Colorado Governor Dismisses Reality Of Venezuelan Gang Taking Over Town

Two days ago I mentioned how towns around Sanctuary City Denver are having a lot of issues with illegal aliens, particularly with the Venezuelan gang members, especially Aurora, which has seen the notorious gang take apartment complexes, and they do not have the manpower to do anything about it. How does the governor respond?

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as ‘imagination’ — despite video, mayor confirming truth

Americans before illegalsColorado Gov. Jared Polis dismissed anger over Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua taking over apartment buildings in the Denver suburb of Aurora, calling it “imagination” — despite video footage, police reports and the city’s mayor confirming it’s happening.

Polis’ press office offered the snarky statement Wednesday night in response to Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky — who told The Post the gang’s takeovers are tied to his policies.

“The Governor has already let the Mayor know that the State is ready to support the local police department with assistance from state troopers and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation if needed,” Shelby Wieman, a spokesperson for the Dem governor, told The Post.

“But, according to police intelligence this purported invasion is largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination.”

Too bad Aurora doesn’t have the ability to round them up and bus them to the governor’s home. Let Polis experience the diversity

On Wednesday night, Fox Denver aired surveillance video, which showed an armed gang of men — later confirmed by cops as suspected members of Tren de Aragua — strolling through an apartment complex in Aurora that residents said is overrun by the gang.

Three of the men could be seen carrying handguns, while another held a rifle as they entered the troubled apartment complex, breaking into a unit shortly before a shootout took place at the complex that left one person severely injured.

Further, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman, told Fox News on Thursday that “there are several buildings” that have “fallen to these Venezuelan gangs” in his city.

Yet, the state is doing nothing, despite having the resources available, which would most likely necessitate the deployment of the National Guard. It is against the law for foreigners to carry firearms, for a start. Where did they get them? There’s zero chance they obtained them legally.

The Post asked Polis’ office if he intends to backtrack its statement given the piles of evidence of Tren de Aragua’s takeover, to which Wieman said the governor “really hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own city when they are supposed to keep it safe.

I’d say that Aurora should blow off the sanctuary law of Colorado and call ICE, but, would the Biden-Harris admin actually do anything? This is what you will get with a continuation of the Biden-Harris policies if she wins in November. And, perhaps some Democrat voters in Aurora and the surrounding towns are learning that there are consequences for voting Democrat, since these illegal gang members are also shoplifting around town and scaring the citizens. Those Americans in the apartment complexes are being terrorized.

Read: Colorado Governor Dismisses Reality Of Venezuelan Gang Taking Over Town »

Kamala Drops Word Salad On ‘Climate Change’

Too bad Dana Bash didn’t ask her why she’s taking lots of fossil fueled travel instead of trains and EVs

Huh what?

(CNN) “How should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made?” Bash asked Harris. “Is it because you have more experience now and you’ve learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you’re saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?”

Harris said despite the shifts in position, her values had not changed.

“I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed,” she said. “You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

But, not holding herself to making her own carbon footprint neutral. It’s just word salad.

“My values have not changed. So that is the reality of it. And four years of being vice president, I’ll tell you, one of the aspects, to your point, is traveling the country extensively,” she said, pointing to her 17 visits to Georgia since becoming vice president. “I believe it is important to build consensus, and it is important to find a common place of understanding of where we can actually solve problems.”

Her, Biden, and their Democrat Comrades want to reduce your carbon footprint, not their own.

Read: Kamala Drops Word Salad On ‘Climate Change’ »

Surgeon General Super Excited To Make Things Worse For Stressed Parents

What could parents be stressed about? Kids? School? Or, maybe the poor economy and kids’ declined learning from the COVID lock-downs

Parents can’t function they’re so stressed, surgeon general warns

American parents need a bailout.

Suffering from stress, money woes and loneliness more than their childless peers, nearly half of parents can barely function, according to a new report from Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.

I thought the economy was great. Didn’t Kamala say that Bidenomics during the Biden-Harris administration was working?

Murthy says government aid, in the form of child tax credits, universal preschool, early childhood education programs, paid family and medical leave, paid sick time and investments in social infrastructure, can help. That’s in line with Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ campaign pitch, but GOP contender Donald Trump is also considering how to get more cash in parents’ pockets — an issue his running mate JD Vance has championed.

“The stress and the loneliness that parents are dealing with at a disproportionate level has real implications,” Murthy told POLITICO. “We’ve got to provide more financial support.”

Chronic and excessive stress caused in part by the bills they have to pay exacerbates parents’ mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety, and can hurt children’s development.

Four in 10 parents say they’re so stressed they can’t function most days, according to Murthy’s report, with two-thirds citing financial hardship.

Where does the money come from? And what will all this addition federal spending do for inflation? Why is it the government’s job to fund all the parents? Perhaps the government should get out of the way and reverse course so that conditions will be ripe for people to be able to afford to have the kids. Perhaps government should reduce spending, and focus on their core duties and responsibilities.

Read: Surgeon General Super Excited To Make Things Worse For Stressed Parents »

South Korean Court Orders Nation To Take Stronger Climate (scam) Action

Hey, if you cannot convince Other People to live the climate cult life (even though you, as a Warmist, refuse to voluntarily do so), to get legislation passed, then get the courts to do so

Court Orders South Korea to Take Stronger Action on Climate Change

A top South Korean court on Thursday ruled the nation’s measures for fighting climate change insufficient for protecting the rights of citizens, and ordered the government to set firm carbon-reduction targets for 2031 and beyond. It is the first climate litigation ruling of its kind in Asia.

Since 2020, the Constitutional Court has been reviewing a series of complaints filed by more than 250 plaintiffs — one-third of them children or teenagers at the time of the filing — who said that the government’s greenhouse gas reduction targets and its implementation plans were partly unconstitutional and too weak to safeguard the rights of citizens, particularly those of future generations.

South Korea’s Carbon Neutral Act, first enacted in 2010, required the country to set a goal of cutting carbon emissions by at least 35 percent by 2030 compared with 2018 levels. Under the law, the government has set a goal of a 40 percent reduction. The plaintiffs argued that this was not enough to manage the impact of climate change.

In its decision on Thursday, the Constitutional Court did not find fault with the 2030 goal. But it declared that because the law failed to specify carbon-emission reduction targets for the years between 2031 and 2050 — when the country said it would achieve carbon neutrality — the constitutional rights of future generations had been violated.

Too bad the court didn’t rule that all these youts would be required to practice what they preach: no fossil fueled travel, their use of the Internet would be limited to 1GB a month because it uses huge amounts of energy, no AC or heat, and they cannot eat meat. I wonder how many of nine judges that sit on the Constitutional Court own fossil fueled vehicles and take fossil fueled flights.

The court gave the National Assembly until the end of February 2025 to revise the law.

“Future generations will be more exposed to the impact of climate change, but their participation in today’s democratic political process is limited,” the court said. “So the legislators have the duty and responsibility to make concrete laws for mid- and long-term greenhouse gas reduction plans.”

That’s weird: the Court telling the legislative branch to change the law. But, hey, maybe that’s South Korea’s way.

The plaintiffs and their lawyers hailed the verdict as “historic.”

“This ruling marks the first victory in climate litigation in Asia,” they said in a news release. “The ruling could serve as a critical turning point, inspiring further legal actions across Asia to challenge insufficient climate policies.”

I wonder if the kiddies realize that this will negatively affect their lives? Well, they asked for it, so, no complaining.

Read: South Korean Court Orders Nation To Take Stronger Climate (scam) Action »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the Biden-Harris admin trying to indoctrinate Iraqi students into the climate cult.

Read: If All You See… »

IDF Discovers Bomb Making Lab In West Bank Mosque

The Israel haters always seem to slur Israel for raiding mosques, for attacking, them, for blowing them up, but, the Israel haters keep forgetting about there being an actual reason for when it happens

IDF kills five terrorists in West Bank operation, discovers explosives lab in mosque

Five terrorists who were hiding inside a mosque were killed during a joint IDF, ISA, and Israeli Border Police counterterrorism operation in Tulkarm on Thursday, the IDF announced. Other terrorists were arrested.

