Power Starved California Could Require Bidirectional EV Charging

First, the People’s Republik Of California implements lots of restrictions on affordable, dependable energy. Then they require all Comrades to purchase electric vehicles, which means way more power being consumed, rather than being pumped separate from the grid. And then

Bi-Directional EV Charging May Become a Requirement in California

Electric vehicleOfficials are starting to realize the power potential that EVs have. As global warming brings more extreme weather, EVs can potentially be used to bolster the power grid in some states with blackout-prone grids. One state that has recognized the potential for this is California; KTLA reports a bill is being proposed that would require bi-directional charging capability on EVs in a few short years.

Bi-directional charging is an EV’s ability to both take power from the grid and to give power back to it. Only a handful of EVs are currently capable of bi-directional charging: the Hyundai Ioniq 5, Kia EV6 and Ford F-150 Lightning to name a few. California has already experimented with the technology. In the summer of 2022, GM partnered with Northern California energy company PG&E to deploy a fleet of EVs to bolster the power grid there.

The bill, SB 233, is being proposed by State Sen. Nancy Skinner. Under the bill, all new EVs sold in the state would have to have bi-directional charging by 2027. The bill would also establish a fund for bi-directional charging infrastructure and establish a set of goals for the charging.

In other words, the state can take the energy from your car at will, and there’s f*** all you can do about it. Plus, the requirement will increase the cost of already expensive cars.

With the California Energy Commission estimating that EVs will have 60,000 megawatts of stored energy by 2030, state officials see big possibilities for the technology. Skinner said that the energy stored in EV batteries shouldn’t be wasted.

Isn’t that rather the point? Having charge in the battery of your vehicle so you can go places? Do Democrats think of that energy like the money you have in various accounts?

“EVs are energy storage on wheels. Why waste that battery, given how few miles most people use the vehicle in any given day,” she said. But she noted that the ability to do so would need to be as easy as possible and that the potential to use an EV as a battery for one’s home may make EVs more attractive.

So, she’s kinda alleging that people will feed that power back into their home. Because the PRC power grid is a crap sandwich. But, they won’t take it from you to feed it back into the overall grid, thinking it’s community energy, right? Wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean.

If the PRC needs so much help by taking power from EVs how are they going to provide power to charge them in the first place? And, when they do take it, will residents be compensated?

Read: Power Starved California Could Require Bidirectional EV Charging »

Massive Gun Grabbing NYC Shocked At How Many Guns Used In Crimes Come From Out Of State

This is not quite the dunk they think it is, to get other states to ban guns, and is certainly the Law Of Unintended Consequences

93% of guns used in NYC crimes are from out of state, federal study shows — triple national average

Out-of-state guns wreak far more havoc in New York City than in any other big city in America, federal data shows.

From 2017 through 2021, some 93% of the 12,910 guns recovered from crimes in the five boroughs were linked to an initial sale from outside the state, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) says.

The percentage of out-of-state guns used in New York City crimes far exceeds that of second-place Baltimore, where 61% of guns used in crimes originated out of state, the ATF data shows.

New York’s problem with out-of-state guns is more than three times worse than the national average, the data shows. On average, 28% of firearms nationwide recovered in crimes originated across state lines.

Southern states with lax gun laws are the most common source of firearms in New York City crimes, the ATF found. Georgia was the source of 1,736 guns in New York crimes during the four-year study period. Another 1,677 guns used in crimes came from Virginia. South Carolina was in third place as the origin of 1,421 guns.

The thing here is that almost all those guns are illegal. They aren’t being purchased legally in those other states, since, in most cases, you cannot purchase a firearm in a state that isn’t yours. North Carolina, for instance, bans non-NC residents from purchasing. So, how are they getting them and bringing to NYC? Stealing them. Buying them illegally. Because criminals do not follow the law. Which means the law abiding in NYC have a damned tough time getting a firearm for protection, and an even harder time being able to carry it outside their home. Criminals aren’t concerned, they’ll carry anyhow.

Dettelbach said the gun origin data should be used to build criminal cases that stop the flow of guns into the city. Many guns used in New York City crimes are brought to the city by runners who buy them in bulk in the south and drive them north along Interstate 95 — a system law enforcement calls the Iron Pipeline.

Yet, the same city is against stop and frisk. And cracking down on criminals. The cops know who probably has one, but, they aren’t allowed to do anything. And if you banned firearms all over the U.S. you’d have them being brought in across the borders, leaving the average citizen unarmed while criminals are armed.

But Kennedy said the National Rifle Association’s sway over Congress stifles significant gun control measures.

‘’Drug sales are not in and of themselves violent but we give that market an enormous amount of attention,” Kennedy said. “Historically, we’ve given the illicit market of firearms almost no attention.

Yet, drugs still stream into the U.S. Weird, right?

Read: Massive Gun Grabbing NYC Shocked At How Many Guns Used In Crimes Come From Out Of State »

Surprise: Climate Doom Movement Pretty Darned White

And especially you white middle class men, so, it needs to be “intersectional”

Climate change discourse is dominated by middle-class white men – it must be intersectional

Research from the United Nations has found that 80 per cent of those who have been displaced by climate change are women. This doesn’t mean the leading voices in tackling it are women, though. Earth Day, which falls today (22 April) with the theme “Invest In Our Planet”, provides a critical chance to look at the dearth of attention placed on women and marginalised communities within climate discourse. While the day is an opportunity to engage in crucial discussions about the future of our planet, it must also be a wake-up call to reflect on our response to the climate emergency and ensure our approach does not exclude those individuals who bear the most brutal repercussions of this crisis.

But what exactly does this kind of intersectionality mean? Intersectionality, a term coined by black feminists in the 1970s, is a framework used to analyse how different aspects of our identity intersect each other. This includes gender identity, race, ability, class and sexuality. The premise is that systems of oppression like racism and capitalism do not occur in isolation, but facilitate one another.  For example, the climate crisis disproportionately affects women by leaving them more exposed to domestic abuse and intensifying existing gender inequalities, but this analysis does not account for disabled or queer women, whose situation will be even worse.

Intersectionality and climate change are inextricably linked and we must consider how different communities are affected. People of colour, for example, are more likely to live in areas with the most toxic air. Similarly, members of the LGBT+ community experience social stigma and housing insecurity, making them more vulnerable to environmental disasters.

This is all cute, but, at the end of the day, the majority who give a flying shit about ‘climate change’ are white, middle class and up folks who live in the 1st World. They have the luxury of caring because they have nothing truly pressing in their lives. Yet, the majority do not change their own lives to accord with their pronounced beliefs.

As far as women go, are they to be forced to be a part of this? How about “marginalized communities”? Notice this is all written from the advantage of being in a 1st World nation, where the white middle class and up folks think of anyone with a different color as being a minority. As “people of color.”

If comments from Dr Alix Dietzel, a Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Bristol, are anything to go by, part of the problem may lie in the lack of diversity among those at the upper echolons of climate change discussions. Dr Dietzel says that climate change discourse is currently “dominated by middle-class white men” and that people of colour or working-class people are “rarely part of decision making”.

Because they have real world concerns. They aren’t worried about the latest Tiktok dance, that the new iPhone has a better camera, or about the climate scam. These 1st World climate cultists really think of places like Africa, India, Asia, etc, as minorities, which would be a hell of a shock to those who live in, say, Ghana. But, they are happy that all the strip mining, often by children and women, is occurring far away in those countries, eh?

This is politics, along with a bunch of bored people with no real issues. Too bad they do not turn their attention to real environmental issues, rather than the scam.

Read: Surprise: Climate Doom Movement Pretty Darned White »

If All You See…

…is a calm sea because ‘climate change’ is messing with wind patterns, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post on a study that says mask wearing might be dangerous.

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenconomy: A Return To Pandemic Hunger Levels

For all the yammering about how great the Biden economy is from his acolytes, we keep seeing all these underlying issues. Like

Return to pandemic hunger levels could signal economic fragility

As economists and investors scour data on inflation, jobs, housing, banking and other bellwether indicators to determine whether the United States is headed for a recession, a visit to the nation’s largest food-bank warehouse offers some ominous clues.

More than half of the shelves at the Atlanta Community Food Bank are bare, in part because of supply-chain issues, but mostly because demand for food assistance is as high as it was during the COVID-19 pandemic, the nonprofit’s executives said. They said two in five people seeking food assistance in the Atlanta region this year have not done so before.

“Nobody anticipated this,” said Debra Shoaf, chief financial officer of the private charity, which relies on corporate and individual donations, as well as government grants, to distribute food to the hungry in 29 Georgia counties. Shoaf, who also serves on the finance steering committee for the national charity Feeding America, says she’s hearing similar reports across the United States. “We’re back up to pandemic levels,” she said.

In some regions, demand is exceeding even the starkest days of the COVID pandemic. In central Ohio, the local food bank says the number of households seeking aid has increased by nearly half since last year.

Back during COVID there were people who were laid off or working shorter hours, so, they didn’t have the money to get the food. What’s going on now?

More than 11.4 million households collected free groceries in early April, up 15% from a year ago, according to data from the Census Bureau.

“Food banks have been around for 50 years, but this is the first time we are seeing unprecedented high food demand combined with historically low unemployment rates,” said Vince Hall, chief government relations officer for Feeding America, which supports 60,000 food pantries.

Will the media trumpet this historic first for Biden?

Inflation is a major factor, too: Grocery prices have increased 23% since March 2020, when the pandemic began, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Of course, in Biden World

They just can’t afford food. But, yes, inflation is down a bit, but, this is like your cell phone company raising your bill $25 then giving you $10 off. Or dealers charging $3k about MSRP then giving you a $1k discount.

Such post-COVID demand for free food is “not a good signal” for the economy “and perhaps an indicator of an impending recession,” said John Lowrey, a business professor at Northeastern University whose research focuses on food bank management and public health.

“The fact that we have a lot of first time users who are no longer concerned about the stigma of going to a food pantry – and actually see value in it because they can no longer afford retail food – is a reasonable proxy for the health of the economy and consumers,” Lowrey said.

Would it be crazy to think that this is what Progressive (nice Fascists) Elites want: citizens reliant on government to provide? Oh, it’s also costing the government, mostly, and the private entities, a whole heck of a lot more to stock the foodbanks. You nutters voted for this because you loathed Trump, now you get a president who really just doesn’t care. Unless you want an abortion or are gender confused. Or Ukraine.

Read: Bidenconomy: A Return To Pandemic Hunger Levels »

Climate Elites Really Want You To Ride An Electric Bicycle

You must do your part. Especially when you end up priced out of owning an EV

The incredible, Earth-saving electric bike is having a moment

The clean-transportation revolution won’t arrive by way of futuristic hyperloops, driverless taxi pods, or drones the size of minivans — not anytime soon, at least.

And while electric cars get all the hype, a game-changing solution to getting around without warming the planet has flourished right under our noses.

Electric bicycles of all shapes and sizes have whirred and zipped their way into the mainstream in recent years as the pandemic has supercharged an e-biking boom that was already well underway. And that’s a great thing, because while replacing gas-burning cars with electric ones is key to heading off global warming, research has found Americans also need to drive less altogether to avoid climate catastrophe.

Got that? They’re already telling government that you need to be forced to drive less, even in an EV

Transportation is the single biggest contributor to US greenhouse-gas emissions. And light-duty vehicles (cars, pickup trucks, and SUVs, not semis and airplanes) make up the largest chunk of that. Gains in vehicle efficiency are being dragged down by rising sales of large SUVs and trucks, while practically no progress has been made in reducing the number of miles people drive, Carter Rubin, a transportation lead at the Natural Resources Defense Council, told Insider.

All that makes enticing people to step out of the driver’s seat and onto a bike, bus, or sidewalk increasingly important for meeting climate goals.

“Cleaner cars are an important solution, but we can’t just focus on cars,” Katherine García, the director of the Clean Transportation for All Campaign at the Sierra Club, told Insider. “We need to make sure we are putting programs in place that really encourage people to take alternatives.”

If I still lived at the beach, I wouldn’t mind having one, though, I’d probably have a moped/scooter for zipping around, like I did even when I had my first car, a 1979 Trans Am. A lot easier to park it right at the beach entrance rather than trying to find a parking space. But, that was my choice. If I lived in a big city, I’d probably have a bike. It’s really difficult to do this in a Southern city, which is really, really spread out.

E-bikes have loads of potential to pry Americans away from their beloved automobiles, advocates told Insider, especially since short trips could easily be made on two wheels instead. According to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics, more than half of all trips in the US are under 3 miles.

It’s less than 3 miles to the Walmart supercenter, Lidl, may favorite Chinese place, and Bojangles, among others. And there is no way in hell I would bike. How do I carry that stuff back? Trying to deal with the traffic would be a nightmare. Would I want to do it in the heat of the summer? F no. If you Warmists want to do this, go for it. But, you can F right off if you try and force everyone to do this. Have fun with the hills.

The average cost is $2K, with ones as low as $1K. Awesome, eh?

Read: Climate Elites Really Want You To Ride An Electric Bicycle »

Bidenplomacy: Leak Reveals U.S. Losing Massive Influence In Parts Of Africa

Speaking of the leaker

Now, imagine if Trump was still president: his name would be all over that article, Blaming him directly, like the Credentialed Media used to do with Bush 43. Yet, the current president is not named once in that NY Times piece, reprinted at Yahoo news. Just like with this Washington Post piece

Wagner Group surges in Africa as U.S. influence fades, leak reveals

The Wagner Group is moving aggressively to establish a “confederation” of anti-Western states in Africa as the Russian mercenaries foment instability while using their paramilitary and disinformation capabilities to bolster Moscow’s allies, according to leaked secret U.S. intelligence documents.

The rapid expansion of Russia’s influence in Africa has been a source of growing alarm to U.S. intelligence and military officials, prompting a push over the past year to find ways to hit Wagner’s network of bases and business fronts with strikes, sanctions and cyber operations, according to the documents.

One document in the trove lists nearly a dozen “kinetic” and other options that could be pursued as part of “coordinated U.S. and allied disruption efforts.” The files propose providing targeting information to help Ukraine forces kill Wagner commanders, and cite other allies’ willingness to take similar lethal measures against Wagner nodes in Africa.

At a time when Wagner leader Yevgeniy Prigozhin has been preoccupied with Kremlin infighting over the paramilitary group’s deepening involvement in the war in Ukraine, U.S. officials depict Wagner’s expanding global footprint as a potential vulnerability.

One document in the trove lists nearly a dozen “kinetic” and other options that could be pursued as part of “coordinated U.S. and allied disruption efforts.” The files propose providing targeting information to help Ukraine forces kill Wagner commanders, and cite other allies’ willingness to take similar lethal measures against Wagner nodes in Africa.

And yet, there is little in the trove to suggest that the CIA, Pentagon or other agencies have caused more than minor setbacks for Wagner over a six-year stretch during which the mercenary group, controlled by Putin ally Prigozhin, gained strategic footholds in at least eight African countries, among 13 nations where Prigozhin has operated in some capacity, according to one document.

In fairness, this actually started late in Obama’s presidency (who was VP, picked for his foreign policy experience?), not just 6 years ago. And continued during Trump’s presidency, with the most significant strikes occurring in 2018. But, with Biden and other Euro leaders focusing everything on the (losing) effort in Ukraine, the loss of influence in Africa is escalating

As a result, “Prigozhin likely will further entrench his network in multiple countries,” one of the intelligence documents concludes, “undermining each country’s ability to sever ties with his services and exposing neighboring states to his destabilizing activities.”

But, you know, Trump

Russia has taken advantage of former Soviet ties with African leaders, according to analysts, but it has also exploited the United States’ dwindling engagement in Africa, notably during the Trump presidency, as well as an anti-French backlash over its counterterrorism operation in the Sahel region, focused on Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger named Operation Barkhane.

France blew out of Mali in 2021. During the Trump presidency, right?

He said Russian anti-French and anti-Western propaganda resonated with African leaders, angered by French missteps in the Sahel, and weary of Western leaders pressing them on democratic values and human rights.

To elites in Africa, the United States is perceived as “still focused on the old playbook of lectures about democratization and sending humanitarian aid” while Washington’s democratic institutions have lost some of their sheen, Mutiga said.

Yeah, this is happening the most now, since someone took office as POTUS. Not sure who that is, since the current president is not named once. This is yet another article noting how bad Mr. Unnamed’s foreign policy and engagement is.

Read: Bidenplomacy: Leak Reveals U.S. Losing Massive Influence In Parts Of Africa »

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on Democrats nixing presidential debates for 2024.

It’s cleaning out the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Arthur Sarnoff

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the hummingbirds are liking the feeder, and my Devils finally beat the Rangers. This pinup is by Arthur Sarnoff, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers covers how many Democrats voted to protect women in women’s sports
  2. Jo Nova covers what the NOAA STAR satellite shows for warming
  3. No Tricks Zones shows the German media blaming riots at pools on ‘climate change’
  4. Real Climate Science covers Time wanting to make Earth Day a religious holiday
  5. American Power discusses book bans
  6. Chicks On The Right covers Mayor Pete wanting more female crash dummies
  7. Climate Depot notes to never trust the climate prophets of doom
  8. Common Cents Blog shows the declassified Pentagon video on what damn sure looks like a UFO
  9. Dissecting Leftism discusses the smoking gun in the Senate report on COVID origins
  10. Geller Report notes medical schools ditching standardized tests for “racial diversity”
  11. Legal Insurrection covers AB getting rid of their marketing head
  12. Moonbattery highlights Canadian moonbats in pink heels
  13. neo-neocon discusses testing for the Alzheimer gene
  14. Pacific Pundit notes cows with their tongues cut out
  15. And last, but, not least, Powerline features rich people saying they want to be taxed who don’t want to be actually taxed

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Good News: Biden Regime Plans To Crack Down On U.S. Power Plants

First question: under what statutory authority as passed by the duly elected Legislative Branch? Will Republicans in Congress be asking this? Second question: what will Biden do to reduce his own massive use of electricity? Will Republicans take advantage by voting on legislation that restricts the energy use of Biden and the White House? Third question: just how high will this spike your energy bill and cause brown-outs?

Biden admin preparing major crackdown on power plants that fuel nation’s grid

The Biden administration is reportedly finalizing a proposal that would force fossil fuel-fired power plants to substantially curb emissions or utilize costly carbon capture technology.

The proposal — which will soon be released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — is expected to require coal- and natural gas-fired power plants to cut or capture the vast majority of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040, The New York Times reported on Saturday, citing officials briefed on a draft of the plan. The regulation, if finalized, would represent the first-ever federal action curbing power plant emissions.

“EPA cannot comment because the proposals are currently under interagency review,” EPA spokesperson Maria Michalos told Fox News Digital in a statement.

“But we have been clear from the start that we will use all of our legally-upheld tools, grounded in decades-old bipartisan laws, to address dangerous air pollution and protect the air our children breathe today and for generations to come,” Michalos said.

And those tools are what, exactly?

An Office of Management and Budget filing from late last year stated that the EPA anticipates issuing a proposed rule for the action, described as a proposal to limit greenhouse gas emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired plants, in spring 2023 and promulgating a final rule by summer 2024. The filing noted there are no EPA regulations on the books limiting emissions from existing electric generating units.

Shortly after he took office, President Biden pledged to enable the nation to achieve an up to 52% total emission reduction by 2030 and to create a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.

Yet, Biden takes massive amounts of fossil fueled trips every week, especially to head to Delaware or Camp David almost every weekend.

“Setting effective, affordable power plant carbon standards under the Clean Air Act now can ensure that the power industry delivers the emissions reductions needed to help meet the climate crisis,” argued an issue brief released this month by the Natural Resources Defense Council, an influential environmental group. “Time is of the essence.”

So, doing what California did, which will skyrocket your power bill, and limit the availability of electricity.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June 2022 that an Obama-era rule limiting power plant emissions under the Clean Air Act was unconstitutional, since Congress never granted the EPA the explicit power to issue such regulations. But the Inflation Reduction Act passed two months after that ruling allows the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

And, if authorized, it is so broad that the EPA can do whatever the hell they want. Will the EPA be reducing their own use of electricity?

Read: Good News: Biden Regime Plans To Crack Down On U.S. Power Plants »

Pirate's Cove