Biden Doesn’t Want To Talk About Holding China Accountable For COVID

He’s not even willing to give a mealy-mouthed politician style answer

Biden dodges reporters after question on COVID-19 origin: ‘Will you hold China accountable?’

As President Biden left the White House Friday, he approached then swiftly turned his back on reporters after one asked him to comment on COVID-19’s origins.

On Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Fox News the COVID-19 pandemic was likely caused by a lab leak in Wuhan, China, a theory that was initially dubbed as a conspiracy. This followed a similar analysis from the Department of Energy.

NTD News White House Correspondent Iris Tao shared her footage of the encounter with Biden on Twitter. In it, Biden can be seen leaving the White House and approaching the reporters waiting outside until Tao can be heard asking about COVID-19’s origin, “Will you hold China accountable?” Biden put his hands up then turned away to board the presidential helicopter, Marine One.

Why would he? He’s spent time helping out Ukraine, but, not East Palestine. He’s not particularly interested in helping Americans, and most likely in the pocket of China

It’s not like it was some offbeat, out of bound, absurd question. It’s one that the American public, which lost 1.13 million citizens, lost their jobs, their businesses, dealt with sickness and authoritarian government, and are dealing with the economic fallout (among others), deserve an answer to

“The question of how this pandemic began is the most important question in the world, and we should not continue to waste precious time waiting for the Chinese Communist Party to suddenly cooperate with U.S. officials and open up access to the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Gallagher added. “It’s time for Congress to act and force the administration to declassify the relevant intelligence surrounding the pandemic.”

Will the Democrats in Congress work to protect that classified information? Will the Biden admin work to block its release?


(UK Guardian) The World Health Organization has urged all countries to reveal what they know about the origins of Covid-19, after claims from several US government agencies that a Chinese lab leak was behind the disease were furiously denied by Beijing.

“If any country has information about the origins of the pandemic, it’s essential for that information to be shared with WHO and the international scientific community,” the WHO director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Friday.

Perhaps they should be demanding China release all their information, rather than calling on “all countries”.

(NBC News) The White House on Thursday laid out its plan to target pandemic fraudsters and recapture stolen relief funds distributed under both the Trump and Biden administrations.

A top White House official said the goal was to provide $600 million to investigate and prosecute systemic pandemic fraud, a similar amount to bolster fraud prevention and $400 million to help victims of identity theft.

Don’t we already pay people who work for the federal government to investigate fraud? Don’t they already have budgets for that?

Read: Biden Doesn’t Want To Talk About Holding China Accountable For COVID »

Yellen Wants World Bank To Take Action On Climate Crisis (scam)

Very easy for her to say, as it’s easy for her to takes lots of fossil fueled flights, like the one she just took to Ukraine

Center for Strategic and International Studies

On February 9, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, urging the World Bank to “evolve” and be “bolder and more imaginative” in its operational approach to tackling global challenges such as climate change. She proposed that the World Bank “expand its vision” to include addressing these global challenges. According to Secretary Yellen, the problem lies in multilateral development banks’ (MDBs’) “core model,” which involves countries borrowing to make specific investments aimed at addressing development constraints in their own countries. That model is insufficient to meet the moment. Such a model will always underinvest in addressing global challenges – since the benefits of investments in global challenges stretch far beyond the borders of the country where a given project takes place.” As a result, the Secretary contended that the World Bank and other MDBs urgently needed to change, given declining progress in their “core mission of poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth.”

Yellen referenced a 2022 G20 report on development banks’ capital adequacy frameworks, explaining that it provided a “solid blueprint” for the World Bank to “boost its financial capacity by responsibly stretching its existing financial resources.” She highlighted several “promising ideas for exploration,” which included the increased securitization of private sector portfolios and piloting the issuance of subordinated debt instruments. She also requested that the World bank identify “concessional resources available to countries to tackle global challenges,” explaining that these resources could “incentivize the decommissioning of coal plants and protect displaced workers during a clean energy transition.”

A spokesperson for the World Bank responded to Yellen’s remarks, stating that the lender appreciates support from the U.S. and other shareholders “for finding ways to ramp up development finance to meet global challenges such as climate change, fragility, and pandemics. We see this support as a recognition by the global community of the World Bank’s longstanding responsiveness and effectiveness, and we always welcome new ideas.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah, a bunch of climahypocritical Elites trying to force their cultish beliefs on everyone else. Which will end up messing around with your live and money and freedom.

Read: Yellen Wants World Bank To Take Action On Climate Crisis (scam) »

WWIII Watch: For Some Reason The U.S. Attorney General Showed Up In Ukraine

Who’s next, Mayor Pete? Susan Rice (director of domestic policy council)? John Kerry? Deb Haaland (Sec Of Interior)? Tom Vilisak (Sec Of Agriculture)? Doesn’t the AG have better things to do, what with all the fentanyl streaming across the border, people attacking Jewish and Christian centers, and more?

Attorney General Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip to Ukraine

Attorney General Merrick Garland made an unannounced trip to Ukraine on Friday, according to a Justice Department official, his second trip to the country after Russia invaded a little more than a year ago.

The trip was not announced for security reasons, the official said.

Garland was invited to Lviv by the Ukrainian prosecutor general, the official said, and joined President Volodymyr Zelensky at the “United for Justice Conference.”

The official added that Garland “held several meetings and reaffirmed our determination to hold Russia accountable for crimes committed in its unjust and unprovoked invasion against its sovereign neighbor.” (snip)

On Wednesday, Garland testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he believed the Russian government was committing crimes against humanity and said the Justice Department supports efforts by The Hague to investigate and prosecute those crimes.

“The United States supports what is now being developed in The Hague, sponsored by Eurojust, looking into the possibility of creating that court [to charge crimes of aggression,]” Garland testified.

That may be so, but, good luck with that.

Biden, Scholz vow to punish Russia for war in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed on Friday (Mar 3) to keep imposing costs on Russia for its war in Ukraine, now in its second year, as an EU official said any arms provided by China to Russia would trigger sanctions.

Biden and Scholz met in private in the Oval Office for over an hour, a senior administration official said. Their discussion focused on the importance of continued “global solidarity” with the people of Ukraine, and ongoing efforts to provide security, humanitarian, economic, and political assistance to Ukraine.

Sitting next to Scholz in the Oval Office, Biden thanked the German leader for his “strong and steady leadership” and support for Ukraine. Scholz said it was important to demonstrate that the allies would back Kyiv “as long as it takes and as long as is necessary.”

The meeting took place at 2pm. By 345 Biden was boarding Marine 1 to make the trip to Delaware for the weekend.

Read: WWIII Watch: For Some Reason The U.S. Attorney General Showed Up In Ukraine »

Miami Youts Ready To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam)

So, are they forgoing all use of fossil fueled travel? No more car rides, bus rides? Ride bikes or walk to school? And to places to take their selfies? Significantly reduce their use of energy on their smartphones? Not get a new phone ever 2 years or less? No new clothes?

Miami kids eager to tackle climate change

At the forefront of the climate crisis, Miami is hosting three conferences in the coming days to discuss possible solutions, and two of them will focus on how young people are being affected and what they might be able to do.

What they’re saying: “As young people, it feels as though we are being handed this problem, one that has been piling up for longer than we can imagine, and asked to reverse it in 20-30 years,” Ransom Everglades School tenth-grader Mia Bouyoucef tells Axios.

How many will be travel in fossil fueled vehicles to attend?

What’s happening: Bouyoucef is co-president of Miami Youth Climate Summit, which is holding a conference this Sunday at the Ransom Everglades Middle School campus to push for climate action.

And tomorrow through Monday, the Future Leaders Climate Summit will bring together 250 researchers, activists and civil servants between ages 18 and 30.

Next week, Monday through Thursday, it will be the turn of the Aspen Ideas: Climate conference, featuring speakers like Vice President Kamala Harris, pop star Gloria Estefan and scientist Bill Nye.

How many of those speakers will be taking long fossil fueled trips? Harris and Nye (who is not a scientist, but, an engineer). Estefan’s concert tours use quite a bit of energy and fossil fuels.

Charouhis has outlined solutions to climate change: no new fossil fuel projects anywhere, no continued deforestation anywhere and a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Other than forcing people to “switch to a healthier diet”, none of the solutions require the kiddies to make changes in their own lives voluntarily.

What’s next: Isabella Perez-Compres, a tenth-grader at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart and co-president of the Miami Youth Climate Summit, tells Axios, “I believe that if current politicians are replaced with people from my generation that more change would occur.”

Sure, that’s the solution.

As climate changes, climate anxiety rises in youth

Kids often worry about much different things than their parents do. One of the big ones is climate change. Research shows most youth are “extremely worried” about it, leading to a phenomenon called climate anxiety. Kids and young adults who struggle with this can perceive they have no future or that humanity is doomed.

“We see that a lot of young people are saying, I think my life will be worse than my parents’ lives,” said Dr. Sarah Schwartz, a professor of psychology at Suffolk University in Boston.

Perhaps the youts should not have been taught that they are doomed in a constant manner. They wouldn’t have mental health issues.

Read: Miami Youts Ready To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are carbon pollution driven bad weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Earl Of Taint, with a post on white boy stories.

Read: If All You See… »

WWIII Watch: We Now Have The Recommended Menu For The Nuclear Apocalypse

Should we be concerned when a Credentialed Media outlet runs an article like this?

To survive nuclear apocalypse, you may have to eat nothing but mushrooms, rats, and insects

An asteroid plummeted through Earth’s atmosphere and crashed into the sea floor about 66 million years ago, causing an explosion over 6,500 times more powerful than the nuclear bomb the US dropped on Hiroshima.

The impact sent clouds of debris and sulfur into Earth’s atmosphere, blocking the sun’s light and warmth for about two years. Photosynthesis ground to a halt, which meant no more plant growth. The surviving dinosaurs starved to extinction.

But fossil records show that fungi thrived in the aftermath.

According to science journalist and Vox editor Bryan Walsh, that makes mushrooms crucial for human survival if such an apocalyptic event were to occur in the future.

Walsh’s 2019 book “End Times” examines how catastrophic events, both natural and human-made, threaten our existence. In it, he points out that three types of potential catastrophes — asteroid impacts, supervolcano eruptions, and nuclear war — all have one thing in common: they could block the sunlight needed to feed plants.

It’s a book from 2019: why are we revisiting this right now, if not for worry that Biden and his European Comrades are going to get the world into a nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine?

In order to survive, he says, people would need to adopt sunlight-free agriculture — cultivating mushrooms, rats, and insects.

That sounds like fun, right?

The west must give Ukraine what it needs

The first anniversary of Russia’s assault on Ukraine has been greeted with soaring rhetoric. Notably, US president Joe Biden stated in Warsaw that “Our support for Ukraine will not waver, Nato will not be divided, and we will not tire. President Putin’s craven lust for land and power will fail. And the Ukrainian people’s love for their country will prevail.” These sentiments are admirable. But is the commitment genuine? Will they in fact do whatever is needed to ensure Ukraine’s survival as an independent democracy?

Even those who demand a negotiated settlement should realise by now that a necessary condition for this outcome is the realisation by Vladimir Putin that the west will not allow him to absorb Ukraine into his empire. His army’s failures over the past year may have caused him some doubts over his ability to do so. But still he believes that Russia will prevail. That is not even an unreasonable view, given the relative size of the principal adversaries and Putin’s control over the human and other resources of his country. The only force able to turn the tide for good is a combination of Ukrainian determination with western resources, both military and financial.

Please stop trying to get us into a world war.

And here’s the NY Times (you can also read it non-paywalled here)

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Read: WWIII Watch: We Now Have The Recommended Menu For The Nuclear Apocalypse »

Bummer: Global Carbon Emissions Hit Record High In 2022

Now, wait a minute. How could this possibly happen? Despite all the spreading awareness by the Cult of Climastrology, all the pushing of “green” energy, rising use of EVs, and all the Warmists agitating to Do Something, demonizing fossil fuels, etc, one would have though that all those Warmists would have reduced their own carbon footprints, right? Reduced their own use of energy? In fairness, the rates did slow, but, not enough to please the cultists

Global carbon dioxide emissions hit new highs last year, says IEA report

Global emissions of carbon dioxide related to energy production grew by 0.9 percent in 2022, reaching a new high of more than 36.8 billion metric tons, according to a report by the International Energy Agency.

The growth was slower than expected and slower than last year’s global GDP growth rate of 3.2 percent as renewable energy growth offset much of the impact of greater coal, oil and natural gas use.

But climate experts stressed that global CO2 emissions must be turned around and shrink on a sustained basis if climate targets are to be met. The IEA said that “emissions still remain on an unsustainable growth trajectory.”

Are those “climate experts” practicing what they preach?

“The apparent slowdown in carbon emissions last year is no cause for celebration,” said Antoine Halff, a founding partner of Kayrros, an energy consulting firm that makes extensive use of satellite imagery. “This is not a positive achievement flowing from virtuous climate policies, but rather a byproduct of Russian aggression and its adverse effect on European energy-intensive industries on the one hand, and on the other hand the nefarious effect of China’s public health policies on its economy.”

“I think the headline is: Emissions are still going up,” said Nathaniel Keohane, the president of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Although carbon dioxide emissions grew more slowly than GDP, Keohane said, “What drives global warming is not carbon intensity. It’s total emissions, and those are going up.”

If every Warmist made their own footprints zero, that would help, right?

Read: Bummer: Global Carbon Emissions Hit Record High In 2022 »

Washington Post Suddenly Interested In Getting China To Tell The Truth On COVID

Since this whole thing started, the Washington Post has been hot on demonizing anyone who dared suggest that Wuhan Flu came from a lab, not some rando eating a bat. In fairness, there have been a few pieces, most coming in 2022, that were Just Wondering about the chances of it coming from a lab. Remember this one?

Tom Cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus fringe theory that scientists have disputed

Yeah, that was about the lab leak, and the thinly veiled opinion piece was in the straight news section. Not so disputed now, as we see from the Editorial Board

China should answer how covid-19 began. Propaganda is no substitute.

Three years after the initial outbreak in Wuhan, China, the origins of the coronavirus pandemic are still a mystery. The latest reports of a shift in the conclusion of one U.S. intelligence agency — for reasons that have not been disclosed — underscore the uncertainty. What is clear is that answers exist in China, and that finding them requires far more investigation than has been carried out so far, which Beijing has refused to allow.

The WP was super excited when the intelligence agencies while Trump was president failed to find a smoking gun

What is China hiding, and why?

Yeah, we’ve been asking this since day 1, and were told we were unhinged, loony, racist, conspiracy theorists.

Two broad hypotheses exist about the origins of covid-19. One is that it jumped from a natural source, probably a bat, perhaps through an intermediate animal host, to infect people. This has ample precedent in earlier viral pandemics. Bats are a reservoir for coronaviruses and live in Southeast Asia, albeit those in China are located far from Wuhan. But no samples — none — have turned up to identify the animal source or the intermediate host. Positive samples weredetected in the Huanan Seafood Market, where wildlife was sold, but they were probably from infected humans, not animals. The market was quite clearly the venue of an early superspreader event.

Nothing found, and China has offered zero evidence this happened. Remember early on when you had people in full medical suits spraying stuff in the air? That was not the action of a government which though it was a simple virus from someone eating something

The other hypothesis is that some kind of research-related incident or inadvertent laboratory leak allowed the virus to escape. Large numbers of bats were captured by Chinese researchers for study at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a major center of research on bat coronaviruses. Other Chinese scientific research centers also worked on coronaviruses and vaccines.

There’s actually a third, which is that it was released on purpose, but, we’ll ignore that for now.

All of this suggests that we need to know more. The Biden administration should declassify the Energy Department’s update, ask other intelligence agencies to refresh their reporting, and offer a new report to the public.

Only by understanding how the pandemic began can the world start to prepare for the next one.

They’re forgetting about penalizing China, and anyone involved in supporting and funding the research. Anyhow, I guess it’s now OK to discuss a lab leak without getting kicked off social media.

Elsewhere, here’s another wackadoodle leftist chiming in

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Read: Washington Post Suddenly Interested In Getting China To Tell The Truth On COVID »

Both Dems And Republicans Look To Block Biden On Chinese Solar Panels

Why would the #LetsGoBrandon administration look to protect Chinese solar panel companies, which are backed by the Chinese government, allowing them to circumvent U.S. trade laws? Particularly when Brandon has been yammering on about building stuff in America, particularly “green” products

Democrats, Republicans aim to block Biden admin’s action protecting Chinese solar companies

China Votes BidenDemocratic and Republican lawmakers are working to pass time-sensitive legislation that would roll back a White House rule allowing Chinese solar panel makers to circumvent U.S. trade laws.

In early June, President Biden implemented a 24-month moratorium on the enforcement of solar panel anti-circumvention tariffs introduced under the Obama administration to protect U.S. companies. The White House characterized the move as a two-year “bridge” that would allow companies to build solar panel production capabilities on U.S. soil.

The move came after the Commerce Department said months earlier it would investigate whether Chinese manufacturers were routing solar panels through countries in Southeast Asia to avoid U.S. tariffs. And in December published its preliminary findings which showed four large solar companies had routed products through Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam to circumvent duties.

“Even after the U.S. Department of Commerce determined in an investigation that solar panels imported from Southeast Asian countries were circumventing tariffs on Chinese-made solar components, the Biden Administration continued to put American manufacturers last by keeping in place a two-year tariff exemption for these solar panels,” Rep. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, told Fox News Digital.

Biden seems to be helping every country other than the U.S.

“This decision is penalizing American workers, increasing the United States’ dependency on foreign nations for our energy needs, and harming our domestic solar manufacturing industry,” Latta said. “It will take a concerted, bipartisan effort to reverse this decision to ensure our trade laws are enforced and China faces consequences for undercutting American manufacturing.” (snip)

In January, Latta cosponsored bipartisan legislation introduced by Reps. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., and Bill Posey, R-Fla., that would annul Biden’s executive order and ensure foreign companies that violate U.S. trade law are held accountable. Companion legislation was also introduced in the Senate and is believed to have significant bipartisan support.

If the bill passes, Biden would veto it. Would there be enough votes to override?

Read: Both Dems And Republicans Look To Block Biden On Chinese Solar Panels »

If All You See…

…are wonderful plants sucking carbon pollution from the air, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with it post on being their 14th Anniversary! Congratulations!

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove