Well, as long as they aren’t stealing more than $950 they should be OK, right?
Pirates are taking over the Oakland Estuary Marinas. Yes, pirates. And local and federal authorities says it's getting so bad the U.S.
Coast Guard is deploying help."Boat owners attacked by pirates. There are no excuses for that." ?@MayorShengThao???????????? https://t.co/CuEYmimQ25— ??Susan Dyer Reynolds?? (@SusanDReynolds) September 14, 2023
From the link
Pirates are taking over the Oakland Estuary Marinas. Yes, pirates. And local and federal authorities says it’s getting so bad – the U.S. Coast Guard is deploying help to patrol the area.
“Boat owners attacked by pirates,” said Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. “There are no excuses for that.”
From shipwrecks to sunken sailboats to pirate attacks, the shoreline around the Oakland estuary is seeing a new level of violence that’s leaving the area torn up and trashed. The irony is it’s happening right in front of one of the agencies responsible for addressing it.
“I’ve heard it’s gotten to the point of near fist fights on docks,” said former Harbor Master Brock de Lappe.
The vessels abandoned are covered in graffiti – left like a battleground scene of an action movie.
So, California is becoming like Somalia?
De Lappe served as Harbor Master in Alameda and Oakland over the course of 10 years. But, he’s never seen it get this bad.
“You can see one here that’s recently sunk,” he said, pointing to boat bow peeking out of the water. “As you can see out here at the pier, the public fishing pier for Union Point Park. There’s at least two sunken vessels off that pier.”
Oakland police are not providing the I-Team with any specific data, but De Lappe says over the past few months pirates have been attacking vessels at five different locations along the channel – including Jack London Square, the Jack London Square Aquatic Center, the Estuary Channel west of the Bayside Hotel, Union Point Park West, Union Point Park East.
Really, it sounds like all the rest of the crime in California, this is just happening on boats, on the water. But, really, is anyone getting hurt? It’s just property, right?
“Well, I would certainly say that this phenomenon of criminal activity in the maritime domain, it’s new to me,” said Cpt. Lam. “I think it’s going to take a comprehensive inter-agency effort to really effectively address it. And we’re committed to doing it.”
Sink their boast. Hang them. Well, can’t really do that per the law, unless they attack a US military ship, but, the US does still have laws on the books. Some acts have a minimum ten years, others have a minimum life sentence. Better to hang them.
And since this time frame is usually used for a ‘climate change’ post, let’s not forget that the wackos are saying that global boiling is driving piracy. Unlike back in the Golden Age Of Piracy, which was a Holocene cool period.