I wonder if the law can be used against those who use fossil fuels? I wonder if the lawyer and all those backing them realize that at best the fossil fuels companies will simply jack up the cost of their goods, at worst, just close shop in Pennsylvania?
Climate change attorneys say a Pa. statute could be used to prosecute fossil fuel companies
Could climate polluters face criminal charges in Pennsylvania for causing or risking a catastrophe? A new article published this month in the New York University Environmental Law Journal highlights a Pennsylvania statute that could be used as a unique legal strategy to hold large emitters of carbon dioxide accountable. But several lawyers say it could be a tough sell to prosecutors. (snip)
But the NYU law journal article, “Causing or Risking Climate Catastrophe,” relies on Pennsylvania’s criminal statutes and draws from a criminal case brought against the owner and manager of a nightclub on Pier 34 in Philadelphia, which collapsed into the Delaware River killing three women and injuring more than 40 people in 2000. (snip)
The criminal statute Regunberg said applies is causing or risking a catastrophe, which is a second or third-degree felony in Pennsylvania. It’s also a crime in five other states, including New Jersey. The authors chose to write about Pennsylvania because it has solid case law to support it, Regunberg said.
“Obviously it’s not new to prosecute corporations even for charges like homicide,” Regunberg said.
Yeah, well, wouldn’t that mean that those who use fossil fuels are causing or risking a catastrophe? Especially those who are making the claim that fossil fuels are killing the planet and every living thing on it? They should know better, right? Kinda like how high ranking military officers are prosecuted more harshly for doing the wrong thing because they should know better than some corporal?
Anyhow, it’s a novel approach, but, will prosecutors give it a whirl? Doubtful.
Read: Pennsylvania Warmist Attorney Says Law Can Be Used To Go After Fossil Fuels Companies »