If All You See…

…is a horrible cloudless sky making it too hot, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the wind industry admitting they might just be killing whales.

As a sidebar, I do kinda laugh, because what you see in so many of these photos is doing the hair and makeup just right, getting the clothes just right, the pose just right, and realizing this is first thing in the morning as the sun comes up. Look at the shadows in photos.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Vetoes Bipartisan Bill Requiring Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels

Has anyone in Congress considered investigating Biden’s links to China and Chinese companies to see why he’s so excited to exempt them from tariffs?

Biden vetoes bipartisan bill protecting US solar panel makers from Chinese competition

China Votes BidenPresident Biden vetoed a bipartisan resolution Tuesday that would have reversed his executive action last year ordering the Department of Commerce not to enforce tariffs on Chinese solar panel manufacturers for two years.

Biden explained that the legislation — which recently passed the House and Senate with Democratic support — “bets against American innovation.” Last year, Biden implemented the 24-month moratorium on the enforcement of solar panel anti-circumvention tariffs designed to protect U.S. companies, a move the White House said would facilitate investment in domestic solar panel production capabilities.

“Passage of this resolution bets against American innovation,” Biden said in a statement Tuesday. “It would undermine these efforts and create deep uncertainty for American businesses and workers in the solar industry. Therefore, I am vetoing this resolution.”

How is allowing Chinese companies, back by and even owned by the Chinese government, dumping underpriced solar panels in the U.S. good for American companies? Especially when those companies have attempted to circumvent the tariffs by intentionally routing them through other countries? Biden failed to explain that.

“I am disappointed that President Biden vetoed this important legislation,” Kildee said Tuesday. “Failing to stand up to those who engage in unfair trade practices hurts American workers and manufacturers. Our workers and businesses will never be able to compete globally unless we hold those who violate U.S. trade laws accountable.”

“The president’s position, and today’s veto, fails to hold China accountable and hurts American workers,” the Democratic lawmaker continued. “Congress passed this bipartisan resolution with strong support from Republicans and Democrats. Now that the president has vetoed this bill, Congress should once again vote to override today’s veto without delay.”

Congress should be holding a vote today on this. China controls 80% of the market, and are selling them almost like loss-leaders: well below value, without expecting consumers to purchase other products at regular value. And many are just not that great of quality. American companies can’t compete with sub-priced trash being dumped. Who’s getting a payoff, Joe? Which family member is the payoff being routed through? It’s another slap in the face of the American worker. You can’t have innovation without investment money. He killed the incentive for investors to put money into American innovation and manufacturing. He favored China because he gets money from them.

Read: Biden Vetoes Bipartisan Bill Requiring Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels »

‘Climate Change’ Will Soon Hit Your Wallet Or Something

Is this a case of the climate cult doing what they always do, involving their cult in any and every issue, or the cult, made up mostly of Democrat voters, attempting to blame-shift away from Biden and Democratic Party policies? Or both?

Climate Change Is About To Hit Your Wallet at the Grocery Store

Inflation can result from demand outpacing supply. Other times, increased labor costs force businesses to raise prices so they can pay their employees more.

But in certain sections of the grocery store, Mother Nature and her human antagonists are to blame for the sticker shock that many shoppers should prepare to endure.

“Increased temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns caused by climate change can result in more frequent and severe droughts, floods, and heat waves,” said Eran Mizrahi, an ingredient sourcing expert and CEO and co-founder of Ingredient Brothers. “Such extreme weather conditions can harm crops and reduce their yields, leading to shortages in the supply chain, which ultimately drive up prices for consumers. Furthermore, transportation and distribution channels become disrupted by extreme weather events, resulting in additional cost increases. The result creates a financial burden on households, especially those with limited resources.”

Weather has always been volatile. Things can always happen. That’s life on Earth. Was it the fault of fossil fueled vehicles when you had the big drought in the heartland back in the 1930s? Or, just that weather happens, things change, and sometimes they are bad? What about the big droughts and poor conditions during the Little Ice Age that led to the French Revolution, where it was difficult to grow crops, especially wheat? The big Irish potato famine, which occurred right as the Earth was flipping from a cool period to a warm period in the mid-1800s?

The Climate Crisis Is Crushing California and Its Farmers

Americans learned a new phrase from their meteorologists in recent months, and one that defines the extremes that now define California’s climate — “atmospheric river.” Devastating and extended droughts dried up reservoirs across the West and Southwest for much of the 2020s and threatened the very existence of the Colorado River that millions of Westerners depend on for water.

Then, in early 2023, atmospheric rivers transformed extreme drought into devastating floods and the largest snowpacks in 70 years. The water planners farmers depend on for guidance couldn’t make accurate predictions and the spring planting season was cold and wet.

California is a state that has always been prone to big flips in the decedal weather, and, really, the problems are magnified tremendously due to poor government. But, you know, there’s just eventually going to be shortages which will hit your wallets, so, give your money and freedom to government.


NYC skyscrapers turning to carbon capture to lessen climate change

From the outside, the residential high-rise on Manhattan’s Upper West Side looks pretty much like any other luxury building: A doorman greets visitors in a spacious lobby adorned with tapestry and marble.

Yet just below in the basement is an unusual set of equipment that no other building in New York City — indeed few in the world — can claim. In an effort to drastically reduce the 30-story building’s emissions, the owners have installed a maze of twisting pipes and tanks that collect carbon dioxide from the massive, gas-fired boilers in the basement before it goes to the chimney and is released into the air.

The goal is to stop that climate-warming gas from entering the atmosphere. And there’s a dire need for reducing emissions from skyscrapers like these in such a vertical city. Buildings are by far the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions here, roughly two-thirds, according to the city buildings department.

Local Law 97 is creating these conditions, and affecting vast swaths of NYC buildings. Which means the cost of leasing, whether business or residential, will go up to pay for this, and you already have a lot of businesses leaving the city for a variety of reasons. So, good luck with that tax base.

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Will Soon Hit Your Wallet Or Something »

Maryland Gov Signs Several Anti-Gun Bills That Will Only Harm Law Abiding Citizens

Nothing in this will cause any problems for criminals. It will just make it harder for law abiding citizens, including women, LGBT, and blacks, who have seen huge spikes in legal ownership over the past 10 years

Maryland governor signs gun-control bills tightening requirements

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore signed gun-control measures into law on Tuesday, and the National Rifle Association quickly filed a federal lawsuit against them.

The governor signed legislation approved by state lawmakers this year in response to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

The high court’s ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen last year ended a requirement similar to a Maryland law for people to demonstrate a particular need to get a license to carry a concealed gun in public.

One of the measures Moore signed Tuesday removes the “good and substantial reason” language from Maryland law that the court found unconstitutional in the Bruen case. But the Maryland General Assembly, which is controlled by Democrats, also tightened gun laws to prevent someone from carrying a concealed handgun in certain areas.

I’m sure criminals will follow these laws

One of the bills signed by the governor generally prohibits a person from wearing, carrying or transporting a gun in an “area for children or vulnerable adults,” like a school or health care facility. The new law, which takes effect Oct. 1, also prohibits a person from carrying a firearm in a “government or public infrastructure area,” or a “special purpose area,” which is defined as a place licensed to sell alcohol, cannabis, a stadium, museum, racetrack or casino.

The law also prohibits a person carrying a firearm from entering someone’s home or property, unless the owner has given permission. There are exemptions for law enforcement, security guards and members of the military.

But, there is nothing about increasing penalties on criminals who use a gun in the commission of a crime, being able to stop-and-frisk, harsh penalties on people who unlawfully possess a firearm, and so forth. But, it does increase the number of hours required to get a permit, raises the age to 21, and increases the cost of getting a permit (for a Constitutional Right). It also strengthens their safe storage laws. It’s all about screwing with the law abiding, while ignoring the actual criminals.

And, yes, the NRA did immediately sue, and a few other gun rights groups apparently have lawsuits ready to go.

Read: Maryland Gov Signs Several Anti-Gun Bills That Will Only Harm Law Abiding Citizens »

Democrats Look To Protect Abortion From Hotcoldwetdry

Despite all the flowing idioms, wordsmithing, once you bring up the phrase “reproductive justice”, you know this is all about abortion


Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security and chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate, and Nuclear Safety, and Representative Lauren Underwood (IL-14) today reintroduced the Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act, legislation to address climate change risks to pregnant and postpartum people and their infants.

The Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act—a pillar of the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act to end racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes, led by Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Representative Underwood—would create a federal grant program to invest in community-based efforts to mitigate exposure to extreme heat, air pollution and other climate change risks that pose a threat to vulnerable pregnant and postpartum people and their infants. The legislation would also provide funding for health profession schools to ensure that the future health care workforce can adequately support maternal and infant health in light of increasing risks from climate change.

“Climate justice is a matter of reproductive justice,” said Senator Markey. “We must ensure families and health care providers have the resources and support they need to protect the health and wellbeing of all parents and babies across the country as they face extreme heat, air pollution and the worst of the climate crisis. I thank Representative Underwood for her continued partnership in our shared fight to equip health care providers with the latest information, tools and resources they need as the climate crisis and extreme weather disasters increasingly contribute to illness and deaths of pregnant people.”

“Climate change has a significant impact on reproductive justice and maternal health,” said Senator Booker. “As we strive to address the racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes, we must also invest in community-based programs and health professional schools, so we can mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change-related risks on vulnerable mothers and babies. I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this bill that would ensure that health professionals and vulnerable mothers and families have the tools they need to navigate the climate crisis, so we can work towards a more just and resilient future for all.”

They do not care about babies: they are using this as stealth legislation to protect abortion at the federal level. And, of course, a bribe for women to vote Democrat with all the free money and stuff. Especially black women, of whom Democrats think are too stupid and incompetent to run their own lives without the Helping Hand Of Government. All made possible using climate doom as the platform. And nothing really in the document, or the legislation, actually provides rock solid scientific evidence that ‘climate change’ is causing problems.

And said legislation is all about Executive agencies picking which groups get all the funding, it is utterly non-specific. Who wants to bet that Planned Parenthood is a big recipient? It’s all a big scam, just like ‘climate change’.

Speaking of abortion, the libs here in NC are freaking out over the 12 week abortion limit. It used to be 20 weeks. The governor is whining, but, refuses to say what week of restriction is acceptable. Of course, since most of the media are abortion fanatics, they won’t ask. But, I wonder

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Read: Democrats Look To Protect Abortion From Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is a sea that is rising by dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Power, with a post on sad-posting on TikTok.

Read: If All You See… »

Congress And Their Staffs Are Very Concerned Over Security

Here’s what happened

(WTOP) A man armed with a baseball bat showed up at the Fairfax, Virginia, office of Rep. Gerry Connolly Monday morning, asked for the congressman and then attacked two staffers.

The U.S. Capitol Police identified the man as 49-year-old Xuan Kha Tran Pham, of Fairfax. He is facing charges of one count of aggravated malicious wounding and one count of malicious wounding.

They do not know what his motives one, but, apparently, he was known to local police. Reports say he had never been violent. But, the police knew who he was? For what? His father states he was schizophrenic and had dealt with mental illness since his late teens. He supposedly attacked a woman in her car with the bat three minutes earlier but 5 miles away from the office, which really doesn’t make sense. Anyhow, he damaged a bunch of the office, but, haven’t we been told by Democrats that it “is just property”?

Last month, U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger testified before lawmakers that the number of threats against members of Congress has increased roughly 400% over the past six years.

I don’t condone it, but, maybe Congress should consider doing their jobs better. Perhaps they should also forgo all their racebaiting, demonizing people who do not agree with them, crazy talk, authoritarian impulses.

Security fears flare anew in Congress after an attack on one of their own

Congressional staff and lawmakers are on edge, once again, in the aftermath of a violent Monday attack that targeted the district office of Virginia Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly.

The incident, which sent a longtime Connolly aide and an intern to the hospital, has lent urgency to members’ continued concerns about their safety outside the Capitol’s heavily patrolled perimeter.

What is the perimeter patrolled with? What makes it safe?

Ahead of the slated Tuesday release of the House’s legislative-branch spending bill, which will lay out funding levels for Capitol Police and other security measures, lawmakers are again discussing what — if any — level of protection would make them feel truly safe.

The bill is expected to boost funding for the Capitol Police, in line with more than a decade of annual increases lawmakers have reliably delivered to the department. As threats and fears rise, lawmakers hope that a steady stream of cash can insulate them from growing threats.

What will the cash bring to the table to offer more protection?

Yet aides on both sides of the aisle described themselves as “freaked out” and “uneasy” after news of Monday’s attack spread and details emerged about the baseball bat wielding assailant asking for Connolly by name. The lawmaker himself said he was “mobbed on the floor by Republicans and Democrats who easily related to what happened to me.”

“We don’t have the kind of security we have up here at the Capitol, at the district level,” Connolly said in a Monday night interview. “Many of our offices are in malls or office buildings, and so you don’t have any kind of sophisticated protection or security screening. And so I think we’re going to have to really talk about that.”

It’s so strange that they want security for themselves and their staffs. On the grounds of the Capitol Building and at the Congressional office buildings they have quite a bit of, you guessed it, armed security. People who are carrying weapons with extended magazines and “assault rifles”, some of which are fully automatic. Things they want banned for ordinary citizens. And now they want, without saying it specifically, armed security for their offices. Because they are freaked out and uneasy.

“I am very, very concerned about the normalization of political violence, particularly by leaders who should know better,” Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa.) said in an interview on Monday night. “We should all be condemning political violence wherever it occurs.”

Democrats weren’t particularly concerned when Rep. Steve Scalise was shot along with four others, by an unhinged Democratic Party supporter. They laughed when Senator Rand Paul was attacked by a neighbor. And Democrats do not care about the rising levels of crime in their cities and states for the peasants. They want to take away their ability to protect themselves. But, when the Political Class is attacked, well, things have to change, right?

Read: Congress And Their Staffs Are Very Concerned Over Security »

Oh, Noes: ‘Climate Change’ To Impact Florida Strawberry Production

Will it make strawberry production better, since plants love carbon dioxide, and a slightly warmer Florida in the winter will allow for more growing? Of course not, this is the climate cult, and Everything Is Bad

New report shows climate change will impact strawberry production in Florida

In 2022, the Florida legislature created the official designation of strawberry shortcake as the State Dessert. Key lime pie advocates may yet have a second chance to emerge victorious as important new research by Environmental Defense Fund and Two Degrees Adapt signals concern for growing strawberries in the Sunshine State due to climate change.

Florida farmers play a critical role in food production for the U.S., generating over $7 billion in crops, especially during the winter months. While famous for its oranges, Florida’s specialty crops, like strawberries, play a significant role in the state’s economy: for example, strawberry production generates $400 million annually. In recent years, extreme weather has hit Florida agriculture hard, sustaining over $1 billion in losses from Hurricane Ian in 2022 alone – and climate change brings an uncertain future. Environmental Defense Fund recognized that sound science was essential to assess risks from climate change to growing the crop.

Building off a crop model developed by researchers at the University of Florida, our research looked at how a middle-of-the-road climate scenario of a temperature rise of 4.3oF by 2050 would increase “killing degree days” when temperatures are, at best, too hot for strawberries to grow and, at worst, damage or kill them. Our analyses also looked at anticipated changes to rainfall and humidity that will increase water needs for strawberry plants. The outlook was discouraging.

The Earth has seen a temperature rise of 1.4 to 1.5 Fahrenheit since 1850, and these wankers think a middle of the road scenario is 4.3F by 2050? That’s insane.

In Hillsborough County, where most of the state’s strawberries are grown, growers can anticipate a 17% decline in early yields by 2050. Early yields are critical to making Florida strawberries competitive with producers in California and Mexico. This yield declines drive projected income losses of 10% per acre within the next two and a half decades. Economic losses, development pressure on viable farmland, and extreme weather will significantly impact Florida farmers who are already struggling against narrow profit margins.

Typical doomsaying, based of crackpot computer models. Meanwhile

Climate change is making crabs lose their sense of smell — and seafood may never be the same

Loony tunes.

Read: Oh, Noes: ‘Climate Change’ To Impact Florida Strawberry Production »

Barack Obama Excited To Have You Gun Owning Peasants Re-Educated

Remember, this is a guy, along with his family, who has been protected by people carrying firearms, including fully automatic weapons, from submachine guns to high caliber rifles. And high power sniper rifles. And will be protected for the rest of his life. Nobody will be breaking into the Obama’s homes, no one will try and rob them, no one will be able to carjack them, rape them, etc. But, for you icky peasants

Barack Obama says public attitudes around gun rights have to be reshaped

Former President Barack Obama says public attitudes around gun rights have to be reshaped.

“CBS Mornings” co-host Nate Burleson visited the former president in Chicago to take a look at the important work of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, an Obama Foundation program that tries to help create change and opportunity for boys and young men of color in communities across the country.

The alliance has started a new initiative where cities and towns that have had success reducing violence and increasing graduation rate have been chosen to share their best practices with other communities.

In an interview with Burleson, Obama offered some ideas on the topic of gun violence.

“Now, part of that work has to be done not just in those communities that already want to do something about gun violence. We have to also actively reach out to communities where gun ownership is an important tradition, right?” Obama said.

I wonder, are they making any progress in those poor, inner city areas?  Or just focused on you law abiding citizens who passed background checks?

“So, us being able to listen to and speak to those traditions while saying, ‘Yes, but that’s not incompatible with us doing something about just the flood of military-grade weapons on the streets. We can do something about that,'” Obama said. “What MBK is also about is recognizing that it’s not an either/or question – either we eliminate all guns, or there’s nothing we can do about violence. It’s a recognition [that] it’s a both/and problem.”

In other words, you need to be forced to change your beliefs, comrade. Yet, CBS “reporter” Nate Burleson failed Journalism 101 in asking Obama why it’s OK for him to have all that armed protection, but, not the average American. I have two guns, a .22 pistol and a 9mm pistol, and I plan on getting a smaller 9mm for concealed carry. I have no rifle, no shotgun. And, this is none of Obama’s fucking business. Anyhow, yes, the public’s attitude around gun rights has to change. It needs to go from fear to understanding that the gun is not the problem, but the person behind the gun is. And what flood of military guns on the street? See that is part of the problem, as there are no military guns on the street unless you count the ones in the hands of security forces like what Obama has.

Read: Barack Obama Excited To Have You Gun Owning Peasants Re-Educated »

CBS Is Super Excited For You To Eat Bugs To Save The Earth From Having A Fever

The weird thing is the CBS News segment never discussed the reporter switching over, or the CBS News cafeteria serving bugs

CBS segment highlights how adding bugs to the food system ‘could be a game-changer’ to fight climate change

“CBS Saturday Morning” featured a segment suggesting adding insects into a diet could provide benefits for a growing world affected by climate change.

To counter meat, soybean derived proteins or other high-carbon foods, the segment described efforts by climate experts and scientists to explore farming bugs to protect the planet.

“We all know how important insects are for the environment, but climate researchers say bugs could be a game changer in the fight to protect the planet in ways you may not have imagined,” host Dana Jacobson said.

Reporter Tina Kraus explained, “Adding some insects to the mix is customary in the kitchen in some parts of the world. Now climate experts think the protein-packed pests could offer a real solution to the global food crisis. Scientists in Germany are not pushing to get the critters your plate, they see another benefit.”

One scientist interviewed said their intention is not to force bugs onto menus but be used as an alternative for animal feed.

“To have a more sustainable production of proteins, we need this and I see insects as a perfect tool,” the scientist argued. “And you can make so many things out of insects, and to make the world better.”

Yeah, they’re totally not attempting to force this, just like they were not going to force people away from their gas powered stoves and fossil fueled vehicles.

However, this push to push people to eat bugs has met fierce opposition in the United States. In March, a Utah school teacher was caught on video insisting to her students that eating bugs is a necessity to help the environment.

“We don’t want to eat bugs and it’s gross. But should we be eating bugs? Yeah, because we’re killing the world by raising cows and animals. So we need to, not get rid of cows, but like, try to balance our diet so that not so much of our land is being used to raise cows, cause it’s killing the Ozone layer,” the teacher said. “All the evidence has suggested, that we probably should be eating bugs – it’s good for the environment, etc. But I didn’t know that that was an offensive topic to indicate.”

Here’s a great idea: mind your own f’ing business. If you want to eat bugs, go for it. Have it. You be you. Leave the rest of us alone.

Read: CBS Is Super Excited For You To Eat Bugs To Save The Earth From Having A Fever »

Pirate's Cove