Bummer: Mayor Pete Chased Off Stage By Climate Cultists

I actually do not approve of this, it’s better to have a debate, especially if it’s a private citizen. However, Mayor Pete has supported these nutjobs, he’s part of their cult, so, it’s a real shame when that rabid dog turns around and bites ya where the sun don’t shine

‘Stop Petro Pete!’: Buttigieg Chased Off Stage By Chanting Climate Protesters

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was chased off stage Tuesday evening by climate change protesters who hijacked the Maryland policy forum at Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.

A video posted on X by Climate Defense, a youth-led organization opposing the use of fossil fuels, shows chanting demonstrators demanding that Buttigieg address environmental issues.

The student activists were heard chanting “Stop Petro Pete” while holding an accompanying sign with the same words in bold, printed letters. They stormed the stage with other chants like “Stop S.P.O.T. and GulfLink,” referring to crude infrastructure and export projects.

“Your DOT just approved the Seaport Oil Terminal, a project that will have 80 coal plants worth of greenhouse gas emissions and will worsen air quality in the areas that are already a living cancer cluster,” one protestor told Buttigieg as he took the stage. “This is about environmental racism and it’s about the climate impacts that this project will have. Will you commit to stopping these projects?”

Well, that’s a shame, they forgot to mention how often Pete travels by fossil fueled conveyances. Did he drive in an EV to Maryland, or, a fossil fueled SUV?

I wonder how the kiddies traveled to the Meyerhoff Symphony? I wonder if they realize just about everything they’re wearing is made with petroleum? Especially since, as you can hear, they were yammering about ending fossil fuels.


Refusing to fly has lost me my job as a climate researcher. It’s a price worth paying

Two weeks ago, my employer presented me with a stark ultimatum: return to my offices in Kiel, Germany, within five days, or lose my job. I am a climate researcher and since March 2023, I have been completing vital fieldwork into the social impact of climate change almost 24,000km away by overland routes, on the island of Bougainville off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

The “social impact of climate.” Remember, this is all about Science, though

My fieldwork had been mired in unforeseeable problems, from natural disasters to security threats, and my employer was, unsurprisingly, unhappy that my return had been delayed by many weeks. The urgency of their request to return meant I would have to jump on a plane if I was to meet the deadline; but for me, this was not an option. I have been practising conscientious objection to flying for more than 10 years. My employer has supported me on a “slow trip” in the past. I do not boycott flying altogether, but I will only catch a plane when no other alternative exists.

This weekend, I will set sail on a cargo ship to return to Germany, travelling to East New Britain in Papua New Guinea. From there, I will cover the remaining distance to Europe by cargo ship, ferry, train and coach.

Well, good on him. If only more Warmists would practice what they preach. However, what powers the cargo ship?

Read: Bummer: Mayor Pete Chased Off Stage By Climate Cultists »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert because Other People have big carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on a surprising twist in the murder of Josh Kruger.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Regime Pushing For Safe Passage Out Of Gaza For Civilians

These would be the same civilians who have backed and supported Hamas for decades. Oh, and the Americans taken hostage by State Dept designated terrorist group Hamas? Nothing. Just Americans who are in Israel

US pressing for safe passage of civilians out of Gaza, including Americans

As Israel gears up for a possible ground invasion of Gaza following the devastating terror attacks by Hamas, the U.S. is pushing for a safe passage for civilians to flee.

The Biden administration is in active discussions about the issue with Israel and Egypt, White House spokesperson John Kirby said on Wednesday, though no breakthrough has been reached on a humanitarian corridor or other action.

The Rafah border crossing from southern Gaza into Egypt, the only route out, has been closed.

“Civilians are not to blame for what Hamas has done,” Kirby said. “They didn’t do anything wrong, and we continue to support safe passage.”

Egypt is blocking the route from Gaza to Egypt, because they know that what will happen is Hamas fighters will cross over with all the Hamas supporting “civilians”.

Kirby added, “Civilians are protected under the laws of armed conflict, and they should be given every opportunity to avoid the fighting.”

They had that opportunity to boot out Hamas, and they didn’t. They help shelter them and help hide all the weapons. Israel typically warns of where they will strike, like at hospitals which are used to store weapons.

“And I think it’s important to remind that, especially on the Palestinian side, Hamas is directly endangering their lives. hospitals and schools,” Kirby added. “They didn’t ask for that either. And Hamas doesn’t speak for the majority of the Palestinian people or their aspirations for peace and security.”

Except, they voted Hamas in to office in 2006, and has gone along with there being no elections since. They stand by while Hamas attacks civilian targets in Israel. And cheer

They were cheering in Gaza, in the West Bank, in Iran, and, of course, in cities in the West.

And, what about the Americans being held hostage? Not finding anything on that. What is the Biden admin doing?

Read: Biden Regime Pushing For Safe Passage Out Of Gaza For Civilians »

Massachusetts To Implement New Climate Scam Plans To Adapt

Because, obviously, humans were never able to adapt to a changing climate without the helpful hand of government

As climate risks mount, state unveils new plan to adapt

Massachusetts has long stood out as one of the few states without a state climatologist. The new Office of Climate Science, already staffed with three experts, marks a dramatic change.

“This summer brought dangerous weather impacts to our communities, and the impacts have been devastating,” Governor Maura Healey said in a press release. “ResilientMass ensures that Massachusetts is well positioned for federal funds, while continuing our nation-leading work on climate.”

So a bunch of unelected bureaucrats full of climatrology cult members dictating your lives. But, he, Mass citizens voted for the authoritarianism, right?

New building standards, for instance, will be developed to make sure buildings are prepared for increased flooding and extreme heat. This will require a shift in thinking — health codes currently include minimum heat standards, ensuring residents stay warm enough on the coldest Massachusetts nights. New codes will also look at the other end of the spectrum to protect against the hottest days.

In other words, this will make new construction more expensive, along with any refurbs.

A new heat alert system, to be developed and implemented by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services alongside other agencies, will notify residents when dangerous heat is heading their way. The state also plans for expanded tree planting in some mid-sized cities and more shading in parks in communities suffering from urban heat islands.

Oh, good, a heat alert system. Because people obviously have no options to check the weather. They can’t turn on multiple TV stations, from local news to the Weather Channel to Accuweather and so on. There are no apps they can check (I have 5 on my phone, plus, 3 that are just radar. Yes, they can run a bit different), right? It’s not like phones do not include one that’s built in, right? Oh, and what was that thing about urban heat islands?

“We really need a coordinated approach,” said Katherine Antos, undersecretary for decarbonization and resilience at the state’s Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, noting that unlike coastal floods, no overarching entity exists for inland flooding. “A key action of the ResilientMass plan is developing a framework that brings all of these local, state, and federal agencies together to coordinate their activities,” she said.

It used to be people would say “watch your wallet” when government gets going. There’s still some of that, but, even more, it’s “watch your liberty, freedom, and life choices.”

Read: Massachusetts To Implement New Climate Scam Plans To Adapt »

Surprise: Democrats Support Palestinians Over Israelis

Too bad the poll didn’t ask questions like “do you think Israel should be eradicated” and “do you hate Jews”?

Democrats support Palestinians over Israel, GOP overwhelmingly stands with US ally: 2023 poll

More Democrats in the United States support Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank than Israel, the closest U.S. ally in the Middle East, according to a 2023 poll.

Democratic sympathies for Palestinians has increased over the last decade, and a Gallup poll published in March 2023 found their affinity toward the Palestinians finally eclipsed their support of Israel, 49% to 38%.

The attitudes from March reflected a continued decline in Israeli support, from 40% to 38% and an 11-point surge of support for Palestinian people, from 38% to 49%.

More Independents support Israel (49%) than Palestinians (32%). Nineteen percent said they did not favor one side over the other, according to Gallup.

I wonder if lots of the purple haired college students flying Palestinian flags and saying how evil Israel and the Jews are would be willing to go over there and talk about their social justice and LGBTQ stuff?

Americans generally support Israel (54%) than Palestinians (31%), with only 15% having no preference, the poll found.

That’s a pretty disturbing number, which shows we are letting in way too many from Muslim countries who do not share our values, and too many kiddies have been indoctrinated to hate Israel

The horror in Israel has put the failure of Western multiculturalism on shocking display

Several years ago, I was chairing a panel of writers talking about motherhood when an Orthodox Jewish author made an observation I have never forgotten. Twins were not viewed as a blessing in her community, Sally said.


“Because when they come for you, it’s too hard to pick up both of them and run.” The other mums on the panel were stunned into silence. When they come for you, the Jewish mother said, not if.

On Saturday October 7, Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky realised that “they” had come for them. Gunmen were breaking down the door of their house in a kibbutz not far from the border with Gaza.

They stuck the 10 month old twins in a safe room, and then the Hamas animals killed them. Israel soldiers found the twins, who are now orphans.

On Monday night, while Rishi Sunak was taking a robust and much-appreciated stand at Finchley United Synagogue, alongside the Chief Rabbi, with a plain-speaking approach the BBC would do well to emulate (“They are not militants. They are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists!”), thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators staged a rally outside the Israeli embassy.

It was a dismaying sight, repellent in its callousness. A young Jewish woman I know attempted to reach the embassy to show her solidarity, but she was terrified and driven away. Guidance from the Metropolitan Police on this matter was so bland it amounted to a surrender IOU.

“We are engaging with protesters in Kensington High Street  We encourage those taking part to do so safely and responsibly,” burbled our capital’s police force, “Do not put yourself or others at risk of injury by climbing street furniture or buildings. Officers will take action if any criminal activity occurs.”

Well, as Hamas is a proscribed organisation under the Terror Act 2000, and it is a criminal offence to support them, the coppers should have been busy making hundreds of arrests, but they largely hung back.

It’s a very, very long piece, well worth the read, and essentially shows that the West made a huge mistake letting in all these people, legally and illegally, who’s values are completely incompatible with Western values, who sympathize with the terrorist version of Islam, who despise Jews and want Israel destroyed, and want to destroy the Western nations, both by violence and by subversion. Look at all the no-go zones. The violence. Having their own Sharia police. Enforcing their own laws. Grooming and raping young women and men. Banding together to put their own people into political office to help change laws towards Islamic law.

Interestingly, as I wrote many times when I blogged more about this issue, the Islamists conned Democrats into supporting their extremist views as started by the Muslim Brotherhood, even though they stand in stark opposition to Democrat values. And liberal, Green, Conservative (both UK and US, which are different), and most any party that supports a Democracy Model government.

Read: Surprise: Democrats Support Palestinians Over Israelis »

Twelve NC Democrats Walk Out On Vote To Support Israel

Unsurprisingly, WRAL forgot to mention some relevant and important information

NC lawmakers support Israel in bipartisan speeches, House resolution as fighting with Hamas intensifies

North Carolina lawmakers passed a pro-Israel resolution in the state House and read a pro-Israel statement onto the Senate’s official record, as the country’s conflict with Hamas intensified Tuesday. (snip)

The House resolution passed with a vote of 104-0 in the 120-seat chamber. Twelve Democrats were listed in the final count as “not voting.” They are: Rep. John Autry, D-Mecklenburg, Rep. Amber Baker, D-Forsyth, Rep. Gloristine Brown, D-Pitt, Rep. Kanika Brown, D-Forsyth, Rep. Maria Cervania, D-Wake, Rep. Terence Everitt, D-Wake, Rep. Pricey Harrison, D-Guilford, Rep. Nasif Majeed, D-Mecklenburg, Rep. Marcia Morey, D-Durham, Rep. Renée Price, D-Orange, Rep. Diamond Staton-Williams, D-Cabarrus, Rep. Julie von Haefen, D-Wake.

Well, I can understand WRAL not knowing what’s going on, same as many other outlets, since their reporters barely leave the office, they just read tweets.

(Carolina Journal) Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, led the debate as the NC House voted unanimously Tuesday for House Resolution 897. It urges Congress to support Israel in response to unprovoked attacks from terrorist group Hamas.

However, a group of 12 House Democrats walked out of the chamber rather than vote on the resolution. It passed, 104-0.

Yeah, they didn’t not vote, they walked out. On a very simple resolution. Were they trying to not piss off the Muslims in their communities, who really do hate Israel and Jews?

She stands so much that she walked out of the vote. Nor will she condemn Islamists like Rashiada Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. And, none of the NC Credentialed Media have asked her or the others to explain their walking out on a vote. She’s probably not going to answer me, especially since I’m not in her NC House district.

Read: Twelve NC Democrats Walk Out On Vote To Support Israel »

Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Have Long Term Impacts On Mental Health

If you tell everyone it’s a world ending crisis, if you teach them that it is a world ending crisis, if the news and politicians are constantly bleating doom and gloom (while using vast amounts of fossil fuels themselves), what you end up is people who are constantly in a state of mental illness, be it rage or depression, and no one will suffer more than the youts being indoctrinated

Climate change can have ‘lifelong impacts’ on young people’s mental health, report says

Climate change can play a major role in affecting young people’s mental health, according to a new report from the American Psychological Association.

Written in collaboration with the climate advocacy organization ecoAmerica, the report documents how environmental events linked to climate change – including weather disasters, extreme heat and poor air quality – can trigger or exacerbate mental health issues for kids and teens.

So, written essentially by the people pimping extreme doom and gloom. It’s like Hamas writing a report claiming they are not terrorists

Natural disasters can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder in these groups, the report says. Longer-term problems like heat, drought and poor air quality can increase the risks of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, aggression, cognitive impairment and more.

“The report documents psychological harms that are happening right now to the children and youth in our country,” Dr. Dennis P. Stolle, the association’s senior director of applied psychology who reviewed the report, wrote in an email to CNN. “These are not issues that we can wait and resolve later. As a society, we must act now.”

Natural disasters have always happened, will always happen. The youts are being taught to freak out over them.

According to Dr. Sue Clayton, a professor of psychology at the College of Wooster and the report’s lead author, climate change-related weather events leave kids more vulnerable to mental health consequences because young people might not have the coping strategies that adults do.

Well, there used to be parents, teachers, politicians, etc, who helped the teens cope. Now they get the kids to freak.

Health care professionals could also screen early and regularly for climate-related distress among youth. Stolle says a greater number of clinical psychologists are treating people with anxiety about climate change.

“Clinical psychologists are finding themselves on the frontlines of treating the patients who are suffering from these concerns,” he wrote in his email.

Instead of telling them to chill, that it is not the end of the world, they perpetuated the scam, leading to the need for more mental health treatment. Nice scam.

Read: Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Have Long Term Impacts On Mental Health »

If All You See…

…are trees losing their leaves later and later due to global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on a peculiar dynamic in the media’s war coverage.

Read: If All You See… »

‘No one feels safe’: Nazis in fear as Allied airstrikes in Germany kill at least 490 women and children

Can you imagine if ABC News had written that headline? How would that have gone over? I mean, heck, if it was “‘No one feels safe’: Russians in fear as Ukrainian airstrikes in Crimea kill at least 490 women and children”, how would that be taken? You just had to know that the Democrats, who hate Israel and Jews and love them some Palestinian terrorists, who work in the Credentialed Media were going to start taking the side of the Palestinians, right?

‘No one feels safe’: Palestinians in fear as Israeli airstrikes in Gaza kill at least 490 women and children

Hundreds of targets have been hit in Gaza by Israel following the Saturday incursion from Hamas terrorists, the group that controls the Palestinian territory of Gaza. More than 200 targets were struck in Gaza by Israeli forces in just one day, according to authorities.

In Gaza, at least 950 people have died — among them 260 children and 230 women — and another 5,000 have been wounded since Saturday, according to the latest numbers from Palestinian officials.

In Israel, at least 1,200 people have been killed and 2,900 others injured.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip say they are living in fear as Israel retaliates for the actions of the militant terrorist group, with nowhere for them go.

There are no bomb shelters for Palestinians to hide from airstrikes.

So, wait, Hamas and the other terrorists in charge of Gaza failed to build bomb shelters despite constantly attacking Israeli civilians? Maybe they should have spent more time building those rather than weapons rooms below hospitals. And, yes, Israel does have lots, because they Hamas and other terrorists attack random civilian areas of Israel a lot.

“Gaza is a closed zone. There’s nowhere people can evacuate to — there’s no shelters,” said Laila El-Haddad, 45, a Palestinian-American living in Maryland whose family is currently in Gaza.

She continued, “The borders are all controlled and shut and the one border bordering Egypt was bombed earlier today. You know, unless they plan to swim out — but there’s a naval blockade — they really have nowhere to go.”

Well, you know, don’t vote for a terrorist organization to be the government. Don’t support them. These same people complaining are the same ones in the streets, here in the U.S. and other Western nations along with Gaza, chanting Death to Israel and Death to Jews.

Unsurprisingly, ABC News continues on and on about how bad it is for Palestinians, who are the aggressors.

Read: ‘No one feels safe’: Nazis in fear as Allied airstrikes in Germany kill at least 490 women and children »

Doom: Global Boiling To Make Beer Taste Bad Or Something

This all could have been avoided if you simply gave up your fossil fueled lifestyle and your freedom

Climate change could soon affect the taste of beer, new study says

DuckspeakBeer lovers beware: Climate change could soon make the world’s most popular alcoholic drink much more bitter.

Climate change could soon be altering the quality of hops used to make beer which will then alter the flavor, according to a new study published Tuesday in Nature.

European beer-producing regions are projected to experience up to an 18% reduction in their yield of traditional aroma hops by 2050 and up to a 31% reduction in hop acids that are key for bitter flavoring, researchers found.

Beer is the world’s third most widely consumed beverage, after water and tea, and is the world’s most popular alcoholic drink, according to the paper.

Soon. Unless you change your behavior by force of government. This is all supposed to bring it home with something people care about, something close to people. And it is Important enough to the cult that it is all over the news, from CNN to NBC to many, many others.

It is an anti-science cult

Warming Temperatures Bring Different Animals to Maryland

A Salisbury man fishing for spotted sea trout Sept. 17 in the Chesapeake Bay pulled in a tall, silvery fish with a striking yellow underside.

It turned out to be the largest Florida pompano recorded in the state. It was also a living indication of a warming climate.

The Florida pompano is just one of multiple species of animals, largely fish and birds, that are appearing in the state more frequently at least partially as a result of climate change. Though these newcomers can increase biodiversity and generate excitement among residents and fishermen, scientists caution that they are also warning signs of a changing ecosystem.

“It’s a sign that things are changing enough to cause shifts in distribution,” said Gwen Brewer, a science program manager with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife and Heritage Service. “We know not everything is going to adjust to those shifts in a positive way. Some species are going to be threatened by those changes.”

Well, yeah. That’s what happens on Earth, species spread. Warm and cool periods change things, no need to invoke witchcraft.

Read: Doom: Global Boiling To Make Beer Taste Bad Or Something »

Pirate's Cove