Biden Regime Demand Power Plants Cut “Emissions” By 90%

This will “necessarily skyrocket: the cost of energy, followed by the cost of living. Not that Biden or his people care, they’re rich, it won’t bug them

Biden rule tells power plants to cut climate pollution by 90 percent — or shut down

The Biden administration is announcing a climate rule that would require most fossil fuel power plants to slash their greenhouse gas pollution 90 percent between 2035 and 2040 — or shut down.

The highly anticipated regulation being unveiled Thursday morning is just the latest step in President Joe Biden’s campaign to green the U.S. economy, an effort that has brought a counterattack from Republicans and coal-state Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin. That’s on top of efforts by Biden’s agencies to promote the use of electric cars, subsidize green energy sources like solar and wind and tighten regulations on products including gas stoves and dishwashers.

The draft power plant rule from the Environmental Protection Agency would break new ground by requiring steep pollution cuts from plants burning coal or natural gas, which together provide the lion’s share of the nation’s electricity. To justify the size of those cuts, the agency says fossil fuel plants could capture their greenhouse gas emissions before they hit the atmosphere — a long-debated technology that no power plant in the U.S. uses now.

As an alternative, utilities could hasten their decisions to shut down their aging coal plants, a trend that has already gathered speed in the past two decades. The rule allows plants that agree to close in the first half of the 2030s to avoid most or all of the pollution-reduction mandates.

It would be one thing if the Biden regime would fast-track next gen nuclear power plants, but, they won’t. This plan will skyrocket energy prices AND make it less dependable, even taking out the push for EVs. Where do they think this energy is going to come from?

I do expect at least 19 states to sue the minute this rule is passed, just like they did with Obama’s clean power plan, Waters Of The US, other Obama climate scam rules, and some Biden climate scam rules. And the Supreme Court just ruled last year

In its 6-3 ruling, the court said that only Congress, not the EPA, has the power to create a broad system of cap-and-trade regulations to limit emissions from existing power plants in a bid to transition away from coal to renewable energy sources.

The decision is a major setback for the Biden administration’s agenda to combat climate change, specifically the goal to zero out carbon emissions from power plants by 2035 and cut in half the country’s emissions by 2100.

The case stems from the EPA’s directive in 2015 to coal power plants to either reduce production or subsidize alternate forms of energy. That order was never implemented because it was immediately challenged in court.

It wasn’t just cap and trade, it was about Congress having the power, not the Executive Branch. It’s rather in that Constitution thingy. It will be interesting to see under what previous passed law the EPA things they have the authority to pass this massive rule that will have an enormous effect on American citizens.

If the GOP had any cajones, they’d put a simple bill up that would require the White House and EPA to only use renewables starting in 2024.

Read: Biden Regime Demand Power Plants Cut “Emissions” By 90% »

Florida Law Provides Lots Of Money To Send Illegals To Democrat Run Areas

Democrats love illegals, right?

DeSantis signed a bill into law that creates new hurdles for undocumented workers and patients in Florida. It provides $12 million to relocate migrants to blue states

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a sweeping bill into law on Wednesday that will make it harder for undocumented people to work in Florida, even though the measure fell short of his demands.

The measure is set to be coupled with $12 million in the state budget to relocate migrants from other states, following a controversial political stunt by DeSantis last year in which he authorized a plane carrying Venezuelan and Colombian migrants to fly from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

DeSantis boasted about the stunt during a press conference in Jacksonville, Florida, on Wednesday, saying officials in blue states expected border states to “grin and bear” the care of an influx of migrants.

Stunt? Really? It showed that sanctuary cities and Elite blue areas do not want the illegals

The sweeping changes just signed into law ban undocumented people from driving cars even with licenses from other states, ban localities from issuing IDs to undocumented immigrants, impose felony-level penalties on people who knowingly bring undocumented people to Florida, and require private employers to use E-Verify — a system that checks prospective workers’ residency status.

I can see illegal alien supporters suing, and at least putting a hold on everything but the e-verify. There are supposed to be serious federal penalties on people who knowingly harbor and shelter illegals, as well as enticing them to come to the U.S. illegally.

Critics of the new legislation said they were deeply concerned about how it would affect businesses in Florida. “This law will hurt Florida’s economy at a time when we businesses are struggling with crippling labor shortages in key sectors like healthcare, construction, agriculture, and food service,” Mike Fernandez, the chairman of MBF Healthcare Partners and the cochair of the American Business Immigration Coalition, said in a statement.

Why? Legal citizens can work those jobs.


Looks like Democrat voting Chicago residents are raaaaacists.

Read More »

Read: Florida Law Provides Lots Of Money To Send Illegals To Democrat Run Areas »

Washington Post, Which Supports The Forced EV Push, Notices The Environmental Issues Created

Right above the headline at the article you’ll notice it says “clean cars, hidden toll”

To meet EV demand, industry turns to technology long deemed hazardous

On a remote island close to where the Pacific meets the Indian Ocean sits one of the first refineries built specifically to support the world’s transition away from fossil fuels.

Rocks unearthed here contain traces of nickel, a key ingredient in electric vehicle batteries. Extracting it, refining it and readying it for export is a gargantuan task.

More than $1 billion has been sunk into the processing facility, the first in Indonesia to use an acid-leaching technology to convert low-grade laterite nickel ore — which the country has in abundance — into a higher-grade material suitable for batteries. Foreign investors and lenders cite the project as evidence of their commitment to fighting climate change.

But the sprawling facility, bordered on one side by forest and on the other by blue seas, faces a major challenge: what to do with the roughly 4 million metric tons of toxic waste produced every year — enough, approximately, to fill 1,667 Olympic-size swimming pools.

Yeah, we noticed this issue years ago

In 2020, the companies behind the project told the government they had a solution: They would pump the waste into the ocean. They ultimately backtracked in the face of public pressure. But it’s not clear that the on-land storage alternative they’ve offered instead is significantly safer.

So, wait, this was a Known Issue years ago, and the WP is just now telling their inside the beltway consumers about it, after pimping the forced electric vehicle push?

And as global demand for nickel surges, company executives and Indonesian government leaders are turning to a refining technology long considered too risky to embrace, too perilous for the environment and for local communities.

This technology, using acid under conditions of intense heat and pressure to remove nickel from raw ore, has never been tested before in Indonesia, where the frequency of earthquakes, heavy rainfall and landslides can make it especially treacherous to transport and store hazardous waste. The process poses steep environmental costs that have yet to be reckoned with, according to interviews with more than 40 people familiar with the country’s nickel industry, visits to six largely isolated mining villages in eastern Indonesia and visual analyses by mining experts.

So, screwing these villagers in a 3rd world (2nd world?) nation to take care of the Elites in the 1st world.

The surging interest in nickel is part of the global boom in demand for a range of metals used in making EVs, which typically require six times the mineral inputs of their fossil-fuel burning counterparts to make them run. But while the transition to EVs is widely considered essential in addressing climate change, there has often been little recognition of the toll that extraction and processing of these raw materials — including technologies now urgently needed to produce the quantity and quality of minerals required — will take on the lives and livelihoods of local communities and the surrounding environment.

Little recognition? Those who are against the forced EV push have been noting it for years. Even if we support EVs (which I do), we just do not like mandates, we note it. They may be much better for air quality and not having gas and oil on the ground and in the waters, EVs create their own environmental damage, and this rush to force them on citizens hasn’t factored in the overall damage.

Read: Washington Post, Which Supports The Forced EV Push, Notices The Environmental Issues Created »

If All You See…

…is a lake that is obviously shrinking from carbon pollution heat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on Liz Cheney’s version of “real men.”

Read: If All You See… »

Two Week Long Chinese Coronavirus Emergency Ends Friday

It ended for most people quite some time ago, it’s mostly just government and some people who think a mask actually works who still took this seriously

U.S. ends COVID-19 emergency. Here’s what that means for you

President Biden has signed a GOP-authored bill declaring an end to the COVID-19 national emergency, and the president is eliminating certain vaccine requirements beginning Friday, as the World Health Organization declares an end to the global pandemic emergency.

The White House is winding down its COVID-19 response team, and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra has declared the public health emergency will end on Friday.

“Obviously, we’re in a different place now than we were two and a half years ago when the president came into office, right?” White House COVID-19 Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said in a briefing with reporters Tuesday. “Hospitalizations and deaths are down by well over 90%. And the secretary made a decision to end the public health emergency because we are in a much better place.”

Cute. Congress passed a bill when ends it, which Biden signed. Anyhow, what does this all mean for you? For one Paxlovid will continue to be free for a bit, but, eventually it will be something paid for by your insurance. And

COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be free of charge until the nation’s stockpiled vaccines expire or run out, and Jha said the federal government still has an ample supply. Because they qualify as preventative services under the Affordable Care Act, vaccines will continue to remain free even that for most Americans, Jha said.

