If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be too expensive to purchase for most people, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post Norfolk’s “climate refugees”.

It’s tan lines week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Getting some much needed rain, the squirrels are raiding the birdfeeder (I don’t care, I like squirrels), and ran across a new author (P.A. Piatt), who’s first book I read was pretty darned good. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in the Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Irons In The Fire shows what happens when idiots play with tannerite
  2. IOTW Report discusses Biden’s cheat sheets
  3. Geller Report notes how well Biden’s campaign call did
  4. Gates Of Vienna is enjoying the culture enriching machetes
  5. Don Surber features the media saying voting threatens democracy
  6. Common Cents Blog covers Tucker not actually being fired
  7. Cold Fury wonders who owns what
  8. Climate Depot shows the feds admitting that wind turbines can kill whales
  9. Chicks On The Right highlights what college students see as impediments to success
  10. American Elephants asks if you know who your representatives are
  11. 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny covers the murder manifesto
  12. 357 Magnum discusses the media noticing women own guns
  13. Real Climate Science covers 800 years of climate crisis
  14. No Tricks Zone highlights the German Bundestag heats pumps for it’s own buildings won’t work
  15. And last, but, not least, Jo Nova discusses the crime of talking to Tucker

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden’s America: Foreclosures And Repossessions Spike, But, Hey, Finally Getting Americans Out Of Sudan

Biden likes to brag about his economy (during those 30 hours a week he works), but, even the far, far left Nation said he should stop all the way back in October 2022. Of course he boasted during his barely watched state of the union. Yet, unfortunately, things are not getting better

With car repossessions and home foreclosures rising, some Americans are living on a financial cliff

LeSage is among a growing number of Americans who have found themselves confronting financial hardship as the U.S. economy has slowed. On Thursday, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported gross domestic product fell to 1.1% in the first quarter, the lowest reading in nine months. The GDP is the value of the final goods and services produced in the country and a strong indicator of how healthy the U.S. economy.

The slowdown is starting to show up in Americans’ personal finances. According to a recent survey from Bankrate, 49% of U.S. adults have less savings compared to a year ago. Ten percent of those surveyed said they have no savings at all.

The upshot: The most disastrous outcomes for U.S. households, like auto repossessions and home foreclosures, have begun to climb.

“As a result of the expiration of government stimulus and current [economic] headwinds, we have seen delinquencies ticking up in this space over the last several months,” said Margaret Rowe, a senior director at Fitch ratings group. (snip)

Meanwhile, home foreclosure filings have begun to surge. According to data from ATTOM, a property analytics company, U.S. foreclosure filings totaled 95,712 in the first quarter of 2023. That’s 6% higher than in the previous quarter and 22% higher than a year ago.

You know what name is never mentioned in this NBC News piece? You got it, Biden. In all fairness, this is not all his fault. The root cause is named China, who were messing around with coronavirus, along with Fauci and the NIH who funded it. Then the idiots who locked everything down here and around the world, and those who dumped too much money, then did it again and again. And passed laws that do not help the economy. Democrats were not focused, and a lot of that is coming back to haunt the economy. Biden couldn’t care less.

Fortunately, Biden has his eyes on Sudan

As countries wind down mass evacuations of their nationals from war-torn Sudan and the White House warns time is running out, the United States is undertaking its first effort to move hundreds of private Americans citizens out of Khartoum.

A U.S. government-organized convoy carrying U.S citizens, locally employed staff and nationals from allied and partner countries arrived at Port Sudan on Saturday, according to the State Department.

Late as usual.

Read: Biden’s America: Foreclosures And Repossessions Spike, But, Hey, Finally Getting Americans Out Of Sudan »

People’s Republic Of Connecticut To Require Teaching Of Climate Crisis (scam)

The kids are having trouble reading, writing, math, history, geography, and most real sciences. But, hey, they’re already being taught about the 937 genders and all things Woke, while doing all they can to keep things secret from parents, so, hey, why not indoctrinate them more?

Connecticut Will Require Public Schools to Teach Climate Change. Can More States Follow?

Starting in July, every K-12 public school in Connecticut will be required to teach their students about climate change. After years of organizing from environmental groups, advocates, and students, the new standards garnered bipartisan support during an education committee vote and passed during the 2022 legislative session. These requirements make Connecticut the second state in the nation—after New Jersey—to mandate some form of climate education in all public schools.

Will the youts be taught all the facts and all sides, or, simply indoctrinated? We all know the answer to that

State Representative Christine Palm introduced the bill four times before it finally passed. In prior years, the bill faced pushback from lawmakers who assumed that climate change was already taught in most public schools, as well as those who weren’t educated about climate change themselves. “There is active scientific debate among scientists and others…about how much global warming is caused by humans burning fossil fuels,” said Republican State Representative John Piscopo, incorrectly, in 2019. “Why tie teachers’ hands to one side of a debate?”

So, will the schools stop running fossil fueled buses for all operations? How about requiring that parents may not bring their fossil fueled vehicles to school grounds, and that employees may not park fossil fueled vehicles in the school parking lots?

Without these legal requirements, there is no guarantee that climate change will be mentioned in public schools—let alone taught accurately and comprehensively. Bobby Sanchez, cochair of the Education Committee, claimed that 90 percent of schools already teach climate change. However, this number was self-reported by schools, and students claimed otherwise. In an informal survey of about 200 students conducted by Sunrise Movement Connecticut, 55 percent of students reported not receiving enough climate change education to make informed decisions on the topic. “I have to help bring this up in all my science classes,” said McKena Clemons, a 16-year-old public school student and the communications lead at Sunrise Movement Connecticut. “I have to be annoying about it.” Safa Mohamed, an organizer with the climate justice organization Zero Hour and a freshman at Ohio State University, said that her climate education in Ohio “really depended on who the teacher was” and “how much they cared,” with the occasional surface-level lessons covered repeatedly. “Learning about climate change in school felt like déjà vu.”

Considering how the schools are failing them when it comes to reading and math, they probably won’t understand it. But, you can bet it will be put in as scary terms as possible. Is it any wonder that the kids are neurotic messes?

Read: People’s Republic Of Connecticut To Require Teaching Of Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are Bad Weather clouds from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on the Kansas legislature overriding the gov’s veto on a bill that defines what a woman is.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden’s America: Guy Who Works 30 Hours A Week Sees Big Shortage Of Penicillin

Penicillin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections, including ear and throat infections. It’s wild that the first thing NBC News worries about is syphilis. Is there some sort of increase in syphilis cases?

Shortage of penicillin limits access to the go-to drug for syphilis

The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday reported a shortage of an injectable form of penicillin, an antibiotic used to treat syphilis and other bacterial infections like strep throat.

The drug joins a growing list of medications facing supply shortages in the U.S. Liquid amoxicillin, another antibiotic used to treat strep, has been in short supply since October, according to the FDA.

The form of penicillin affected, called penicillin G benzathine, is the preferred drug for syphilis, because it can be used in adults, children and pregnant people. It’s often administered in outpatient clinics or urgent care settings. Dosages for both children and adults are in short supply, according to the FDA.

Syphilis cases in the U.S. reached a 70-year high in 2021, the last year for which data is available, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The sexually transmitted infection can result in organ damage or death if left untreated.

The FDA attributed the penicillin shortage to increased demand. Pfizer, the sole supplier of that form of penicillin in the U.S., pointed to the amoxicillin shortage as the main issue, because it prompted doctors to recommend penicillin instead. The rise in syphilis cases most likely further accelerated demand, the company said.

Yes, yes there is. Because there are consequences to advocating for unprotected, irresponsible sexual relations.

The amoxicillin shortage arose during a surge of respiratory virus infections over the fall and winter, when the antibiotic was prescribed for secondary bacterial infections resulting from Covid, flu or respiratory syncytial virus.

Another day, another report of shortages due to the results of Wuhan flu. Fortunately, Biden’s all over it

Biden’s 30-hour workweek: How president’s age has cut down schedule

Even White House staffers admit that President Biden’s advanced age is affecting his workload.

Days after the 80-year-old formally announced he would run for re-election in 2024, Axios reported Friday that aides say it’s tough to schedule “public or private events” with Biden at certain times of day — namely weekends, mornings, and evenings.

In fact, the report adds, most of Biden’s public events happen between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

That works out to a 30-hour workweek — even less than the official 35-hour workweek in France.

That’s considered one hour more than a part time job by most companies (because of the Obamacare line about 30 being full time). What Biden’s aids are admitting is that he does jack-sh*t on most weekends, when he’s either at one of his homes in Delaware or Camp David. Give it up to Obama, he worked a lot. For all the caterwauling, Trump did, as well. So did Bush 43, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, etc. Because that’s what the job requires. A job Biden voluntarily ran for. Of course, in fairness, I guess Biden is going for quality, not quantity, because he’s doing a great job in destroying America with those short hours.

Read: Biden’s America: Guy Who Works 30 Hours A Week Sees Big Shortage Of Penicillin »

Climate Wackos To Protest At White House Correspondent’s Dinner

Will any of them note the massive use of fossil fuels for the attendees of the dinner to show up? How about Biden’s massive use of fossil fuels?

Climate change activists plan protest at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Climate change activists have announced plans to protest at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday where President Joe Biden is set to speak.

Climate Defiance organizers told ABC News that they plan to blockade the area near the dinner on Saturday night is an effort to hold Biden, who announced his reelection bid on Tuesday, accountable for what they say was his 2020 campaign promise to end fossil fuel extraction on public lands.

“Number one, no more subsidies for fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends,” Biden said at a March 2020 Democratic presidential debate.

The group is asking protesters to congregate at a Metro station near the Washington Hilton, the hotel where Biden is set to deliver remarks at the annual dinner featuring an audience of Washington’s news media.

It’s 1.4 miles from the White House to the Washington Hilton. How big will Biden’s fossil fueled convoy be? How many of these climawackos will take fossil fueled trips to D.C./Washington Hilton? Will they take fossil fueled travel to somewhere near DC and take the metro, which has a station .4 miles south of the Hilton? How much energy will they use to upload their videos?

“Washington Hilton respects all parties’ rights to express their points of view in lawful and non-disruptive manners; however, we are simultaneously committed to protecting our Team Members’ and guests’ safety and security,” a Hilton spokesperson said. “We will take all necessary steps, in cooperation with local law enforcement officials, to ensure such activities do not interfere with those entering and leaving the hotel.”

In other words, it’s not OK to mess with Democrats.

Here’s another group of climate Comrades earlier in the week

Read: Climate Wackos To Protest At White House Correspondent’s Dinner »

NC Supreme Court Says Drawing Election Maps, Passing Voter ID Up To General Assembly, Not Judges

This has made Democrats Very Upset, because they aren’t in charge of drawing the maps. If they were, they’d gerrymander like mad. They are also upset over requiring that voters show who they are to vote, and, remember, Democrats are so racist that they claim that black people cannot get ID

NC Supreme Court says judges can’t stop partisan gerrymandering

The Republican majority on the North Carolina Supreme Court said Friday that partisan gerrymandering is legal in the state, opening the door for the legislature’s GOP majority to draw districts that help lock in power at the statehouse and contribute to Republican power in Congress.

The state’s high court also decided two long-running voting cases Friday: One dealing with the restoration of voting rights for felons and the other one of the state’s long-running voter ID cases.

The voter ID and gerrymandering decisions reverse opinions issued just last year by the state Supreme Court. In between, North Carolina voters flipped the court’s majority from Democratic to Republican. Friday’s opinions broke on party lines.

Chief Justice Paul Newby said the state’s judiciary doesn’t have the power to weigh in on partisan gerrymandering, and even if it did, the issue relies too much on the eye of the beholder to be decided by the courts.

“Our constitution expressly assigns the redistricting authority to the General Assembly subject to explicit limitations in the text,” Newby wrote in an opinion joined by the court’s other Republican justices, including Justice Phil Berger Jr., whose father is the Senate’s top Republican, and Justice Tamara Barringer, a former state Senator.

In other words, the general assembly has the power to draw the maps per the NC Constitution. It’s their power. The districts used to be pretty gerrymandered to favor Democrats when they controlled the GA.

“Those [constitutional] limitations do not address partisan gerrymandering,” Newby wrote. “It is not within the authority of this Court to amend the constitution to create such limitations on a responsibility that is textually assigned to another branch. Furthermore, were this court to create such a limitation, there is no judicially discoverable or manageable standard for adjudicating such claims. The constitution does not require or permit a standard known only to four justices.”

Obviously, the Democrats on the court are for the court amending the NC Constitution, since they cannot be in charge of drawing the maps.

The Court also said that voter ID is constitutional

“This law is one of the least restrictive voter identification laws in the United States,” he wrote. “Even if a registered voter still somehow fails to obtain or otherwise possess an acceptable form of identification, the law permits him or her to cast a provisional ballot that will be counted so long as they do not provide false information in the reasonable impediment affidavit. Essentially, North Carolina’s photo identification statute does not require that an individual present a photo identification to vote.”

Democrats are caterwauling over this. I wonder why?

In the felon voting case, Community Success Initiative v. Moore, the court reversed a trial court’s finding that allowed convicted felons to vote once they finished their prison sentence. The Supreme Court ruled that felons must complete all aspects of their sentence, including probation and/or payment of fines or restitution, in order to register and vote. The court’s Republican said this rule is not racist, as plaintiffs alleged.

That’s what the law says. Hence the ruling.

Read: NC Supreme Court Says Drawing Election Maps, Passing Voter ID Up To General Assembly, Not Judges »

California Wants Trains To Be Zero Emission By 2030

Hey, guess who’s going to pay for most of this, because a goodly chunk of the trains are owned and operated by government, and any who are private will pass the costs on to consumers

California to Require ‘Zero Emissions’ Passenger Trains After 2030, Freight After 2035

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has enacted new regulations that will require “zero emissions” trains to be introduced after 2030, focusing on a sector often seen as a “green” alternative to cars and trucks.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:

Under the new regulations, zero-emissions models will be required for all switch, industrial and passenger locomotives built after 2030 and for all freight line locomotives built after 2035. Any non-zero emissions locomotive that is 23 years old or more will not be allowed to operate in the state past 2030.

The regulations also require train operators to open a spending account by July 2024 that they must deposit into every year to purchase or lease cleaner diesel trains and buy zero-emissions infrastructure. Operators that generate more pollutants are required to deposit more into the spending account, and the amount required to be deposited would also increase every year.

It is unclear how the new regulations on trains would affect interstate commerce, which is regulated by Congress under the U.S. Constitution, since many trains in California also travel through other states.

Good question: what about Amtrak? What about freight trains that cross into and out of California? Oh, hey, what’s this going to do the already insanely overpriced bullet train, which is years behind and has not even started any operations? Is it even possible to do away with diesel powered trains in favor of electric? Does the board understand how heavy they are and how much power it requires to get them moving and stop them, particularly for freight trains? Perhaps operators like CSX and Union Pacific should stop at the state line and say “come and get the goods.” There’s seriously no replacement.

Now, when it comes to subways and smaller passenger lines, sure, they could potentially replace them with electric. And the taxes of the Comrades in the People’s Republik Of California will get to foot the bill.

Read: California Wants Trains To Be Zero Emission By 2030 »

If All You See…

…is a horrible pool made with lots of carbon intensive concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on pedophiles becoming a protected class in Minnesota.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove