Kamala Tries To Divorce Herself From Bidenomics Or Something

Ever since Kamala was announced as Joe’s running mate they have termed it the Biden-Harris administration. She’s spent pretty much four years being a part of Bidenomics, so, now she wants to say she’s not part of it? Well, she actually makes it worse with Kamalanomics

Harris breaks from ‘Bidenomics’ in North Carolina

Don’t call it “Bidenomics.”

Vice President Kamala Harris used a speech on her economic platform Friday to try to distinguish herself as a candidate from President Joe Biden, casting her agenda as more ambitious and forward-looking. From her rhetoric to the phrases plastered around the room, Harris was sending that message loud and clear.

“Now is the time to chart a new way forward,” Harris said to a crowd in the closely divided state, as people chanted the words back. “To build an America where everyone’s work is rewarded and talents are valued, where we work with labor and business to strengthen the American economy, and where everyone has the opportunity not to just get by, but to get ahead.”

Behind the podium at Wake Tech Community College’s Hendrick Center for Automotive Excellence, the words “OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY — LOWERING YOUR COSTS” served as a backdrop. And around the room, the words “A NEW WAY FORWARD,” filled large banners and signs waved by supporters. The crowd of roughly 200 people chanted “we’re not going back” as Harris attacked former President Donald Trump’s economic plans.

This is a long, long puff piece from Politico, which is light on her awful plans, like the “price gouging” plan and the one to give new home buyers $25,000 of other people’s money, both of which have been obliterated as Bad Ideas even by pundits and economists on the Left.

“”A loaf of bread costs 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%.”” Not exactly a winning statement about what happened during the Biden-Harris administration, eh? And, there were roughly about 200 people in a large auditorium, and the roads in that area were shut down as rush hour was starting on a Friday afternoon.

(Breitbart) Vice President Kamala Harris promised Friday that she would build 3 million new homes in four years if she were elected, but she and President Joe Biden barely managed to build eight EV charging stations in two-and-a-half years.

Let’s be honest, most of what she’s offering are simply patronizing ideas that will never be implemented. They’re just meant to be fake bribes to get votes. To get her base out to vote. Then to blame Republicans for not passing her ideas if she manages to win the presidency.

She can try to divorce herself from her own record all she wants: citizens have plenty of methods to find out the truth.

Read: Kamala Tries To Divorce Herself From Bidenomics Or Something »

Surprise: EVs Losing Up To 50% Of Their Value In The First Year

This is really not surprising, as manufacturers, and government, are throwing huge piles of cash at them, giving insane discounts that mean huge losses. Hence, EVs are worth way less, because why would someone pay at the normal depreciation rate for a used one instead of getting new?

EVs Are Losing Up to 50 Percent of Their Value in One Year

Electric vehicle depreciation is something of a hot topic right now, and for good reason. On one hand, there are some fantastic deals to be had on the secondhand market, but on the other of course, there’s the thorny issue of some EVs losing half of their value in a single year.

Cars losing you a chunk of cash the instant they’re driven off the dealer lot is nothing new, especially at the pricier end of the market. And if you intend to keep your shiny new EV for a long time, then its worth after just a year or two matters far less. But what if you’ve experimented with your first EV then decided its range or your local charging infrastructure isn’t up to scratch, and want to sell within the first year? If that’s you, you’d better be prepared for a significant loss.

In a bid not to tar all EVs with the same brush, we’ve aimed to be balanced in our approach to discovering trade-in valuations. There’s plenty of color to be reported here, too—like the US dealer who actively warned our reporter against selling him their EV, or the story of a Mercedes EQE that lost more than $600 each day—but for now let us deliver the cold, hard numbers.

It’s a long article that provides lots of data. Unfortunately, it tends to focus on the luxury and high end EVs in the EU and the US, not so much the lower end EVs.

While undoubtedly a concern for anyone who plans to sell their nearly-new EV, the data is great news for secondhand buyers. From a £5,000 ($6,400) Renault Zoe and £12,000 ($15,000) Citroen e-C4 to a $25,000 Polestar 2 or a $30,000 Jaguar I-Pace, there are amazing deals to be had. And, what’s more, EV batteries are lasting longer than expected, according to Recurrent, whose community of 20,000 EV drivers states just 2.5 percent of battery packs have been replaced outside of manufacturer recalls.

Of course, how many trust buying a used EV? Perhaps a Tesla, but, most others? It was only 15 years ago when people didn’t trust buying a used hybrid, including the best selling Prius, used with 30K to 36K miles on them.

Read: Surprise: EVs Losing Up To 50% Of Their Value In The First Year »

Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden-Harris Rule Which Would Have Seen Men In Women’s Sports

Here’s a question: Biden still has some months in office: will he listen to the Court? If Kamala wins will she listen to the Court?

Supreme Court strikes down Biden-Harris Title IX change that some argued would allow men in women’s sports

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 Friday to reject a Biden administration emergency request to enforce portions of a new rule that includes protections from discrimination for transgender students under Title IX.

The request would have permitted biological men in women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and dorms in 10 states where there are state-level and local-level rules in place to prevent it.

The sweeping rule was issued in April and clarified that Title IX’s ban on “sex” discrimination in schools covers discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation and “pregnancy or related conditions.”

The rule took effect Aug. 1, and, for the first time, the law stated that discrimination based on sex includes conduct related to a person’s gender identity.

This is what the Leftard’s have been pushing for, for Lord knows what reason: the mentally ill who think they are women competing against women and taking their earned wins, their scholarships. Invading their safe spaces. Is it all for votes? This whole “dignity” thing is a bunch of mule fritters, otherwise they would be protecting real women.

Read: Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden-Harris Rule Which Would Have Seen Men In Women’s Sports »

Good News: UN High Court To Hold Climate (scam) Justice Hearings In December

The moment you add “justice” into the mix you know this is a political issue, not a pure science one

Top UN court to hold climate justice hearings in December

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) said it would start the hearings on December 2, as it weighs a so-called advisory opinion on global climate change.

In March 2023, the UN asked the ICJ to clarify “legal consequences” for states that “have caused significant harm to the climate system and other parts of the environment”.

It specifically asks the court to weigh obligations to “small island developing States”, which are “particularly vulnerable” to climate change, as well as obligations to future generations.

Vanuatu, a small archipelago whose future is threatened by rising sea levels, had been pushing for this resolution for years.

Although ICJ opinions are not binding, they carry significant legal and moral weight, and are often taken into account by national courts.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Perhaps they’ll rule on all the Elitists using vast amounts of fossil fuels to travel around while yammering about restricting the lives of the peasants? Perhaps the ICJ will take note of the 30,000+ who will have just traveled to and from Azerbaijan for the Conference on the Parties, Mon, Nov 11, 2024 – Fri, Nov 22, 2024. Pretty much everyone will have to take fossil fueled flights to the nation, which is highly dependent economically on fossil fuels exports, “which accounted for roughly 47.8% of the country’s GDP and over 92.5 % of export revenue in 2022.”

As far as Vanuatu goes, can we mention the 30 airports? And that 20% of their economy is agricultural exports, which would move on fossil fueled ships and planes?

Read: Good News: UN High Court To Hold Climate (scam) Justice Hearings In December »

If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be too expensive for most people to afford due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on data being misleading.

Read: If All You See… »

UK Going Full Dhimmi, Looks To Pass Blasphemy Law Protecting Islam

The Islamist takeover of the United Kingdom is almost complete

UK: Critics Slam Labour’s Islam ‘Blasphemy Law’

Britain’s new Labour government is likely to adopt a definition of Islamophobia “so vague” that it will act as an effective “Islamic blasphemy code,” critics have said.

Commentators warn that the proposals would do “virtually nothing to tackle instances of anti-Muslim hatred,” but would further “impede and restrict freedom of thought and speech.” This would fit in with prime minister Sir Keir Starmer’s clampdown on free speech following the nationwide riots triggered by last month’s Southport stabbing.

Toby Young, director of the Free Speech Union, also told The European Conservative that “if the authorities start prosecuting people for ‘Islamophobia,’ but not people who blaspheme against Christ, that would be the clearest example of our two-tier criminal justice system we’ve had so far. And there’s a lot of competition.”

Meanwhile, author Douglas Murray has described the West’s inclination to “promote every belief system apart from the one that got us here” as “madness.”

This is exactly what the Islamists want. It’s all part of the Muslim Brotherhood plan going back well over half a century ago to infiltrate and take over the 1st World, using the laws and social mores of Western nations against them. And Western nations have allowed this to happen, especially within the last 20 years.

Labour supported the adoption of a definition of Islamophobia while it was in opposition, and accepted it internally in 2019.

The definition states:

Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.

Christian campaigner Tim Dieppe said that Labour’s adoption of the definition for its internal affairs “means that no Labour politician dares to say anything that could possibly be perceived to be Islamophobic for fear of being suspended or expelled from the party,” adding:

This must be resisted by all means possible. If people are no longer free to criticize Islamic beliefs and practices then we will have lost the country to Islam.

Islam is not a race, but, anyhow, yes, it makes it impossible to criticize things like Muslim protesting in the street calling for the eradication of Israel and Jews while flying the flag of Hamas, a UK designated terrorist organization. Britons seem to just be going along with this, as they have for quite some time.

Read: UK Going Full Dhimmi, Looks To Pass Blasphemy Law Protecting Islam »

LOL: Memes And Mass Emails Create Climate Doom

Someone seriously paid to do this study (via Green Jihad)

Excess memes and ‘reply all’ emails are bad for climate, researcher warns

When “I can has cheezburger?” became one of the first internet memes to blow our minds, it’s unlikely that anyone worried about how much energy it would use up.

But research has now found that the vast majority of data stored in the cloud is “dark data”, meaning it is used once then never visited again. That means that all the memes and jokes and films that we love to share with friends and family – from “All your base are belong to us”, through Ryan Gosling saying “Hey Girl”, to Tim Walz with a piglet – are out there somewhere, sitting in a datacentre, using up energy. By 2030, the National Grid anticipates that datacentres will account for just under 6% of the UK’s total electricity consumption, so tackling junk data is an important part of tackling the climate crisis.

Ian Hodgkinson, a professor of strategy at Loughborough University has been studying the climate impact of dark data and how it can be reduced.

“I really started a couple of years ago, it was about trying to understand the negative environmental impact that digital data might have,” he said. “And at the top of it might be quite an easy question to answer, but it turns out actually, it’s a whole lot more complex. But absolutely, data does have a negative environmental impact.”

Oh, bugger off

He discovered that 68% of data used by companies is never used again, and estimates that personal data tells the same story.

How much of the UK Guardian’s data is never used again? Maybe they should erase it all.

One thing people can do to stop the data juggernaut, he said, is to send fewer pointless emails: “One [figure] that often does the rounds is that for every standard email, that equates to about 4g of carbon. If we then think about the amount of what we mainly call ‘legacy data’ that we hold, so if we think about all the digital photos that we have, for instance, there will be a cumulative impact.”

It’s all so tiresome.

Read: LOL: Memes And Mass Emails Create Climate Doom »

Kamala Wants To Crack Down On Price Gouging Or Something

This is the first thing she’s going to release as her “economic policy”

Harris to unveil economic agenda that would crack down on ‘price gouging’ on food, groceries

Vice President Kamala Harris is set to release her economic agenda on Friday following calls for her campaign to zero in on policy after their unprecedented rise to the top of Democratic ticket.

Harris is set to outline her plans at an event in Raleigh, North Carolina — a pivotal battleground state both Harris and former President Donald Trump will work to win in November. Among the economic policies Harris is set to announce is a plan to provide up to $25,000 in down payment support for first-time homeowners, according to a campaign official.

The campaign is vowing that during her first term, the Harris-Walz administration would provide working families who have paid their rent on time for two years and are buying their first home up to $25,000 in down-payment assistance, with more generous support for first-generation homeowners.

Oh, good, another cash giveaway, ie, bribe. Where’s this money going to come from? The Biden-Harris admin has already seen home values double and triple, this would see them go up even more

Harris is also set introduce is a federal ban on “corporate price gouging” on food and groceries, the campaign said.

“In her first 100 days, Vice President Harris will work to enact a plan to bring down Americans’ grocery costs and keep inflation in check,” the campaign said.

Has Kamala ever worked a retail job? Does she understand what goes into running a supermarket? Does she understand that post-COVID inflation, some of which is the fault of her and Biden and their Congressional Democrats, along with Democrats at the state level, along with higher gas prices, and much more impact prices at the supermarket? No one is really gouging anyone.

Harris Plans to Ban Grocery ‘Price Gouging.’ What Does the Evidence Say?

In detailing her presidential campaign’s economic agenda, Vice President Kamala Harris will highlight an argument that blames corporate price gouging for high grocery prices.

That message polls well with swing voters. It has been embraced by progressive groups, which regularly point to price gouging as a driver of rapid inflation, or at least something that contributes to rapid price increases. Those groups cheered the announcement late Wednesday that Ms. Harris will call for a federal ban on corporate price gouging on groceries in an economic policy speech on Friday.

Even if there was gouging going on, who the heck will figure it out? What is gouging? Why is a can of soup more expensive at the regular grocery stores than at my Walmart? Why can I buy a pack of guitar strings for less via Amazon than at the local guitar store? Is that gouging? If milk is $1.78 at Lidl buy $2.49 at Food Lion, is that gouging?

Economists have cited a range of forces for pushing up prices in the recovery from the pandemic recession, including snarled supply chains, a sudden shift in consumer buying patterns, and the increased customer demand fueled by stimulus from the government and low rates from the Federal Reserve. Most economists say those forces are far more responsible than corporate behavior for the rise in prices in that period.

Obviously, the Biden-Harris admin blames companies, despite never sitting down and listening to them explain why the prices went up and will mostly not come down.

Mr. Furman, by contrast, said there was a risk that policies meant to curb corporate price gouging could instead keep the economy from adjusting. If prices do not rise in response to strong demand, new companies may not have as much inclination to jump into the market to ramp up supply.

“This is not sensible policy, and I think the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality,” he said. “There’s no upside here, and there is some downside.”

What is it called when the Government is in charge of the economy?

More: A very interesting piece by Catherine Rampell at the Washington Post

When your opponent calls you ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls?


It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best, this would lead to shortagesblack markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat. (There’s a reason narrower “price gouging” laws that exist in some U.S. states are rarely invoked.) At worst, it might accidentally raise prices.

That’s because, among other things, the legislation would ban companies from offering lower prices to a big customer such as Costco than to Joe’s Corner Store, which means quantity discounts are in trouble. Worse, it would require public companies to publish detailed internal data about costs, margins, contracts and their future pricing strategies. Posting cost and pricing plans publicly is a fantastic way for companies to collude to keep prices higher — all facilitated by the government.

Worth reading the whole thing. Commies.

Read: Kamala Wants To Crack Down On Price Gouging Or Something »

Interesting: Pace Of Warming May Slow Down Soon

First, LOL

So, what are the scientists seeing in the data, which they’ll attribute to Mankind but will really be natural Earth processes?

Global warming slowdown projected, with caveats

Cuts in greenhouse gas emissions may soon begin slowing the rate of global warming, which some researchers say has been speeding up in recent years, according to a new study.

Why it matters: The research shows that a slowdown in the rate of emissions growth due to government policies, and eventual leveling off, could help arrest the rate at which the planet is warming.

But scientists say it shouldn’t trigger complacency.

What they’re saying: “Although bad actors could misinterpret these results as yet another reason to continue to delay more climate action, in fact they emphasize even more strongly the efficacy of the actions taken to date and the urgency of more,” Katharine Hayhoe, a climate researcher who is chief scientist at The Nature Conservancy, told Axios.

But, I thought there haven’t really been any true decrease in CO2 output, particularly post-Wuhan Flu? Which means if warming slows down, it is mostly natural, but, hey, regardless, the cultists require that Governments put their feet on the shoulders of the peasants to restrict their lives. Of course, they’re saying that the rate will slow down around 2050, and only if you are forced to change your life. Not the Warmists who take huge fossil fueled trips around the world, of course.

Yes, but: The study doesn’t address the reasons for the unusual spike in global average surface temperatures in 2023 into the first half of this year, NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt, who also wasn’t involved in the new paper, told Axios.

If their previous studies cannot account for what is supposedly a very warm year, then, maybe their studies and projections and models are wrong.

Read: Interesting: Pace Of Warming May Slow Down Soon »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful electric bike which Everyone Else should have to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on Elon for Mt. Rushmore

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove