confiscation. And we see how most red flag laws seem to fail, except where they are used in a frivolous manner and violate people’s Constitutional rights.

So, how does this protect kids? The hell if I know from what they’re saying. Because it’s not about protecting kids. If it was, they’d go after criminals.

Read: LOL Democrats Trying To Stop Crime: NYC And Minnesota Edition »

Is Montana Banning TikTok A Violation Of Free Speech?

And interesting debate

Critics Say Montana’s TikTok Ban Is a Violation of Free Speech. Here’s What to Know

On Wednesday, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte signed a first-of-its kind law to ban the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok in the state. The law, which is set to go into effect in January 2024, quickly came under fire for violation of free speech laws.

In a statement, Gianforte’s office called the law an attempt to “protect Montanans’ personal and private data from being harvested by the Chinese Communist party.” Tech and legal experts say that how the ban is handled in the coming months could set a precedent for how TikTok, which has over 150 million users in the U.S., is regulated across the nation, especially as states and federal legislatures look towards restricting the platform’s reach. (big snip)

A lawsuit against the ban seems likely to come. Keegan Medrano, policy director at the ACLU of Montana, said in a May 17th statement that the Montana legislature has “trampled” on free speech. “We will never trade our First Amendment rights for cheap political points.”

In a statement published on Twitter Wednesday evening, TikTok said, “We want to reassure Montanans that they can continue using TikTok to express themselves, earn a living, and find community as we continue working to defend the rights of our users inside and outside of Montana.” TikTok did not return TIME’s request for comment. (snip)

Any legal challenge might closely resemble the last time a TikTok ban was attempted. In 2020, courts blocked Trump’s executive order to ban TikTok and Chinese-owned messaging app WeChat, ruling that the Trump administration hadn’t demonstrated enough of a security risk to limit users’ speech.

Free speech or not? The platform is a company, and people have plenty of ways to speak (if we wanted to use the leftist argument about guns, we could say there was no Internet when the Bill of Rights was passed. Not a good argument, but, amusing). But, should government ban it? IMO, no, except on government property. No one should be using Tiktok on their government owned tablets, computers, and phones. The people are being forced to pay for these, and they should be used for business, not stupid videos where information ends up in the hands of the Chinese government. But, no ban for private citizens. If they are dumb enough to use it, let them. That’s their responsibility and problem.

But, what about Tiktok enabling users to suggest committing criminal acts?

Weird TikTok trend which sees users walk into strangers’ homes and film them is slammed

Social media users were left open-mouthed after watching footage of a teenager and his friends wandering into a person’s home uninvited. The TikTok video, entitled ‘Walking into random houses’, showed the three youngsters approaching a London townhouse and passing into the property.

A female occupant, who is tidying up outside the entrance of the residence, could be heard asking the teenagers “what are you doing?” as they strode past her into the building.

She called her partner for help, who briefly left their children to apprehend the intruders, one of which had made themselves comfortable on the sofa.

They could be charged with multiple felonies, and, it’s also a great way to get shot. There are tons of “challenges” on TikTok which are illegal, borderline illegal, and just downright dangerous, and the platform does almost nothing to scrub these.

Read: Is Montana Banning TikTok A Violation Of Free Speech? »

Pirate's Cove