Bummer: Global Carbon Emissions Hit Record High In 2022

Now, wait a minute. How could this possibly happen? Despite all the spreading awareness by the Cult of Climastrology, all the pushing of “green” energy, rising use of EVs, and all the Warmists agitating to Do Something, demonizing fossil fuels, etc, one would have though that all those Warmists would have reduced their own carbon footprints, right? Reduced their own use of energy? In fairness, the rates did slow, but, not enough to please the cultists

Global carbon dioxide emissions hit new highs last year, says IEA report

Global emissions of carbon dioxide related to energy production grew by 0.9 percent in 2022, reaching a new high of more than 36.8 billion metric tons, according to a report by the International Energy Agency.

The growth was slower than expected and slower than last year’s global GDP growth rate of 3.2 percent as renewable energy growth offset much of the impact of greater coal, oil and natural gas use.

But climate experts stressed that global CO2 emissions must be turned around and shrink on a sustained basis if climate targets are to be met. The IEA said that “emissions still remain on an unsustainable growth trajectory.”

Are those “climate experts” practicing what they preach?

“The apparent slowdown in carbon emissions last year is no cause for celebration,” said Antoine Halff, a founding partner of Kayrros, an energy consulting firm that makes extensive use of satellite imagery. “This is not a positive achievement flowing from virtuous climate policies, but rather a byproduct of Russian aggression and its adverse effect on European energy-intensive industries on the one hand, and on the other hand the nefarious effect of China’s public health policies on its economy.”

“I think the headline is: Emissions are still going up,” said Nathaniel Keohane, the president of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Although carbon dioxide emissions grew more slowly than GDP, Keohane said, “What drives global warming is not carbon intensity. It’s total emissions, and those are going up.”

If every Warmist made their own footprints zero, that would help, right?

Read: Bummer: Global Carbon Emissions Hit Record High In 2022 »

Washington Post Suddenly Interested In Getting China To Tell The Truth On COVID

Since this whole thing started, the Washington Post has been hot on demonizing anyone who dared suggest that Wuhan Flu came from a lab, not some rando eating a bat. In fairness, there have been a few pieces, most coming in 2022, that were Just Wondering about the chances of it coming from a lab. Remember this one?

Tom Cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus fringe theory that scientists have disputed

Yeah, that was about the lab leak, and the thinly veiled opinion piece was in the straight news section. Not so disputed now, as we see from the Editorial Board

China should answer how covid-19 began. Propaganda is no substitute.

Three years after the initial outbreak in Wuhan, China, the origins of the coronavirus pandemic are still a mystery. The latest reports of a shift in the conclusion of one U.S. intelligence agency — for reasons that have not been disclosed — underscore the uncertainty. What is clear is that answers exist in China, and that finding them requires far more investigation than has been carried out so far, which Beijing has refused to allow.

The WP was super excited when the intelligence agencies while Trump was president failed to find a smoking gun

What is China hiding, and why?

Yeah, we’ve been asking this since day 1, and were told we were unhinged, loony, racist, conspiracy theorists.

Two broad hypotheses exist about the origins of covid-19. One is that it jumped from a natural source, probably a bat, perhaps through an intermediate animal host, to infect people. This has ample precedent in earlier viral pandemics. Bats are a reservoir for coronaviruses and live in Southeast Asia, albeit those in China are located far from Wuhan. But no samples — none — have turned up to identify the animal source or the intermediate host. Positive samples weredetected in the Huanan Seafood Market, where wildlife was sold, but they were probably from infected humans, not animals. The market was quite clearly the venue of an early superspreader event.

Nothing found, and China has offered zero evidence this happened. Remember early on when you had people in full medical suits spraying stuff in the air? That was not the action of a government which though it was a simple virus from someone eating something

The other hypothesis is that some kind of research-related incident or inadvertent laboratory leak allowed the virus to escape. Large numbers of bats were captured by Chinese researchers for study at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a major center of research on bat coronaviruses. Other Chinese scientific research centers also worked on coronaviruses and vaccines.

There’s actually a third, which is that it was released on purpose, but, we’ll ignore that for now.

All of this suggests that we need to know more. The Biden administration should declassify the Energy Department’s update, ask other intelligence agencies to refresh their reporting, and offer a new report to the public.

Only by understanding how the pandemic began can the world start to prepare for the next one.

They’re forgetting about penalizing China, and anyone involved in supporting and funding the research. Anyhow, I guess it’s now OK to discuss a lab leak without getting kicked off social media.

