Climate Czar Kerry Says We Need To Work With China And Russia On Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, of course he does, since the Cult of Climastrology is based on authoritarian government, hence the lack of concern by John Kerry over China and Russia. The cult doesn’t care about human rights abuses or anything

Kerry: U.S. must work with China and Russia on fighting climate change

John Kerry climateDespite mounting tensions between the United States and its rivals China and Russia, President Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, told Yahoo News that the U.S. must work with those adversaries on combating climate change.

“We have to work with China, we have to work with India,” Kerry said during an interview Friday at Yahoo News’ New York offices. “We even have to find a way, ultimately, if we can resolve the war in Ukraine, to work with Russia, because Russia is a huge emitter. And any one of these countries has an ability — if it doesn’t move to change its energy base — to make it much harder for the rest of the world, if not impossible, to reach the goals we’ve set.”

China is by far the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, which scientists have established are causing global temperatures to rise. The United States is the second-largest emitter, followed by India and Russia. But China, with a population of 1.4 billion people and as the world’s second-largest economy, towers over the others. Its emissions are more than double those of the U.S., and Kerry echoed United Nations climate change experts who say that the world will be unable to avert catastrophic climate change unless China takes more significant steps to curb emissions.

“President Biden empowered me to reach out to China and work with China, which we have done for two years, and with some effect,” Kerry said. “Not as much as we need, ultimately.”

Meanwhile, China permitted two new coal plants every week in 2022. And kept up their human rights abuses. Russia invaded Ukraine. India is building more coal plants, and cozying up to Russia for their energy needs, ignoring sanctions. Climate cultists will ignore everything in the face of their Beliefs.

Read: Climate Czar Kerry Says We Need To Work With China And Russia On Climate Crisis (scam) »

Warmist Vs Enviros: Geothermal Project Wants To Delist Endangered Toads

Who wins? The Warmists tell us the climate crisis (scam) is all about the environment, yet, windturbines kill off huge numbers of birds and insects. They leave massive concrete blocks after their 30 year lifespan. Mining for precious metals is as bad, if not worse, than mining for coal. Warmists want solar projects and extreme-enviros sue to stop them. And now

Geothermal developer wants to delist endangered Nevada toad

In an unusual move that could pit two Biden administration agencies against each other, the developer of a planned Nevada geothermal power plant says it intends to sue U.S wildlife officials to overturn the endangered species listing of a toad in adjacent wetlands.

Ormat Technologies said in a 60-day notice of its intent to sue the Interior Department’s Fish and Wildlife Service that the listing of the Dixie Valley toad in December was illegal.

“The toad does not meet the definitional standard for a threatened — let alone endangered — species, and the service failed to base its decision on the best scientific and commercial data available,” Reno-based Ormat said.

It’s the latest legal maneuver in a series of conflicts underscoring challenges President Joe Biden faces in vowing to protect fish and wildlife while also pushing development of so-called green energy projects on U.S. lands to help combat climate change.

A court battle over the toad’s listing would put the administration in the precarious position of using its Justice Department lawyers to defend the wildlife service’s decision to list the toad, while continuing to defend the Bureau of Land Management’s approval of the geothermal project in a lawsuit brought by conservationists and a tribe.

I just have to wonder: if these projects are so green, then why would there be any concern about causing harm to the toads?

The opponents say pumping hot water from beneath the earth’s surface to generate carbon-free power would adversely affect levels and temperatures of surface water critical to the survival of the toad, which is sacred to the tribe.

Why are there always issues with “green” energy?

Read: Warmist Vs Enviros: Geothermal Project Wants To Delist Endangered Toads »

Federal Court Blocks Brandon’s Vaccine Mandate

Only what, a year and a half too late?

Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US gov’t workers

President Joe Biden’s order that federal employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 has been blocked by a federal appeals court.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, in a decision Thursday, rejected arguments that Biden, as the nation’s chief executive, has the same authority as the CEO of a private corporation to require that employees be vaccinated.

The ruling from the full appeals court, 16 full-time judges at the time the case was argued, reversed an earlier ruling by a three-judge 5th Circuit panel that had upheld the vaccination requirement. Judge Andrew Oldham, nominated to the court by then-President Donald Trump, wrote the opinion for a 10-member majority.

The ruling maintains the status quo for federal employee vaccines. It upholds a preliminary injunction blocking the mandate issued by a federal judge in January 2022. At that point, the administration said nearly 98% of covered employees had been vaccinated.

Of course they got vaccinated. They mostly vote Democrat, and they want to keep their cushy jobs and expansive benefits. For those who didn’t, when do they get their jobs back and back pay? And, even with the mandate, people who got vaxxed were still getting COVID and still dying.


LA County’s 3-year COVID Emergency Ends On March 31. Here’s What Will Change

After three years, Los Angeles County’s COVID emergency will end on March 31. Here’s what is changing in L.A. County.

Rent protections expire

The county Board of Supervisors rejected a proposal on Tuesday intended to soften the blow for renters who could soon face eviction. L.A. County’s COVID-19 emergency tenant regulations have given low-income tenants protections in eviction court if they can’t pay rent on time due to economic harms brought on by the pandemic. But those tenants will have to pay their April rent on time — or face eviction.

Wait, they still had all this stuff in place? County health employees will still be required to wear masks. Silly.

Is America’s Pandemic Really Over?

A little more than six weeks from now, on May 11, the U.S. will end its national and public-health emergency declarations over COVID-19, marking an official end to the country’s sweeping pandemic response. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that as part of that transition, the White House will also be disbanding what’s left of its COVID-response team, and national COVID coordinator Ashish Jha will most likely be leaving the administration. There are other signposts marking the end of the pandemic in America, too. The New York Times announced Thursday that it was shutting down its COVID data-gathering operation, which has for years given one of the most reliable by-the-numbers overviews of COVID’s toll. And two weeks ago, the venerable Johns Hopkins University COVID data tracker went dark, as well.

It’s over. Move on. Unfortuantely, we will never truly get a reckoning against those who thought they were dictators.

Read: Federal Court Blocks Brandon’s Vaccine Mandate »

Colorado Town Bans 7the Fossil Fuels Station

That’ll show those Evil fossil fuels companies!

Blue Colorado ‘burb bans new gas stations to fight climate change

Electric vehicleA Democratic-led suburb in Colorado is doing its “obligation” to fight climate change — approving a proposed ban on all new gas stations.

The city council in Louisville — 20 miles outside Denver — voted Tuesday to set the cap at six filling stations for its 21,000 residents. A seventh would be allowed only if it’s part of a large retail center.

Any new station would also be required to include at least two charging stations for electric vehicles — and be 1,000 feet away from an existing station.

“I don’t think any single action this council or community takes is going to fix climate change,” council member Maxine Most said during the vote. “But I think it’s a really good idea to decarbonize because it sends a signal and it sends a message.”

The message is “the city council is a bunch of idiots and worried about the wrong things.” But, hey, the citizens voted for these lunatics, when vital services start going downhill it’s on them.

The suburb currently has five gas stations, with a sixth approved for construction.

Louisville leaders also hope the ban persuades residents to ditch their gas vehicles for electric cars.

I’m not finding any articles where a reporter asked the members of the city council if they have switched over to EVs themselves, and ended any use of natural gas at their homes, among other things they can do to reduce their “carbon footprints.”

Meanwhile, Brandon took a fossil fueled helicopter to the airport, jumped in his jumbo jet, and took off to Canada today, with a multiple other fossil fueled airplanes to protect him, and

Read: Colorado Town Bans 7the Fossil Fuels Station »

If All You See…

…is a tree dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the St. Greta Effect.

Read: If All You See… »

Groomer Groups Sue To Stop Florida’s Ban On Child Mutilation Medical Procedures

Why do groomers get so upset when you call them groomers when they’re caught doing groomer things? Why, exactly, are Democratic Party voting and supporting groups so intent on making sure children are able to be given drugs and surgeries to satisfy a fad belief that they’re the opposite sex? In many cases, it’s pre-teen kids being kids and their parents have fallen into the trap, so they give the kids puberty blockers and such

Groups sue to stop Florida’s gender-affirming care ban for kids

Parents of four children have filed a federal lawsuit against Florida’s two medical boards over recently-enacted rules that ban gender-affirming care for minors.

The Southern Legal Counsel, Human Rights Campaign Foundation and others filed the lawsuit Thursday in Tallahassee federal court. It seeks to block the state from implementing the ban that was approved by the Florida Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine late last year.

The rules, known as care standards for doctors, took effect last week and prohibit trans minors from receiving gender-affirming care, including hormone therapy or surgery.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association support gender-affirming care for adults and adolescents. But medical experts said gender-affirming care for children rarely, if ever, includes surgery. Instead, doctors are more likely to recommend counseling, social transitioning and hormone replacement therapy.

One would think the Human Rights Campaign would want to protect children from having life altering medical procedures that can backfire in later life. Same with AAP and AMA.

“The transgender medical bans also violate the guarantees of equal protection by banning essential medical treatments needed by the adolescent Plaintiffs because they are transgender,” the lawsuit states. The suit doesn’t not identify the plaintiffs out of safety concerns.

There’s no need for treatments. They can crossdress and play their games, and once they are adults they can decide if this is what they really want, or it was just a fad, a “social contagion.”

The National Center for Lesbian Rights, one of the groups suing the state, said the bans contradict guidelines supported by medical organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

The lesbians do realize that gender confused males are taking wins, positions, scholarships, and more away from real women, right? That they’re invading the female safe spaces, like locker rooms, bathrooms, and showers?

“The policy unlawfully strips parents of the right to make informed decisions about their children’s medical treatment and violates the equal protection rights of transgender youth by denying them medically necessary, doctor-recommended healthcare to treat their gender dysphoria,” the group said in a press release.

Parents do not have the right to bring their child to a strip club or a bar. They cannot give them drugs, including marijuana and alcohol. Many states ban certain cosmetic surgeries for minors, even with parental consent. Botox is mostly banned for anyone under 18. Let’s not forget that most Democrat run states ban conversion therapy for minors, which doesn’t involve life altering drugs and surgeries.

Read: Groomer Groups Sue To Stop Florida’s Ban On Child Mutilation Medical Procedures »

It’s Now Immoral To Oppose Windfarms Near Your Or Something

Remember, this is all about Science!

Climate change: Opposing windfarms morally unacceptable – expert

Communities opposed to wind turbines in their local area do not have an “acceptable moral position”, according to a climate change expert.

Dozens of large-scale windfarm applications are being considered as Wales tries to reach net zero.

Campaigners say the ambition is putting the Welsh countryside at risk and south Wales already has several wind farms.

Lord Deben, the UK Climate Change Committee chairman, said the onus was on everyone to help reach the target.

“We can’t all the time say we’re in favour of things but somewhere else,” he said.

“That isn’t an acceptable moral position.”

They should put one up near Lord Deben’s home. He’d be good with that, right?

In Cwmafan, Neath Port Talbot, Rhodri Williams and Andrew Thomas said in lockdown the hills above their town were a sanctuary, but that peace is at risk from a proposed plan to build 21 turbines which will be visible from their homes.

“At over 200m (656ft) we’re talking around the size of the Eiffel Tower,” said Mr Thomas.

“That’s absolutely colossal. If you stand at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and look up and then you imagine that on top of a mountain range that is already 350m (1,148ft) above sea level. “

He’d be good with this, right?

“We don’t need these, there are plenty of alternatives. It causes a lot of grief and stress for those who live near them and we should be looking at alternatives like hydro, we should be looking at floating offshore wind, and the tidal lagoon in Swansea,” he said.

“There are over 200 wind turbines in south Wales already, we’re doing our fair share.”

But according to the chairman of the UK’s independent Climate Change Committee, Lord Deben, it is not “proper” to say other places should shoulder the burden for tackling climate change.

Weirdly, none of the reporters at the BBC covering this asked Deben what he’s doing in his own life.

Read: It’s Now Immoral To Oppose Windfarms Near Your Or Something »

50% Of Americans Think Ukraine War Has Harmed National Security

Really, do many really care about Ukraine? Or the “war” going on? Does it affect them? Or, are they more worried with the continuing inflation that we were told was transitory? Are they tired of Los Federales pissing away money and arms in an attempt to start WWIII? Whatever happened to the anti-war left, and groups like ANSWER and Code Pink?

(Rasmussen) More than a year after Russia invaded Ukraine, half of U.S. voters think the war has harmed America’s national security and many want to see a negotiated peace.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. voters believe the Russian invasion of Ukraine has made America’s national security situation worse – up from 42% last September.

Just 14% now  say the Russian invasion has made U.S. national security better, and 28% think it has not made much difference. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

No one in the administration offers up much in the way of Reasons for why we’re giving Ukraine so much money and weapons, other than a nebulous “Democracy, baby!” What’s in it for us? How long will it last? What more will we give them?

Republican lawmakers press Biden to send cluster bombs to Ukraine -letter

Four Republican members of Congress urged U.S. President Joe Biden to send cluster munitions to Ukraine, alleging in a Tuesday letter to the White House that the administration fears doing so would be seen as an escalation by Russia.

Ukraine is seeking the MK-20, an air-delivered cluster bomb, to release its individual explosives from drones, and 155 mm artillery cluster shells, Reuters reported earlier this month. Kyiv had urged members of Congress to press the White House to approve sending the weapons.

The letter criticized Biden for “reluctance to provide Ukraine the right type and amount of long-range fires and maneuver capability to create” a breakthrough against Russian forces.

The letter was signed by Jim Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Roger Wicker, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mike McCaul, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Mike Rogers the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

I can’t criticize Democrats on this if I do not criticize Republicans, because a goodly chunk of the Elites in both parties are pushing this.

Read: 50% Of Americans Think Ukraine War Has Harmed National Security »

Vox: We Can’t Really Blame The Los Angeles Tornado On ‘Climate Change’, But, Hey, We Can Strongly Hint It

Well, you had to know that the climate cultists would be out and about linking climate doom with the tornado, right? It’s what they do. And then they jump in their fossil fueled vehicles to get some food delivered to the store by fossil fueled trucks

Yes, there was just a tornado near Los Angeles. Is climate change to blame?

In a rare turn of events, a town southeast of Los Angeles was hit by a tornado on Wednesday, marking the latest extreme weather the region has fielded in recent months.

Tornadoes aren’t unheard of in California, but they are less common compared to other parts of the country, with fewer than 10 typically observed in the state per year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Wednesday’s tornado — which affected the town of Montebello and damaged 17 buildings — was also especially strong, and is the most severe to affect the region in 40 years, per the National Weather Service.

The tornado followed another weaker tornado, which touched down Tuesday in Carpinteria, a town northwest of Los Angeles, and months of other extreme weather in the state.

So, wait, tornadoes in the southern part of the People’s Republik Of California are rare, but, do happen. The LA Times says they are not as uncommon  as you think.

There’s likely a connection between the storms that California has experienced and this week’s tornadoes. The atmospheric rivers and the rain they brought probably helped lead to increased moisture in the air, which enabled the recent tornadoes to form in the region, says Perry Samson, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Michigan. “You’ve got the conditions for instability set up by these atmospheric rivers,” Samson told Vox.

The increased intensity of atmospheric rivers may also have links to climate change, many climate experts say. It’s too early to draw conclusions about the relationship between climate change and the tornadoes, however. “You can’t tie it to climate change, because it’s a one-off thing,” says Jase Bernhardt, a professor of geology, environment, and sustainability at Hofstra University.

The moisture has nothing to do with it: it’s the rotation, though tornadoes are mostly associated with thunderstorms. Which happened before fossil fueled vehicles. Anyhow, they cannot tie it in, you know

What is more established, though, is that it’s unusual for the Los Angeles area to experience this type of weather phenomena at this magnitude. “This is stuff you see in Ohio, Arkansas … Not Montebello,” one witness said, according to CNN.

But, they can strongly intimate that the tornadoes were your fault for failing to give your money and freedom to Government.

While climate change’s relationship to these tornadoes is uncertain, what is evident is that thunderstorms and tornadoes of this magnitude are uncommon in this region, and that this week’s events were a product of the right conditions being in place. Those include warmer, humid air near the ground and drier, cold air higher in the atmosphere. The warmer air contributing to recent extreme weather could also become more common as global warming worsens, as could storms. Climate change leads to warmer air, and “warmer air can hold more moisture,” which can mean more precipitation, per the New York Times.

See? Your fault.

Read: Vox: We Can’t Really Blame The Los Angeles Tornado On ‘Climate Change’, But, Hey, We Can Strongly Hint It »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful greenspace that would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on interesting data on where murders occur.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove