UK Net Zero Law Causes Landlords Unable To Rent Over 10K Offices In London Alone

Did anyone consider the consequences when they passed the idiotic net zero climate cult laws, or just say “hey, y’all, watch this”?

London just lost 10,000 offices – and even more will be wiped out

Thousands of offices across Britain have become unlettable after new net zero rules left landlords unable to let them out.

New laws that came into force on April 1 ban landlords from renting offices with an energy efficiency rating of E or below.

The minimum E rating that came into force on Saturday has left around 8pc of offices obsolete, according to BNP Paribas.

That equates to 10,000 office spaces in London alone, the bank says.

Landlords are facing a choice between either doing expensive renovation work to bring buildings up to standard or cutting their losses and trying to sell-up.

It has led to concerns that green targets could trigger a sharp downturn in the office market, mirroring the recent collapse in the rental market triggered by tougher Government rules and higher taxes.

Is anyone in the UK government considering fixing this? Heck no

The Government intends to ratchet up the new Minimum Energy Efficient Standards (MEES) for commercial properties over time as part of efforts to hit national net zero targets.

It plans to introduce a minimum rating of C by 2027 and a B in 2030.

You know that if the landlords make the renovations they will pass on the costs to the tenants, who will pass it on to the consumers. But, hey, I don’t feel too bad for the UK citizens, because they voted for this. They’re getting what they asked for. Suck it up, buttercups.

Read: UK Net Zero Law Causes Landlords Unable To Rent Over 10K Offices In London Alone »

Federal Judge Strikes Down Law Restricting 18-20 Year Olds From Constitutional Carry…Sort Of

Should legal adults be able to carry a handgun? They pay taxes, they’re required to file for the draft (at least the males), they can join the military, they have duties and responsibilities of adulthood

Minnesota gun ruling is latest citing Supreme Court decision

A federal court ruling that a Minnesota law prohibiting 18-to-20-year-olds from obtaining permits to carry handguns in public is unconstitutional remained on hold Monday while the state pursues a potential appeal.

A reluctant U.S. District Judge Katherine Menendez struck down the state law on Friday, citing a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision on gun rights last year. But after the state attorney general’s office filed an emergency motion for a stay, she agreed to hold off, meaning 18-to-20-year-olds still can’t apply for carry permits in Minnesota until the matter is resolved.

The ruling is the latest example how the Supreme Court case, known as the Bruen decision, has upended gun laws nationwide, dividing courts and sowing confusion over what restrictions can remain in force.

The plaintiffs are three gun rights groups, including the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, and three individuals who were over 18 but under 21 when the lawsuit was filed in 2021. They have until Wednesday to file a response. The judge has not set a hearing date.

Menendez said in her order Friday that she was obligated by the Bruen decision to conclude that that Second Amendment guarantees the rights of 18-to-20-year-olds to bear arms in public for self defense.

So, it has to go through more yapping to resolve in full. It is interesting that the same people who want to restrict legal adults from exercising their Constitutional right also want to let minors vote and cut off their breasts and tallywackers.


Six ideas to reduce firearms deaths

(skipping right to them)

1. Ban aftermarket firearm modification of any sort, including cosmetic changes (so, no scope? No laser designator? Scope rings? Making it a Hello Kitty paintjob?

2. Tax ammunition, scale it with killing power (this will only affect the law abiding, and is an unconstitutional excise tax, as courts have ruled many times

3. Hold people responsible for crimes committed with their guns (to a degree, I agree, but, we know the gun grabbers will make the penalties so high as to make firearms unaffordable or worthless for self protection

4. Absolute ban on names and images of perpertrators unless they are at large. (while I agree, this violates the 1st Amendment, but, then, when do leftists care about Rights?)

5. End No-knock raids (it’s a rather dubious argument at the link)

And tell me you don’t understand firearms without telling me

6Ban assault weapons

Let’s close with most discussed policy solution, an outright ban based centered around power and kill capacity. Banning a good with high demand is always difficult, just ask the war on drugs. If we’re going to try to ban assault rifles, we need to go in with our eyes open. Assault weapons are by and large consumption goods, if not outright toys, and in case you can’t hear the derision in my tone let me be clear I am absolutely judging you for owning one. They have zero value for hunting: a .556 round from an AR-15 will destroy your quarryBetter hunting option: anything firing .45-70 caliber ammunition. An assault rifle has negative value for defending your family at home. The through-wall collateral damage leaves you as likely to harm your family as any intruder. Better home defense option: any 12 gauge shotgun. An assault rifle is not a bulwark against tyranny any more than a samurai sword would have been living in a rural town in the Jim Crow South. We all need to accept that we are woefully out matched in terms of physical and human capital in a confrontation on the local monopsolist on violence. Better option: join a peaceful political action organization. Join a major political party. Hell, join a local religious group. Resistance against tyranny is about numbers, not the stopping power of the weapon you or your drinking buddies are holding.

“Destroy your quarry.” No. Most hunters use much more powerful rounds.

Read: Federal Judge Strikes Down Law Restricting 18-20 Year Olds From Constitutional Carry…Sort Of »

Biden Transportation Nominee Is Hardcore Climate Cultist

She’s all about forcing you, the peasants, to be restricted from using fossil fuels, rather than actually doing the job she was nominated for

Biden nominee wants to hijack little-known agency to ram through climate agenda

President Biden’s nominee to lead a little-known Department of Transportation safety subagency privately boasted that she would use her position at the agency to push aggressive climate policies.

Ann Carlson — an environmental law expert who Biden nominated in February to be National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) administrator — boasted in 2021 that she was recruited by the administration to oversee climate standards for cars and trucks, according to emails obtained by the watchdog group Government Accountability & Oversight (GAO) and shared with Fox News Digital.

“With agenda-obsessed banks collapsing, a new and constant threat of winter and summer electricity blackouts and an absentee Transportation Secretary waving off disasters when he isn’t ignoring them, even the most blinkered White House might discern a sign that, just maybe, government appointments are jobs with responsibilities, rather than taxpayer-financed activist platforms,” Chris Horner, a lawyer who represented GAO in a case involving the emails, told Fox News Digital.

“But this is what the Biden White House’s ‘whole of government approach’ to the ideological climate agenda means,” he added.

Rather than dealing with the core functions of government, these cultists are simply pushing their agendas. Why does no one in the media ask them directly if they’re practicing what they preach?

In addition, in 2017 and 2018, Carlson helped coordinate high-profile climate nuisance lawsuits filed by a dark money-fueled law firm against fossil fuel companies. The firm, California-based Sher Edling, has filed more than a dozen such lawsuits on behalf of cities, counties and several states.

A climahysteric grifter lawyer. What experience does she have in leading the NHTSA? Is Biden capable of nominating someone who brings experience and capability?

Read: Biden Transportation Nominee Is Hardcore Climate Cultist »

If All You See…

…is an evil 1%er rooftop pool wasting non-renewable water, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on MTG calling out RINOs by name.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Gun Grabbers Call For Banning All Semi-Automatic Rifles

Let’s start here, with an opinion piece by former Tennessee governors Bill Haslem (R) and Phil Bredesen (D)

We’re a Democrat and a Republican. Here’s how both parties can start on gun reform – together.

We’re two former Tennessee governors, we both served eight years, one of us is a Democrat, the other a Republican. We have different views on various issues, and we’re friends (snip)

We’ve both come to deeply respect the wisdom and common sense that Senator Baker embodied. One thing he often told people was that whenever you have two sides that are hopelessly divided, the trick is to find something, even a little thing, that you can agree on, and then build from there.

We could start with “red flag” laws — a way to identify people with potentially dangerous mental health issues and a legal process to remove their access to firearms. That might have been effective in the shooting we just had; the shooter was under treatment for mental health issues and yet still obtained and possessed multiple guns.

Another small step might be making gun owners take more legal responsibility for securing their weapons. Anyone, conservative or liberal, who believes in the value of personal responsibility should be able to agree that it is irresponsible to possess a dangerous weapon and not reasonably secure it from misuse by others.

Here’s are the problems: Democrats want red flag laws to be super intrusive and used to deny people their gun rights for the most minor of things. They want to heavily penalize people if their guns are stolen and not completely secured (and aren’t particularly concerned with the thieves). Even penalize if it’s not secured to the point where it makes a firearm worthless for protection. Oh, and what the Democrats really want is mass bans. They would take those “small steps” agreements and blow by them. Here’s the editorial board of the Sharon, Pa The Herald

EDITORIAL: Semiautomatic rifles belong in a special category


“Any rifle, whether it’s a hunting rifle or a military-style rifle, ups the anxiety, ups the danger because of its penetrative capability,” said Jewell. “A rifle bullet travels further, faster and harder than a handgun round.”

Jewell declined to differentiate semiautomatics from other types of rifles — including single-shot, bolt action, lever action and pump action.

But there is an important difference.

Other types of rifles available to the general public, a qualifier that excludes fully automatic weapons, requires shooters to take some sort of action after firing before they can shoot again. Whether that’s reloading in the case of a single-shot weapon or pulling back a bolt or lever or pump, there is a delay between shooting one round and the next.

With a semiautomatic rifle, the shooter fires a round with each trigger pull. No additional steps required.

If semiautomatic rifles compel multiple police officers to stand down rather than engage a single shooter armed with one, then we have to conclude that they are too dangerous for the general public to own and use.

We don’t allow for private ownership of bazookas, machine guns or flamethrowers. Semiautomatic firearms belong in the same category. It’s time to reinstate the ban that existed in this country from 1994 to 2004, when Congress allowed it to expire.

They are not differentiating between the scary looking “assault rifles” and other semi-auto rifles. They want them all banned. They flip here and there and mention AR-15s, but, they really do want a blanket ban. And more

Semiautomatic rifles wouldn’t disappear instantly if they became illegal. But owners who comply with a law would surrender theirs.

The rest would be swept up, by ones and twos and threes, and their owners punished with federal prison sentences. With no new ones entering the market, they would eventually become rare, then non-existent.

That’s right, it would be illegal to own any, no grandfathering, which is a Constitutional violation. The “let’s work together” Republicans just do not get it. Even though Democrats tell them explicitly.

Read: Surprise: Gun Grabbers Call For Banning All Semi-Automatic Rifles »

Who’s Ready For The Coming “Apocabliss”?

It’s interesting that Slate’s Christian Cauterucci failed to ask US Representative (and massive Jew hater) Pramila Jayapal about her own outsized travel via fossil fueled flights and vehicles

Climate Change Is Bad. Cherry Blossoms Are Good.

I had been strolling beneath the cherry blossoms with Rep. Pramila Jayapal for about 15 minutes on a recent morning in March when she was greeted by her first fan of the day. “Thank you for taking care of America!” a white-haired man in a baseball hat yelled out, with the enthusiasm of a tourist getting more than his money’s worth on a visit to the nation’s capital. (snip)

The early arrival of the white and pink flowers, hastened this year by an unusually warm February, was the reason I had asked Jayapal to take a walk around the Tidal Basin with me. It was “peak bloom,” an enchanting and fleeting period during which 70 percent of cherry tree buds are in full flower. But the season has also been flecked with a guilty unease: These trees wouldn’t be blooming so early without the rising temperatures of a warming climate.

I asked Jayapal if she was familiar with the concept of “apocabliss”—the feeling of delight at unseasonably warm weather, even as one recognizes it as an omen of a catastrophically less habitable climate to come. “Totally, because I live in Seattle. And Seattle is typically cloudy and rainy and cold,” she said. “And yet, in Seattle for the last many years, we have seen these massive weather changes. Some of them are good in the moment, the apocabliss kind of changes.” She described a recent visit to her hometown in late winter, when it was 65 degrees and sunny, the mountains around the city were visible, and “everything was sparkling.”

This is a sign of a cult, where, no matter how things are, the apocalypse is always right around the corner.

Still, weaning the United States off of fossil fuels will be harder than many people realize, she said. “I think, for a lot of people, they think that once we pass the legislation, we’re done.” But federal agencies still have to write rules about how each piece of legislation is implemented and the appropriated funds distributed. Lobbyists are swarming all over that process. Last year, Jayapal introduced the Stop Corporate Capture Act, which would reduce corporate influence over the rulemaking process by, among other things, jacking up penalties for companies that lie to regulators and creating an office to advocate for members of the public who stand to benefit from regulations.

And how many fossil fueled flights is she taking between Seattle and D.C., along with other places? Why can’t she take the train? Does she drive around in fossil fueled vehicles in D.C. and Seattle, or, take mass transit, a bike, or walk?

There is something like a contradiction, here, in the role Jayapal plays on climate. On one hand, she is one of the few people on Earth with anything approaching real power to change the calamitous trajectory of the planet, an issue that has a way of making everyday people feel infuriatingly powerless. On the other, when you get right down to it, whether or not the U.S. moves aggressively enough to forestall a looming climate apocalypse is almost entirely dependent on a handful of people—many of them, like Manchin and Biden, named Joe—who don’t seem to approach the problem with the life-or-death resolve it warrants.

Why is it not up to We The People? Pretty sure we are not living in an authoritarian nation.

Read: Who’s Ready For The Coming “Apocabliss”? »

Indictment Fail: More Likely To Vote For Trump

It’s still pretty early, a lot can happen between now and November 2024, but, I don’t think this was the result the Trump Deranged were looking for

Post-Indictment Poll: More Voters in Both Primary, General Election Say They’re Likelier to Vote for Trump

New post-indictment polling data from former President Donald Trump’s campaign shows that not only does he hold a commanding lead in the GOP primary and a lead over Democrat President Joe Biden in a likely general election matchup but that more voters in both the primary and the general election say they are now going to vote for Trump because of it.

The poll from Trump’s pollster John McLaughlin—who is widely regarded as one of the best GOP pollsters in the business—is some of the most in-depth data gathered since the news broke on Thursday that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump.

The survey of 1,000 general election voters, conducted on Friday March 31 and Saturday April 1—the immediate aftermath of the indictment news—with a margin of error of 3.1 percent, found Trump leading Biden 47 percent to 43 percent. In a memo accompanying the release of the data, McLaughin noted that the indictment did not seem to change the top lines from a survey he conducted earlier in March.

But in the GOP primary, Trump has taken a commanding lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. When polling a full 14-candidate field, Trump has majority support at 51 percent and DeSantis has experienced a double digit drop down to 21 percent. Since McLaughlin’s January polling, that means the race has swung a net 18 points away from DeSantis towards Trump.

“In a full-field ballot test of 14 potential Republican candidates, President Trump leads with 51%, DeSantis 21%, Mike Pence 6%, Nikki Haley 4%, and everyone else is at 2% or less,” McLaughlin wrote in the memo. “In our January survey, President Trump led the field with 43%, and DeSantis was at 31%. Trump’s lead has gone from 12 points to 30 points.”

Unless Bragg really has a coup-de-grace in his indictment, it’s going to simply look like political retribution, the kind of thing that happens in banana republics and places like Venezuela and Russia.

In a general election audience, too, a plurality—48 percent—agreed when asked if they agree Biden “and the radical left have weaponized the justice system to prosecute their political opponents.” Only 39 percent disagreed, and 14 percent did not know or refused to answer. (snip)

An even bigger majority, 56 percent, of general election voters agreed when asked if they think Biden and “the radical left are making things worse and keeping the country divided” by “continuing to attack President Trump.” Only 34 percent disagreed, and 10 percent did not know or refused to answer. Again among Republicans, that shoots up to 86 percent agreeing, just nine percent disagreeing, and five percent did not know or refused to answer.

Democrats should remember that they started this, so, if it turns around to bite people like Biden when he’s out of office, don’t be surprised. Heck, don’t be surprised when the GOP run House starts going full hardcore after Biden. And potentially some state AGs.

Read: Indictment Fail: More Likely To Vote For Trump »

If All You See…

…is a bright blue sky scorching the earth from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on COVID causing obesity issues in the Army.

It’s fit ladies week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Spring is hitting hard. This pinup is by Greg Hildebrandt, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jo Nova covers the West burning more fossil fuels but still having better air quality
  2. Not A Lot Of People Know That says to stop terrorizing the youts with doom
  3. 357 Magnum notes that the Biden regime loves censorship
  4. American Greatness discusses left wing violence chic
  5. Blazing Cat Fur covers Germany saying no more weapons to Ukraine
  6. Chicks On The Right notes Libs Of Tiktok filing an ethics complaint against AOC
  7. Climate Depot covers the Biden regime pushing a light bulb ban
  8. Cold Fury discusses a meme maker convicted for making memes
  9. Diogenes’ Middle Finger says Biden’s judicial appointments are better suited for judging beauty pageants
  10. Dissecting Leftism covers all the errors made by the CDC
  11. Gates Of Vienna wonders about sending peacekeepers to Ukraine and WWIII
  12. Geller Report discusses part of Twitter’s code allowing the fed govt to intervene in recommendations
  13. IOTW Report notes the day America became Russia
  14. Jihad Watch covers Biden’s dementia fog
  15. And last, but, not least, Legal Insurrection notes who the moonbats say was the real victim of the Nashville shooting

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Climate Insanity Sunday: Hair Cuts, Dolphins

Personally, I enjoy when the person who cuts my hair talks little, but, especially not about the climate scam

Wash, blow dry and 1.5 degrees please: hairdressers trained to talk about climate action

Inside this chic Sydney hair salon, the chat between stylists and clients could be much the same as in any other hairdressers around the world. Some small talk. The ubiquitous and occasionally mundane chat about holidays and traffic. For regulars, the conversation can move to the deeply personal before you can say semi-tint or shag cut.

In fact, there is only one easily missable clue in the front window that conversations inside Paloma might, when the occasion arises, be a bit different. A poster reads: “This salon chats about love, life & climate action.”

“The weather is the hook. You can take a cue from that,” says Prof Lesley Hughes, one of two climate scientists who have helped run workshops to give hairdressers the tools for times when the conversation turns to the existential.

“You can show the science until you’re blue in the face but what can be more effective are people who you trust talking about it. It’s important to show it’s not a subject to be afraid of.”

More than 400 hairdressers have attended workshops as part of a project called A Brush With Climate being driven by Paloma’s owner, Paloma Rose Garcia.

Remember when we were told to only listen to climate scientists? Pretty sure the workshops do not make them scientists. It really is a cult.

Hey, it’s a small sacrifice to Gaia, right?

Nope, not a cult

Did Climate Change Make Gwyneth Paltrow’s Ski Crash Worse?

The trial of the century came to a thrilling end yesterday. I’m talking, of course, about the Gwyneth Paltrow ski accident trial. Terry Sanderson, a doctor, sued Paltrow for $300,000 in damages after he says she ran into him at a Utah ski slope in 2016; the actor and lifestyle influencer countersued for $1 in a widely televised trial, claiming that Sanderson ran into her that day.

On Thursday, a Utah jury ruled in favor of Paltrow, deciding after just two hours of deliberation that Sanderson was at fault for the accident. But could other, more nefarious factors have been at play—say, climate change?

FFS. Who sits around and thinks “say, how does anthropogenic climate change play into the Paltrow lawsuit?” Only someone in a cult would think this.

Read: Climate Insanity Sunday: Hair Cuts, Dolphins »

Pirate's Cove