Excitable Joe Biden Says Global Warming Is The Only Existential Threat That Exists For Humanity

Well, in fairness, he’s just reading what they told him to, and probably has no clue what he’s saying

Huh. Also Biden

  • The President and The First Lady depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Goldsboro, North Carolina
  • The President and The First Lady depart Goldsboro, North Carolina en route to Elm City, North Carolina
  • The President and The First Lady depart Rocky Mount, North Carolina en route to Fort Liberty, North Carolina
  • The President and The First Lady depart Fort Liberty, North Carolina en route to Joint Base Andrews

That’s an abbreviated portion of his schedule, which doesn’t really explain how he traveled. Obviously, a helicopter to Andrews, then a jumbo jet, with a backup jet and fighter jet protection, to Goldsboro. The trip to Elm City ended at the Rocky Mount-Wilson Regional Airport. Did they take a large fossil fueled convoy, or fly there in a fossil fueled helicopter or plane? How about to Fort Liberty? They left directly from there to Andrews. Did AF1 fly solo to Andrews? They really didn’t do much of anything in Goldsboro.

Also also Biden

Biden to host thousands at White House Pride party

President Joe Biden will host the largest White House Pride Month celebration in history on Thursday, in a deliberate contrast to a cascade of Republican legislation and other attacks targeting LGBTQ+ people.

Biden, a Democrat, will host thousands of people on the White House’s South Lawn for an evening celebration of LGBTQ+ families that will feature singer Betty Who and Baltimore DJ Queen HD.

And how are they all traveling to the White House? In fairness, the party was postponed due to the air quality

President Joe Biden unveiled initiatives Thursday to protect LGBTQ communities but hastily postponed a big Pride Month celebration on the White House lawn with thousands of guests from around the country because of poor air quality from the Canadian wildfires.

The event, which will now be held on Saturday, was intended to be a high-profile show of support at a time when members of the LGBTQ community feel under attack like never before and the White House has little recourse to beat back a flood of state-level legislation against them.

Huh. All around the country. What’s the carbon footprint? Why do we listen to utter hypocrites? Why does our media not call him out?

Read: Excitable Joe Biden Says Global Warming Is The Only Existential Threat That Exists For Humanity »

Whiny People Whine About Texas Plan To Buoy Barrier In Rio Grande

Hey, all the people complaining can offer to put the migrants up in their own homes, right?

Outcry as Texas to install ‘buoy barrier’ in Rio Grande to deter border crossings

Americans before illegalsThe governor of Texas announced the state will install a barrier made of buoys along a section of the Rio Grande where people often wade or swim across the treacherous river from Mexico seeking refuge in the US, as the state committed $5.1bn towards ramping up plans to thwart border crossings.

Greg Abbott said a “new, water-based barrier of buoys” will be placed in the river. At a press conference he showed a line of large red buoys floating in the center of the Rio Grande.

The installation of the buoys would begin “pretty much immediately”, Abbott said on Thursday, in what is the latest step in Republicans’ campaign against immigration.

Republican governors from 14 states have already said they would send thousands of national guard troops and other personnel to the Texas-Mexico border, in an orchestrated effort that immigration advocates said would “put migrants’ lives at risk”.

Sounds like a great idea!

Rodolfo Rosales, Texas state director of the League of United Latin Americans Citizens, condemned Abbott’s plan.

“We view it as a chilling reminder of the extreme measures used throughout history by elected leaders against those they do not regard as human beings, seeking only to exterminate them, regardless of the means employed,” Rosales told CBS News.

Latin American. Not United States. They’re welcome to apply for citizenship the legal way.

“The governor was also concerned about loss of life – is this going to be a risk to migrants coming across, family units, along those lines,” McCraw (the director of the Texas department of public safety) said.

“And the answer is any time they get in that water it’s a risk to the migrants. This is to deter them from even coming in the water.”

Hopefully it will work

“Unfortunately, both Governors DeSantis and Abbott have used tools of intimidation in many different fashions through the past couple of years and put migrants’ lives at risk in doing so to win political points,” Hanne Sandison, director of the refugee and immigrant program at the Advocates for Human Rights non-profit, told the Guardian .

The illegals are putting their own lives at risk, as do Democrats and the Advocates for Human Rights, who entice people to make long, dangerous treks to come to the U.S. illegally.

Read: Whiny People Whine About Texas Plan To Buoy Barrier In Rio Grande »

D.C. Got A Lungful Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

I was trying to ignore the insane cult rambling over the Canadian wildfires, but, this is just too stupid to ignore

D.C. gets lungful of climate change

In a stunning manifestation of the dangers of a warming world, large swaths of the eastern U.S. are suffering from extreme air pollution driven by hundreds of wildfires raging across Quebec.

The smoke has spurred renewed calls for more aggressive efforts to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions warming the planet. And unlike with most climate-linked disasters, people in Washington are feeling this one firsthand.

Paul Miller, who leads a Boston-based group of air pollution regulators, said air pollution could drive real action, if history is any guide.

“People tend to act on things they can see,” he told Sean Reilly, referencing passage of the 1970 Clean Air Act. The bedrock environmental law received a groundswell of bipartisan support after smog and other pollution reached extreme levels in the 1960s.

Good grief. Wildfires are mostly natural. Lightning strikes. Of course, then there are idiots who intentionally or unintentionally start fires. This has zero to do with ‘climate change’

On the Hill: Lawmakers certainly took notice as a thick layer of smoke penetrated Washington and the Capitol.

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the top Republican on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, called the plague of smoke “a sobering reminder that we must manage our forests to make them more resilient to catastrophic fires.” But he stopped short of making the connection between fires and fossil fuels.

Because there isn’t any. Fires happen. And leftist enviro-weenies stop government and groups from clearing dead brush.

Meanwhile, Republicans are still opposing multiple federal and state-led efforts to tackle climate change. This prompted Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, to deride Republican “climate denier[s]” in Congress.

“You show up to work at the Capitol today, see the skies filled with smoke … and you still don’t get that we need bold and immediate action to save our planet? Ridiculous,” she tweeted.

And how’s she, and all the others, getting around D.C. and between their districts? This is all a political movement to take your money and control your life.

Read: D.C. Got A Lungful Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon sailboats, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on the Biden regime and the plague of loneliness.

Read: If All You See… »

Shady FBI Says “Trust Us, We Have Secret Information” In Domestic Spying Lawsuit

Da, Comrade, we should totally trust them and dismiss the case. We’ll see if the judges buy what the Stasi, er, FBI, are selling

FBI Claims Secret Evidence Trumps Religious Discrimination Charges in Domestic Spying Case

Before Irvine, Calif. had its own mosque, Muslims would gather at Ali Malik’s home for nightly prayers during Ramadan. But after an FBI informant pretended to be a convert and spied on Malik’s lay congregation—and more than half a dozen Southern California mosques, as well, in the mid-2000s—trust within the community eroded. Malik’s family pulled back. The communal prayers came to an end. “We became closed off and afraid of reaching out,” he says.

Shocked by the experience, Malik and two other plaintiffs sued the FBI, accusing the agency of religious discrimination and unlawful government surveillance. But more than a decade later, the U.S. justice system is still wrestling with whether government secrecy trumps such claims of religious discrimination in domestic national security cases.

Malik’s case, FBI v. Fazaga, came before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Thursday. The government argues that all the plaintiffs’ claims alleging religious discrimination need to be dismissed because it has secret evidence that would exonerate the FBI if made public. “Since the court cannot hear evidence as to who the FBI investigated or why, it cannot adjudicate whether the government targeted Plaintiffs based on their religion,” the FBI has said, in legal filings.

That’s not the way our legal system is supposed to work, though, it’s slightly different in civil, versus criminal, cases. Malik and the others are the ones who sued. But, really, if the government has secret evidence on the plaintiffs and refuse to reveal it, that’s a travesty, as the government should not be keeping secret spying files on U.S. citizens. This isn’t Russia, China, or the old East Germany.

The plaintiffs argue that they don’t need secret evidence to win their argument and that the case should proceed without this information; the religious discrimination claims should not be entirely dismissed, they say. The government has so far not invoked the state secrets privilege for allegations of unlawful surveillance. The plaintiffs are represented by attorneys from the ACLU SoCal, the Center for Immigration Law and Policy at UCLA School of Law and the Council on American-Islamic Relations of Greater Los Angeles.

Mohammad Tajsar, senior staff attorney at ACLU SoCal, says that since 9/11, the government has repeatedly deployed the state secrets defense to kill cases. “It has basically prevented judicial oversight over a whole bunch of desperately abusive national security related policies—things like warrantless wiretapping and extrajudicial assassination,” he says.

The ACLU might not want to invoke things that are irrelevant: those things were mostly done overseas, and not part of the FBI. Stick with what the FBI did, and, if they went overboard in spying on residents. And, were Malik and the two others citizens at the time, or just residents? They should demand that secret information that involves themselves.

more recent analysis in The Supreme Court Review by Laura Donohue, a professor of law and national security at the Georgetown University Law Center, says that over the past 15 years, the government has increasingly begun to assert the state secrets privilege in overly broad ways to cover entire categories of information. This happens even in cases when information poses no real risk to national security and is already in the public domain, she writes. This is a “radical departure from how the privilege has been understood for centuries,” she says.

Eight of those years were under Obama, two under Biden. Hmm.

A lot of evidence about the FBI’s surveillance of Malik and his co-plaintiffs is already publicly available. Much of it details the activities of the pretend convert, a longtime informant for the bureau named Craig Monteilh and is drawn from Monteilh’s own sworn declarations, media reports and statements from FBI agents in other cases. Monteilh, who had served time for fraud, left his key fob and mobile phone in places to record conversations when he was not around. He recorded hundreds of hours of video inside mosques, homes and businesses. He told two other Muslims that “we should bomb something.” He says he was told by his FBI handlers to date Muslim women and have sex with them to get more information. The FBI dubbed the surveillance program “Operation Flex”—a nod to Monteilh’s strategy of using workout tips to befriend young Muslim men.

Were there warrants involved for this? Did he have permission to make those secret recordings and videos? This sounds much like entrapment, and there were no criminal charges levied. The FBI has yammered periodically about “saving Democracy”, yet, they want to act like a secret police force. If the FBI was seeing specific information that the mosque and/or members had links to radical, extremist, terrorist Islamic forces, sure, spy, but, if there’s no reason, that is shady, and they need to prove themselves.

Read: Shady FBI Says “Trust Us, We Have Secret Information” In Domestic Spying Lawsuit »

Strange: Biggest Companies Making No Progress On Climate Crisis (scam) Goals

It’s almost like they were climavirtue signaling to get the cultists off their butts

The world’s biggest companies have made almost no progress on limiting global warming since 2018

The vast majority of the world’s biggest companies have done almost nothing in the past five years to cut their planet-heating pollution enough to avoid catastrophic climate change.

Large companies are either more likely to contribute to extreme levels of warming or are not disclosing their greenhouse gas emissions at all, according to a new report from ESG Book, seen by CNN.

The leading sustainability data provider found that the efforts of just 22% of the world’s 500 biggest public companies by market value are aligned with the Paris Agreement, aimed at limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. That’s a measly gain from 18% of firms in 2018.

Almost half, or 45%, of companies are aligned with warming of at least 2.7 degrees Celsius — a disastrous level of warming that could expose billions of people to dangerously hot conditions. That’s down from 61% in 2018.

“Our data presents a clear message: we need to do more, and we need to do it quickly,” ESG Book CEO Daniel Klier said.

What’s this “we”, chump? If climate cultists are averse to making even token changes in their own lives, why should they rest of us? Mind your own business.

“Without a fundamental change in the way the global economy operates, it’s not obvious how we see a significant shift.”

And what would that fundamental change be? Strange how they never come out and say what they really want.

Read: Strange: Biggest Companies Making No Progress On Climate Crisis (scam) Goals »

Obligatory Trump To Be Indicted And Biden’s $5 Million Payoff

Do they realize that this is going to drive more people into his corner, as they see this as a political prosecution?

Trump indicted on federal charges related to document handling and obstruction of justice

Former President Trump has been indicted on federal charges that emerged out of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s months-long investigation.

Trump is listed in the indictment, which has not been unsealed, as a criminal defendant charged with at least seven counts involving obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and illegal retention of classified government material. He has been ordered to appear in federal court in Miami on Tuesday.

Trump himself announced the indictment on his social media platform, Truth Social. Sources say federal prosecutors informed Trump’s attorneys of the indictment a short time before he revealed it.

“The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys that I have been Indicted, seemingly over the Boxes Hoax, even though Joe Biden has 1850 Boxes at the University of Delaware, additional Boxes in Chinatown, D.C., with even more Boxes at the University of Pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floor where he parks his Corvette, and which is “secured” by only a garage door that is paper thin, and open much of the time,” Trump said on Truth Social.

Trump said he has “been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM.”

So, why is Biden not being charged? He had zero authority to have those documents. He was VP, not president. Have they raided Obama’s house and offices? How about George W. Bush? William J. Clinton? Who wants to bet they have documents they shouldn’t have? This really is a case of selective, politicized prosecution. If Trump did wrong, fine, but, justice must be blind and apply equally to all. This is the kind of thing that can tear the country apart. Though, I’m not so sure Democrats care.

Speaking of Biden

Joe Biden allegedly paid $5M by Burisma executive as part of a bribery scheme, according to FBI document

President Joe Biden was allegedly paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, where his son Hunter Biden sat on the board, a confidential human source told the FBI during a June 2020 interview, sources familiar told Fox News Digital.

The sources briefed Fox News Digital on the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 form alleging a criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over U.S. policy decisions.

The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, is the FBI’s interview with a “highly credible” confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top Burisma executive over the course of several years, starting in 2015. Fox News Digital has not seen the form, but it was described by several sources who are aware of its contents.

And the FBI did what with this, exactly? If they sat on it, covered it up, many of them need to be going to jail, along with Biden. This apparently happened in 2015 and 2016, when Biden was still in office as Vice President. Of course, the Credentialed Media is circling the wagons, taking the Biden line that this is all “malarkey“. There was a time when reporters would have seen blood in the water and gone after it, investigated, talked with their sources. Nowadays, if the person is a Democrat they play defense and act as press agents.

Read: Obligatory Trump To Be Indicted And Biden’s $5 Million Payoff »

Excitable Gavin Newsome Pushes 28th Amendment About Gun Grabbing

I’m sure Gavin is welcoming of disarming his own security, right? Not just taking guns from you peasants, right?

Gavin has a press release, which all the media are running with and failing to ask questions

The 28th Amendment will permanently enshrine four broadly supported gun safety principles into the U.S. Constitution:

  • Raising the federal minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21;
  • Mandating universal background checks to prevent truly dangerous people from purchasing a gun that could be used in a crime;
  • Instituting a reasonable waiting period for all gun purchases; and
  • Barring civilian purchase of assault weapons that serve no other purpose than to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time – weapons of war our nation’s founders never foresaw.

Additionally, the 28th Amendment will affirm Congress, states, and local governments can enact additional common-sense gun safety regulations that save lives.

Let’s unpack this: first, where is the actual text of said 28th? It’s not at the press release. We already have background checks, which seem to fail at times. The 2nd would need to be repealed for minimum age. How long is the waiting period? The final part would give leftist states, cities, and a Democratic run Congress the authority to pass as many limits and bans as they want whenever they want. Any Amendment should be very, very specific, not give government the ability to run roughshod over the citizens.

This has zero chance of earning 3/4ths of the states voting for it. But, it will do a great job of splitting the nation further.

Read: Excitable Gavin Newsome Pushes 28th Amendment About Gun Grabbing »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post what the Canadian government is not telling you about the wildfires.

Read: If All You See… »

Good Grief: Some NYC Snowflakes Criticize Government Over Wildfire Smoke Warnings

I’m not planning on discussing the idiocy of Blamestorming the smoke from the Canadian wildfires on Hotcoldwetdry. Wildfires happen. Lightning happens. Idiots messing up their campfires happens. Some years are drier than others. Enviro-wackos stop government from clearing the underbrush. And members of the Cult of Climastrology will Blame everything on their cult’s beliefs. This, though, is very stupid

New York City’s ‘smoke wave’ response time for warnings criticized

As New York City was bombarded with dangerous air and smoke conditions that turned the skyline orange, some residents and environmental experts questioned if the city’s leader acted quickly enough to warn people about the dangers of the “smoke wave.”

The city’s Office of Emergency Management issued warnings on its social media pages and city alert system starting Tuesday afternoon and Mayor Eric Adams put out a news release about the dangerous air quality around 11:30 p.m.

Some environmentalists said that the late notice was unacceptable given that the city’s environment was already showing poor visibility and unhealthy air earlier in the morning.

“There is supposed to be emergency planning for situations like this,” Rebecca Bratspies, the director of CUNY Law School’s Center for Urban Environmental Justice Reform, told ABC News. “I was expecting the city to read the same news forecasts I had that this was happening Monday and Tuesday. They should have had a plan.”

Center for what? Scam lawsuits? Anyway

Adams defended his administration’s approach to alerting New Yorkers about the dangers of the situation during a news conference with reporters Wednesday morning. He contended that there were no late notifications as the city’s agencies, such as the health department and OEM, were going through the rapidly changing information.

“The clouds you see over New York City was a fire thousands of miles away. This is the challenge…and there are going to be more issues like this, and there’s no blueprint or playbook for these types of issues,” he said.

It would have been more fun if Adams had said “give me a break. You idiots criticizing the government have your faces buried in your phones 24/7. You take photos and videos of your food and coffee. Of you standing in the streets posing for selfies. Of strangers doing things (which you aren’t supposed to) to make fun of them on social media. You’re constantly watching TikTok. Listening to calls and videos and music on speakerphone. Your phone does a whole heck of a lot more. You can, get this, see the weather on your phone. You can actually download apps, and read what’s going on. Same with local news station apps. And they can give you alerts. Your phones do way more than you think, snowflakes!”

“You can also tune your TVs and things like Firesticks and Rokus to news and weather stations. You can ask Alexa to tell you the weather, and it can give you notifications. If you’re so dependent on Government for this, maybe you should look at your own life.”

Seriously, I got a notification on my phone and via Alexa on the air quality on Monday. I’d already read the weather news to know this was coming. These people have to get a life and some common sense. Myself and my fellow Gen Xers have told these younger folks many times that their phones can do a lot more than they think. They’re shocked when I show them some of the things. They would have known about the way the smoke was going to wrap around a low pressure system and come from Canada way down into the U.S., including NYC, back on Sunday.


Read: Good Grief: Some NYC Snowflakes Criticize Government Over Wildfire Smoke Warnings »

Pirate's Cove