Cult Members Glue Themselves To Road In Switzerland

Wait, you thought this kind of bat guano insane cultish behavior was going to end?

Climate change activists glue themselves to road to Alpine tunnel

Climate change activists brought holiday traffic to a halt in Switzerland on Friday when they blocked the main route beneath the Alps to demand urgent action against global warming.

Protesters from the group Renovate Switzerland glued themselves to the motorway surface around the northern entrance to the Gotthard Tunnel, the group said.

The 17 km (10 mile) tunnel is one of the main routes connecting northern Switzerland to Italy, and is a bottleneck for travellers heading from northern Europe southwards.

Police were called to the scene and eventually removed the seven protesters, who held a banner saying “renovate”, after their action began just after 10 a.m.

“Renovate Switzerland is back on the streets,” the group said via Twitter. “This is an appeal to our fellow citizens. Let’s demand together that the Swiss government finally declares a climate emergency.”

Too bad that government can’t take a poll to see who wants a climate emergency declared, then slap a big tax on those citizens, along with restricting them from using fossil fuels to travel, heating cannot be above 60, AC can’t be below 80, no natural gas appliances, no ice makers, no new clothes, limitations on how much they can stream, at least for a start. See how they enjoy living with the fruits of their advocacy.

Read: Cult Members Glue Themselves To Road In Switzerland »

Nike Decides To Alienate Even More Customers By Doubling Down

Was it particularly wise of Nike to feature an unhinged lunatic playing at being a “girl”, really, making a mockery of women, to advertise women’s clothing? Did they consider that it would drive away at least half the customer base, who can purchase Under Armor, New Balance, Brooks, and a myriad number of brands instead of Nike? They already have a reputation of using child labor. So, what too do? Double down!

Nike responds to backlash over Dylan Mulvaney partnership, instructs customers to ‘Be kind, be inclusive’

unintended consequencesAthletic apparel giant Nike doubled down on its decision to use transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in marketing campaigns to promote the company’s female clothing.

In a pinned comment to Nike’s verified Instagram account, the company instructed customers to “Be kind, be inclusive … Encourage each other.”

The response came amid calls for a boycott of the company shortly after Mulvaney, who identifies as female, appeared in paid social media content dancing in Nike women’s sportswear.

Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies has been one of the athletes leading calls for customers to stop buying Nike’s products. (snip)

“The ad feels like a parody of what women are. In the past, it was always seen as an insult to say ‘run like a girl,’ and here we’ve got someone behaving in a way that’s very unsporty and very unathletic. And it’s so frustrating when only 1% of the USA sponsorship dollar goes to females in sport. That Nike would do this feels like a kick in the teeth.”

So, of course

In Friday’s social media response, Nike vowed to remove any comments that were not “in the spirit of a diverse and inclusive community.”

“You are an essential component to the success of your community! We welcome comments that contribute to a positive and constructive discussion: Be kind… Be inclusive… Encourage each other… Hate speech, bullying, or other behaviors that are not in the spirit of a diverse and inclusive community will be deleted,” Nike wrote.

Nike was really just starting to get sales back after their unhinged support of hater Colin Kapernick, so, let’s see what happens to their sales and stock now.

Read: Nike Decides To Alienate Even More Customers By Doubling Down »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful exercise bike making people more fit, because being fat is bad for climate change, but, saying this is also fatphobia, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on your DaleyGator Daley Thought of the day.

Totally forgot to schedule, just saved to draft.

Read: If All You See… »

Who’s Up For A Climate Cafe At A Brewery To Discuss Climate Doom?

In fairness, if they want to do this, go for it. I wonder how long this cult business will last when they do this silly stuff?

Climate Cafe creates space for climate change conversations

What does a positive climate future look like to you?

What are you going to do to achieve that future?

What are you not willing to give up?

These are the kind of questions people asked each other during the Climate Cafe this week at Theoretically Brewing in Lethbridge, Alta.

The setup is simple.

People come to the brewery and split into groups at different tables. There, they talk to each other steered by prompts provided by Environment Lethbridge, a sustainability and environment focused non-profit organization.

So, a bunch of climate cultists coming together to whine and say cult things. Did they all take a fossil fueled trip to the brewery? Do they understand that making beer requires lots of carbon dioxide?

Executive director Kathleen Sheppard says that while there are places for people to learn about climate change, the organization noticed a gap when it comes to talking about it, particularly regarding solutions.

“I feel like a lack of understanding of the problem isn’t necessarily the thing that’s stopping people from taking action, it’s that feeling that the problem is really big and really overwhelming.”

Right, right, because the climate crisis (scam) never gets discussed. I turn on the Weather Channel to get, you know, the weather, and it’s an early morning indoctrination piece on Hotcoldwetdry. So, I switched to the local News 14.


Globe-trotting architect takes aim at climate change

Sarah Broughton – who with partner John Rowland launched Rowland + Broughton 20 years ago in Aspen – is on a four-month whirlwind across the nation and world to showcase Colorado’s architectural solutions to climate change and use of sustainability in design.

She’s also the president of the American Institute of Architects’ Colorado Chapter, which has 2,500 members, and recently returned from a conference in Washington, D.C. Soon, she’ll be off to Italy.

“It was an incredible experience. We were lobbying on the hill and really talking about what it means to be a citizen architect,” she said.

The gathering of colleagues from across the nation energized her.

Building buildings isn’t all that climate friendly, eh, especially the massive hotel she’s involved in. Nor is traveling all around the world, nor having a massive gathering of colleagues from across the nation. You know they’re all coming in fossil fueled vehicles and airplanes. Would you listen to a fat guy telling you how to reduce your weight? A person with no muscle telling you how to work out?

Read: Who’s Up For A Climate Cafe At A Brewery To Discuss Climate Doom? »

Who’s Up For Robot Waiters?

The fight for $15 crowd, which is now advocating for over $20 an hour, should be proud of their work in making sure fewer and fewer jobs are available. We’ve already seen more and more self-ordering screens at restaurants and grocery stores, more of cooking the food be automated, and more of pushing consumers to order online/with an app and pay at the same time. All this reduces the need for all those workers. And now

Are robot waiters the future? Some restaurants think so

You may have already seen them in restaurants: waist-high machines that can greet guests, lead them to their tables, deliver food and drinks and ferry dirty dishes to the kitchen. Some have cat-like faces and even purr when you scratch their heads.

But are robot waiters the future? It’s a question the restaurant industry is increasingly trying to answer.

Many think robot waiters are the solution to the industry’s labor shortages. Sales of them have been growing rapidly in recent years, with tens of thousands now gliding through dining rooms worldwide.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that this is where the world is going,” said Dennis Reynolds, dean of the Hilton College of Global Hospitality Leadership at the University of Houston. The school’s restaurant began using a robot in December, and Reynolds says it has eased the workload for human staff and made service more efficient.

But others say robot waiters aren’t much more than a gimmick that have a long way to go before they can replace humans. They can’t take orders, and many restaurants have steps, outdoor patios and other physical challenges they can’t adapt to.

But, those orders can be taken on touchscreens at the tables, which is not new. The restaurants will adapt their layouts for the robots. Who’s initial outlay could be expensive, but, the lifetime cost will be less. Plus, they don’t complain, they don’t show up late, they do not call out sick, they don’t talk back to customers, management, or cause Drama. They do not need health care or vacation time. All they need is some maintenance.

Still, the robots are proliferating. Redwood City, California-based Bear Robotics introduced its Servi robot in 2021 and expects to have 10,000 deployed by the end of this year in 44 U.S. states and overseas. Shenzen, China-based Pudu Robotics, which was founded in 2016, has deployed more than 56,000 robots worldwide.

Well, they can’t say that they weren’t told this would happen. When you continually increase labor costs for general labor work. Eventually it becomes cost effective to just replace you. Especially as technology has caught up. General labor workers need to learn a skill, and become skilled labor. All those low skilled folks will find themselves going from $15 to $0.

Read: Who’s Up For Robot Waiters? »

Under NY Climate (scam) Law, High Toned And Fancy To-Do Communities Are “Disadvantaged”

I wonder if this applies to Gov Kathy Hochul’s home, along with the Elites in the NY general assembly?

New York climate law defines ritzy communities with million-dollar homes as ‘disadvantaged’

New York state officials determined that multiple high-income villages that boast million-dollar homes are “disadvantaged,” opening the door for the areas to enjoy increased energy development funding.

In late March, the so-called Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG) — which consists of nine environmental justice advocates and four state government officials — released a list of disadvantaged communities as mandated under the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Under the 2019 law, historically disadvantaged areas defined by the CJWG are required to receive no less than 35% of clean energy program funding. (snip)

However, the working group included the villages of Tuckahoe and Shinnecock, two ritzy neighborhoods located in the Hamptons on Long Island, New York.

The median home price in Tuckahoe, for example, is $4.2 million, according to the real estate firm Redfin. One home located in the village was sold for $4.4 million in December.

The town of Southampton, New York, which encapsulates multiple villages including Tuckahoe and Shinnecock, boasts a median income of $108,545, about 57% higher than the median income nationwide, U.S. Census Bureau data showed.

Good grief. Are they disadvantaged because they’re near the ocean? The NY state government people do not even have the good grace to be embarrassed by this, and do not care. They’ll be spreading some of that sweet, sweet taxpayer cash around in the rich areas, helping out big donors, probably sprucing up their homes and neighborhoods. Increasing the price of their homes.

Read: Under NY Climate (scam) Law, High Toned And Fancy To-Do Communities Are “Disadvantaged” »

Ultra TDS: Guy Who Wasn’t Even In Office Blamed For Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

This really is insane. Biden spent 7 months from day 1 attempting to erase everything Trump did. Are they saying that the Biden regime couldn’t adjust the plan?

Biden review of chaotic Afghan withdrawal blames Trump

President Joe Biden’s administration on Thursday laid the blame on his predecessor, President Donald Trump, for the deadly and chaotic 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan that brought about some of the darkest moments of Biden’s presidency.

The White House publicly released a 12-page summary of the results of the so-called “ hotwash ” of U.S. policies around the ending of the nation’s longest war, taking little responsibility for its own actions and asserting that Biden was “severely constrained” by Trump’s decisions.

It does acknowledge that the evacuation of Americans and allies from Afghanistan should have started sooner, but blames the delays on the Afghan government and military, and on U.S. military and intelligence community assessments.

The brief document was drafted by the National Security Council, rather than by an independent entity, with input from Biden himself. The administration said detailed reviews conducted by the State Department and the Pentagon, which the White House said would be transmitted privately to Congress on Thursday, were highly classified and would not be released publicly.

“President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,” the White House summary states, noting that when Biden entered office, “the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country.”

Sure thing, chumps. Quite a few of the military and intelligence and diplomatic folks that were there when the plan was being formulated under Trump were still there when Biden took office. Heck, a lot were surely there when Obama was president. And even Bush 43. It’s like they think Trump sat there and came up with the entire plan on his own. He most likely had little to do with it other than saying “get me a plan.” The big question here is “who was president in 2021?”  Who green lit the plan into operation in August 2021? Who fucked up the plan? Who forgot to evacuate people in a timely manner? Who screwed up the security? Who ended operations way too early at Bagram Air Base?

Here’s an oldy buy goody

Read: Ultra TDS: Guy Who Wasn’t Even In Office Blamed For Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal »

Climate Cult Attempts To Scare The Deep South, Saying It Will Be The Worst There

They are attempting to scare voters who tend to vote Democrat in the first place, and have been indoctrinated into letting government run their lives

This Part of the U.S. Will Suffer Most from Climate Change

Industrialized communities in the Deep South are the most vulnerable in the U.S. to climate change, according to a new index created by the Environmental Defense Fund and Texas A&M University that analyzes climate impacts and neighborhood conditions such as poverty and health.

Almost all of the most vulnerable communities are located along the Gulf Coast from Mobile, Ala., to Corpus Christi, Texas — a flood- and hurricane-prone region with deep pockets of poverty, poor health and economic and racial inequities. Communities in Memphis, Tenn., Birmingham, Ala., and Chattanooga, Tenn., also scored high on the index.

“Black communities in the Deep South are in the fight of their lives to protect their community from years of environmental racism, and we need every tool available to showcase what years of pollution look like in our communities,” said Beverly Wright, founder and executive director of the New Orleans-based Deep South Center for Environmental Justice.

Wright applauded the new index, saying in an email that the “data is pivotal to ensuring those federal resources reach the communities they are intended to.”

Is this Science or social science? Or just straight politics? As it does not look like science.

The index is the latest in a series of new or newly updated interactive tools that rate environmental and climate risks in more than 70,000 small geographic areas known as census tracts, each with just a few thousand residents. The effort comes as the Biden administration is prioritizing “disadvantaged communities” in allocating billions of dollars in new environmental and community-building spending.

Ah, so it’s all about the free money, redistributed from the earners to the poor black folks that Democrats like keeping down on the plantations under control of Democrat run government. This isn’t racist in the least, right? Thinking that blacks are incapable of surviving without the helpful hand of government?

The new index will help “ensure that adaptation efforts are targeted to those most in need,” Grace Tee Lewis, lead author and senior health scientist in EDF’s Climate and Health program, co-wrote in a blog post.

Other interactive tools include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Environmental Justice Index, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Risk Index of Natural Hazards and EPA’s EJScreen, launched in 2015 and updated in 2022. The White House recently published the Climate and Economic Justice Screening tool to help guide federal spending on climate and environmental protection under the Biden administration’s Justice40 Initiative.

More than a dozen states including California, New York and Pennsylvania have their own screening tools, which are sometimes used to prioritize funding and protect vulnerable areas.

The most interesting thing is how they keep trotting out these studies and “tools”, yet, the people doing so mostly do not practice what they preach.

Read: Climate Cult Attempts To Scare The Deep South, Saying It Will Be The Worst There »

If All You See…

…are angry waters from carbon pollution driven Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on being disqualified for adopting for moral decency.

Read: If All You See… »

Politico: “That’s not how our system is supposed to work.”

I still maintain that Bragg did this not to put Trump in jail, but, to jam Trump up, making him waste time and money rather than campaigning, and hoping that voters will vote against Trump. Why else trot an extremely unique set of charges that make little sense and are missing quite a lot of pertinent information?

The Gaping Hole in the Middle of the Trump Indictment

The 34-count indictment of former President Donald Trump is 16 pages long, and was accompanied by a 12-page statement of facts. But nowhere in those 28 pages did Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg provide the most important information about this high-profile legal case: his legal basis for bringing felony charges against the former president.

Every count in the indictment charges Trump with violating a New York felony statute against falsifying business records as part of “a scheme with others to influence the 2016 presidential election” by suppressing a potentially damaging story that Trump had had an affair with a porn star. Bragg could have charged Trump with 34 misdemeanor counts, but under New York law they become felonies if the falsification was done “with the intent to commit another crime.”

This is where Bragg’s indictment has done a disservice to the public and to Trump himself. Beyond a general reference to a violation of “election laws” and a passing reference to taxes, the indictment and statement of facts do not specify what “other crimes” Trump allegedly intended to commit.

Again, that would be the entire basis for raising what are essentially the equivalent of jaywalking charges, for which the statute of limitations ran out on all of them, to a felony.

I’m not alone in wondering what the exact “other crimes” are. Since the indictment was released to the public, I’ve spent hours discussing the indictment with other lawyers, including multiple former Manhattan assistant district attorneys. None of us could determine with certainty what crimes Bragg is using to bump up the misdemeanor counts to felonies.

That is a serious problem. Like every other defendant, Trump has a right to be informed of the nature of the charges against him. His legal team can’t prepare a defense if they don’t know what Bragg’s legal theory is.

I expect Trump’s team soon will file a motion for a bill of particulars, the formal method by which defendants can demand prosecutors provide more specifics about the charges. Most of these motions are a waste of time, but in this case, the motion should be granted.

If Bragg cannot provide that, well, then it should all be dismissed. Will the system act like it should? It’s already gone off the rails with a prosecutor who’s sole purpose seems to be going after a U.S. citizen for the express reason of Trump Derangement Syndrome and that he beat Hillary Clinton.

For now, Bragg seems to be leaving his options open, giving himself an opportunity to adjust his case in the upcoming weeks. That’s not how our system is supposed to work. While vagueness might give Bragg an advantage at this stage, prosecutors are supposed to promote justice, not try to gain an edge unfairly.

No, that is not. But, we’ve already seen the J6 folks railroaded, while most of the Antifa/BLM folks let go. And the list of justice being politicized.

Read: Politico: “That’s not how our system is supposed to work.” »

Pirate's Cove