If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on South Africa beating their climate goals.

Read: If All You See… »

Reports Say Ron DeSantis To Enter Race On May 24th

Well, now we wait to see if it will happen

DeSantis to launch presidential campaign May 24, sources say

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to formally announce in a “virtual” way on May 24 that he is running for president, as donors and fundraisers gather in Miami to make calls and fundraise for his campaign, according to three sources familiar with the planning.

He plans to file papers with the Federal Election Commission to officially establish his presidential candidacy. The Miami gathering, which includes some of the governor’s most generous longtime donors, are expected to receive briefings on campaign strategy and requests to help raise significant sums of cash for his bid, three people familiar with the plans said.

A more formal kickoff event is expected to be held closer to June 1, according to those familiar with his plans. It is likely to occur in DeSantis’s hometown of Dunedin, Fla., sources familiar with the plans said.

A DeSantis spokesman declined to comment on the timing for an announcement. The news on a launch next week was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

While no article has a named source, this is a case where it’s most likely true. So now you have

(Newsweek) In a post on Truth Social, the former president said that DeSantis has “zero chance” of gaining the White House, despite the governor attempting to increase his name recognition with appearances across the country over the past few months.


(NY Times) Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida all but declared his presidential candidacy on Thursday afternoon, telling donors and supporters on a call that only three “credible” candidates were in the race and that only he would be able to win both the Republican primary and the general election.

“You have basically three people at this point that are credible in this whole thing,” Mr. DeSantis told donors on the call, organized by the super PAC supporting him, Never Back Down. “Biden, Trump and me. And I think of those three, two have a chance to get elected president — Biden and me, based on all the data in the swing states, which is not great for the former president and probably insurmountable because people aren’t going to change their view of him.”

Who’s right, and who’s wrong? I’ll say again, I just do not think Trump can win in 2024, even against Biden. Even without Democrat cheating, the electoral college math is just not in his favor. It doesn’t matter how many votes he got in 2020, things have change. The constant whining about 2020, the legal actions against Trump will hurt, there are too many who are just over him. Democrats seem to be over Biden, but, they really cannot get rid of him. Trump spends too much time bashing Republicans. Sure, people were surprised in 2016. This is not 2016. Hey, anything can happen. I just do not think he can win the White House, and if citizens are voting against him, they may vote against Republicans in the House, Senate, and even state elections.

Their policies are similar, but, DeSantis is less bull in a china shop, more focused on policy, and doesn’t sit around and bash Republicans. We’ll have to see how it goes.

Read: Reports Say Ron DeSantis To Enter Race On May 24th »

‘Climate Change’ And Land Use, But, Mostly Land Use, Shrinking Lakes

Another bit of climate doom. Yes, this is mostly caused by humans, and to some degree, mostly natural climatic changes, but, it is not global, and mostly goes to things like land use

Climate change, humans shrinking lakes by trillions of gallons a year, study finds

Climate change‘s hotter temperatures and society’s diversion of water have been shrinking the world’s lakes by trillions of gallons of water a year since the early 1990s, a new study finds.

A close examination of nearly 2,000 of the world’s largest lakes found they are losing about 5.7 trillion gallons (21.5 trillion liters) a year. That means from 1992 to 2020, the world lost the equivalent of 17 Lake Meads, America’s largest reservoir, in Nevada. It’s also roughly equal to how much water the United States used in an entire year in 2015.

Even lakes in areas getting more rainfall are shriveling. That’s because of both a thirstier atmosphere from warmer air sucking up more water in evaporation, and a thirsty society that is diverting water from lakes to agriculture, power plants and drinking supplies, according to a study in Thursday’s journal Science.

Authors also cited a third reason they called more natural, with water shrinking because of rainfall pattern and river runoff changes, but even that may have a climate change component. That’s the main cause for Iran’s Lake Urmia to lose about 277 billion gallons (1.05 trillion liters) a year, the study said.

First off, the climate is always going to change. No need to invoke witchcraft for this. During the last glacial age the Mediterranean was barely present, with the Atlantic Ocean being so low. When it ended, the Atlantic rose, water was released from glaciers, and the Med became what it is today. The land use and diversion of water is the primary cause.

The article uses as their primary example the loss of water from the Aral Sea. Well, even Warmist NASA said the primary cause was water diversion. But, the great thing about propaganda is that a story like the above is being broadcast and repeated throughout the media, with no pushback, no journalistic skepticism, so, who’s going to look for the truth?

Read: ‘Climate Change’ And Land Use, But, Mostly Land Use, Shrinking Lakes »

NYC’s Citizens Are Decidedly Unhappy About The City’s Plans For Illegals

This is a hell of a thing. I thought all the Progressives in New York City were very supportive of illegal immigration, and happy with their status as a sanctuary city. That they really wanted to help out all these poor, downtrodden refugees from Mexico, Central America, and South America. No?

As Crisis Grows, All of New York’s Migrant Plans Are Met With Outrage

Since tens of thousands of migrants began arriving in New York City last year, the administration of Mayor Eric Adams has searched for one place after another to house them: hotels, parking lots, a cruise ship terminal and a pair of giant tents on Randall’s Island among them. Almost every idea has caused an uproar.

Now, the daily stream of migrants feeding the crisis has doubled in size in recent weeks, city officials say. As many as 700 migrants are arriving each day in the city — up from less than half that number since the expiration last Thursday of Title 42, a Trump-era policy that allowed immigration officials to expel some border crossers back to Mexico.

Whoa, whoa, I thought the Credentialed Media was telling us that the number of border crossers wasn’t that bad?

With no clear solutions at hand, the city turned to shelter some migrants in public school gyms starting last week. That plan, like many others before it, was almost immediately met with outrage — not only from activists and human rights groups, but also from public school parents and the ranks of everyday New Yorkers.

Why would the activists and human rights groups (ie, mostly white liberal do-gooders who refuse to get their own hands dirty) be against housing the illegals? Is it because they do not want them in their own areas? Well, of course. Same with Democrat voting, illegal alien supporting NYC residents. It’s fine when the illegals are Over There, not in their own areas

That new influx of arrivals has forced the Adams administration to contend with new layers of what was already a humanitarian and economic crisis that the city had spent $1 billion addressing so far, and may cost as much as $4.3 billion through June 2024, according to Williams-Isom. It has strained Adams’ relationship with not only New Yorkers but with President Joe Biden.

Surely NYC liberals would be willing to pay more in taxes and fees to cover this, right?

The arrival of migrants has tested left-leaning cities around the country in particular. In addition to New York, many of the migrants are ending up in places like Chicago, Denver and Washington, D.C., where leaders have sought to emphasize that they are welcome, while at the same time warning that the large numbers of newcomers are straining services.

They’re welcome in theory, not in practice.

On Tuesday, protesters gathered outside P.S. 172 in Brooklyn, one of the schools whose gym was designated as emergency housing for migrants. Some protesters arrived as early as 3 a.m., when they believed migrants might begin to arrive.

Gabriela Vizhnag, 50, the mother of a third grader, said she was “not racist or anti-immigrant” because she had immigrated from Mexico. But she opposed the plan to house people in a school gym with no available showers and only two bathrooms.

“It is not good for the children and it is not humane for the migrants,” she said.

These illegals dealt with worse on their trek to the U.S. border. And, it’s a nice excuse, but, really, the NYC residents do not want them messing up their city.

Activists and legal groups have called on the city to focus on helping people find permanent housing, but New York is in the grip of a long-running housing crisis, and its voucher program has been plagued with troubles.

Are these folks ponying up money and making their own homes available to house the illegals? No, they want Other People to pay, and the illegals to be far away. Seriously, all these Democrats let them in in mass numbers but they never thought what to do with them once they were here.

Read: NYC’s Citizens Are Decidedly Unhappy About The City’s Plans For Illegals »

Surprise: Judge In Climate (scam) Lawsuit Linked Plaintiff’s Lawyers

No, no, this is totally not a scam

Top State Judge Handling Climate Lawsuit Worked With Environmental Group Tied To Plaintiffs’ Lawyers

The Chief Justice of Hawaii’s Supreme Court, who is hearing Honolulu’s lawsuit against oil and gas companies for climate damages, has worked with a D.C-based environmental group that has close ties to the plaintiff’s attorneys.

Honolulu’s lawsuit against Sunoco, Shell, Chevron and other companies is one of many lawsuits cities have filed against energy companies in an effort to extract alleged damages for the firms’ contributions to climate change; the Supreme Court declined to hear these lawsuits in April, pushing them back to state courts—meaning Honolulu’s case is now squarely before Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald. However, on May 9, Recktenwald disclosed that he engages in “educational presentations relating to environmental, energy, and natural resource issues” and has worked with the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), a group which routinely collaborates with environmental activists.

ELI co-founded the Climate Judiciary Project, which developed a climate science and law curriculum for judges handling environment litigation, and has worked closely with individuals who have consulted for or been employed by the environmental activist legal firm representing Honolulu in its lawsuit, Sher Edling LLP.

“Judges are supposed to not only be impartial, but to maintain the appearance of impartiality so that the public can have faith in their rulings,” Rob Schilling, Executive Director of Energy Policy Advocates, a nonprofit that works for transparency in energy policy, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It appears that the judge may have attended (or even presented at!) seminars organized for those on one side of this type of case. Those on the other side were not permitted to present their view, and the seminar took place outside of the courtroom and outside the protections provided by the rules of evidence.”

The article continues getting deeper and deeper, with other Hawaii judges involved, and none of them seem to have any intent to recuse themselves. But, you know what? I want them to rule against the energy companies, so that the companies say “good riddance” to Hawaii. Let’s see the state be able to operate without fossil fuels. How will that work for all the autos, airplanes, helicopters, and boats? How will all the goods come to Hawaii? Will tourists want to have to bike everywhere, and live with minimal power? Hawaii produces very little in the way of food other than fish for mass consumption. Hawaii will quickly become a 3rd world nation without fossil fuels and tourists will say “nope. I’m not spending all that money to visit.”

But, every experiment needs an experimental group, right?

Read: Surprise: Judge In Climate (scam) Lawsuit Linked Plaintiff’s Lawyers »

If All You See…

…is horrible summer heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the scam that is COP28

Read: If All You See… »

Immigration Today: Child Dies In Biden’s Care, Adams Wonders Where Biden Is

This is the second death of an illegal in a week, the other being a 17 year old, who’s suddenly not considered a child. Just imagine how the press would handle this if Trump were still president. The Blamestorming. AOC and other Democrats would be crying on Twitter, instead of ignoring this

8-year-old migrant girl dies in U.S. Border Patrol custody, officials say

An eight-year-old migrant girl died in federal U.S. custody on Wednesday after crossing the southern border with her family, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials.

The migrant girl died after experiencing a “medical emergency” inside a U.S. Border Patrol station in Harlingen, Texas, where she was being held with family members, CBP said in a statement Wednesday. The girl was pronounced dead at a local hospital, the agency added.

In its statement, CBP said the agency was investigating the death, and that it planned to disclose “additional information” later on. Congressional officials were also notified of the death Wednesday.

The girl’s death marks the first known death of a migrant child in Border Patrol custody since the Trump administration, when several minors died, including because of flu infections.

Last week, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officials disclosed the death of a 17-year-old migrant teen from Honduras who was being housed in one of the department’s shelters for unaccompanied minors in Florida. HHS is also investigating that death, which officials said likely stemmed from an epileptic seizure.

The “1st since Trump.” Can you guess what name appears nowhere in this CBS News article? That’s right, Biden. This repeats throughout the Credentialed Media, from the NY Times to Washington Post and so on.

U.S. border officials transfer migrant children to HHS if they cross the southern border without parents or legal guardians. In March, a four-year-old girl from Honduras described as “medically fragile” died in HHS custody, but her death was not reported until last week.

So, not the first death, just 1st in CPB’s custody. Think a bitter deeper on this: why are parents sending a 4 year old across the border solo? Who’s incentivizing non-US citizens to do this? That would be Democrats.


NYC mayor at a loss over Biden’s absence as cities bear brunt of migrant crisis: ‘Good question’

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said the surge of illegal migrants that is flooding New York and other cities “should not be happening,” calling it a national problem that needs “a national solution.”

“Where the heck is the president of the United States?” a morning show host on “Good Day New York” asked Adams in an interview to discuss the migrant crisis.

“That is a good question. And I think we all should be asking, why is this happening to a city that was turning itself around and will continue to do so?” Adams replied.

“This should not be happening to New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, in the other big northern cities, and really shouldn’t be happening to El Paso or Brownsville, Texas,” he went on. “No cities should be [carrying this] burden. This is a national problem, and it needs a national solution.”

The answer is simple: go back to the old laws which state if you’re caught crossing the border illegally or residing in the US illegally (either from entering illegally or overstaying your Visa) you will be deported immediately. No years long wait to see a judge, no being released on your own recognizance,  no hearings, nothing. You will be detained, any money and property you have will be seized to pay for your deportation, and you will be sent packing. You won’t be getting free college, schooling, medical care, housing, food, clothes, money, etc. If you want to apply for asylum you do that outside the U.S. and wait.

Read: Immigration Today: Child Dies In Biden’s Care, Adams Wonders Where Biden Is »

NY Law Looks To Criminalize Oil Industry Over Climate Doom

At what point do fossil fuels companies simply say “enough. These lawsuits and harassment laws have gone too far, we’re no longer going to operate in this place”? Imagine most fossil fuels companies saying goodbye to the state of NY. How do people fill their motor vehicles? How about their kerosene and natural gas tanks? Generators? Lubrication for numerous machines? Fuel for airplanes? Fuel for all the police cars, fire engines, ambulances? Garbage trucks? Snow removal trucks? The governor’s limo, helicopter, and private plane? How many gas stations shut down, car dealerships, and so much more? This is what happens when a cult is trying to run government and pass laws without consideration of reality

Proposed New York law puts big oil on hook for climate change

New York state estimates already this year taxpayers are spending more than $800 million for projects related to climate change-caused damages and resiliency projects.

State Sen. Liz Krueger, a Democrat from Manhattan, sponsors legislation that would hold the world’s biggest oil and gas companies responsible for at least some of those costs moving forward.

“Somebody’s going to pay,” Krueger said. “The question is are the consumers going to pay or are we going to be able get some of it directly out of these enormous companies making fortunes on their continued efforts to destroy the planet?”

The bill establishing a Climate Change Superfund is modeled after the federal Toxic Superfund that collects from companies that pollute land and water. It would apply to companies responsible for at least one billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions between 2000 and 2018, roughly 30 companies total.

“Those companies are now making more money than they ever have in history,” Krueger said.

The legislation would require the companies to account for roughly $3 billion annually, proportional to their emissions, for 25 years totaling about $75 billion. New York Public Interest Research Group Executive Director Blair Horner said NYPIRG has contributed analysis that the cost will not be passed on to consumers.

In reality, the fossil fuels companies will simply pass on the increased costs to consumers. Those in government do not care, because the taxpayers will pick up the extra tab, meaning citizens will be getting hosed twice. But, then, citizens will move out of NY, reducing the taxable base.

Because the budget was a month late, advocates said time is a hurdle this session. However, they point out, because of continuing cost and the likelihood of litigation around what will be the first-of-its-kind legislation, it is important to pass the bill as soon as possible.

Perhaps the elected NY lawmakers should do the job and pass a budget, rather than farting around with climate cult legislation.

Read: NY Law Looks To Criminalize Oil Industry Over Climate Doom »

Bidenconomy: Lots Of Medical Drug Shortages

No worries, Joe is on the job! During the 30 hours a week he works

Drug Shortages Approach an All-Time High, Leading to Rationing

Thousands of patients are facing delays in getting treatments for cancer and other life-threatening diseases, with drug shortages in the United States approaching record levels.

Hospitals are scouring shelves for supplies of a drug that reverses lead poisoning and for a sterile fluid needed to stop the heart for bypass surgery. Some antibiotics are still scarce following the winter flu season when doctors and patients frantically chased medicines for ailments like strep throat. Even children’s Tylenol was hard to find.

Hundreds of drugs are on the list of medications in short supply in the United States, as officials grapple with an opaque and sometimes interrupted supply chain, quality and financial issues that are leading to manufacturing shutdowns.

Anyone who voted for Biden/against Trump, well, this is what you were voting for

The shortages are so acute that they are commanding the attention of the White House and Congress, which are examining the underlying causes of the faltering generic drug market, which accounts for about 90% of domestic prescriptions.

The Biden administration has assembled a team to find long-term solutions for shoring up the pharmaceutical supply chain, at a time when the United States remains heavily reliant on medicines and drug ingredients from India and China. And in recent weeks, generic drugmakers, supply-chain experts and patient advocates have appeared before lawmakers to discuss the problems.

Oh, thank goodness, they’ve put together a team! And people are testifying! That should solve the problem. Which everyone else saw coming back in 2021. In fairness, you can’t put the main blame on Biden, it goes to China and people like Fauci for screwing around with coronaviruses. But, secondary blame goes to the Biden admin, which never took their eyes off the ball, because they never had their eyes on the ball to start with

The White House team working on the broader issue of long-standing drug supply breakdowns includes national security, economic and health officials, according to James McKinney, a spokesperson for the Food and Drug Administration. Bloomberg reported earlier on the White House involvement.

Officials have been debating possible measures like tax incentives for generic drugmakers and greater transparency around generic drug quality. The current incentives favor drugmakers with the lowest prices, which includes those that might cut corners — leading to disruptive plant shutdowns if the FDA demands a fix. (Some shortages, like those of weight-loss drugs, are the result of sky-high demand, while others have been attributed to overprescribing, including for antibiotics, or a lack of investment in potential alternatives.)

So, just a lot of yapping and political posturing. You can really look back to the lines being shut down in 2020, and even into 2021, due to COVID, and they just aren’t able to catch up, much less over-produce.

Read: Bidenconomy: Lots Of Medical Drug Shortages »

Doom: World Might Maybe Possibly Break 1.5C Threshold By 2027

This is probably all your fault. Or, maybe not

World likely to breach 1.5C climate threshold by 2027, scientists warn

The world is almost certain to experience new record temperatures in the next five years, and temperatures are likely to rise by more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, scientists have warned.

The breaching of the crucial 1.5C threshold, which scientists have warned could have dire consequences, should be only temporary, according to research from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

However, it would represent a marked acceleration of human impacts on the global climate system, and send the world into “uncharted territory”, the UN agency warned.

Why would it be temporary? We’ll maybe get to that

Global average surface temperatures have never before breached the 1.5C threshold. The highest average in previous years was 1.28C above pre-industrial levels.

Never? It was certainly warmer during multiple Holocene warm periods than it is today

The report, published on Wednesday, found there was a 66% likelihood of exceeding the 1.5C threshold in at least one year between 2023 and 2027.

New record temperatures have been set in many areas around the world in the heatwaves of the past year, but those highs may only be the beginning, according to the report, as climate breakdown and the impact of a developing El Niño weather system combine to create heatwaves across the globe.

So, it could maybe might happen for a brief period because of the utterly and completely natural El Nino. The cult is using this as an excuse. Really, if we’re talking an increase of 1.4F to 1.5F since 1850, that would mean there has to be a rise of 1.2F to 1.3F sometime over the next 4 years to hit the 1.5C threshold. So, almost double what has occurred in the last 173 years over the next 4.

Obviously, this has the cult doomers in the media and UN out, with headlines like

‘Sounding the alarm’: World on track to breach a critical warming threshold in the next five years


The world is about to experience its hottest year yet and may likely surpass 1.5C of warming, UN warns: “There’s no return”

What if it doesn’t? What if that magical 1.5C isn’t broken? Who comes forth to say “my bad! I was completely wrong”? Who in the media apologizes for their scaremongering, for failing to be cynical journalists? Who in the United Nations says “I guess we do not need to take all your money and freedom to solve this problem, because we are obviously wrong”?

Read: Doom: World Might Maybe Possibly Break 1.5C Threshold By 2027 »

Pirate's Cove