Jha says “nearly” every COVID-19 death is now preventable.

Is this like how more people died once the vaccines were available and citizens were forced to mask up than before? Seriously, how many people are getting the jab? I do not know of anyone.

Federal workers and contractors will no longer need to be vaccinated against the virus or obtain an approved exemption. The president on Tuesday issued an executive order ending the vaccine requirement for such workers as of May 12, saying, “we no longer need a government-wide vaccination requirement for federal employees or federally specified safety protocols for federal contractors.”

No more COVID vaccine requirements for international travelers

Does this mean that federal workers currently not working in their offices will be required to come back to the office? So far, Biden has only put out guidance that he’d really like them to, but, not requiring them to.

Most people did move on. Now the Biden regime needs to figure out other ways to run the lives of US citizens.

I’d already set this to post at 1030 when I ran across this delusion piece at the NY Times

Experts See Lessons for Next Pandemic as Covid Emergency Comes to an End

A lot went wrong during the coronavirus pandemic as the virus tore through a polarized nation and public health leaders, policymakers and elected officials struggled to respond.

Chronic underinvestment in public health at the federal, state and local levels only made things worse. All told, more than 1.1 million people have died of Covid-19 in the United States, and more than 1,000 are still dying each week.

Despite the vaccines and forced masking. So, what are those lessons? Surely they have to include “don’t act like dictators. Don’t lock people down. Don’t shutter their business, nor pick and choose which businesses to close. Don’t spend like idiots”, right?

Public health experts say that when managing an infectious disease outbreak, communication is not part of the response. It is the response.

Yes, perhaps the Elites can explain why they’re blowing off the restrictions they instituted for the peasants. Like how Biden and his people never wore masks while addressing the press, despite a Biden mask mandate when indoors at a federal building.

The C.D.C. was hamstrung during the pandemic by antiquated data systems and inconsistent data sharing between the federal government, states and health providers. And unlike Britain and Israel, which have national health care systems, the United States has no mechanism for a free flow of data between public health agencies and private providers.

Is this like how the Biden admin and all sorts of government officials attempted to shut down people having their say?

School closures have been a particularly contentious topic, but many experts now agree that some schools were closed for too long and that abruptly removing millions of children from American classrooms has had harmful effects on their emotional and intellectual health.

Ya think?

In the early months of the pandemic, frontline health workers faced dramatic supply shortages, forcing them to reuse face masks, wear ill-fitting personal protective gear or go without such equipment altogether.

Nope, nothing about government not being authoritarian.

Read: Two Week Long Chinese Coronavirus Emergency Ends Friday »

Greenpeace, A Few Italians Sue Italian Energy Company Over Hotcoldwetdry

Have they considered what the outcome will be if they win?

Greenpeace sues Italian energy company ENI over climate change

Greenpeace and an environmental coalition including 12 Italian citizens are suing Italian energy company ENI, accusing it of knowingly contributing to climate change.

The complaint names ENI as well as its two biggest shareholders, the Italian Economy Ministry and the Italian state lender and public investment bank, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. It’s seeking past and future damages as a result of “climate change to which ENI has significantly contributed by its conduct in recent decades, while being aware of it,” according to a statement from Greenpeace Italy.

In a statement, ENI said it would demonstrate in court the “groundlessness” of the lawsuit and the “correctness” of its decarbonization strategy, which it said was balancing sustainability, energy security and competitiveness.

ENI also said it would consider legal action on its own against one of the plaintiffs, ReCommon, for alleged defamation.

Good on ENI to fight back. They should disconnect service from any plaintiffs, tell them to install solar panels on their own

The plaintiffs are also asking the court to oblige ENI to change its industrial strategy to reduce emissions by at least 45% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels to keep the average global temperature increase within 1.5 degrees Celsius, as called for by the Paris Climate Agreement.

OK, let’s say ENI loses: how much will this cost them in direct payouts and in infrastructure upgrades, which will be passed on to consumers? If they have to replace reliable, dependable, cost efficient fossil fuels with expensive, unreliable wind and solar? Have they really considered the consequences, or, do cultists just not care or think?

Read: Greenpeace, A Few Italians Sue Italian Energy Company Over Hotcoldwetdry »

US Warns Illegals That Border Is Not Open But Will Allow Them In And Untracked

Does the government talk to the government? Here’s the shot

U.S. Warns Migrants Before End of Pandemic Restrictions That ‘Border Is Not Open’

A day before a pandemic-era rule that was used to swiftly expel migrants at the southern border is set to expire, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, warned migrants on Wednesday against crossing illegally into the United States.

“Our border is not open,” Mr. Mayorkas said, adding that those who enter illegally will now face tougher consequences, including expulsion from the country. “Do not risk your life and your life savings only to be removed from the United States if — if and when — you arrive here.”


Biden admin to allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them

After more than 11,000 migrants were caught crossing the southern border on Tuesday, the Biden administration is now preparing a memo that will direct Customs and Border Protection to begin releasing migrants into the U.S. without court dates or the ability to track them, according to three sources familiar with the plans.

The Biden administration began releasing migrants without court dates to alleviate overcrowding in March 2021, but had previously enrolled those migrants in a program known as Alternatives to Detention, which required them to check in on a mobile app until they were eventually given a court date. The new policy would release them on “parole” with a notice to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office but without enrolling them in the program.

The more than 11,000 border apprehensions in a single day is a record and surpasses expectations of 10,000 per day predicted by Department of Homeland Security officials on what could come when Covid restrictions lift late Thursday.

“We’re already breaking and we haven’t hit the starting line,” one DHS official told NBC News, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the person isn’t authorized to talk to the media.

So, basically, dereliction of duty, failing to follow the law. Releasing illegals into the nation with zero attempt to track them.

Read: US Warns Illegals That Border Is Not Open But Will Allow Them In And Untracked »

Rhode Island Looks To Be Fossil Fueled Vehicle Free By 2035

I’m shocked that no one at the Providence Journal bothered to ask the governor, unelected bureaucrats, and others who support this if they themselves are driving EVs

State wants to phase out sales of new gas-powered vehicles in RI by 2035. Here’s how they’ll do it.

Rhode Island is joining a wave of states that are following California’s lead to phase out sales of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035 in a bid to reduce air pollution and combat climate change.

Gov. Dan McKee will announce Wednesday the decision to go forward with the regulations that are the strictest in the nation on mandating sales of electric cars and trucks. It would bring Rhode Island in line with Massachusetts, New York and other states that have already adopted California’s new standard that aims for a full-scale transformation of America’s automotive industry.

It would also boost Rhode Island’s efforts to comply with a landmark state law that requires deep emissions cuts.

“The Act on Climate put us on the clock for meeting major carbon reduction mandates, and it’s clear to me that Rhode Island will only meet the mandates by addressing the transportation sector head-on,” McKee said in a statement.

Well, hey, you Democrats voted for this, suck it up, no complaining.

The move will necessitate big changes for Rhode Island’s auto dealers. In 2022, only 5.2 percent of vehicle sales in the state were electric, up only slightly from the year before. In 2027, the first year Rhode Island would begin enforcing the standard, 43 percent of all new cars and trucks sold in the state would have to be electric or hydrogen-powered models.

Automakers have already begun transitioning to emissions-free vehicles, but supply chain issues across the entire industry have slowed the delivery of new models. If supplies remain tight, it will be the states that require sales of electric cars that will get them first, said Terry Gray, director of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.

How many dealers will this put out of business, because there just aren’t enough vehicles to sell, and most working class and middle class folks can’t afford them? How will you get from 5.2% to 43% in 4 years, then 100% by 2035? Where does all that metal for the batteries come from? What about the energy to charge them?

Read: Rhode Island Looks To Be Fossil Fueled Vehicle Free By 2035 »

Biden Digs In On Debt Ceiling Fight

This could have been hammered out months ago, but, instead, the Biden regime said they wouldn’t negotiate on something that has long been negotiated

Kevin McCarthy: ‘Didn’t See Any New Movement’ on Debt Ceiling Negotiations

Biden Brain SuckerHouse Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said on Tuesday after he met with President Joe Biden he “did not see any new movement” on a potential debt ceiling deal.

McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) held a press conference after their meeting with Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).

“I didn’t see any new movement,” McCarthy revealed. He said that everyone in the meeting “reiterated” their positions that they have long held. He added that staff will continue to negotiate. (snip)

McCarthy chided Biden for waiting 97 days for Tuesday’s negotiations. He said the Republican debt ceiling bill, the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, would raise the debt ceiling in a responsible manner and boost economic growth.

Biden doesn’t want to give up all that stuff pass without any Republican help, even though most of it fails to help the economy. His a true ideologue, and doesn’t seem to understand that politics is a give and take.

How Might the Government Avoid Default? Biden Offers Clues.

Nearly two hours after the end of what appeared to be a fruitless meeting between President Biden and Republican leaders this week over raising the federal debt limit, Mr. Biden finally offered a hint as to how the government might avoid a catastrophic default.

Actually, it was two hints, contained in an impromptu news conference in the Roosevelt Room. For the first time, Mr. Biden signaled he was open to clawing back some unspent stimulus money included in the economic rescue bill he signed in 2021 during the pandemic. That suggested a potential starting ground for compromise between the president and Republican lawmakers, who have refused to raise the nation’s borrowing limit without deep spending cuts, and who have pushed to rescind some stimulus funds. (snip)

The second clue was not about possible compromise — it was the opposite. The president acknowledged that he is considering what would effectively be a constitutional challenge to the very existence of the debt limit. It is a unilateral path that Mr. Biden conceded could face legal hurdles. But his comments suggested that if Congress could not find a deal to raise the debt limit on terms acceptable to Mr. Biden — and before the nation runs out of cash to pay its bills — the president might be prepared to try to avoid default on his own.

“I am considering the 14th Amendment,” Mr. Biden said, referring to a clause in the Constitution that stipulates that “the validity of the public debt” issued by the U.S. government “shall not be questioned.” Some constitutional scholars contend that clause requires the government to continue issuing new debt to pay bondholders, effectively overriding the nation’s statutory borrowing limit, which is controlled by Congress.

Wouldn’t it simply be easier, and more responsible, to negotiate? Take the bill the GOP let House (which has the power of the purse strings) offered, make some offers to remove/add some stuff and remove/add others. That’s negotiation. No one will get everything they want. Biden is acting more like a dictator.

But Mr. Biden said the move was under consideration regardless, and he punctuated that thought at the end of his remarks on a potential default. “I will do everything in my power to avoid it,” he said.

Biden and McCarthy’s people plan to meet today and Friday, and then the two are planning on meeting Friday. However, the smart money is on Biden blowing out of D.C. Friday afternoon to head to Delaware and do nothing.

Read: Biden Digs In On Debt Ceiling Fight »

EVs Are, Surprisingly, Turning Into A Nightmare

I’ll mention once again that I’m not against EVs. It would be great if they were ready for primetime, as they do not release all the air pollutants that gas powered ones do, and I’m not referring to carbon dioxide. If you want one, get one. I am 100% against mandates and forcing citizens to purchase one. And we have even more problems

The electric vehicle dream has turned into a nightmare

electric vehicleThe rollout of electric cars isn’t quite going to plan, is it? By the end of the decade it will be illegal to buy a new petrol car, but that doesn’t mean we’ve thought through the consequences.

There were always obvious problems with the technology: the electricity has to come from somewhere, and Britain isn’t installing enough chargers to meet government targets. And that’s before you take the rocketing price of electricity into account, which means that thousands of the handy roadside chargers where motorists could charge up for nothing have been pulled. There are nearly 40 per cent fewer than a year ago.

Wait for it

It now turns out that some bridges may not be able to take the weight of electric cars which, due to their large battery packs, are heavier than their petrol equivalents. Cue lengthy detours to a sturdier crossing point. It’s little use having new technology without the infrastructure to match.

Well, that’s a new one on me. But, it makes sense. EVs can weight anywhere from hundreds to thousand of pounds more than a fossil fueled vehicle. Bridges were designed for certain weights, averaged out between cars and trucks of all sizes as they travel across them. Now you’ll be added thousands or tens of thousands of pounds more weight to each bridge, stressing them. Bridges have collapsed from having too much weight on them. What happens when you have a jam, and you have added 15K pounds more?

A further issue is what happens when an electric car hits a pedestrian or a cyclist. Because they’re so heavy, the impact can be worse than that of a normal car. Urban 4x4s used to get a bad press because they could flatten pedestrians like a tank, but an electric car can do the same. Because they’re so quiet – unless they come with the fake engine noises manufacturers are working on – people might not hear them coming.

That’s not good. Here’s something from back in January: “Drivers beware: Some electric cars are so heavy they risk crushing smaller vehicles in collisions“. Have the Powers That Be really thought this through?

Moreover, if you’re remotely paranoid about surveillance technology when it comes to some social media apps or your smartphone, it turns out that some smart electric cars can collect data including route history and road speed. All the cameras, sensors, internet connectivity and radar which make the latest models so covetable also mean that they could theoretically be used for remote surveillance. I bet James Bond would pass on the electric vehicle and stick with the Aston Martin.

They keep coming up with more and more problems, eh?

Read: EVs Are, Surprisingly, Turning Into A Nightmare »

Pirate's Cove