School Feeds Kids Insects To Teach Them About Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, at least they didn’t do it with the teachers and kids dressed in drag, right?

Utah school gives kids ‘disgusting’ insects to eat in class for climate assignment on cows killing the Earth

A middle school in Utah’s Nebo School District gave sixth-grade students “disgusting” insects to eat last week as part of an English assignment on climate change, claiming it would save the environment from cows which were “killing the world,” according to a mom who spoke with Fox News Digital.

“Middle schoolers loved the ‘ewww’ factor, many of them gave bugs a try (and even a few staff members!). Many thanks to our English teachers for creating fun and engaging lessons,” the Spring Canyon Middle school said about the March 7 assignment.

Bugs were purchased from a commercial site that is “safe for consumption,” the district said.

The mother of one of the students – Amanda Wright – told Fox News she believed the kids were being subjected to “indoctrination” into a “dark climate change religion.” She challenged the school’s principal Alison Hansen on the assignment after her daughter found it uncomfortable.

The climate change assignment instructed sixth-graders to write an argumentative essay, but did not permit students to disagree. The only acceptable answer was that humans should eat insects for their protein instead of cows, which are destroying the Ozone layer with methane gas.

Is it any wonder that the kiddies are having mental health issues while being forcibly indoctrinated into the Belief that the world is doomed soon? This is child abuse. State sanctioned child abuse.

Read: School Feeds Kids Insects To Teach Them About Climate Crisis (scam) »

Good News: Putin Is Preparing For A Nuclear Showdown

For all the articles and missives saying Putin is sick, he’s got mental illness, etc, perhaps the people pushing to get even more involved with the Ukraine war should rethink their positions

Putin is preparing for a nuclear showdown – we must be ready

Russia downing a US drone yesterday was a deliberate provocation. It is a concerning incident, but such brinkmanship feels destined to get worse. It is small fry compared to where things could go if we are not prepared.

Putin is in a corner, his position weakening every day as western tanks start to appear over the horizon and Zelensky’s spring offensive approaches. The great Russian push in eastern Ukraine appears to be petering out at massive human cost to the aggressors. Last weeks’ huge volley of missiles, including the much-vaunted ‘unstoppable’ hypersonic ones, have passed with a whimper, and sanctions are at last sending the Russian economy into freefall.

The Ukrainians intend to kick Russian troops out of eastern Ukraine but also the Crimea. Doing so would no doubt signal the end of Putin’s rule. But it would mark a dangerous moment. The dictator has relished repeating in public the story about his youth in Leningrad when he watched a cornered rat fight back. For years, the Kremlin has assiduously curated Putin’s image as a ruthless former KGB officer who is not afraid to take bold action to defend the Motherland, especially when facing off against the combined forces of the West.

Western audiences have largely fallen for this narrative. The reality is much more nuanced. Putin is far more rational and calculating than many of his opponents give him credit for. He has a nose for weakness, including for his own fragility, but it is not infallible. He is fond of the good life. As Garry Kasparov pointed out, ‘Putin wants to rule like Stalin but live like Abramovich’.

Yes, he does have a nose for weakness, which is why he took Crimea during the Obama-Biden years, and went into Ukraine during the Biden presidency.

In our study for the Heritage Foundation, we argue that there is another area where Western audiences have oversimplified the reality of Putin’s abilities – specifically on the nuclear question. We argue that the threat of Russian use of nuclear weapons is primarily a tactic to scare selected Western audiences, and thus weaken the link between Ukraine and its Western allies. Those who believe that the Russians themselves view them as conventional weapons of war are incorrect.

Even so, we cannot be sure that Russia will not use nuclear weapons as a ‘last resort’ in Ukraine. The Kremlin has laid the linguistic framework for their use. There are four circumstances in Russia’s latest nuclear doctrine which can justify nuclear weapons deployment: an imminent use of nuclear weapons against Russia, actual nuclear use against Russia, a threat to inhibit Russia’s control of its nuclear weapons, and a threat to the existence of Russia. Whilst none of those conditions apply in the Ukraine war, the notion of “threat” is being re-interpreted by the Russian leadership.

Backing Putin into a corner would be a bad idea. Pumping high end weapons like fighter jets into Ukraine is a bad idea. It would be directly engaging Putin from the West. But

Putin’s dreams of Ukraine re-incorporated into Russia, of breaking up Nato, and of Russia leading a global anti-Western alliance are collapsing about him. Disaster for Russia’s imploding armed forces may well await, and at some point, Ukraine’s armed forces will likely threaten to break Russia’s land corridor linking Crimea to the Donbas. At that point, Putin will make one of the most fateful decisions of the century: whether to employ nuclear or chemical weapons. The U.S. and UK must act now to minimise that threat and to ensure the protection of the American and British publics and allies.

So, the authors, Col Hamish de Bretton-Gordon OBE, a former commander of the 1st Royal Tank Regiment and Bob Seely, a Conservative MP for the Isle of Wight, seemed to be making the argument that the West should be very, very careful in its support for Ukraine, then push for the US and UK to act, saying Western governments should

First, they must reassure the public that they are aware of the threat of Russian nuclear weapons in extremis. Nuclear threats are not mere bluff.

Second…The US and its allies should improve how they detect and monitor radiation in case of nuclear use, a missile strike on a nuclear facility, or an accident stemming from a nuclear plant located in an area of military operations.

Thirdly, ensure that any use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia is met by a robust Western and global response that is calibrated, relies on conventional weapons, and is informed by an understanding of Russian behaviour and thinking.

Fourth, we need to keep channels of communication with Moscow open, even if the Kremlin is not responsive.

Are you reassured?

Read: Good News: Putin Is Preparing For A Nuclear Showdown »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, even if it is hybrid, at an Evil fossil fuels station, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on fake hate crime being busted.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden’s Executive Orders On Guns Celebrated By Black Gun Control Advocates

This article appears at the website The Grio, which is a wholly black run, black written site, which usually skirts the line of black nationalism, and is often critical of white people in a way that would get them shut down if they were all white and writing this way about blacks. Everything seems to be raaaaacist in their world. If they were a white organization, they’d be Cancelled if they wrote this

Biden’s executive order on reducing gun violence seen as needed remedy in Black communities

Gun violence prevention advocates say the true solution to reducing firearms violence in the United States is addressing it as a public health matter, not simply a crime issue.

President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday a new executive order to reduce gun violence in the United States, which data shows disproportionately impacts Black communities.

The order is the latest White House effort to mitigate the nation’s gun problem, which has reached fever-pitch level. In 2023, so far, there have been more than 100 mass shootings in America, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

Biden’s executive actions include measures to increase the number of background checks, spread awareness and improve the use of red flag laws and address the loss and theft of firearms during shipping.

The executive order also seeks to hold gun manufacturers and sellers more accountable for their part in guns getting into the hands of bad actors — including the marketing of firearms to minors.

Who’s hands are those? Well, per this article, they are mostly black. And little reason for those shootings

Gregory Jackson, executive director of Community Justice Action Fund (CJAF), an advocacy group committed to reducing gun violence in Black and brown communities, told theGrio the president’s executive order is a “comprehensive approach that holds the gun industry, the gun dealers and traffickers accountable with the same level of emphasis that we’ve seen America hold perpetrators or individuals accountable.”

Jackson, a victim of gun violence, argued that the true solution to reducing firearms violence in the United States — particularly in Black communities — is addressing it as a public health matter, not simply a crime issue. “The biggest indicator of gun violence in our community is not necessarily crime, but it’s whether or not we’ve been exposed to violence,” said Jackson. “We look at the homicides in the Black community right now, 70% of them are not connected to another felony crime.”

Over 50% of shootings and murders are committed by blacks, who comprise just under 13% of the population. Pretty sure it’s not the fault of the gun industry nor the dealers, since a goodly chunk of those guns are not lawfully purchased. None of these bullet points in Bidens EO will make a difference.

Jackson also noted the proliferation of guns in Black communities, which he believes the president’s latest actions will help alleviate by directing the Secretary of Transportation and Department of Justice to work to reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment and to “improve reporting of such losses or thefts, including by engaging with carriers and shippers.”

Wait, Biden actually thinks Mayor Pete is going to accomplish anything? Any lost/theft is not the fault of gun manufacturers or dealers, but, the shippers. Interestingly, Jackson is admitting that blacks are prone to obtaining firearms unlawfully.

Jackson said, “That’s especially important in Black and brown communities where our communities are being flooded with firearms. They’re saturated with firearms that were illegally brought into our community. Our communities are being victimized and targeted with the sales of firearms and we need to be doing more to protect vulnerable communities and make sure that we’re pouring in resources to help people better their life.”

He does know that people are not required to purchase these illegal guns illegally. Why aren’t people telling the police at some level about the illegal dealers?

McBath’s bill to keep guns out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves or others was included in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first comprehensive gun violence prevention law passed in Congress in nearly 30 years.

Why would red flag laws work when almost no one ever tells the police about illegal guns in their communities, and refuse to identify shooters after a shooting? Do they think they’re going to narc out their family members and friends?

However, despite the fact that the Safer Communities Act is now a law, mass shootings have continued to plague the U.S. In response, Biden has repeatedly called on Congress to go further legislatively by banning assault weapons and passing universal background checks.

Despite red flag laws in 20 states and the District Of Columbia, they almost never stop shootings.

“Gun violence has plagued our communities for too long and although we’ve made progress, it is not enough,” said Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, Jr., president of the African American Mayors Association. “I’ve seen too many thoughts and prayers, but not enough action.”

Until blacks in black communities narc out those with illegal guns nothing will change. Until they raise the kids right nothing will change. Teach them that shooting someone for minor annoyances is not the way. Stop the fatherless families. Anyhow, this is a black written article with blacks as sources showing the gun crime in black communities. It would be deemed raaaaacist if it came from white people, and, it also fails to note how most of these areas ridden with gun crime are in Democratic Party run cities, in the low income areas that the Democratic Party shoves blacks into, claiming that they are helping blacks.

Read: Biden’s Executive Orders On Guns Celebrated By Black Gun Control Advocates »

Cultural Heritage Is An Essential Resource For ‘Climate Change’

Remember, this is totally about science. And, speaking of science

Are these climate cultists ever correct?

Cultural heritage is an essential resource for climate change science, reports say

Many of the people archaeologist Dulma Karunarathna interviews in rural Sri Lanka have never been interviewed before. And many of them, representing a variety of religions and languages, tell her of the mee tree (Madhuca longifolia).

The tree’s roots balance water levels and share underground nutrients with rice fields. Its flowers, seeds and bark can be used to treat surface wounds, and its leaves provides shade for farmers’ watch huts to avoid wild animals at night while they exchange call-and-response pel kavi songs across their fields. But most importantly, its nectar attracts bats, which deposit their droppings across the rice fields. For locals, the trees offer a cheap alternative or supplement to nitrogen synthetic fertilizers and improve their resilience to disaster. For this reason, the mee tree is often called the fertilizer tree. (snip)

Karunarathna’s work to highlight traditional ecological knowledge crystallizes what climate scientists have increasingly begun publishing. Indigenous people and local communities (IPLCs) who benefit from centuries of knowledge by working closely with the land often interact with their environment in ways that reveal profound innovations and ecological tools that can benefit climate resilience and mitigation initiatives. At the same time, many of these ideas and the people who pass them on from generation to generation are under threat from a suite of factors.

Uh huh. Sure. These 1st Worlders head to talk with the 3rd Worlders, looking for ideas to reduce the 1st World standards. Why does it seem this all has more to do with politics and sociology than actual science?

Read: Cultural Heritage Is An Essential Resource For ‘Climate Change’ »

Balancing Budget In 10 Years Would Require 41% Cut To Programs

I’m pretty much good with that. We can start with cutting all the non-essential programs. Getting rid of all the redundant programs and employees. Getting rid of departments like the Education Department, Natural Resource Conservation Service, The Rural Electrification Administration, The Rural Housing Development Service, and more. The immense waste in the DOD, Medicaid, Medicare, and other big programs can be fixed

Balancing federal budget in 10 years could require 41 percent cut to programs, when excluding Social Security: CBO

Hopes by lawmakers to balance the federal budget in a decade through reductions in spending could mean significant cuts to programs to achieve that goal, an analysis released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said on Tuesday.

The analysis, requested by Democrats, crunches the numbers behind what achieving a balanced budget in the next 10 years would mean for federal programs. The report comes as Democrats have sought to hammer Republicans over proposals to balance the budget in the timeframe through potentially steep cuts to spending.

In its recent analysis, the nonpartisan budget scorekeeper said its current baseline projections  show the nation’s federal budget deficit would reach $2.9 trillion in 2033. To eliminate that deficit through cuts, the agency calculates the impact of various budget roadmaps.

Under one such path, the agency said lawmakers could reach the goal if “all noninterest outlays were gradually reduced starting in 2024 so that they were 29 percent less than the amount in the agency’s baseline projections in 2033.” (snip)

When not factoring in the extension of the tax cuts, the CBO projected that all noninterest outlays would have to be reduced by 41 percent to achieve a balanced budget in the same window. That’s if lawmakers also decided to factor out changes to Social Security, which comprises a chunk of federal spending.

The federal government needs to reduce what they do, and, if states want to take up the mantle, that’s up to them. Los Federales have well exceeded their powers per the Constitution. There are so many programs that get hundreds of millions, if not more, allocated yearly, yet, serve no purpose

And the No. 1 federal boondoggle lawmakers could eliminate tomorrow without hurting anyone at all: The Economic Development Administration (EDA), which duplicates the activities of at least 62 other community development programs. The EDA will spend $350 million this year to spur local economic growth. Yet a recent GAO study found the EDA had no impact at all. Zippo. Five-year savings: $933 million.

That might seem like chump change in the grand scheme, but, it all adds up.

Read: Balancing Budget In 10 Years Would Require 41% Cut To Programs »

UN Head Says Sticking To Facts Could End Hotcoldwetdry

When will we be provided with some cold hard facts that prove that the Modern Warm Period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind?

Sticking to ‘cold, hard’ climate facts can end global warming: Guterres

Green Climate Thought PoliceWorld leaders need to listen to and act on solid scientific guidance to urgently reduce global warming, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message at the opening of the new session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Monday.

Underlining the “urgent need to end global heating with cold, hard facts”, he said the panel’s forthcoming report ahead of the next UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), to be held in Dubai in November, comes at a pivotal time.

“Our world is at a crossroads, and our planet is in the crosshairs,” he said. “We are nearing the point of no return, of overshooting the internationally agreed limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming. We are at the tip of a tipping point.” (snip)

You have built the case, setting out the science of climate change and the urgency for climate action,” Mr. Guterres said. “The evidence has been clear, convincing and irrefutable.”

The Panel findings underscore the need to act now, he declared. Citing several recent IPCC reports, he said evidence in 2021 showed for the first time that some of the changes to Earth’s oceans, ice, and land surface were irreversible.

That report also said the changes were “unequivocally” caused by human activity, overwhelmingly from burning fossil fuels and creating unprecedented levels of greenhouse gases.

I must have missed all the cold, hard facts. If burning fossil fuels is so bad, why will tens of thousands take fossil fueled trips to the (checks notes) oil producing nation of Dubai this fall? How many, like Guterres, will take private jets? Why is he calling for cold, hard facts, then acting like Madam Zelda with is scaremongering?

Approaching COP28, he encouraged IPCC to provide leaders with “solid, frank, detailed scientific guidance to make the right decisions for people and planet”.

Leaders “must understand the enormous consequences of delay and the enormous dividends from making the tough but essential choices to accelerate the phasing out of fossil fuels and close the emissions gap, to race to a carbon-free, renewables future, and to secure climate justice, helping communities adapt and build resilience to the worsening impacts,” he said.

It’s strange that he doesn’t care what you peasants think, just what the Elites and elected lawmakers, who are being tasked with forcing this on the peasants. Remember, this is all Science!

Read: UN Head Says Sticking To Facts Could End Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…are palm trees which will soon grow in Siberia from climate doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on American’s dumbest governor.

Read: If All You See… »

Time Recommends A Full Wuhan Flu Bipartisan Commission

We do, we really do, in order to expose all the malfeasance, authoritarianism, and hypocritical behavior from those being authoritarian

America Needs a COVID-19 Bipartisan Commission to Prepare for the Next Pandemic

Postmortems, or autopsies, which were common practice until well into the 20th-century but have recently become more rare, are conducted to determine a cause of death….

For the same reasons, America needs a national postmortem on our response to the COVID-19 pandemic—to learn from our mistakes and improve responses to the next pandemic. Policy quality control, as it were. An honest postmortem can only occur, however, if Congress finds the will to create and fund a bipartisan commission that will bring in outside experts to analyze data and use the commission’s subpoena power to question policy makers.

With blame and embarrassment undoubtedly belonging on both sides of the aisle, it is not surprising that there is insufficient appetite for setting one up. A few senators have tried to get a bill to the floor to approve a COVID-19 commission, but so far have not succeeded. In the absence of such a commission, we will simply have more of what we have now: tribes of people yelling at each other furiously, both sides convinced that all could have been different and turned out better if only someone else had been in charge or some other set of experts had been listened to.

It would certainly get ugly, because we’d see all the insanity pushed mostly by Democratic Party governors, with a smattering of Republicans, like Maryland’s Larry Hogan. Things like restricting American Citizens from traveling to their 2nd homes (which is wise policy, those summer towns were not set up for the influx, but, the governors did not explain, and still do not have the legal power). Restricting them from buying seeds for gardening. Filling skateboard parks with sand. Arresting a person paddleboarding in the ocean. The examples go on and on. Then all the hypocrisy from the Elites, where they traveled, got caught without masks. Did the mandates work? Did the vaccines work?

The House, under control of the Republicans, recently conducted a hearing, the Select Subcommittee Roundtable: Examining Covid Policy Decisions, led by Chairman Wenstrup (R-OH), which he said in opening remarks aimed to be bipartisan and which did contain members from both parties. The sole witness called by the Democrats, Dr. Georges Benjamin, the Executive Dir. of the American Public Health Assoc., said explicitly, as did Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, one of the three witnesses called by the Republicans, that U.S. citizens deserve a bipartisan commission. He referenced the 9/11 Commission as a key step in reforming U.S. national security policies.

Unfortunately, while the committee did raise important questions, for example about school closures and children’s mental health, it in no way mirrored the lengthy, deliberate, and thoughtful processes of a bipartisan commission. There was no extended fact finding phase nor did the committee have subpoena power, although experts were called, including three authors of an eighty page report on the U.S. pandemic response that was released in February. As coauthors on this report, our hope was that a pandemic commission could use it as a blueprint to help inform an extensive investigation into what went wrong–and what went right–and craft a set of recommendations to improve the next pandemic response. So far, this has not happened and numerous attempts to launch such a commission have been squelched.

Yes, let’s learn about the school closures, how much it negatively affected the children. About the idiocy of making them mask up. Eat outside in the cold temps while being masked. How the teacher’s unions actually made policy instead of the duly elected general assemblies. How lockdowns did not work. The list goes on and on, you know it, you lived it. Democrats will never go for a full commission, because it would expose the Wrong Doing coming mostly from their people and policies.

Read: Time Recommends A Full Wuhan Flu Bipartisan Commission »

Moose Fault: Experts Think They’re To Blame For Climate Doom

Damned fossil fueled moose

Researchers identify this mammal as latest potential cause of climate change, suggest balancing species

Researchers claim that moose are potentially a leading cause of climate change and that the species should be balanced, suggesting they are “one of the biggest potential single sources of carbon emissions from wooded parts of Norway.”

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology studied moose in Norwegian forests for several years and concluded that the species have a major effect on vegetation growth and are altering the carbon cycle by dining on tree buds. “Moose are an ecosystem engineer in the forest ecosystem, and strongly impact everything from the species composition and nutrient availability in the forest. A grown animal can eat 50 kilograms of biomass each day during summer,” Gunnar Austrheim, an ecologist at the NTNU University Museum, said in a press release.

Moose tend to eat birch and young samplings in clearcut forests, an act researchers claim is where the ungulates “gobble up” possible carbon storage in trees.

“It was really a surprise to see how much moose can influence vegetation growth, the carbon cycle and the climate system,” said Xiangping Hu, a researcher at NTNU’s Industrial Ecology (IndEcol), said in the release.

Hold on, hold on. You mean nature has an impact on climatic changes? How in the hell did that happen? I was assured by Experts that it was mostly/solely your fault.

The solution suggested to the latest climate change theory was to balance moose numbers and forest management in an effort to limit CO2 emissions. “We don’t only regulate the amount of animals, we very carefully regulate the proportion of females, males and calves. So there’s a stronger management for moose than for most livestock in Norway,” Francesco Cherubini, director of IndEcol Programme said. “I think as we get more of an understanding of how all these different things are interrelated, land managers could come up with an optimal plan. That could be a much-needed win-win solution for climate, for biodiversity and for timber value.”

Hmm, so, killing them is the solution? Also, what could possibly go wrong when Experts start messing around with their numbers?

Read: Moose Fault: Experts Think They’re To Blame For Climate Doom »

Pirate's Cove