One of the terrorists killed was Muhhamad Jabber, “Abu Shujaa,” the head of a terrorist network in Nur Shams, who was involved in the shooting attack that led to the murder of an Israeli civilian, Amnon Muchtar, in June, the IDF added.

The IDF also arrested a wanted Islamic Jihad terrorist in a refugee camp in Tulkarm on Wednesday night, Army Radio posted on X.

Muhammad Qassas is reportedly a senior terrorist operative in the Al Quds Brigade of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and was arrested while hiding in a mosque.

Islamic terrorists often hide and seek shelter in mosques

According to Palestinian reports, the IDF soldiers entered the refugee camp dressed in civilian clothes and proceeded to enter the mosque. Army Radio and Arab media reported that a shootout took place between terrorists and IDF, during which multiple terrorists were killed.

The IDF also discovered a laboratory for the manufacture of explosive devices and a terrorist operations room while searching inside the Abu Bakr al Siddiq Mosque in the Jordan Valley, IDF Arabic Spokesperson Avichay Adraee wrote on X early on Thursday morning.

Terrorists had used the mosque as a base to carry out terrorist attacks against IDF forces, Adraee said.

If you’re using what is supposed to be a holy place for making bombs, sheltering terrorists, and planning attacks, do not be surprised when it is attacked or blown up. Islamists see this as a holy war, as they have since the 8th Century. So, it’s no surprise they use mosques. Some of the bombs were “too dangerous to use or even move.” Too bad they didn’t go boom before the IDF went in. Would have save them some trouble.

Read: IDF Discovers Bomb Making Lab In West Bank Mosque »

Brazil Is On Fire From Crime And Climate Doom, But, Mostly Crime

You know the story at this point: anything and everything will be brought under the banner of the climate cult

Brazil is on fire, and both crime and climate change are to blame

As Cristiane Mazzetti flew over the Brazilian Amazon this month surveying wildfire damage, she couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

Mazzetti is a forest campaigner for Greenpeace in Brazil. For years, the environmental group has been trying to curb the deforestation and climate change that makes the country so susceptible to wildfires.

Yes, deforestation is bad, I 100% agree. But, that is not ‘climate change’.

Brazilian Environment Minister Marina Silva says the country is “at war” with fire.

Fire alerts so far this month total almost 3,500 in southeastern São Paulo state, the most registered in any month since data collection began in 1998. Hot spots recorded in the Amazon this summer are up 98 per cent over last year, according to Greenpeace.

The government says these fires are far from natural.

“No fires caused by lightning were detected. This means that people are setting fires in the Amazon, the Pantanal, and especially in the state of São Paulo,” President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Sunday.

The day after the president made those comments, São Paulo’s governor announced four men had been arrested on suspicion of setting fires that destroyed thousands of hectares of sugarcane plantations in the north.

State Agriculture Secretary Guilherme Piai said Tuesday that some of the arrested men told police they are linked to one of the country’s largest criminal gangs, the Primeiro Comando da Capital.

It’s still your fault for living a modern life, in case you didn’t know.

Greenpeace and other environmental experts say the key driver behind Brazil’s wildfires is deforestation — specifically, people and companies who deliberately, and often illegally, set fires in order to clear the land of vegetation so it can be repurposed for other uses, like agriculture.

Yeah, that would be crime, as well. How about that?

Read: Brazil Is On Fire From Crime And Climate Doom, But, Mostly Crime »

Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin

You can’t demean these unhinged “journalists” enough


(Breitbart) In what is being described as stark “gaslighting” by many readers on social media, Politico published an article claiming that former President Donald Trump’s running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) “tried to tie Harris” to the Biden-Harris administration’s policies while speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, on Tuesday.

In the piecePolitico reporter Mia McCarthy amusingly writes, “Speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, former President Donald Trump’s running mate tried to tie Harris to the Biden administration’s policies.”

Politico’s X post was quickly issued a “Community Notes” correction advising the public that “Harris is currently President Biden’s Vice President.”

Vance also reacted to Politico’s post, writing, “The thing is: she’s Biden’s Vice President.”

In fairness, this was the tweet and in the article, not the actual headline of the piece, but, still, they’ve been running it as the Biden-Harris administration, not the Biden admin with Kamala as VP. She’s part and parcel of the policies. She cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate several times to push the agenda forward. She’s heavily featured on the White House website.

And then there’s this doozy from The Hill

Apparently, Kamala had nothing to do with the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. The Credentialed Media is acting like it’s 1992 and no one can actually dig stuff up.

Read: Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin »

Bummer: Corals That Survive Climate Doom Will Be Difference Or Something

It’s not like corals have survived for over 500 million years, changing up a bit over that time, including from hot and cold periods, from ice ages, from warmth, from higher and lower seas, from the continents moving around, from underwater volcanoes, from the development of all sorts of sea life, from iceball Earth. I think a small increase in the Earth’s temperature, which is lower than previous Holocene periods, will leave them just fine. But, you know, this is a doomsday cult at work

The Corals That Survive Climate Change Will Be Unrecognizable

Earth belonged to the corals first. And over hundreds of millions of years, they proved themselves remarkably good at adapting to each new version of the planet. As other groups of organisms dropped out of existence, corals endured so many catastrophes that their history reads like a biblical tale of resilience. Through extinctions mass and minor, through volcanic eruptions and asteroid strikes, the corals survived.

Told ya

And for tiny marine animals, they managed to exert tremendous force on the planet’s landscape. Corals have raised whole islands into existence. They are the natural guardians of coastlines; they sustain an estimated quarter of known marine life. If the reefs ringing the Maldives die, an entire nation could erode into the sea. Humans live in these places because corals exist. (snip)

The earliest corals emerged about 500 million years ago, roughly alongside plant life on land. But the modern version of coral reefs appeared a short 4 million years ago, around the time our human ancestors began to walk upright (give or take a few million years). When researchers try to rescue suffering corals, carefully cutting pieces away and transporting them to aquariums, they’re visiting underwater metropolises that are thousands of years old. Despite all that corals have been through, given how fast conditions on Earth are changing, life has likely never been quite as stressful for them as it is now, according to the coral experts Bertrand Martin-Garin and Lucien Montaggioni in their book, Corals and Reefs. (snip)

“These are strange days on planet Earth,” Derek Manzello, a coral-reef ecologist and the coordinator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coral Reef Watch, once told me. The planet used to give corals hundreds of thousands of years to adjust to a new reality; human activities—the burning of fossil fuels but also overfishing and pollution that have brought on global warming—have introduced a rate of change more dramatic than anything else in the geological record. “If we wanted to kill all reef-building corals on the planet, it would be hard to imagine a collection of activities quite as pointed and effective as what we’ve arrived at,” Stuart Sandin, a marine biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, told me.

So, complete doom. How do they know that the rate of change is more dramatic? They have no direct observations. And 1.6F increase since 1850 isn’t dramatic. Volcanoes blowing their lids and immediately causing a year without a summer is dramatic. Anyhow, if Warmists are so concerned why are they not giving up their own use of fossil fuels? Why do none of them ever answer the question except with the deflection “we should all give them up”? Instead we get

Prince Harry Is Coming to New York City to Fight Climate Change

This year, Prince Harry has stepped up his travel schedule to further the work of Archewell, the foundation he started in 2021 alongside his wife, Meghan Markle. In September, Harry is planning to travel to New York City for Climate Week, the annual environmental event series coinciding with the United Nations’ General Assembly. During his trip, he will also attend events for a handful of his patronage organizations, including two with a connection to his late mother, Princess Diana.

“During UN General Assembly High-level Week and Climate Week in New York City, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, will be in town to advance a number of his patronages and philanthropic initiatives,” said a spokesperson for the prince. “He will participate in engagements with African Parks, The HALO Trust, The Diana Award, and Travalyst.”

So, he’s taking a cross country fossil fueled flight, surely in a private jet, along with all the other travel and use of fossil fueled SUVs, to fight ‘climate change’? Huh.

Read: Bummer: Corals That Survive Climate Doom Will Be Difference Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an island that will soon be swamped by the rising seas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Jack Smith not giving up on his TDS prosecution of Trump.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove