Michael “robust debate and then I block everyone” Mann and many other Warmists have decried the doomism inherent in the climate cult movement, saying it does not help. Most other climate cultists do not care, and always want to ramp it up
Are humans a cancer on the planet? A physician argues that civilization is truly carcinogenic
Humans have existed on this planet for a relatively short time, yet we’ve had a major impact on it, dramatically altering its biodiversity and shifting its global climate in only a few centuries. The burning of fossil fuels has cooked the globe so much that ecosystems are threatening to fall completely out of balance, which could accelerate the ongoing mass extinctions caused by our predilection for exploiting nature.
There’s a very distinct possibility we could trigger our own extinction or, at the very least, greatly reduce our population while completely altering the way we currently live. Little things like going outside during daylight hours or growing food in the dirt could become relics of the past, along with birds, insects, whales and many other species. War, famine, pestilence and death — that dreaded equine quartet — threaten to topple our dominance on this planet. We are destroying our own home, sawing off the very branch we rest on. (snip)
Dr. Warren Hern, a Colorado-based physician and author of the new book “Homo Ecophagus: A Deep Diagnosis to Save the Earth,” argues that human civilization indeed has many similarities with cancer. This isn’t a metaphor, but rather a literal diagnosis — and it can be addressed in the same way that an actual cancer diagnosis can be the first step to treatment.
Salon recently spoke with Hern about his new book, which acts partially as a memoir, textbook, dire diagnosis and poetic ode to a disintegrating planet, discussing the implications for such an urgent prognosis, a new name for the human species that reflects our true nature and how we can still fix this crisis.
It’s a long, crazy interview, but, what else would you expect from the climate cult, which always seems to need to escalate the Crazy?
Consider Miley Cyrus. Her act and actions constantly escalated the crazy. More and more nutty stuff. Eventually it gets to a point where it just cannot get worse. What happened to her? You do not really hear much about her anymore. Some like Brittany Spears and Lady Gaga did the same, but, finally hit a point where something snapped. They finally changed, and are still doing things in the limelight without being Crazy. The climate cult, though, is all about scaring people into giving up their money and freedom, to their own detriment. Where does it stop?
Trans activists and eco-zealots are merging into one united front of absurdity
As if it were not galling enough to see the men’s world championship road race halted by protesters gluing themselves to a Scottish country lane, there was the added torment of listening to one protagonist’s harebrained explanation for this moronic act. “As a trans woman, I’ve been told I’m not welcome on the cycling track by the UCI,” said Rebecca Kerr. “At the same time, they allow a petrochemical company to field a team, showing they have no real care for people. I take to the track to point out this hypocrisy and take a stand for a better future.” (snip)
All that this stunt has achieved, by conflating the rhetoric of Just Stop Oil and Trans Women Are Women, is to make public hostility towards such actions even more implacable. Besides putting cyclists in danger, the protestors on that rural road in the Carron Valley did not even attract the publicity they craved. The only footage was of the riders and support vehicles coming to a halt, with an announcement on commentary: “We’ve got some kind of blockage.” The sight of the five people affixed to the road surface was never shown. So what purpose, if the power of the protest lay in its visual impact, were they fulfilling?
The crazy never ends.