If All You See…

…is a pineapple which will soon grow in Canada due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on parents needing to vet their child’s doctor.

Read: If All You See… »

Constitutional Carry Moves Forward In NC House

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if I agree with this, at least in terms of not requiring a training class

Concealed carry permit bill advances in NC House committee

House lawmakers in the Judiciary 2 committee debated House Bill 189, otherwise known as the NC Constitutional Carry Act on Tuesday morning.

The proposed bill looks to allow anyone 18 or older, barring certain disqualifying offenses or events, to be allowed to carry concealed without a permit in North Carolina.

“This bill is the opposite of what people are demanding,” said Rep. Marcia Morey, a Democrat who represents Durham.

Rep. Laura Budd, a Charlotte-area Democrat, said she had received “hundreds (of calls, emails) in opposition and almost none in favor of the bill.”

Well, of course she did. Republicans won’t bother writing to a Democrat, because you know she’s against anything involving the peasants being armed. But, she does have a small point: are people asking for this? They weren’t clamoring against it, though. No one was really mentioning it.

“It creates an issue,” said Johnston County resident Greg Johnson. “Somebody gets upset, there’s a gun involved. Somebody gets hurt badly. It’s just something that I think creates more problems than it solves.”

“We consider this bill a threat to public safety,” said Jennifer Copeland with the North Carolina Council of Churches, which represents more than a dozen denominations. “We believe if you weaken gun laws on who, how, and where we’re allowed to carry guns — we will ensure that more people will carry guns and more guns will get stolen.”

First off, if you are carrying the gun itself it won’t get stolen. Interestingly, though, you have all these leftist organizations and people who are upset about relaxing the rules for the law abiding, but, never complain about enforcing the laws, and cracking down, on the actual criminals. Because that’s who Democrats support. Criminals.

“An honest, law-abiding citizen does not by nature become a criminal. And people that want to carry concealed lawfully are not going to suddenly become criminals,” said Andy Stevens, the director of the North Carolina chapter of Gun Owners of America. “The criminals don’t care about this law at all because, of course, they don’t follow it to begin with.”

Exactly. And this would make NC the 28th state with Constitutional Carry

Under current law, those who want to carry concealed must complete classroom training and qualify, undergo a background check, and submit fingerprints. Lawmakers in favor of HB189 said the concealed carry permit system would still be in place for anyone who wants one — such as in the case of North Carolinians who want to legally carry outside of the state in other states that currently recognize North Carolina’s concealed carry permit.

That last one’s a big one: if you want to carry in states with reciprocity you must have the permit. I’m trying to determine which gun I like best for concealed, and, once I get it, I’ll take the class and get the permit.

The question now is, are there are enough votes to override a possible veto by Gov. Roy Cooper?

Read: Constitutional Carry Moves Forward In NC House »

Europeans Are Super Excited To Do Something About Hotcoldwetdry, With One Caveat

Can you guess what that stipulation is? It’s the same one that always crops up when asked

Many Europeans want climate action – but less so if it changes their lifestyle, shows poll

Many Europeans are alarmed by the climate crisis and would willingly take personal steps and back government policies to help combat it, a survey suggests – but the more a measure would change their lifestyle, the less they support it.

The seven-country YouGov survey tested backing for state-level climate action, such as banning single-use plastics and scrapping fossil-fuel cars, and individual initiatives including buying only secondhand clothes and giving up meat and dairy products.

The responses, from the UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Italy, suggested many people were happy with measures that would not greatly affect the way they lead their lives, but bigger steps that may be necessary were unpopular.

They’re super happy for little changes

Measures entailing no great lifestyle sacrifice were popular, with between 45% (Germany) and 72% (Spain) backing government tree-planting programmes and 60% (Spain) and 77% (UK) saying they would grow more plants themselves or were doing so already.

Similarly, there was fairly solid support – from 28% in Germany to 43% in Italy – for the idea of limiting meat and dairy intake to two or three meals a week; between 24% (in the UK) and 48% (in Italy) would back government legislation to that effect.

Unsurprisingly, government subsidies to make homes more energy efficient were wildly popular, with support ranging from 86% in Spain to 67% in Germany, while covering the costs personally was rather less so (19% in Germany to 40% in Spain).

They’re good with the government giving them money, failing to realize they’re the ones who will paying for it. The funny thing is, are those same people yammering about, say, meat, doing this themselves now? Only walk, cycle, or take public transit? It’s easy to commit to Someone Else planting more trees and a frequent flyer levy when you do not fly that much, not so much when it personally impacts your own life and money.

Read: Europeans Are Super Excited To Do Something About Hotcoldwetdry, With One Caveat »

Biden Regime To Send A Mere 1,500 Troops To The Border

I wonder if he and his advisors think this minuscule action will placate the border states, as well as all the leftist cities who are having illegals shipped in? This bit of too little too late won’t stop the illegals from showing up, and, knowing the Biden regime, the soldiers will probably be tasked with helping process the illegals. When the troops aren’t doing TikTok videos and being indoctrinated on gender confusion and CRT

U.S. sending 1,500 troops to southern border amid migration spike

The Biden administration is deploying 1,500 active-duty troops to the southern border to provide operational support to U.S. immigration authorities as they grapple with a sharp increase in migrant crossings ahead of the termination of pandemic-era migration restrictions, the Department of Defense announced Tuesday.

The service members will be deployed for 90 days, and will not be tasked with any law enforcement duties like detaining or processing migrants, said Brigadier General Pat Ryder, a Pentagon spokesperson. Instead, the military units will play a supporting role, assisting with transportation, administrative duties, narcotics detection, data entry and warehouse support.

So, this is all for show. They won’t be doing a damned thing. There’s literally no point in reading anymore of the article. What you need to know is in paragraph 2.

Now, they might be able to free up actual law enforcement, from state to Federales like the Border Patrol, but, the Biden admin is still going to just release those illegals into the country.

Read: Biden Regime To Send A Mere 1,500 Troops To The Border »

Biden’s Latest Idea Is A Climate (scam) Tax On Cryptocurrency

Well, surely not his idea, but, the people who tell him everything

Biden proposes 30% climate change tax on cryptocurrency mining

The White House is trying to persuade Congress to pass a 30% tax on the electricity used in cryptocurrency mining in the next federal budget in order to minimize the nascent industry’s impact on climate change.

“Cryptominers’ high-energy consumption has negative spillovers on the environment, quality of life, and electricity grids where these firms locate across the country,” the president’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) argues in a blog post that will appear on the White House website on Tuesday, to which Yahoo News gained advance access. The post will lay out the case for the Digital Asset Mining Energy (DAME) excise tax, which the CEA writes is an “example of the Administration’s efforts to fight climate change and reduce energy prices.”

“Currently, cryptomining firms do not have to pay for the full cost they impose on others, in the form of local environmental pollution, higher energy prices, and the impacts of increased greenhouse gas emissions on the climate,” the CEA writes in its post. “The DAME tax encourages firms to start taking better account of the harms they impose on society.”

First off, this has no chance of passing as long as Republicans control at least one branch of Congress. Second, this is really just a money grab, as usual. Third, what about a tax on all the environmentally destructive mining for EV batteries, solar panels, and wind turbines? How about a tax directly assessed to Joe Biden for all his fossil fueled travel every weekend to Delaware and Camp David? Has anyone asked him when he’s going to transition his houses to 100% renewables? Neither his Greenville, Delaware nor Rehoboth Beach home have any.

Meanwhile, the NY Times is Very Upset that Google is allowing Wrongthink

Google Promised to Defund Climate Lies, but the Ads Keep Coming

In October 2021, Google promised to stop placing ads alongside content that denied the existence and causes of climate change, so that purveyors of the false claims could no longer make money on its platforms, including YouTube.

And yet if you recently clicked on a YouTube video titled “who is Leonardo DiCaprio,” you might have found a ramble of claims that climate change is a hoax and the world is cooling after a Paramount+ ad for the film “80 for Brady,” starring Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field and Rita Moreno.

It’s rather funny that the Times, which is protected by the 1st, wants other people’s 1st Amendment protections taken away. And, seriously, who really pays attention to those ads?

Read: Biden’s Latest Idea Is A Climate (scam) Tax On Cryptocurrency »

If All You See…

…is the logo of a team that requires lots of fossil fuels for people to attend games, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on golf being a contact sport in Florida.

Read: If All You See… »

Oklahoma Makes Gender Transition Surgeries And Drugs For Children A Felony

Obviously, this has made the moonbats unhinged

Oklahoma governor makes performing ‘irreversible gender transition surgeries’ on children a felony

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has banned all sex reassignment procedures for minors in the state, including irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies, joining at least 15 other states with similar laws.

The Republican governor signed SB 613 into law Monday, making it a felony for healthcare workers to provide children under the age of 18 gender surgery, puberty-blocking drugs or hormone doses that suppress or delay normal puberty. It also bans the use of any medications or surgical procedures for the purpose of gender transition.

Violators can have their medical licenses revoked or face civil actions from a parent or guardian.

“Last year, I called for a statewide ban on all irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies on minors so I am thrilled to sign this into law today and protect our kids,” Stitt said. “We cannot turn a blind eye to what’s happening across our nation, and as governor, I am proud to stand up for what’s right and ban life-altering transition surgeries on children in the state of Oklahoma.”

We want to protect children, right?

The American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma and other civil liberty organizations have promised to “take any necessary legal action” to prevent the Oklahoma law from being enacted.

It’s a civil right to do this stuff to kids? Where in the Constitution is this?

(CNN) Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Oklahoma previously vowed to “defend the rights of transgender youth in court” should the ban be signed into law.

“In a perilous game of chicken with their governor, Oklahoma lawmakers pushed through SB613, a dangerous bill that will jeopardize the health and lives of transgender youth, notwithstanding the overwhelming body of scientific and medical evidence supporting this care as safe, effective, appropriate and necessary,” the organizations said in a joint statement last week.

“Transgender youth in Oklahoma deserve the support and care necessary to give them the same chance to thrive as their peers. Gender-affirming care is a critical part of helping transgender adolescents succeed, establish healthy relationships with their friends and family, live authentically as themselves, and dream about their futures,” they continued.

Instead of patronizing the children, parents and adults should be seeking mental health support for them. The Associated Press, as seen at “news” sites like Politico and NBC News, calls surgeries and drugs “care”

Oklahoma governor signs gender-affirming care ban for kids

Oklahoma on Monday became the latest state to ban gender-affirming medical care for minors as Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill that makes it a felony for health care workers to provide children with treatments that can include puberty-blocking drugs and hormones.

It’s care to cut off breasts and penis’, give them life altering drugs. Rolling through news articles, I’m seeing quite a few outlets rolling with the AP headline and article, as it was written to somehow say that it is just mean to not allow kids going through a fad/mental health issues to do this.

Yes, tons of leftist insanity going on on Twitter.

Read: Oklahoma Makes Gender Transition Surgeries And Drugs For Children A Felony »

Excitable Joe Manchin Seems Pretty Upset Over Climate Law, IE, The IRA

Perhaps Joe should have thought about voting for the abomination known as the Inflation Reduction Act after being promised something that has never materialized. He got rolled, at the expense of the American citizens

Manchin’s ‘playing with fire’ — and some Democrats are tired of the drama

Sen. Joe Manchin is losing patience with his fellow Democrats over their signature climate law — and the feeling is mutual.

Wasn’t it supposed to be about reducing inflation? It’s right there in the name, right? No?

The West Virginia Democrat has spent weeks escalating his attacks on President Joe Biden’s implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, the sweeping bill that Manchin helped write in a deal that stunned Washington last summer. Last week, he threatened to join Republicans in voting to repeal the law, as the House GOP is demanding in its legislation for raising the nation’s debt limit.

Manchin’s comment caught his caucus colleagues off guard, even if such a repeal would be a long shot in Congress. It came just as Biden was launching a reelection campaign that rests heavily on that legislation’s climate and health care provisions.

“That surprises me that he wants to repeal it. I think it’s one of his greatest accomplishments,” said Sen. Angus King (I-Maine), a close colleague of Manchin’s on the Energy Committee, in an interview.

The IRA is far less of a political bright spot for Manchin, whose potential reelection hopes are clouded by growing disapproval ratings in his home state, partly driven by his support for the law. Manchin has yet to announce whether he’s running, but a formidable challenger entered the West Virginia Senate race last week — GOP Gov. Jim Justice.

The IRA, and Joe Manchin, must be polling poorly in West Virginia. I doubt the citizens are really happy with either, especially since Joe was never given the fast-track permitting he was promised, and the IRA really hurts the fossil fuels companies and all the WV citizens who work in them.

Some Democrats fear that Manchin’s criticisms will do real damage by confusing the public about one of the law’s most debated-provisions: its $7,500 tax credits for electric vehicles. He has accused the Treasury Department of violating the law by flouting strict provisions he wrote designed to force electric vehicles to be made in the U.S. with American-made parts.

They do violate the law. And they’ve released the list of the EVs that qualify. Most are expensive, except the Chevy Bolts. Which are being discontinued.

Anyhow, it’s a long, long piece which is really about Manchin trying to complain about the stupid law which he’s really at fault for in an attempt to not lose his election next year.

Read: Excitable Joe Manchin Seems Pretty Upset Over Climate Law, IE, The IRA »

Brandon Regime To Finally Lift Most Vaccine Mandates Next Week

Are people still getting the Wuhan Flu vaccines? My last one was September of 2021, and I have no intention of taking another. I probably have a photo of it, otherwise, have no clue where the card is. They really do very little

US to lift most federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates next week

The Biden administration will end most of the last remaining federal COVID-19 vaccine requirements next week when the national public health emergency for the coronavirus ends, the White House said Monday.

Vaccine requirements for federal workers and federal contractors, as well as foreign air travelers to the U.S., will end May 11. The government is also beginning the process of lifting shot requirements for Head Start educators, healthcare workers, and noncitizens at U.S. land borders.

The requirements are among the last vestiges of some of the more coercive measures taken by the federal government to promote vaccination as the deadly virus raged, and their end marks the latest display of how President Joe Biden’s administration is moving to treat COVID-19 as a routine, endemic illness.

“While I believe that these vaccine mandates had a tremendous beneficial impact, we are now at a point where we think that it makes a lot of sense to pull these requirements down,” White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha told The Associated Press on Monday.

Really? If that’s the case then why did the number of deaths increase from the pre-vaccine time, along with infections? And, consider that this was the also the time of forced masking. As for ending the mandates, I’m confused: Biden signed a bill ending the COVID emergency April 10th. It’s done. Which should end all mandates.

Federal courts and Congress have already rolled back Biden’s vaccine requirements for large employers and military servicemembers.

Mandates remain for many employees of the National Institutes of Health, Indian Health Service and Department of Veterans Affairs — which implemented their own requirements for healthcare staff and others independent of the White House — will remain while those agencies review their own requirements, the administration said.

Well, go get your 8th worthless shot. Most nations ended any mandates last year, because there was no point, especially when most other mitigation efforts ended long ago.

(Science) In April 2022, researchers in the United Kingdom reported in The New England Journal of Medicine that, based on the health records of more than 1.5 million people, protection against symptomatic COVID-19 with the Omicron variant faded to zero 25 weeks after a second shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine and to just 9% 25 weeks after a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. A booster dose increased protection back up above 60% for a month or two, but by 10 weeks that protection had also started to wane. (Protection against severe disease persists longer.) Now that ever-larger numbers of people have some immunity after natural infections, the real-world benefits of vaccines have become still harder to measure.

Wait, natural immunity? It’s real?

Rob Ernst, the university’s chief health officer, says requiring the bivalent booster means that at the start of the fall semester all residents will have had a booster that is less than 1 year old. And the rule is still needed, he argues. With as many as 1200 students living in some residence halls, “the potential for disruption is greatest in that area.” After 3 years, Ernst says, “We still have significant COVID in our community.”

The vaccines won’t do a damned thing when they’re all gathered together, getting close, touching, hugging, and so forth.

Read: Brandon Regime To Finally Lift Most Vaccine Mandates Next Week »

Washington Post Is Super Excited To Have King Charles Implement ‘Climate Change’ Initiatives On The Peasants

Climate cultists love the notion of an authoritarian figure dictating what the peasants will do. Forgetting that most of those advocating for this are, themselves, peasants

King Charles should double down on climate change

Last November, soon after his mother’s death, the new King Charles III was scheduled to attend COP27, the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, to deliver a major address. The Egypt trip would have been his first overseas trip as king.

Suddenly, his trip was canceled. The also-new Tory prime minister, Liz Truss, who had just succeeded Boris Johnson, nixed it.

Truss, who would be prime minister for about 20 minutes until she blew up her government and got thrown out by her own party, was not a big climate change activist. She marched into a personal audience with Charles and made her objections clear to him. Though those objections were not spelled out publicly, one can only assume they were political. Since a monarch is required to be above politics, and must get the approval of the government for any international trip, the plan was called off.

That’s the way it works now in England, because the monarch and their family do not really have power

But what if the new king’s first instinct — the trip to Egypt — is a harbinger of a reign that could transcend alienated second sons, disgraced brothers and all the other Windsorland tabloid drama?

The way he can accomplish that is to declare, and convince the British public, that the climate crisis is not a political issue. And it is not. If anything, it is a spiritual one. Climate deniers would like to make it about politics, but their real agenda is about money. In the short run, climate action might hurt corporations and big business.

Spiritual? Like a cult?

This is the king’s moment to carve out his own role as a pragmatic spiritual leader. When he is crowned, he will accept his role of Defender of the Faith, though he has said he will be “the defender of faiths” (including “people of no faith”), following in the footsteps of the queen, who was keenly aware of the multicultural society she presided over. He is the supreme governor of the Church of England, which has voted to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions for its operations by 2030. A statement by the church says, “We believe that responding to the climate crisis is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God’s creation and achieve a just world.”

In his new role, Charles will be able to present the issue of the climate crisis as one of sacrality, that which inspires awe and reverence. British religious historian Karen Armstrong writes in her new book, “Sacred Nature,” that the great religions of the world embrace the notion of the sacrality of creation. “We have seen how nature was revered by the great sages, mystics and prophets of the past,” she writes. “It is now up to us to revive that knowledge and commitment and recover our bond with the natural world.” She quotes William Wordsworth — “There hath past away a glory from the earth” — as a call to action and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as seeing “the divine as inseparable from nature.”

Yes, a doomsday cult. The WP’s Sally King just barely avoids King Charles making proclamations to force people to comply.

Read: Washington Post Is Super Excited To Have King Charles Implement ‘Climate Change’ Initiatives On The Peasants »

Pirate's Cove