House Votes Unanimously To Declassify COVID Origins Intelligence

Well, I didn’t see this coming

House votes to declassify info about origins of COVID-19

The House voted unanimously Friday to declassify U.S. intelligence information about the origins of COVID-19, a sweeping show of bipartisan support near the third anniversary of the start of the deadly pandemic.

The 419-0 vote was final congressional approval of the bill, sending it to President Joe Biden’s desk. It’s unclear whether the president will sign the measure into law, and the White House said the matter was under review.

“I haven’t made that decision yet,” Biden said late Friday when asked whether he would sign the bill.

Debate in the House was brief and to the point: Americans have questions about how the deadly virus started and what can be done to prevent future outbreaks.

“The American public deserves answers to every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Rep. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

So, what will Biden do? Will he veto it? Sure seems like it would be easy to over-ride that veto. If he signs it or fails to do anything, it becomes law and the Executive Branch has 90 days to release it all. Of course, Biden may well stonewall. Or attempt to hide intelligence. And, heck, many of the agencies may attempt to hide intelligence and documents, which Biden and his people wouldn’t even know about.

Read: House Votes Unanimously To Declassify COVID Origins Intelligence »

Surprise: Bill Gates Doesn’t Want To Give Up His 1%er Lifestyle For Hotcoldwetdry

Even if he gave up half of what he’s doing now he wouldn’t be “impoverished”

Bill Gates criticizes idea of leading ‘impoverished lifestyle’ to address climate change

Microsoft founder Bill Gates reiterated his view last week in the contentious debate about whether individual sacrifice can make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change, casting doubt on the idea that living an “impoverished lifestyle” or becoming a vegetarian could put a dent in rising greenhouse gas emissions.

“In climate movements, you can get this ‘Hey, we’ve been consuming too much,’ and ‘Hey, maybe we shouldn’t travel anymore,’” Gates said last week in remarks delivered in India. “I don’t think we can count on people living an impoverished lifestyle as a solution to climate.”

Gates, who is estimated to be the fourth-richest person on Earth, went on to say it was not realistic to expect that the climate crisis could be addressed by personal choices such as giving up eating meat.

“Will all Indians become vegetarians? Will all Americans become vegetarians? I wouldn’t want to count on it. Anybody wants to evangelize that, they’re welcome to,” Gates said.

Except, that’s the lifestyle that climate cult Elites like Gates want to force on all you peasants. We’ve seen them all advocate for this stuff, but, they won’t give up anything themselves. Nothing. Nada. Zip. A goodly chunk of the government legislation will force you folks to live an “impoverished lifestyle”, and it will be vastly different from Gates, who’ll still live in his waterfront mansion, still flying in his private jet, still eat meat. He can afford to buy a fancy, expensive EV. He won’t have to sit around waiting for his EV to charge at a station like all you folks living in apartments. He can just pay for carbon offsets for his Bad Behavior, while your life is diminished.

If you aren’t getting that this is a scam perpetuated by the Elites to put you under control, you’re missing it. Even if Mankind was mostly/solely responsible for the slight temperature increase since 1850, why are most policies aimed at empowering government over your life and money? And Freedom?

Read: Surprise: Bill Gates Doesn’t Want To Give Up His 1%er Lifestyle For Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…are horrible, carbon pollution driven Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on yet another idiotic, dangerous criminal justice idea from Democrats.

Read: If All You See… »

Robert Redfield, CDC Director Under Trump, Says Fauci Shut Down Debate On COVID Origins

Now, why would Fauci want to shut down scientific debate among scientists?

Trump’s CDC director says Fauci shut down debate on Covid’s origin

Trump administration CDC Director Robert Redfield told a congressional committee Wednesday that his former colleague, Anthony Fauci, and former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins froze him out of discussions on Covid-19’s origins.

The accusation came during a politically charged hearing Wednesday of the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and stoked Republican claims that Fauci in early 2020 promoted the view that an infected animal spread the virus to humans to divert attention from research the U.S. sponsored at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“It was told to me that they wanted a single narrative and then I obviously had a different point of view,” Redfield told representatives.

Redfield said Fauci, who led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the time, and Collins left him out because Redfield suspected the coronavirus had leaked from the Chinese lab.

This made Fauci upset

Fauci, who was not at the hearing, dismissed Redfield’s accusation as “completely untrue.”

“No one excluded anyone,” he told POLITICO after the hearing.

“And the idea of saying that he was not wanted there because he had a different opinion … there were several people on the call who had the opinion that it might have been an engineered virus,” said Fauci, who retired from his government post at the end of last year.

Well, if that’s the case (Fauci also went on with Neil Cavuto), Fauci would have no problem testifying under oath to Congress about it, right? James Comer (R-Ky), chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, should invite Fauci to come testify. And, if he doesn’t want to, subpoena him.

Of course, Democrats were doing their best to protect Fauci, who really did more damage to trusting health institutes that he helped, and were wondering why it even matters where it came from. They just want to move on so people forget about their COVID authoritarianism.

Read: Robert Redfield, CDC Director Under Trump, Says Fauci Shut Down Debate On COVID Origins »

Energy Saving Windows Can Totally Fight Climate Doom Or Something

It just goes to show that no matter the topic the Credentialed Media will drag the climate cult into the picture. Seriously, these windows are a good idea. I’d be interested. Why does this have to be a part of staving off climate doom?

Energy-saving smart windows could help combat climate change

Inside a factory near Memphis, Tennessee, workers are making an unlikely weapon in the fight against climate change: a smart window.

“Well, like everything in life, right, we look back after you’ve experienced the modern thing, and you go, ‘well that was pretty dumb,'” said Rao Mulpuri, the CEO of California-based View.

Mulpuri describes View’s windows as transition glass for buildings. They track the sun throughout the day, automatically tinting to regulate light and heat. That allows buildings to use less electricity for heating and cooling.

“Buildings consume about 40% of all energy,” Mulpuri said. “They consume about 70% of all electricity. And if you wanna solve for carbon and climate change, you have to solve for buildings.”

We pretty much know that tinting windows reduces heat in buildings (and vehicles), while, when it’s cold, you want less tinting. This certainly could help with reducing power bills, right?

Operating buildings account for about 27% of annual planet-warming carbon emissions, according to the International Energy Agency.

Smart windows have a microscopic coating connected to computer chips and can be controlled by an app. They are now installed in hotels, hospitals, office buildings, apartments, and a dozen U.S. airports, including a new San Francisco International Airport terminal.

“You don’t feel the heat beating on you, especially when you want to provide an environment that has a lot of natural light,” SFO airport director Ivar Satero said.

At Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, tests have found View’s smart window’s kept nearby seats 20 degrees cooler than conventional glass, according to tests conducted by the company.

So, a good idea. Why the need to drag the climate cult in?

Read: Energy Saving Windows Can Totally Fight Climate Doom Or Something »

Brandon’s Proposed Budget Looks To A Federal Crackdown On Guns

Obviously, his budget proposal won’t go anywhere in full, but, the Democrats in the Senate might try to incorporate a lot of it into their version

Biden’s Budget Proposes Massive Funding Increase For Federal Crackdown On Guns

President Joe Biden’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 proposes increasing funding to the FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to crack down on guns.

The funding, which draws from a $17.8 billion “investment” in the DOJ’s federal law enforcement capacity, will be used to further regulate the firearms industry, create gun trafficking strike forces, enforce background checks and implement the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, according to the budget. The ATF alone will receive $1.9 billion, a $200 million increase from the 2023 budget.

Alongside the DOJ and ATF, the FBI will receive $51 million to support the continued implementation of enhanced background checks required by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, implemented in 2022, provided funding for the implementation of red flag laws, expanded background checks and invested in state crisis intervention orders, according to the legislation.

On the surface this doesn’t seem bad, but, dig down and you realize that they are coming after the law abiding, not the criminals who use guns illegally. That would require many uncomfortable initiatives, like, having to go into minority neighborhoods where the use of firearms by criminals is way higher than in other areas.

The ATF’s “zero tolerance” police has been criticized by Republican lawmakers and Second Amendment advocacy groups, as Federal Firearm License (FFL) revocations hit a 16-year high in 2022 under the rule. The increase in license revocations, 92 in 2022 alone, is due to the new policy and the updated procedure that the ATF follows, as they no longer always go through a multi-step process, often opting to pull licenses for a multitude of “willful” violations.

“That’s not how regulatory agencies are supposed to work in the sector that they’re supposed to regulate. They are supposed to help the companies, they’re supposed to ensure compliance but they’re not supposed to punish and destroy an entire industry based on just political opposition or political distaste,” Gun Owners of America’s director of federal affairs Aidan Johnston told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Shut down gun dealers, and gun makers, and you make it even harder for Citizens to engage in their 2nd Amendment Right to protect themselves and their families.

Read: Brandon’s Proposed Budget Looks To A Federal Crackdown On Guns »

Ashland, Oregon Youts To Walk Out For ‘Climate Change’

Notice that they aren’t having their little protest on a Saturday or Sunday, because those are days they can go have fun. They surely do not want anything interfering with that, so, they’ll walk out of school

Ashland students plan climate change walkout

Ashland High School students are taking a stand on climate change.

They’re hosting a walkout to demand climate action.

Students say they will walk out of class on Friday around 10:30.

The group will march from the quad on campus to the downtown plaza.

The rally will have speakers, art, and performers.

“We need to really take action, right now so having space where community members can unite especially those impacted by the climate crisis coming together to create calls of action,” said student, Temaia Wiki.

Taking a stand, huh? That photo comes from the article. Will the same students forgo their own riding in buses and fossil fueled vehicles to school? What are they doing in their own lives to reduce their own carbon footprint? Of course, it’s very easy for 1st World youts to yammer about Doing Something while living their modern lifestyles. It’s the kids in 3rd world countries who will be digging in the mines to produce metals for EVs, solar panels, and more.

But, hey, the school should treat the kids to their beliefs. Keep the AC at 80, heat at 60. No more fossil fueled buses. Let them walk or bike. Serve insects for lunch, or at least a straight vegan diet. Turn the WiFi down, so they cannot connect and stream videos. That’s a start.


U.N. official: Decarbonization might not happen fast enough to stop climate change

The world is not acting fast enough on global warming, according to a top official at the United Nations.

“If we don’t solve the climate crisis, we’ll have a massive destabilizing impact across this entire planet,” Selwin Hart, the special adviser to the secretary-general on climate action and just transition, said.

Under the leadership of Secretary-General António Guterres, the United Nations has placed climate change at the top of the international agenda, warning of the dangers of global temperatures rising above 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

“Current policies to reduce carbon pollution place us on a 3 degree, 3.2-degree Celsius pathway. So clearly, countries are not doing enough,” Hart said.

Well, if every Warmist practiced what they preached there would be no problem.

Read: Ashland, Oregon Youts To Walk Out For ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon intensive pool, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Outside The Beltway, with a post on not getting what you paid for with Fitbit and Ring doorbells.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Qanon Shaman’s Lawyers Accuse DOJ Of Serious Misconduct

It’s quite serious prosecutorial misconduct when the prosecution withholds evidence, asked for or not

‘It’s Appalling’: QAnon Shaman’s Lawyer Says DOJ Lied, Withheld Videos Aired By Carlson

An attorney for the so-called “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley asked federal prosecutors repeatedly for all videos showing his client inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, yet told The Daily Wire he never received the bombshell – and potentially exculpatory – footage aired Monday night by Tucker Carlson.

Albert Watkins, whose client Jacob Chansley pleaded guilty to felony charges in connection with the Capitol riot and was sentenced to 41 months in prison, said Department of Justice prosecutors were legally bound to turn over the footage. Clips shown on Carlson’s Fox News Channel program show Chansley walking freely and peaceably through the building, often accompanied by multiple police officers.

“We did not receive that video footage,” Watkins said. “We asked for it, and not just once or twice. Whether we asked for it or not is irrelevant because the government had an absolute, non-compromisible duty to disclose that video and they did not do so.”

“And all the while, they were actively representing to the court and the American people that Jake was a leader, leading the charge into the Capitol,” he said. “They did not disclose that footage because it ran contrary to their rote narrative.”

Watkins, an attorney for nearly 40 years, told The Daily Wire he was stunned to see the footage, which he could have used to defend Chansley.

It’s disgraceful, and grounds to file and have the charges dismissed and the federal prosecutors, at a minimum, sanctioned. They should be disbarred and terminated for such an egregious, willful act.

“It’s appalling,” he continued. “Whether you’re right-leaning, you like Tucker Carlson, you hate Tucker Carlson, is irrelevant. This is about putting a dagger in the heart of our justice system. And the person holding the dagger and thrusting it with all its might is our Department of Justice. This required collaboration from the top of the Justice Department right down to the Assistant U.S. Attorney lying to me, a fellow officer of the court, knowing I had a duty to put my client in the best position I could based on the evidence.”

The question now is, what happens? Does this get blown off by the courts? You know that the Credentialed Media will ignore it, just like they have ignored left wing Antifa and BLM loonies being left off the hook for violent felonies. The system is broken.

Read: Surprise: Qanon Shaman’s Lawyers Accuse DOJ Of Serious Misconduct »

Surprise: California’s Truck Electrification Plan Will Screw Small Companies

Hey, remember how Democrats always say they’re for the little guy, but, in practice they tend to help out the big companies? Here’s another case

California’s plan to electrify trucking may be hard for small companies

Before the sun rose on a cold January morning, Alex López navigated an 18-wheeler through busy traffic on the 710 freeway. He was headed to the Port of Long Beach, just south of Los Angeles, to retrieve a shipping container and haul it to a warehouse. In the eight years he’s been driving trucks, it was a process López had done thousands of times.

“There’s usually nothing new with the routine we have as truckers,” he said.

But on this day, there was something new: He was driving an electric truck.

López drives for Hight Logistics, a family-owned company that moves cargo in and out of the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. In January, Hight added four battery-electric trucks to its 50-vehicle fleet. They will mostly haul containers between Hight’s warehouse and the port, a route that cuts through a cluster of communities that have some of the dirtiest air and highest rates of asthma in the country. (snip)

Hight is one of about a dozen fleets in California that have added electric trucks, a number that will grow as companies rush to comply with looming zero-emissions mandates. But as the state’s effort to electrify the sector begins, some fear it is moving too quickly and could drive small operators out of business.

But, see, it’s totally worth it to drive (no pun intended) small operators, from single truck owners to small business, out of operation as they cannot afford these trucks, and cannot deal with the short ranges and long charging times, because diesel trucks and all the infrastructure necessary is Bad for ‘climate change’ and the environment. Especially those minorities. So what if it hurts a whole bunch of working class people: they’re Saving The Planet.

Read: Surprise: California’s Truck Electrification Plan Will Screw Small Companies »

Pirate's Cove