How To Talk To Your Kids About Hotcoldwetdry On Earth Day

Nothing like teaching your kids a few things about Earth Day, like that it falls on Lenin’s birthday. On purpose. Oh, wait, this is about un-educated, brainwashed kids with no real world experience teaching you old fogies

Earth Day: How to talk to your parents about climate change

You want to go vegan to help the planet, but you’re not paying for the shopping. You think trains are better than planes, but your dad books the summer holiday.

Young people are some of the world’s most powerful climate leaders and want rapid action to tackle the problem.

It makes a lot of sense. Higher temperatures and rising sea levels will impact the youngest alive today far more than older generations. But the power to act is often still in the hands of older people, including parents.

Big changes are difficult, especially when they involve other people. Where do you begin? For this year’s Earth Day, we spoke to people who have successfully had tricky climate chats at home. Here are their top tips:

You can talk about going meatless. Flying less. Being waste free (this is really about environmentalism, not climate scam)

“Make connections with things they care about,” she advises. Her family like to volunteer so they made meals using leftover food to donate to people in their local community.

“It’s important to not go into it expecting them to change their whole lives. Small things can make a difference,” she explains.

Here’s an idea

Read: How To Talk To Your Kids About Hotcoldwetdry On Earth Day »

This Is Weird: Democrat Mayor Says Illegal Immigration Has Destroyed NYC

This cannot possibly be correct, can it? Democrats have assured us that illegal immigration is just and benign, that it is egalitarian and equitable, and the Right Thing To Do

Migrant crisis has ‘destroyed’ NYC, Mayor Adams claims ahead of meeting with top Biden aides

Mayor Eric Adams charged Friday that New York City is getting “destroyed” by the federal government’s failure to contain the nation’s migrant crisis — a thinly-veiled broadside against President Joe Biden delivered just hours before Adams was set to meet with White House officials about the matter.

Adams, who claimed earlier this week that Biden has “failed” the city by not providing more migrant-related financial assistance, leveled the latest jab against the president in remarks at the African American Mayors Association’s annual conference in Washington, D.C.

Appearing on a panel with three fellow Democratic mayors from large U.S. cities, Adams argued his administration has since last year done a solid job accommodating more than 52,000 mostly Latin American migrants “without one penny from the federal government.”

“The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis,” said Adams, who has criticized Biden’s administration over its migrant response in an increasingly aggressive manner in recent weeks.

I thought there was no crisis? That the border is under control? No?

To date, the feds have only forked over about $8 million in migrant-related aid to New York City — a drop in the bucket as compared to the $1.4 billion that Adams administration projects it will spend on the crisis by July 1.

Ah, so Adams just want some cash from other places. Shouldn’t he be asking his constituents to pony up some extra money, since most support unfettered illegal immigration? Seriously, they were fine with being a sanctuary city in theory until they actually became a sanctuary city. Voting has consequences, now enjoy yours.

Adams should bus them to D.C. And Biden’s beach house town.

Read: This Is Weird: Democrat Mayor Says Illegal Immigration Has Destroyed NYC »

Climate Today: Joe Manchin’s Upset, Vikings In Greenland, Kamala In Miami

Senator Joe Manchin seems a little bit surprised and upset that the Brandon regime is going beyond what was laid out in the horrible IRA, for which Joe still hasn’t gotten his vote on expedited permitting

Manchin grills Granholm over ‘budget busting’ electric vehicle rules

Sen. Joe Manchin accused the Biden administration Thursday of “liberalizing” Congress’ efforts to stimulate sales of electric vehicles — and warned Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm that the president’s approach could send money and jobs to China.

It was the West Virginia Democrat’s latest attack on the administration’s handling of the sweeping climate bill that Manchin helped write.

Manchin, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, told Granholm at a hearing that President Joe Biden’s implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act could “bust the budget” and go far beyond the spending forecast that Congress relied on last year.

He specifically accused the administration of loosening Congress’ mandate that electric vehicles must be made with domestically produced parts and minerals to receive $7,500 tax incentives. As a result, he said, many more EVs with foreign-sourced parts will claim the tax break, and jobs will go overseas.

Perhaps Joe should have thought of this before making his deal

But Manchin responded that the IRA has specific language on the issue, and that DOE should not have turned to the earlier infrastructure bill.

“Y’all broke the law by advising, referring back to the bipartisan infrastructure bill. It had nothing to do [with it]. This is the IRA we passed,” said Manchin, who has threatened to sue the administration over its implementation of the tax credit.

How did Joe not know they would pull all sorts of shenanigans? These are the people in his Party. This is what they do.

Epic 11-foot-tall sea level rise drove Vikings out of Greenland

Around the 15th century, signs of Norse habitation in the region vanished from the archaeological record. Researchers previously suggested that factors such as climate change and economic shifts likely led the Vikings to abandon Greenland. Now, new findings show that rising seas played a key role, by submerging miles of coastline, according a new study published April 17 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Between the 14th and 19th centuries, Europe and North America experienced a period of significantly cooler temperatures, known as the Little Ice Age. Under these chilly conditions, the Greenland Ice Sheet — a vast blanket of ice covering most of Greenland — would have become even bigger, Marisa Julia Borreggine, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, said when she presented data at an American Geophysical Union annual conference in New Orleans in December 2021. (snip)

Their models showed that from about 1000 to 1400, rising seas around Greenland would have flooded Viking settlements by as much as 11 feet (3.3 meters), affecting about 78 square miles (204 square kilometers) of coastal land, Borreggine said. This flooding would have submerged land that the Vikings used for farming and as grazing pastures for their cattle, according to the models.

What caused that warm period, called Medieval Warm Period, which caused the sea rise? It wasn’t fossil fuels and such. And then they got hit with the Little Ice Age (hey, remember when the climate scientists said that was localized?)

And here’s Kamala

U.S. vice president to visit Miami, announce $562 million climate investment

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris planned to visit Miami on Friday, a White House official said, as she announces a $562 million investment in helping communities become more resilient to climate change.

And here was Kamala the day before taking a long fossil fueled trip to Miami, rather than taking the train

This was a big gathering of Warmists, who took long fossil fueled trips to attend (with lots of fast fashion). Sophia, who has the grift down pat, noted the invitation, along with one to the White House. The weird thing is Kamala doesn’t mention this party on her own VP twitter feed or her personal one.

Read: Climate Today: Joe Manchin’s Upset, Vikings In Greenland, Kamala In Miami »

If All You See…

…is a sea that will rise dozens of feet soon, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post Portland being a no go zone.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Americans Legally Purchased 60 Million Guns During Pandemic

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with Americans seeing rioting in the streets of American cities for months on end from BLM/Antifa, with government authorities doing pretty much nothing, could it? Or all the smash and grabs, the looting, the violence?

Americans bought almost 60 million guns during the pandemic

One-fifth of U.S. households purchased guns during the pandemic, a national arming that exposed more than 15 million Americans to firearms in the home for the first time, academic studies show.

Americans purchased nearly 60 million guns between 2020 and 2022, according to an analysis by The Trace, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that tracks gun violence. Yearly gun sales are running at roughly twice the level of 15 or 20 years ago.

All the new weapons may be fueling a historic surge in gun deaths, which reached record highs during the same period.

Is it or is it not? That’s a hell of an allegation while providing zero proof.

“It’s not a rifle stored away somewhere that you take out twice a year to go hunting. It’s a handgun, probably a semiautomatic handgun, that you keep in your bedside table or in your glove compartment, or that you maybe carry around with you.”

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a run on gun shops, part of a larger national spasm of panic-buying that gripped the country at a moment when many Americans thought society might collapse.

“There was fear, and real concern, about what happens to the country during a global pandemic,” said Nick Suplina, senior vice president of law and policy at Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun-control nonprofit.

No, The Hill will not mention all the violence from Democrat voters in mostly Democrat run cities, which is one of the main causes of purchases. However, the government authoritarianism during Wuhan Flu certainly enticed some to purchase a firearm for protection. All the calls to defund the police was another reason

More Americans died from gun violence in 2020 and 2021 than in any prior year on record. Gun-related homicides and suicides totaled 48,830 in 2021. Shootings of children nearly doubled during the pandemic.

How many were committed by those who legally purchased a firearm, particularly during the COVID years? They don’t say

The link between rising gun ownership and rising gun violence is hard to prove. Yet, “gun ownership rates track very closely to gun fatalities,” Fleegler said. “If you want to know where people are dying by guns, look where the guns are.”

See? I told you they had zero proof. Just an allegation.

Read: Good News: Americans Legally Purchased 60 Million Guns During Pandemic »

Doom: World Could Maybe Possibly Face Record Temperatures This Year

Nice of the “climate scientists” to make this prognostication almost 5 months into the year, especially as an El Nino forms

World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns

The world could breach a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024, fuelled by climate change and the anticipated return of the El Nino weather phenomenon, climate scientists say.

Climate models suggest that after three years of the La Nina weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean, which generally lowers global temperatures slightly, the world will experience a return to El Nino, the warmer counterpart, later this year.

During El Nino, winds blowing west along the equator slow down, and warm water is pushed east, creating warmer surface ocean temperatures.

“El Nino is normally associated with record breaking temperatures at the global level. Whether this will happen in 2023 or 2024 is not yet known, but it is, I think, more likely than not,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.

Climate models suggest a return to El Nino conditions in the late boreal summer, and the possibility of a strong El Nino developing towards the end of the year, Buontempo said.

OK, so, it’s something entirely natural that happens on and off. No need to drag witchcraft, er, anthropogenic climate change into the mix. But, they will

Friederike Otto, senior lecturer at Imperial College London’s Grantham Institute, said El Nino-fuelled temperatures could worsen the climate change impacts countries are already experiencing – including severe heatwaves, drought and wildfires.

“If El Niño does develop, there is a good chance 2023 will be even hotter than 2016 – considering the world has continued to warm as humans continue to burn fossil fuels,” Otto said.

So, what happens if this doesn’t happen? Notice in the excerpt and other parts of the article that they are all using weasel words: could, could, could, suggest, suggest, good chance. This gives them an out so they aren’t actually making a prediction that can be held against them if it fails.

Read: Doom: World Could Maybe Possibly Face Record Temperatures This Year »

Good News: It’s Already Too Late To Evacuate Americans From Sudan

This would include embassy employees. The capabilities of the Brandon regimes are just running on all cylinders, eh? (via Hot Air)

U.S. positioning troops ahead of possible Sudan embassy evacuation

The Pentagon is positioning U.S. forces in Djibouti in anticipation of a potential mission to evacuate U.S. Embassy personnel in Khartoum, two people familiar with the military plans said.

The security situation in Sudan’s capital has cratered over a week of fighting, as two rival generals — Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, in charge of the nation’s armed forces, and Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dalago, who leads the Rapid Support Forces military group — battle for control of the country. The heavy fighting in Khartoum has left many stranded in the city of 5 million people, including embassy staff who are sheltering in place at the compound eight miles from the international airport. (snip)

The American mission in the capital warned Thursday that “due to the uncertain security situation in Khartoum and closure of the airport, it is not currently safe to undertake a U.S. government-coordinated evacuation of private U.S. citizens.”

Also on Wednesday, Molly Phee, the top State Department official for African affairs, told congressional staffers that it was too late to order a departure of the mission because of the deteriorating security situation that has already led to around 300 deaths and about 3,000 more wounded, two congressional aides said.

US military assets are being moved to the African nation of Djibouti, pretty much because the Biden admin always seems to be behind the curve. But, hey, maybe he learned that from Obama, who always seemed to learn of things from the news. As Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey notes

It’s clearly far too late to evacuate the 19,000 American citizens. The better question is why it took this long to get the evacuation process started. It has been three weeks since signs that a power struggle between General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan and RSF chief Mohamed Hamdan Daglo had become “unstoppable,” and that war would almost certainly erupt in Khartoum:

Perhaps if our intelligence and military and State departments were less worried about Woke and more on doing their jobs they could have seen this coming. You know, the same people who failed with Afghanistan. Ed goes on

Was the State Department asleep at the switch? Did it really take three weeks to catch up to the risk and start an orderly evacuation of Americans and American personnel? According to the State Department website’s Sudan page, they didn’t even address the situation publicly until April 15, after fighting had already begun in Khartoum.

If this goes completely tits up, with Americans being hurt or killed, how will they Blame Trump? Anyhow, consider that most of the State Department weenies in Sudan probably voted for Biden, they should keep their complaints to themselves. They’re getting what they voted for.

Read: Good News: It’s Already Too Late To Evacuate Americans From Sudan »

NJ Star Ledger Editorial Board Demands NJ Force Residents Into EVs

I have to wonder if the SLEB understands how many people who live in NJ drive quite a bit for commuting, heading into the city, going down to Atlantic City, heading down to the Shore. I also wonder if the members of the SLEB have switched over to EVs themselves. Further, when they are going to do away with the use of fossil fueled vehicles to gather and deliver the news

This action on climate cannot wait | Editorial

Last month, a UN study reminded the world that we are entombed in a cosmic hothouse, and that the window is about to slam shut. The dire conclusion from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: If we do not slash greenhouse gases 50% by 2030, it substantially raises the risk of a catastrophic rise in heat that threatens humanity itself.

Yeah, they’ve been saying Doom for 30 years, we’re still waiting

Transportation is the primary contributor to this problem in the US, the second-largest polluter in the world, so eliminating tailpipe emissions is the last, best chance at making the planet inhabitable.

Accordingly, the Biden Administration sent out an ambitious plan last week that will impose penalties on the car companies that don’t move fast enough to curtail emissions. California, meanwhile, has adopted the “Advance Clean Cars II” rule, which will phase out the sale of gas-powered vehicles entirely by 2035, and five states – including New York – quickly jumped aboard.

New Jersey, however, is still on the sidelines, and that’s problematic.

Gov. Murphy’s stated goal is to join the California initiative and require all new cars and light-duty truck sales in our state to be zero-emission vehicles or plug-in hybrids by 2035, but time is already running short in the effort to stay on that trajectory. And when it comes to doing our part in cooling the climate, time is a luxury we can no longer afford.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, funny how it’s always about forcing Other People to comply, yet, nowhere in this piece is it mentioned that the members have switched to EVs.

The Department of Environmental Protection has held its public engagement meetings, but it has not laid out a specific plan to meet the governor’s mandate. That typically takes months, and in a state where only 1.5% (90,000) of its 6 million vehicles are electric, this failure to establish a timeline does not exactly meet the urgency of the crisis.

You know why it’s just 1.5%? Because of how much people commute. The Garden State Parkway becomes a parking lot. God help you if you make the mistake of going south of the Eatontown exit on a Saturday after Memorial Day. When I grew up there, we took back roads. Why don’t these people just leave everyone alone to live their lives?

These are not bold steps when you weigh them against the consequences of inaction. President Biden is proposing a climate agenda that has teeth, but it still starts locally. New Jersey must get moving.

I don’t see Biden traveling around in an EV. Do you?

Read: NJ Star Ledger Editorial Board Demands NJ Force Residents Into EVs »

If All You See…

…is an evil plastic bottle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on a State dept official saying lockdowns helped the environment.

Read: If All You See… »

NC House Passed Bill To Ban All Trans Women In School Sports

This has made all the people who want to ban real, biological women very upset. They do not want to protect real women

NC House passes bill to ban transgender women from girls’ sports through college

An injured high school athlete from western North Carolina urged state lawmakers to pass a blanket ban prohibiting transgender women from playing on girls’ sports teams in middle school, high school and college as bills sped through the legislature.

The House passed its version of the bill Wednesday afternoon with all Republicans present voting for the bill along with at least three Democrats. The Senate could vote on its version of the bill, which does not impact college athletics, as soon as Thursday.

Payton McNabb, a volleyball and softball player at Hiwassee Dam High School in Murphy, told lawmakers about the injuries she suffered after being hit by a spike from a transgender athlete on the other team.

“Due to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association policy allowing biological males to compete against biological females, my life has been changed forever,” McNabb said of the September incident. “I suffered from a concussion and a neck injury that, to this day, I am still recovering from.”

McNabb said she suffers from impaired vision, partial paralysis on her right side, headaches, anxiety and depression as a result of the play. She said she was unable to finish the volleyball season and is unable to perform at her previous level on the softball team.

“I’m not here for me because I know that my time playing is coming to an end,” she said. “I’m here for every biological female athlete behind me, my little sister, my cousins, my teammates. Allowing biological males to compete against biological females is dangerous. I might be the first to come before you with an injury but, if this isn’t passed, I won’t be the last.”

Here’s what it looked like

But some legislative Democrats and trans supporters insisted the bills discriminate against a vulnerable segment of the population.

“This kind of legislation has recently been rejected by conservative governors in other states, because it is discriminatory on its face and wholly inconsistent with basic civil rights recognized by our highest courts,” said Rep. Vernetta Alston, a Durham Democrat. “This bill is a pretext for bigotry. It’s a part of what I think is a larger effort to ban transgender people from living their lives openly.”

It’s bigotry to not allow biological men play acting with mental illness that they’re women, and beating up real women in sports that the men did not do well in when competing against men.

Trans supporters, including parents, counselors and others who spoke against the bill in public testimony, argued that the law and others like it could have harmful impacts on transgender children.

“Laws like this send a clear message to trans people that we are not accepted, not wanted and not welcome,” said Cat Salemi, a counselor who works with transgender and non-binary patients.

They aren’t wanted in women’s sports. They aren’t wanted in female locker rooms, bathrooms, and showers. They should not be allowed to take earned wins away from real women, nor potential scholarships. What really harms these “transgender children” is parents, schools, and others who are extolling the kids thinking they’re the opposite sex, pushing them to continue, helping them, advising them, giving them positive reinforcement, rather than getting them a counselor who lives in reality and knows this is really bad for children. They aren’t wanted in women’s areas and sports. They do not belong there.

The House bill says any student “who is deprived of an athletic opportunity or suffers or is likely to suffer any direct or indirect harm as a result of a violation of this” can sue for relief as well as damages within two years of the date that the harm occurred. The same goes for representatives or employees of schools, as well as anyone who faces retaliation for reporting a violation, according to the bill.

This is a wise addition, making it so that the unhinged trans supporters cannot run roughshod over the biological women who object to the trans in their spaces. Some version of this will pass, once the Senate and House reconcile their versions, and there are enough votes to override a veto by Governor Cooper, who’s a Democrat.

Read: NC House Passed Bill To Ban All Trans Women In School Sports »

Pirate's Cove