If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on some memes and things.

It’s 51st State week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I do not have to see the Giants play till next September. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The First Street Journal: No matter how much you hate the credentialed media, you do not hate them enough!
  2. The Gateway Pundit: LA Mayor Refuses Help from NY Firefighters but Mexico Fire Crews More Than Welcome: Report
  3. The Hayride: New Orleans City Council launches investigation into Bourbon Street safety barriers
  4. The Last Refuge: Biden May Blanket Pardon Those Who Targeted Trump and Those Who Weaponized Government
  5. The Other McCain: Hollywood Getting Red-Pilled?
  6. This ain’t Hell…: Stupid people of the week
  7. Victory Girls Blog: After the Fire, What Will Rebuilding Look Like?
  8. Power Line: Biden: Freedom of Speech Is Un-American!
  9. Pacific Pundit: WTF! Comrade Karen Bass releases propaganda video online, smiling from ear to ear talking about the wildfires
  10. Moonbattery: UK Pulls Out All Stops to Cover Up Grooming Gangs
  11. Legal Insurrection: Greenland’s Prime Minister Now Says Open To Talks With Trump: ‘Status Quo No Longer an Option’
  12. Jihad Watch: US House votes to sanction International Criminal Court over arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant
  13. Geller Report: On the Way Out the Door, Biden Regime Launches ‘National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia’
  14. Climate Depot: Data reveals wildfires down dramatically in the U.S. since 1920s
  15. And last, but, not least, Bustednuckles: Two Words I Have Not Yet Seen Regarding The L.A. Fire Hydrants Running Out Of Water

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Good News: Californians Have Moved From Ripping Off CVS To The National Guard

Only in the People’s Republik Of California, which has worried more about Woke, DEI, gender transitioning, the climate scam, etc

Let’s go to the article

Three Humvees were stolen from an Army Reserve Center in Tustin, along with other military equipment, according to a police statement.

On Wednesday, January 8, between 8 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., unknown suspects entered a storage warehouse at the center.

Multiple storage lockers were found with their locks removed, and gear was missing.

There was also an unsuccessful attempt to cut a lock to uniform storage.

The suspects cut a fence to access a military vehicle parking lot, where they stole three Humvees before leaving at an unknown time.

Tustin is south of Anaheim, north of Irvine. So, who did? Did they not have cameras at an Army Reserve base? Why is no one securing the base? Thank goodness they didn’t get actual weapons, though, they did try and break into a uniform locker unsuccessfully. Who’s in charge? Oh, that would be Joe Biden, ultimately, with his DEI military leaders under him. This is just insane.

Read: Good News: Californians Have Moved From Ripping Off CVS To The National Guard »

Youts Embracing Powered Skis

The lazy generation is doing lazy

E-Power hits the slopes: new wave of snow sports emerges

Following in the footsteps of electric scooters on land and wakeboards at sea, young entrepreneurs are bringing electric power to snow travel with self-propelled skis and all-terrain skates.

Already an experienced surfer and snowboarder, Edouard Aubert took up skateboarding during the pandemic, as he was drawn to the empty roads.

“Since I’m an engineer, I quickly put a motor on it,” he said with a grin at the CES technology show in Las Vegas.

“But we needed more. Roads weren’t enough for us, and neither was off-roading. We needed sand, snow.” (snip)

“The snow version isn’t meant for hurtling down slopes or replacing snowboarding,” Aubert explained.

“It’s more for walking and cross-country skiing.”

Why? Isn’t the whole point of cross country skiing to get out and enjoy and get some exercise? I can understand with bikes, because they are being used to get from one place to another, usually in cities, in place of expending all that energy or taking the bus or car or something. This is not for exercise. Most do not cross country ski to just get from, say, home to work.

In ski touring, skiers climb slopes rather than using lifts before skiing down.

With E-Skimo, as the skier moves, a motor drives a fabric strip beneath the ski, acting as a conveyor belt that reduces strain on legs and thighs.

Using AI, the system gauges the slope and ski positions to calibrate assistance based on the user and pace. The motor stops once the skier completes their forward stride. At the summit, users can remove the fabric band, motor, and battery to descend on what amount to conventional skis.

Just lazy. Misses the whole point. It would be like using an e-bike for a BMX event. Lazy.

And just to throw a little climate scam in

Think about it.

Read: Youts Embracing Powered Skis »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow from people driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on the UN blocking aid to Gaza.

Read: If All You See… »

Newsome Wants Trump To Not Politicize PRC Wildfires, Visit The Area

Wait, who’s the sitting president right now?

Newsom implores Trump to visit LA fire destruction, not politicize tragedy

Gov. Gavin Newsom invited President-elect Donald Trump to survey the breathtaking damage caused by the Southern California wildfires, appealing to the incoming president to meet with the first responders, firefighters and “Americans” affected by the catastrophe.

“In the spirit of this great country, we must not politicize human tragedy or spread disinformation from the sidelines,” Newsom wrote in a letter to Trump on Friday. “Hundreds of thousands of Americans — displaced from their homes and fearful for the future — deserve to see all of us working in their best interests to ensure a fast recovery and rebuild.”

The Los Angeles fires have killed at least 10 people and destroyed more than 10,000 homes and businesses. They also have dramatically accelerated the feud between the incoming president and the ambitious California Democrat, with Trump ridiculing the governor’s performance, advocating for sweeping policy changes on water and using the blazes to again portray his state as failing.

Interesting, since the minute the fires started (and we’ll surely find out they were either arson or incompetence, but, most likely arson, since the fires were spread pretty far) the Warmists started blaming it on global boiling. This includes politicians and the Credentialed Media. The minute a big shooting happens people like Newsom rush out to politicize it and call for “common sense gun control.”

Maybe Newsom should worry more about the conditions due to government misconduct and foolish policies created, like

Kinda coincidental, eh?

Read: Newsome Wants Trump To Not Politicize PRC Wildfires, Visit The Area »

Surprise: Bank Of England Confirms Net Zero Is Driving Up Energy Prices

Everyone has a shocked face right now, right? (via Not A Lot Of People Know That)

Net zero is driving up energy prices, admits Bank of England official

Net zero policies are sharply driving up energy costs, the Bank of England has admitted, as officials battle to bring living costs back under control.

Sarah Breeden, the Bank’s deputy governor, said households and businesses were paying more for energy because of so-called carbon permits, which require power plants to pay for each tonne of carbon dioxide they emit.

These permits accounted for nearly half the cost of fuel bought by gas-fired power plants last year, Ms Breeden said, which was passed on to consumers.

“There is now evidence that policies aimed at the climate transition were probably more important contributors to the recent rise and fall in inflation than we previously thought,” the deputy governor said in a speech at the University of Edinburgh Business School.

I mean, we all saw this coming, right? Non-cult members have been saying for the longest time that implementing all these crazy policies would increase the cost of energy, which means that the cost of everything else will go up. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But, are they good intentions? Because the Elites who are making these policies sure do not act like ‘climate change’ is a problem in their own lives.

Read: Surprise: Bank Of England Confirms Net Zero Is Driving Up Energy Prices »

Chicago Democrats Look To Repeal Sanctuary City Status

Funny how a city being overrun with illegals and fake asylum seekers who are criminals can change people’s minds away from bad policies

‘This Policy Is Dangerous’: Chicago Dems Fight To Roll Back City’s Sanctuary Law, Help Trump Deport Criminals

A pair of Chicago aldermen have introduced legislation that would roll back the city’s sanctuary law currently forbidding any cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities, but their efforts face stiff odds in a city council dominated by liberal members.

Raymond Lopez and Silvana Tabares, both Democrats, filed a proposed amendment to Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance, which calls for exceptions when a migrant has been arrested or convicted of certain criminal activities. The aldermen argued in a public statement that it’s in the best interest of the city’s immigrant community to work with the incoming Trump administration in situations where wanted illegal migrants are involved in heinous crimes.

“We believe that the best way to protect law-abiding non-citizens from the returning Trump Administration is by working with them in apprehending their priority targets: non-citizens that CHOOSE to engage in dangerous, illegal activity once they are in the United States,” Lopez said in a public statement. “Our current [Welcoming City Ordinance] prohibits any coordination or cooperation, even in the most heinous situations.”

“This policy is dangerous to those law-abiding undocumented and non-citizens residents because, if someone is arrested or convicted of crimes, the federal authorities aren’t notified,” he continued. “Should the federal government go looking for those specific individuals seeking to deport them, there is a high probability that other targets, law-abiding undocumented and non-citizen residents, may be apprehended and deported as collateral damage. That is an entirely unacceptable yet avoidable situation.”

It has always been amazing that Democrats have gone so in on illegal immigration that they will protect those that commit crimes, include heinous felonies like murder, rape, sexual assault, including on children. What drives them that far? It’s just hard to understand. I can understand why they would want non-criminal illegals. I don’t like it, but, I can at least understand it. But, a huge chunk that support criminals? Boggles the mind.

Read: Chicago Democrats Look To Repeal Sanctuary City Status »

Pennsylvania Warmist Attorney Says Law Can Be Used To Go After Fossil Fuels Companies

I wonder if the law can be used against those who use fossil fuels? I wonder if the lawyer and all those backing them realize that at best the fossil fuels companies will simply jack up the cost of their goods, at worst, just close shop in Pennsylvania?

Climate change attorneys say a Pa. statute could be used to prosecute fossil fuel companies

climate doom yearlyCould climate polluters face criminal charges in Pennsylvania for causing or risking a catastrophe? A new article published this month in the New York University Environmental Law Journal highlights a Pennsylvania statute that could be used as a unique legal strategy to hold large emitters of carbon dioxide accountable. But several lawyers say it could be a tough sell to prosecutors. (snip)

But the NYU law journal article, “Causing or Risking Climate Catastrophe,” relies on Pennsylvania’s criminal statutes and draws from a criminal case brought against the owner and manager of a nightclub on Pier 34 in Philadelphia, which collapsed into the Delaware River killing three women and injuring more than 40 people in 2000. (snip)

The criminal statute Regunberg said applies is causing or risking a catastrophe, which is a second or third-degree felony in Pennsylvania. It’s also a crime in five other states, including New Jersey. The authors chose to write about Pennsylvania because it has solid case law to support it, Regunberg said.

“Obviously it’s not new to prosecute corporations even for charges like homicide,” Regunberg said.

Yeah, well, wouldn’t that mean that those who use fossil fuels are causing or risking a catastrophe? Especially those who are making the claim that fossil fuels are killing the planet and every living thing on it? They should know better, right? Kinda like how high ranking military officers are prosecuted more harshly for doing the wrong thing because they should know better than some corporal?

Anyhow, it’s a novel approach, but, will prosecutors give it a whirl? Doubtful.

Read: Pennsylvania Warmist Attorney Says Law Can Be Used To Go After Fossil Fuels Companies »

If All You See…

…are trees dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on New Hampshire looking for a DOGE-like commission.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove