Senator Menendez Trots Out Plan That Will Totally Overhaul Immigration

I’m sure Mendendez’s plan will work to stop people from coming illegally, deincentivize them, deal with the smuggling, and, really, just stop as much illegal immigration as possible, right?

Sen. Bob Menendez unveils plan for immigration overhaul

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., on Tuesday introduced a framework for revamping immigration programs amid ongoing concerns about the number of migrant crossings, particularly along the southern border.

The outline calls for creating new pathways to citizenship, boosting humanitarian aid to specific countries, increasing funding for border security, and expanding efforts to target human traffickers. A spokesperson for Menendez said his office shared the plan with the White House, the departments of Homeland Security and State, and Senate leadership.

In a statement, Menendez noted that he has repeatedly criticized the Biden administration’s immigration policies, which he described as implementing “short-term deterrence policies that fail to address the cycle of irregular migration at our southwest border.”

Menendez said his plan “provides a set of policies that will secure our borders without sacrificing our domestic and legal obligations to asylum seekers by working with partners in the region to give people alternative options to illegal smuggling networks. This plan largely includes policies that President Biden can pursue without Congress, until Republicans decide to come to the table and help the administration manage the current challenge.”

In other words, it will look towards amnesty, spend a lot of money, and, then, if they feel like it sometime, hire a few people to guard the border who will be stymied by Leftists both in and out of government. If you create new pathways, giving cheap and easy citizenship, that will simply entice more to come illegally and claim asylum. We’ve seen this schtick before many times, going back to Reagan, where the border security never really materialized after the mass amnesty.

And, once again, Congress would be abdicating it’s role as the lawmakers by letting the President do whatever the hell he wants (last sentence of the excerpt)

The plan also would address the busing of migrants from GOP-led states to Democratic-run cities by having the Department of Homeland Security be in charge of relocating migrants “to end the current challenge of states independently sending migrants to major urban centers without intergovernmental coordination.” Menendez’s plan would establish a new migration coordination office at the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

It seems as if Democrats are pretty upset over border states shipping illegals to dark blue cities, many of whom claim to support illegal aliens and are sanctuary cities. Now they simply want to ban the practice. Which would get the legislation sued.

Poll: Voters trust GOP to handle immigration more than Dems

President Joe Biden’s immigration problem isn’t just about policy. It’s that he’s not talking about the issue enough, voters say in a new survey from a Democratic polling firm.

Fifty-eight percent of voters in seven key Electoral College battleground states disapprove of how the president is handling immigration, compared with 32 percent who approve, according to a new swing-state poll from Global Strategy Group first shared with POLITICO. And a majority of voters surveyed, at 52 percent, believe Biden is ignoring problems at the border, while 50 percent said the president is ignoring the situation around undocumented immigrants.

Biden doesn’t care. He isn’t talking much about anything

Republicans talk more about immigration than Democrats, and they are trusted more to handle the issue, according to the poll. Both parties get low marks for how they are handling immigration, but Democrats face greater criticism because voters don’t know where the party falls on the issue. Thirty-nine percent of voters trust Biden and Democrats in Congress more on the immigration issue, while 47 percent said they trust Republicans lawmakers more.

In fairness, Republicans aren’t much better, since they so often join in with Democrats for silly plan, rather than simply cracking down.

Read: Senator Menendez Trots Out Plan That Will Totally Overhaul Immigration »

Hey, We Should Treat Reversing ‘Climate Change’ As A Global Public Good Or Something

What’s that old saying about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions? Communist countries also talked a lot about the public good

Reversing climate change should be treated as a global public good

Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who was in Washington last week for the annual Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, made a valuable and insightful observation in a side conversation with a group of India observers.

Hmm, so he took a long fossil fueled trip from India, a nation which is putting up lots and lots of coal power plants?

In reference to climate change and assorted efforts to mitigate and even reverse it, she rued that while the European Union’s carbon tariffs – the so-called border adjustment mechanism (BAM) – are a unilateral and burden-shifting effort at climate mitigation, the underlying earnest desire to act on the climate front must be recognised and given a more productive form and channel. That calls for a wider debate on global public goods that Sitharaman referred to.

There’s a lack of awareness or debate about global public goods and externalities. And there’s no agreed-upon definition of them. (snip)

A public good costs money to provide. Normally, the state provides the public good, paying for it from the proceeds of taxation. That is in the case of national public goods, where the provider and the beneficiaries are clearly definable and have a defined mutual relationship.

In the case of global public goods, things get complicated. The cost of providing global goods is borne nationally but the benefits are enjoyed globally. Naturally, governments prioritise national commitments over global public goods. The challenge when it comes to global public goods then becomes – who will provide, who will pay, and how? There are no easy answers. But another concept from economics can help us with an answer: externalities.

In other words, putting government in charge of most things. But, hey, this is all about science, not authoritarian science, right?

Read: Hey, We Should Treat Reversing ‘Climate Change’ As A Global Public Good Or Something »

Yet Another Ally, Israel, Turns To China

Biden’s foreign policy is just working wonders, eh?

Spurned by Biden, Israel Asks China to Help Contain Iran Threat

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen asked China to “influence” Iran to cease developing its illegal nuclear weapons program, inviting Beijing to play a bigger role in the Middle East as relations with the United States under leftist President Joe Biden have deteriorated.

Cohen made the request in a conversation on Monday with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, a day before held a massive parade to mark its annual “Army Day” in which it once again threatened to destroy Israel. President Ebrahim Raisi specifically vowed “the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv” and debuted what appeared to be new military hardware, a drone model not yet seen in public.

Qin reportedly spoke to both Cohen and Palestinian Authority diplomat Riyad al-Maliki on Monday, apparently seeking a mediation role for China in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian terrorists. Qin’s overtures follow a shock announcement in March that the Chinese Communist Party had intervened in the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, leading talks between the rivals’ respective governments that resulted in the two sides agreeing to reopen embassies in their countries and restore commercial flights to each other. (snip)

Describing the talk with Qin on Twitter, Cohen said that he had encouraged Qin to have China participate in convincing Iran to cease developing nuclear weapons.

“I spoke today with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang. I called on him to exert his influence on Iran to stop the progress of the nuclear program,” his statement read, “which poses a danger to many countries in the Middle East and the world.”

“The State of Israel will act in any way to prevent the terrorist regime in Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” Cohen concluded.

Obviously, the Biden admin, just like the Obama admin, are not fans of Israel. Dare I say they are Israel haters, and even Jew haters, like so many of the Democratic party base. Regardless, this is just another nation that the Biden regime is driving away and into the arms of China with their terrible, no-good foreign policy. What little foreign policy there is. He’s just working magic all over the place. As American influence in the world under Biden fails, the PRC’s influence grows.

Read: Yet Another Ally, Israel, Turns To China »

Climate Apocalypse Today: Judge Overturns Gas Stove Ban, Pentagon At Odds With Biden Over Offshore Wind Turbines

This is an amazing ruling, considering that the 9th Circuit court is the the most Progressive moonbat in the country, even with Trump adding more conservatives, though, it sure helped

Ninth Circuit Throws Out Berkeley Ban on Gas Stoves

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit tossed a Berkeley, California, ban on gas stoves on Monday, saying that the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act preempted state and local authorities in regulating natural gas.

The Courthouse News Service reported:

The three-judge panel’s ruling reverses a federal judge’s dismissal of a lawsuit by the California Restaurant Association claiming the Energy Policy and Conservation Act preempts the San Francisco Bay Area city’s ban. The group said the ordinance would affect chefs’ ability to prepare food the way they are typically trained — using natural gas stoves.

[Donald Trump appointee U.S. Circuit Judge Patrick Bumatay wrote:]  “States and localities can’t skirt the text of broad preemption provisions by doing indirectly what Congress says they can’t do directly. Berkeley can’t evade preemption by merely moving up one step in the energy chain and banning natural gas piping within those buildings.”

In other words, Berkeley cannot play games with the law, even to Save Us From Climate Doom. Oh, and, hey, remember how banning gas stoves was just a Republican myth?

Pentagon Sounds Alarm Over Biden Plan for Offshore Wind Sites

The Pentagon is sounding alarms over Biden administration plans to advance offshore wind projects along the central Atlantic US coast, warning that almost all of the new terrain eyed for development conflicts with military operations.

Maps shared with industry stakeholders and seen by Bloomberg News show vast red areas that the Navy and Air Force have deemed “highly problematic,” covering prime real estate the Interior Department last year earmarked for leasing off the coasts of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.

The Defense Department’s concerns, which come on top of other conflicts identified by the US Coast Guard, have spooked renewable power developers and US East Coast states counting on mid-Atlantic wind farms to meet clean energy and climate goals.

The breadth of the Pentagon’s opposition could imperil President Joe Biden’s bid to install 30 gigawatts of offshore wind power — equivalent to 30 nuclear reactors — by the end of the decade, newly bolstered state goals for the development and planned manufacturing facilities in Maryland and Virginia tied to the nascent US industry.

See, the Woke Pentagon, which has gone all in on Doing Something about ‘climate change’ since Obama was president, suddenly actually has to deal with their stated Beliefs interfering with their operations, and do not like that. It’s all fun and games until someone smacks you in the mouth and you have to deal with the fallout. When you are forced to practice what you preach.

Read: Climate Apocalypse Today: Judge Overturns Gas Stove Ban, Pentagon At Odds With Biden Over Offshore Wind Turbines »

If All You See…

…are pine trees which will soon grow in the Arctic, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Hogewash, with a post on April 18, 1775.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Was Warned About Migrant Child Labor And Ignored It

So, let’s see. Biden, his administration, and all sorts of Democrats basically invited people from all over the world to stream into the U.S. illegally and declare asylum, so immigration exploded. And one of the results was child labor

U.S. Was Warned of Migrant Child Labor, but ‘Didn’t Want to Hear It’

In the spring of 2021, Linda Brandmiller was working at an arena in San Antonio that had been converted into an emergency shelter for migrant children. Thousands of boys were sleeping on cots as the Biden administration grappled with a record number of minors crossing into the United States without their parents.

Brandmiller’s job was to help vet sponsors, and she had been trained to look for possible trafficking. In her first week, two cases jumped out: One man told her he was sponsoring three boys to employ them at his construction company. Another, who lived in Florida, was trying to sponsor two children who would have to work off the cost of bringing them north.

She immediately contacted supervisors working with the Department of Health and Human Services, the federal agency responsible for these children. “This is urgent,” she wrote in an email reviewed by The New York Times.

But within days, she noticed that one of the children was set to be released to the man in Florida. She wrote another email, this time asking for a supervisor’s “immediate attention” and adding that the government had already sent a 14-year-old boy to the same sponsor.

Brandmiller also emailed the shelter’s manager. A few days later, her building access was revoked during her lunch break. She said she was never told why she had been fired.

In fairness, Biden has no idea what’s going on. And his administration just doesn’t have the time to deal with the minutia or the fallout from policies.

Over the past two years, more than 250,000 migrant children have come alone to the United States. Thousands of children have ended up in punishing jobs across the country — working overnight in slaughterhouses, replacing roofs, operating machinery in factories — all in violation of child labor laws, a recent Times investigation showed. After the article’s publication in February, the White House announced policy changes and a crackdown on companies that hire children.

But, really, not the policies which incentivize people to come to the U.S. illegally and to stop bringing the kids.

But all along, there were signs of the explosive growth of this labor force and warnings that the Biden administration ignored or missed, the Times has found.

Again and again, veteran government staffers and outside contractors told the Health and Human Services Department, including in reports that reached Secretary Xavier Becerra, that children appeared to be at risk. The Labor Department put out news releases noting an increase in child labor. Senior White House aides were shown evidence of exploitation, such as clusters of migrant children who had been found working with industrial equipment or caustic chemicals.

As the administration scrambled to clear shelters that were strained beyond capacity, children were released with little support to sponsors who expected them to take on grueling, dangerous jobs.

This is a long, long, long piece, but, at the end of the day, Biden is president. He is responsible for this. There’s lots and lots of “blameshifting” at the lower levels, but, Biden is president. He bears the responsibility, because it’s his policies causing this. There mentions of lower level people warning their bosses this was happening, and then being moved out of their positions in retaliation. Many were raising alarms. Many were ignored. Many were reassigned. Many asked for whistleblower status because of their treatment. Many left HHS. Some sued, and were paid off by the Biden admin with taxpayer funds.

But, nowhere in this NY Times piece is Biden blamed.

Read: Biden Was Warned About Migrant Child Labor And Ignored It »

NYC Mayor Excited To Reduce Meat Consumption For The Peasants

Having solved all the problems in NYC, like, with all the rats, Mayor Adams has set his sights on something Important

NYC Mayor Adams vows to take a bite out of meat consumption with new carbon reduction plan

climate cowMayor Adams promised to take a bite out of New York City’s greenhouse footprint Monday by reducing carbon output when it comes to emissions caused by the production and consumption of food — especially meat.

New data released by the city shows that 20% of the Big Apple’s greenhouse gas emissions are tied to food — the third largest source behind buildings, which contribute 34% of emissions in the city, and transportation, which causes 22%.

Adams’ goal is to reduce food-related emissions produced by city government by 33% within seven years time, and to accomplish that he and city officials are taking aim at meat. (snip)

The mayor also said he’s “challenging” the city’s private sector to reduce food-related emissions 25% by 2030, although it was not clear whether he plans to employ incentives or disincentives to help accomplish that goal. The administration official noted that those options are going to be explored as well.

Peter Sikora, the climate campaigns director at New York Communities for Change, praised the mayor’s goal as a “good, incremental step,” but said the city needs to be more explicit in its approach to reducing emissions from businesses.

“On some level, where’s the beef of dealing with the private sector aspect of this?” he said. “The rubber hits the road with the vast quantities of food that are served and consumed by the private sector and this does nothing on that.”

In fairness to Adams, he says he eats a mostly vegan menu. That’s still no excuse for forcing everyone else to eat that way, like how he made the default menu at the city’s Health + Hospitals network plant based. As Sikora makes clear, force will be applied, which would kill off so many eateries, from food carts to Michelin star restaurants. Adams can talk about incentives and challenges, but, when no one complies we’ll see taxes and mandates. But, hey, citizens of NYC should keep their complaints to themselves, since they voted for this.

Read: NYC Mayor Excited To Reduce Meat Consumption For The Peasants »

Senate Report Concludes COVID Came From Accidental Lab Leak

One would think this would have been big news, rather than a piece at Axios, and a discussion of it at The UK Telegraph. According to WHO, there have been 6.9 million deaths around the world, and you know Russia and especially China under-reported their numbers (while the US numbers are surely inflated, where people died with COVID, not of COVID)

Covid pandemic sparked by accidental leak from Wuhan lab, US investigation concludes

surprise surprise surpriseThe pandemic was probably the result of a “research-related incident” at a laboratory in Wuhan, China, a lengthy US Senate report concluded.

It said the theory that Covid-19 jumped from animals to humans in a market no longer deserved the “presumption of accuracy”.

The 300-page report, released to Axios, was the full version of a 35-page summary published in October by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

It said: “The Covid-19 pandemic was, more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident.

“New information, made publicly available and independently verifiable, could change this assessment.

“However, the hypothesis of a natural zoonotic origin no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt, or the presumption of accuracy.”

It went on to say that those pimping the spillover theory needed to pony up some evidence, rather than just making claims

The report said there were “anomalies” between Covid-19 and other diseases that have spilled over naturally from animals to humans.

And it said, three years on, no critical evidence had been found proving there was a natural spillover.

It added that there had not been spillovers of the virus in numerous places at numerous times, as might be expected if that was the cause.

We’ve heard a few times that there have been some jumps to deer, and I read about testing of bears and a few other animals, but, if it was so potent, why not a lot? And why aren’t we seeing lots of bats, pangolins, or racoon dogs (the latest scapegoat) with it?

The report also noted that the type of bats carrying the closest virus to Covid-19 lived over 1,000 miles away from Wuhan.

However, the lab had collected over 200 coronaviruses, and employees had been photographed handling bats with inadequate protective gear, the report said.

That lab has had plenty of leaks, and didn’t exactly follow proper scientific protocols. Lefties will refuse to even consider this, because Trump did say it was most likely a lab leak. They’ll always take the the other side. Seriously, we all thought the most likely starting point was the lab, whether by accident or intentional. A virus that mostly targeted the old and with pre-existing conditions, but, not the young? Chinese may revered the old, but, the Communist leaders did not. If they weren’t productive, they were a drain.

Anyhow, another “conspiracy theory” that is most likely the truth.

Read: Senate Report Concludes COVID Came From Accidental Lab Leak »

Surprise: School Kids Can’t Read

(I brilliantly had this set to autopost on the 27th, rather than today)

The NY Times is oh-so-close to getting what the problem is, who’s responsible, and the solutions (non-paywalled here)

‘Kids Can’t Read’: The Revolt That Is Taking on the Education Establishment

In suburban Houston, parents rose up against a top-rated school district, demanding an entirely new reading curriculum.

At an elementary school in Hutchinson, Minnesota, a veteran teacher is crusading for reform, haunted by the fear that, for 28 years, she failed children because she was not trained in the cognitive science behind reading.

And Ohio may become the latest state to overhaul reading instruction, under a plan by Gov. Mike DeWine.

“The evidence is clear,” DeWine said. “The verdict is in.”

