Was this before or after thousands took long fossil fueled trips to NYC for the latest United Nations bitch-session? Definitely before tens of thousands take long fossil fueled trips to the yearly climate conference in November in the fossil fuels nation of Dubai, right?
‘Humanity has opened the gates of hell’: U.N. chief calls for climate change action
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres opened the United Nations’ Climate Ambition Summit on Wednesday in New York City with a dramatic declaration that “humanity has opened the gates of hell.”
Following the hottest summer on record, which featured a number of devastating extreme weather events linked to rising global temperatures, Guterres cataloged some of the results.
“Horrendous heat is having horrendous effects,” he said. “Distraught farmers watching crops carried away by floods. Sweltering temperatures spawning disease.”
The U.N. chief went on to call for more aggressive action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change and increased financial support for the most affected countries. He was followed by speakers from 34 nations discussing their own actions to address climate change.
The gates of hell! From a small increase in the global temperature since 1850. No worse than previous Holocene warm periods. Oh, and what’s more aggressive action? And how much will that affect your money and freedom?
In his U.N. speech Wednesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom laid the blame for climate change directly on the fossil fuel industry.
“It’s not complicated, it’s the burning of oils, the burning of gas, the burning of coal, we need to call that out,” Newsom said.
“The climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis, so we need to leave fossil fuels behind,” said Chilean President Gabriel Boric in his address.
Said by two guys who just too long, fossil fueled flights, surely in private jets, then fossil fueled limos to a city that runs on and is powered mostly by fossil fuels. How many of these people have investments in solar, wind, and EVs?
Read: Your Fault: Humanity Has “Opened The Gates Of Hell” Or Something »