Elsewhere, here’s another wackadoodle leftist chiming in

Read More »

Read: Washington Post Suddenly Interested In Getting China To Tell The Truth On COVID »

Both Dems And Republicans Look To Block Biden On Chinese Solar Panels

Why would the #LetsGoBrandon administration look to protect Chinese solar panel companies, which are backed by the Chinese government, allowing them to circumvent U.S. trade laws? Particularly when Brandon has been yammering on about building stuff in America, particularly “green” products

Democrats, Republicans aim to block Biden admin’s action protecting Chinese solar companies

China Votes BidenDemocratic and Republican lawmakers are working to pass time-sensitive legislation that would roll back a White House rule allowing Chinese solar panel makers to circumvent U.S. trade laws.

In early June, President Biden implemented a 24-month moratorium on the enforcement of solar panel anti-circumvention tariffs introduced under the Obama administration to protect U.S. companies. The White House characterized the move as a two-year “bridge” that would allow companies to build solar panel production capabilities on U.S. soil.

The move came after the Commerce Department said months earlier it would investigate whether Chinese manufacturers were routing solar panels through countries in Southeast Asia to avoid U.S. tariffs. And in December published its preliminary findings which showed four large solar companies had routed products through Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam to circumvent duties.

“Even after the U.S. Department of Commerce determined in an investigation that solar panels imported from Southeast Asian countries were circumventing tariffs on Chinese-made solar components, the Biden Administration continued to put American manufacturers last by keeping in place a two-year tariff exemption for these solar panels,” Rep. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, told Fox News Digital.

Biden seems to be helping every country other than the U.S.

“This decision is penalizing American workers, increasing the United States’ dependency on foreign nations for our energy needs, and harming our domestic solar manufacturing industry,” Latta said. “It will take a concerted, bipartisan effort to reverse this decision to ensure our trade laws are enforced and China faces consequences for undercutting American manufacturing.” (snip)

In January, Latta cosponsored bipartisan legislation introduced by Reps. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., and Bill Posey, R-Fla., that would annul Biden’s executive order and ensure foreign companies that violate U.S. trade law are held accountable. Companion legislation was also introduced in the Senate and is believed to have significant bipartisan support.

If the bill passes, Biden would veto it. Would there be enough votes to override?

Read: Both Dems And Republicans Look To Block Biden On Chinese Solar Panels »

If All You See…

…are wonderful plants sucking carbon pollution from the air, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with it post on being their 14th Anniversary! Congratulations!

Read: If All You See… »

Hershey Chocolate Erases Women In Ad For Women’s Month

I’d love to know the thought process behind this

Did Hershey discuss this in a meeting, planning it out? Did their ad department, or a hired ad company, put it together then bring it to the suits who approve ads? Did no one say “why in the ever loving f*ck are we using a mentally ill man for an ad campaign for international women’s day?”

Boycott Hershey’s Calls Over Trans Woman in International Women’s Day Promo

Some social media users have called for a boycott of Hershey’s products over its decision to include a transgender woman in its International Women’s Day advertising campaign in Canada.

The chocolate manufacturer brought back its SHE bar for a third time on March 1, to “shine a light on the women and girls who inspire us every day.”

In Canada, this is being branded as HER, with bars featuring the faces of five women chosen to be part of the campaign.

One of those chosen for the promotion is Fae Johnstone, a transgender rights activist, who said they were honored to be featured.

Not a women. You can shave a bear and call it a pig, but, it’s still a bear

“You get the feeling that these companies *always* despised women — they were just waiting for the right moment to stick it to us,” Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughterstweeted. “Here’s the thing about real women, Hersheys: we have long memories.”

Also Wednesday

(MarketWatch) Shares of Hershey Co. HSY, -0.70% slid 0.70% to $236.65 Wednesday, on what proved to be an all-around mixed trading session for the stock market, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.02% rising 0.02% to 32,661.84 and the S&P 500 Index SPX, -0.47% falling 0.47% to 3,951.39. This was the stock’s second consecutive day of losses. Hershey Co. closed $7.73 short of its 52-week high ($244.38), which the company achieved on February 22nd.

I suspect the purchase of Hershey products is going to dip. It’s not very good chocolate. I buy the Lidl brand Way To Go bar, which is much bigger, for $2.40, and it is much, much better.

Read: Hershey Chocolate Erases Women In Ad For Women’s Month »

NC DOT Wants Your Input On A Plan To Push EVs

I’m interested to see what the responses are, especially since we know that the bureaucrats will just do whatever they want if you darned peasants do not agree

NCDOT has a plan to cut pollution, promote electric vehicles. It wants your feedback.

Electric vehicleThe N.C. Department of Transportation should form a dedicated team to help the state create a transportation system that relies less on fossil fuels, according to the draft of a plan released Wednesday.

The Clean Transportation Plan outlines a strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in North Carolina, by promoting use of electric vehicles and encouraging transit and non-motorized ways of getting around.

Remember, that plan is not something passed by the duly elected legislative branch, hence, not something that the Executive Branch should be allowed to implement willy nilly. Surprisingly, there are no lawsuits as of yet, but, it really hasn’t gone into effect yet

Cooper’s order set a goal of putting at least 1.25 million zero emission vehicles or ZEVs on the road in the state by 2030. ZEVs currently account for about 54,000 of the state’s 8.6 million registered vehicles, according to Jennifer Weiss, NCDOT’s senior adviser for climate change who led the effort to create the plan.

As the John Locke Foundation puts in, Cooper is trying to order North Carolinians to change how they go places, and would require about half of all new sales to be EVs.

“Clean transportation isn’t limited to just acquiring electric vehicles,” said Maya Hoon, part of the team that drafted the plan. “So reducing vehicle miles traveled by supporting infrastructure for bikers and pedestrians, rail and other public transit options will be helpful to advancing clean transportation goals in addition to bringing social, economic and health benefits that come from reducing vehicle miles traveled.”

Yeah, they want to force you peasants to walk, ride bikes, and take public transportation rather than privately owned vehicles. Which, if you live in the South, is not that easy in bigger cities. Not with the way the roads are laid out. We have a saying here “everything’s in a circle.” It just grows outward from the center. There’s so much mixed use that “small” travel can be difficult and dangerous. You can’t just walk on down to the bodega to get your groceries. Even riding a scooter can be difficult, with the way things are spread out. I wouldn’t want to ride my bike to the grocery store, which is about 2 miles away, driving distance.

Oh, and it’s not the government’s job to force compliance.

For more information about the Clean Transportation Plan, including a link to the draft, go to bit.ly/3ZAs3s9. Another option, including the feedback form, is at publicinput.com/NC-Clean-Transportation.

Again, I’m not against EVs. I would have one if it wasn’t much more than a regular car. My big issue is on charging it. If I could have a Civic EV which could be charged quickly, I’d be OK in most cases. My only annoyance would be on range on the few times I go down to the beach or mountains. But, it’s not government’s job to force this on me. Especially when the people trying to force this aren’t using “zero emission vehicles” themselves right now. And that’s the feedback I’m giving. As one of my coworkers is fond of saying “mind your business!”

Read: NC DOT Wants Your Input On A Plan To Push EVs »

Biden Admin Upset Over You Pesky Citizens Losing Faith In Arming Ukraine

You peasants should be listening to your betters, doing as you’re told, and just staying out of the way

Biden Challenged by Softening Public Support for Arming Ukraine

When he made his surprise wartime trip to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv last week, President Biden reassured that country with great confidence that “the Americans stand with you.” But the question that remains unanswered is: For how long?

For all of the president’s bravado while he was abroad, the politics of Ukraine back home in the United States are shifting noticeably and, for the White House, worryingly. Polls show public support for arming the Ukrainians softening while the two leading Republican presidential candidates are increasingly speaking out against involvement in the war.

While the bipartisan coalition in Congress favoring Ukraine has been strong in the year since Russia’s invasion, supporters of more aid fear the centrifugal forces of the emerging presidential contest and growing taxpayer fatigue with shipping tens of billions of dollars overseas may undercut the war effort before Moscow can be defeated. And some of them are frustrated that Mr. Biden has not done more to shore up support.

Well, Biden and his people haven’t really done much to explain just how Russia will be booted from Ukraine, eh? Nor what the overall plan is. Nor, how this will be different from when Russia invaded and took over Crimea when Biden was VP, and still has it. It’s just a whole bunch of “we got this, trust us.”

Overall, public support for Ukraine aid has fallen from 60 percent last May to 48 percent now, according to surveys by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The share of Americans who think the United States has given too much to Ukraine has grown from 7 percent a year ago to 26 percent last month, according to the Pew Research Center.

And even supporters make clear their commitment is not without bounds. While 50 percent of those surveyed by Fox News said American support should continue for “as long as it takes to win,” 46 percent said the time frame should be limited.

Support is nosediving among Republicans and Independents, but, among Democrats, who don’t do much else but use hashtags and Ukraine flags on social media, it’s still somewhat strong.

Aides said Mr. Biden’s speeches in Kyiv and Warsaw were intended for an American audience as well as international ones. But the president has shrugged off concerns about ebbing public support for the Ukraine supply effort, suggesting it is relegated mainly to what he calls MAGA Republicans, after former President Donald J. Trump’s Make America Great Again slogan.

When David Muir of ABC News noted in an interview last week that many Americans were asking how long they could keep spending on Ukraine, the president quarreled with the premise. “I’m not sure how many are asking that,” Mr. Biden said. “I know the MAGA crowd is. The right-wing Republicans are talking about, we can’t do this. We find ourselves in a situation where the cost of walking away could be considerably higher than the cost of helping Ukraine maintain its independence.”

What would be the cost? David failed to ask for that detail. If Russia controlled Ukraine, what would happen? And, why do we care? Leaders in other nations aren’t explaining, either.

“The problem is that the longer the war continues, the greater the risk that U.S. resolve will wane, no matter how much effort the president puts into convincing Americans to stay the course,” she said. “That’s why it’s so critical that the United States lean in now and help Ukraine end things militarily.”

Actually, the longer it goes on and the more the Biden admin and other governments give Ukraine in the way of advanced weapons the closer it gets to WWIII. And, considering Biden’s horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal, how much can we trust this administration?

Read: Biden Admin Upset Over You Pesky Citizens Losing Faith In Arming Ukraine »

Lake Levels Are Rising And This Is All Your Fault

This was just a few months ago

Bodies of water all over North America are drying up due to drought, climate change: Experts

And there are plenty blaming climate apocalypse on rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes drying up. Now

Lake levels are rising across the world and climate change is to blame

ON THE shores of Lake Baringo in Kenya, a slow-motion disaster is unfolding. For the past decade, the water has been steadily rising, swallowing homes, shops, health centres, latrines, electricity supplies, farmland, tourist resorts and more. Malaria, cholera, typhoid and dysentery are increasing. Wildlife is under threat; conflict has broken out between people and animals and old grievances between neighbouring groups have resurfaced.

Since it started rising, Baringo’s surface area has more than doubled, and it isn’t alone. Right across the East African Rift valley, lake water is creeping over animal and human heads. And where East Africa leads, much of the rest of the world is following. North America’s Great Lakes have been rising too. Overall, lakes the world over have expanded to occupy an extra 46,000 square kilometres of space since 1984, roughly the area of Denmark.

When we talk about inland water bodies, dwindling ones such as the Aral Sea in central Asia, Lake Chad in central Africa and the Great Salt Lake in Utah dominate the conversation. But the global trend is actually the opposite. The cause of these increases has been debated for years, but the consensus has now settled on the real culprit: us. You have probably fretted about impending sea-level rise. Welcome to the untold story of another human-made catastrophe in the making: lake-level rise.

See? No matter the question, the answer is always anthropogenic climate change. Doesn’t matter where it is around the world, they’ll find a way to blame ACC.  Consensus is not science. Facts, data, testing, that’s science. But, again, this is not about science. Never was.

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with land use, urbanization, land changes, right? It’s not like part of Kenya is dominated by a tectonic plate, which created the Great Rift Valley and lots of volcanoes, right?

Read: Lake Levels Are Rising And This Is All Your Fault »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon mode of transportation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Animal Magnetism, with a post on some mask failure news.

Read: If All You See… »

FBI Director Says They’ve Assessed For Some Time That COVID Came From A Lab Leak

What, exactly, is “assessed for some time”? How long has the FBI thought this? That would be an extremely important time frame, since anyone who said that it came from the Wuhan lab and was then shut down, blocked on social media, and treated like a nutty conspiracy theorist deserves an apology

‘Potential lab incident’: FBI director Wray speaks publicly for 1st time on COVID-19 origin

FBI director Christopher Wray on Tuesday spoke publicly for the first time on the bureau’s assessment that the COVID-19 virus “most likely” originated from a potential lab incident in Wuhan, China.

He also faulted the Chinese government in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier for, he said, trying to thwart the work of U.S. agencies investigating the beginnings of the global pandemic.

“The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” he said.

“Let’s step back for a second. You know, the FBI has folks agents, professionals, analysts, virologists, microbiologist, etc, who focus specifically on the dangers of biological threats, which include things like novel viruses like COVID and the concerns that they’re in the wrong hands,” he said, “some bad guys, a hostile nation state, a terrorist a criminal, the threats that those those could pose.

“So, here you’re talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab that killed millions of Americans, and that’s precisely what that capability was designed for,” he continued. “I should add that, that our work related to this continues. And there are not a whole lot of details I can share that aren’t — aren’t classified,” he told Baier.

The one necessary detail, again, is when this determination was made. What day, month, and year did they come to this finding? Was it recent? Last year? 2021? 2020?

Read: FBI Director Says They’ve Assessed For Some Time That COVID Came From A Lab Leak »

Pirate's Cove