A revolt over how children are taught to read, steadily building for years, is now sweeping school board meetings and statehouses around the country.

The movement, under the banner of “the science of reading,” is targeting the education establishment: school districts, literacy gurus, publishers and colleges of education, which critics say have failed to embrace the cognitive science of how children learn to read.

Research shows that most children need systematic, sound-it-out instruction — known as phonics — as well as other direct support, like building vocabulary and expanding students’ knowledge of the world.

I wonder why the kids are having such a tough time reading these days? Back in my day we spent time reading. In every damned subject. We further had to read fiction books, even during times like Christmas and Spring break. Also, we had summer reading to do for the next school year. Now, there are certainly those who did not continue reading for pleasure, but, I do not know many who are Gen X and Boomers who can’t read if they want to.

About 1 in 3 children in the United States cannot read at a basic level of comprehension, according to a key national exam. The outcomes are particularly troubling for Black and Native American children, nearly half of whom score “below basic” by eighth grade.

“The kids can’t read — nobody wants to just say that,” said Kareem Weaver, an activist with the NAACP in Oakland, California, who has framed literacy as a civil rights issue and stars in a new documentary, “The Right to Read.”

How much are we spending on schools?

In 2000, at the behest of Congress, a National Reading Panel recommended many strategies being argued for today. And the Bush administration prioritized phonics. Yet that effort faltered because of politics and bureaucratic snafus.

It’s a very, very long piece, and Times almost has. “Politics”. Which political party pretty much runs the schools, staffs, the schools, and are the teachers in the schools? Why political party runs the teacher’s unions? Which political party makes up most of the employees at the state and federal education departments? Who’s spending too much time on CRT, social justice, climate crisis (scam), transgender garbage, drag shows, and teaching sexuality to young kids who should be learning to read (and math, science, art, etc)? The solution is really to get back to basics. Teach the basics. Forget all that other stuff. Which is tough, because now you have two generations who have large amounts of people who cannot read at their age level.

Teach the kids early, rather than spending time on computers, parents should keep them off the games and phones. There should be basic lessons incorporating phonics, spelling and vocabulary should be done daily. Schools are places of education. Educate. No investing time on personal things of what they believe to be important.

Read: Surprise: School Kids Can’t Read »

WWIII Watch: Ukraine To Test And Use Non-Banned Weapons To Regain Crimea (?)

Does anyone else see the big problem with what the Reuters headline implies?

Ukraine will ‘test and use’ any non-banned weapons to retake Crimea: official

Ukraine will “test and use” any non-banned weapons to liberate its territory, including Russian-occupied Crimea, the head of its National Security and Defence Council said on Friday.

Oleksiy Danilov’s comment comes with Kyiv expected to mount a counteroffensive in the coming weeks or months aimed at retaking Russian-held territory in the south and east.

“Crimea is the territory of Ukraine, and we will test and use there any weapons not prohibited by international laws, that will help liberate our territories,” he tweeted.

Kyiv’s Western partners have provided crucial military support, including modern battle tanks and armoured vehicles, since Russia’s full-scale invasion last year.

OK, there’s a little bit more than what’s in the headline, but, really, Ukraine is absolutely no closer to kicking Russia out than when Russia invaded. To think they would then be able to go and retake Crimea (which Russia took with ease, all while Obama, with Biden as VP because of his “foreign policy experience”, stood by and did nothing that made a difference) is absurd. Russia has quite a bit of defenses built up. Without help from Biden, Canada, the UK, and a few other EU nations, Russia would already have conquered Ukraine. And many of the nations supplying arms and money (where’s that money going?) are getting squishy.

The news media isn’t really talking that much about Ukraine anymore, especially in terms of them winning. The NY Times has these two articles

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Revolutionizes NATO Military Strategy

A Moscow court sentenced Vladimir Kara-Murza, a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin, to 25 years in prison.

The first looks more like NATO working towards direct confrontation. Scrolling way down the Washington Post we see

Ukraine accuses Russia of undermining deal on grain shipments

Same at so many outlets. The Economist, though, is yammering about Ukraine’s counteroffensive drawing near. Glad they could let Russia know it’s coming. The Financial Times is talking about how the war is dividing the world.

Would the small number of nations offering material support continue if Ukraine retook Ukraine and then tried to go after Crimea? Doubtful.

Read: WWIII Watch: Ukraine To Test And Use Non-Banned Weapons To Regain Crimea (?) »

Pirate's Cove