If All You See…

…is an overly bright day from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on fast food anarchy.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out The O.K. Corral, with a post on some Darwin Awards candidates.

And tripleshot, because I forgot to do an IAYS post Friday, check out The Lid, with a post on US credit card debt soaring.

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Read: If All You See… »

House Oversight Committee To Take A Look At DOT Ohio Train Disaster Response

The Biden administration was super interested in Blaming Trump and Republicans until the findings started coming in and they showed the derailment had nothing to do with the rule Trump nixed due to the law Republicans passed. You had Mayor Pete blaming Trump the other day when he finally showed up in East Palestine (because Trump went there the day before). And now Pete will see he and his agency be investigated

Oversight Republicans are launching an investigation into the Department of Transportation’s handling of a toxic train derailment in Ohio.

Biden Brain SuckerWhat’s happening: House Oversight Republicans are starting an investigation into the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, in which toxic chemicals were released into the air, water and soil in a small town near the state’s border with Pennsylvania.

Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and committee Republicans on Friday sent a letter, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg requesting documents and communications related to his response to the train derailment, including when he found out about it and what guidance he might have gotten on how to respond.

What else Republicans are asking for by March 10: Republicans are also requesting documents and communications since Jan. 20, 2021 about any changes to the department’s train maintenance and procedures, about the National Transportation Safety Board’s work on determining the cause of the derailment, and how the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is handling hazardous materials at the site.

“The American people deserve answers as to what caused the derailment, and DOT needs to provide an explanation for its leadership’s apathy in the face of this emergency. We request documents and information regarding DOT’s response to the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment and ensuing environmental and public health emergency,” the GOP lawmakers wrote.

Obviously, oversight in this matter has made the Biden administration upset, so, rather than responding like a public employee who owes answer to the American People, and especially the people of the East Palestine area, Mayor Pete claps back like he’s a pop singer

But Buttigieg, in a tweet, knocked the phrasing of the GOP letter, saying that he was “alarmed to learn that the Chair of the House Oversight Committee thinks that the NTSB is part of our Department. NTSB is independent (and with good reason).”

How cute. Especially since

(Politico) Air samples collected around East Palestine, Ohio, continue to show higher-than-normal levels of several hazardous chemicals three weeks after the derailment of a Norfolk Southern freight train, a team of university researchers said Friday.

But the Biden administration said the concentrations of those substances are not high enough to cause concern in the short term — and they will not persist long enough to create long-term health risks after crews remove contaminated soil from the crash site.

Well, the people of the area sure don’t feel great, but, fortunately, a renowned doctor says so

One of lead researchers agreed with the EPA that the pollution levels do not pose an “imminent threat to health and safety.”

“This could be a concern if those levels were sustained over the long term,” said Weihsueh Chiu, a professor of veterinary physiology and pharmacology at Texas A&M University, which conducted the analysis of EPA data collected between Feb. 4 and this past Tuesday.

So, not a people doctor?

Yeah, he said it.

Read: House Oversight Committee To Take A Look At DOT Ohio Train Disaster Response »

Good News: Coast Guard To Prioritize Climate Crisis (scam) In Everything

On the Coast Guard’s website they say

Since 1790, the Coast Guard has safeguarded the American people and promoted national security, border security, and economic prosperity in a complex and evolving maritime environment. The Coast Guard saves those in peril and protects the Nation from all maritime threats.

That’s their job. Be ready to rescue Americans, provide border security, interdict smuggling and such, screen vessels, and more. Instead, like with the armed forces, the CG will be focusing on things other than their mission

Commandant unveils first-ever Coast Guard Climate Framework

Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Linda L. Fagan released the service’s first-ever Climate Framework today. “The Coast Guard Climate Framework focuses on preparedness, resilience, and collaboration with partners and stakeholders to best position the Coast Guard for the challenges climate change presents to all of us,” the Commandant writes.

The Framework has three lines of effort (LOE):

  • Build climate resiliency into our workforce, infrastructure, and assets;
  • Plan for and respond to more frequent weather emergencies and long-term climate trends; and
  • Develop and leverage partnerships to enhance, enable, and ensure maritime safety.

The Framework is the culmination of the efforts of the Coast Guard’s Climate Community of Interest. Convened in May 2021, the body comprised over 70 Coast Guard members, who developed a strategy to confront the ongoing impacts of climate change.

So, cult crap.

“The world is changing,” the Commandant notes in the Framework. “Rising sea levels, more frequent severe weather, retreating Polar ice, migrating fish stocks, and coastal infrastructure damage are creating challenges for people around the globe. Increasing pressure to reduce environmental impact is driving change in energy generation and the global economy.”

Who cares? All that’s necessary is to have the ships necessary to perform the mission and train the people appropriately.

The uncertainties of climate change mean that members will need to incorporate climate change into a range of decisions, from short-term tactical commitments to long-term investments. Accordingly, the service will invest in our workforce and equip them with the knowledge and tools they need to prioritize climate resilience. “The Coast Guard has a long history of preparedness and stewardship. This Framework will ensure our service builds the readiness, resilience, and partner action to operate in a changing world in alignment with other US Government climate strategies and policies,” noted Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO) Vice Adm. Peter W. Gautier.

So, indoctrination. Which is going to mean more of the people who would usually join will refuse.

Read: Good News: Coast Guard To Prioritize Climate Crisis (scam) In Everything »

WWIII Watch: Zelensky Now Playing Games With Moldova

Does anyone remember the movie The Day After? It was based on Pentagon scenarios where things broke down quickly, in days and weeks, leading to a nuclear exchange. It really scared the bejesus out of people. This is like a slow motion version

Zelensky says Russia must be stopped from destabilizing Moldova

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia will continue to try to destabilize Moldova, and that Moscow’s attempts should be stopped with “more weapons” and “more sanctions.”

Zelensky’s comments came after Russia sought to flip the narrative Friday, claiming Kyiv was the government provoking tensions in the nation on its southern border, not Moscow. The Ukrainian president responded during an address marking one year of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Zelensky said his government respects the territorial integrity of Moldova, and that Transnistria — a sliver of land where Russia has inserted a so-called peacekeeping force to back pro-Moscow separatists — is included in that rightful Moldovan territory.

More weapons. There are reports that Ukraine is staging troops to go into Moldova, where a huge cache of artillery is stored.

More background: Officials in Moldova and in several Western governments have expressed concern in recent weeks that Moscow is mirroring some of the steps it used as a pretext for invasions in Georgia and Ukraine.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu has warned of an alleged Russian plot to destabilize her government, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken voiced “deep concern” about the prospect of Moscow meddling with the tiny country.

Russia has leveled its own accusations at Ukraine, warning against NATO or Kyiv taking “adventurous steps”in Transnistria, and claiming that an attack on Moscow’s compatriots in the territory would be considered an attack on Russia itself.

Just the other day Putin cancelled a decree that essentially gave Moldova sovereignty. Even though Moldova is not a NATO member, and doesn’t want to be, a chunk of its citizens are part dual Moldovan-Romanian, which affords them protection as citizens of NATO. And, while Moldova proclaims neutrality, it has also applied for EU membership. Fortunately, Joe Biden is on top of this, just like his the Ohio train disaster….oh, right, he’s in Delaware again for the weekend.

Read: WWIII Watch: Zelensky Now Playing Games With Moldova »

Bummer: College Students Were Not Asked To Be Born Onto A Planet About To Be Destroyed By ‘Climate Change’

This is a perfect example of why I refer to this whole “movement” as a doomsday cult

Opinion: How NC State can battle climate change

Recently, I was invited to speak at the TEDxNCState event, held in Tompson Hall on the North Carolina State University campus on February 22, 2023. And today’s post in my ongoing series on WRAL TechWire is, essentially, the text of that talk delivered to students and other campus officials and employees.

In the speech, as you will read, I present a proposal that asks the institution to become a perfectly green campus. (snip)

At the very beginning of this talk something unexpected happened to me. About two sentences into it I was struck by a wave of emotion. I had to pause, let the wave pass, and then begin again. It’s something I had never experienced before.

If I were to try to explain what happened, it might be this: In front of me in this audience was a crowd of college students. And that mattered.

These college students did not ask to be born onto a planet that is about to be destroyed by climate change and global heating.

Wait, I thought we weren’t supposed to listen to people who are “climate scientists”, and Marshall Brain is not. This is the kind of stuff you get from a doomsday cult.

Yet here they are coming of age on such a planet. All signs are pointing to a coming catastrophe, yet the world’s leaders – the people in charge of the world’s governments, industries, corporations, and even the leaders in charge of their campus – appear to be doing little to nothing of any real significance to solve the climate change problem. It’s overwhelming to comprehend how amazingly unfair this is to them; how unjustly they are being treated by a few generations that preceded them and burned all the fossil fuels that create the current crisis.

Well, during his talk he railed against fossil fuels. But, weirdly, despite saying that Government should ban all use of fossil fuels, he never recommended that all those students stop using them immediately voluntarily. He does say that NC State, for which he is a professor, should stop using them. It would make it difficult to run all those buses taking kids around campus, taking the sports teams to compete, for the kids to get to school, to go on spring break, eh? And cost quite a lot. Interestingly, he doesn’t say if he’s given up his own use of fossil fuels. Weird, right?

Read: Bummer: College Students Were Not Asked To Be Born Onto A Planet About To Be Destroyed By ‘Climate Change’ »

East Palestine A Test For Trump Backed JD Vance Or Something

The NY Times has really outdone themselves with this one. It’s actually, surprisingly, not a big hit piece on either Vance or Donald Trump. There are mild shots at raaaaacism, of course

East Palestine Crisis Tests a Trump-Backed Senator

As Donald J. Trump criticized the federal response to the train derailment that has shaken this Ohio town, there was one leader in Washington he praised repeatedly — the man he helped propel to Congress, Senator J.D. Vance.

“J.D. Vance has been incredible,” Mr. Trump told reporters and local officials on Wednesday at an East Palestine firehouse, as Mr. Vance stood behind him.

Well, yeah. Trump was handing out food and water, while Biden was nowhere to be seen. And Mayor Pete just whined

While a fight brews between Democrats and Republicans over the role of the federal government in the derailment’s aftermath, Mr. Vance, 38, has been at the center of it all. Some of his actions have been the conventional response of any seasoned politician. He has drafted letters calling on federal officials for more oversight and met with some of the residents most affected by the derailment and chemical spill. But he also has joined far-right Republican figures in depicting the deep-red village in northeastern Ohio as a forgotten place, taking a page from Mr. Trump’s grievance-politics playbook.

“I grew up in a town that was neglected by the national media and was affected by a lot of dumb policies,” Mr. Vance said in a brief interview, as he briskly left the firehouse on Wednesday. “I worry that unless we keep the pressure on the federal policymakers and the corporations that caused this problem, a lot of people are going to be forgotten and left behind.”

Yeah, and the media and Biden administration mostly ignored the East Palestine train derailment, where they estimate that 43,000 fish and animals were killed off quickly, and people are complaining about headaches and other issues.

In a red state that Mr. Trump won in both 2016 and 2020, many residents in East Palestine and its surrounding towns were not following the national back-and-forth over the government response as they worried about the potential effects of the spill. But they had followed Mr. Vance’s attempts to bring attention to their plight on local media outlets and approved of his handling of the crisis, even as some said there was more work to be done.

See, the interesting part here is that you have JD bringing attention, while the Biden admin ignored the disaster for as long as they could, and when they were forced to reply they simply attempted to Blame Trump. But, way down in this article we learn

He said later that he believed Mr. Trump’s presence would help keep the pressure on federal officials to take action. Asked about criticism from the White House on the Republican opposition to rail safety measures, Mr. Vance said attempts to politicize the issue would not help East Palestine residents. According to the website PolitiFact, a rail safety rule repealed as part of a broad regulatory rollback under the Trump administration would have had no impact on the East Palestine derailment.

Why is this not top news? And this

(Breitbart) During an interview aired on Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chair Jennifer Homendy stated that while electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brakes would make things safer, when it comes to the East Palestine, Ohio derailment, “even with ECP brakes, the derailment would have occurred, the fire would have ensued, and the five vinyl chloride tank cars would still have to be vented and burned.” And, at best, they possibly could have “reduced damage where a couple of cars could have remained on the tracks,” but modeling still needs to be done to determine this.

Hmm, so the whole line about it being Trump’s fault are mule fritters. Meanwhile, Mayor Pete’s allies are saying that he’s taking a bullet for Biden on this, “taking an unfair pounding.” Well, yeah, Biden went to Ukraine, but, not Ohio. And Pete didn’t have any intention of going to Ohio till Trump announced he was going. And, what job does Pete hold?

Read: East Palestine A Test For Trump Backed JD Vance Or Something »

Bummer: There’s A Big Problem In Plugging In All The Solar And Wind Projects

This is what happens when the Government throws money at an (imaginary) problem with no actual plan

The U.S. Has Billions for Wind and Solar Projects. Good Luck Plugging Them In.

Plans to install 3,000 acres of solar panels in Kentucky and Virginia are delayed for years. Wind farms in Minnesota and North Dakota have been abruptly canceled. And programs to encourage Massachusetts and Maine residents to adopt solar power are faltering.

The energy transition poised for takeoff in the United States amid record investment in wind, solar and other low-carbon technologies is facing a serious obstacle: The volume of projects has overwhelmed the nation’s antiquated systems to connect new sources of electricity to homes and businesses.

So many projects are trying to squeeze through the approval process that delays can drag on for years, leaving some developers to throw up their hands and walk away.

BTW, who’s in charge of that approval process?

More than 8,100 energy projects — the vast majority of them wind, solar and batteries — were waiting for permission to connect to electric grids at the end of 2021, up from 5,600 the year before, jamming the system known as interconnection.

That’s the process by which electricity generated by wind turbines or solar arrays is added to the grid — the network of power lines and transformers that moves electricity from the spot where it is created to cities and factories. There is no single grid; the United States has dozens of electric networks, each overseen by a different authority.

It now takes roughly four years, on average, for developers to get approval, double the time it took a decade ago.

So, government is jamming the process to fix a problem they created?

And when companies finally get their projects reviewed, they often face another hurdle: The local grid is at capacity, and they are required to spend much more than they planned for new transmission lines and other upgrades.

There’s no planning, no understanding, just going after it willy nilly, so, it’s rather a waste of time and money. Surprise?

Read: Bummer: There’s A Big Problem In Plugging In All The Solar And Wind Projects »

Hot Take: All That J6 Video Is A Weapon

The Democratic Party and their Credentialed Media Comrades, along with some of the unhinged Never Trumpers, are not taking it well that Kevin McCarthy gave Tucker Carlson all that J6 video, the video that the unhinged, ultra partisan committee did not want to let the public know about. And now, it’s apparently a weapon, according to the ever-moonbat MSNBC

The GOP just armed Tucker Carlson with an extraordinary weapon

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has reportedly shared over 40,000 hours of U.S. Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection with Fox News host Tucker Carlson. If you thought the right’s attitude toward Jan. 6 was worrisome before, it’s likely about to get worse. Carlson is the most influential MAGA-aligned pundit in the country, and he can use this footage to do huge damage to public memory of one of the most brazen strikes against democracy in American history.

You really could stop right there. Is Zeeshan Aleem saying that the video will show something other than what we’ve been told per the committee and the Credentialed Media? Aleem says Tucker is “not an honest person”, which is a hoot coming from anyone working for MSNBC, and

Carlson’s capacity to cast doubt on Jan. 6 narratives could be on the brink of becoming quite a lot stronger. He may be able to accurately say that he has access to footage that no other media outlet in the country has. That, in turn, will give his claims about having the “real” story of what happened on Jan. 6 extra weight among right-wing audiences. He could also develop an even stronger capacity to confuse, mislead and manufacture false claims about what happened that day because it could be harder for other media outlets to contextualize or fact-check many claims he makes. In other words, Carlson’s authoritarian disinformation operation may have just become a lot stronger. The cumulative effect of Carlson’s access could very well further strengthen his overall authority among right-wing audiences. He could lord it over any competitor that he’s obtained something nobody else has.

So, by actually showing the video it could cast doubt on the J6 Narrative? Showing the American People all the video, which Carleson has promised to do, could undermine the carefully cherry picked video used by the J6 committee? That would mean that the U.S. Government is attempting to hide facts from We The People.

At first it was concerning when the GOP wanted to move on quickly from Trump’s role in Jan. 6. Those days now look relatively innocent. These days, the speaker of the House wants to obliterate the public’s understanding of what even happened on that day.

If a prosecutor hid information from the defense, they’d lose the case. The judge could call a mistrial. If it was egregious enough they could be fired, and even disbarred. Show us the video. We The People will decide.

Read: Hot Take: All That J6 Video Is A Weapon »

Oh, Good: Gender Confused Hold Drag Show For ‘Climate Change’

Remember, this is all about Science

This Philly drag show tackles climate change — on ice

On a cold, sunny morning at an ice rink along the Delaware River in Philadelphia, a live band plays a ballad. A Zamboni clears the rink, and Sam Rise, a performance artist in a big blue penguin mascot costume, skates out on the ice — hyping the audience up for a show unlike anything they’ve seen before.

“Are you ready, Philadelphia? Are you excited about drag? Are you excited about climate change?” they shout. “I mean, fighting climate change with drag!”

The show is a camp comedy about climate change by the Bearded Ladies Cabaret, a queer arts organization in Philly.

“The premise of the story is climate change is … such a huge issue, it’s almost as impossible as getting drag queens to skate on ice,” said John Jarboe, founding artistic director of the Bearded Ladies Cabaret. Jarboe wrote the show with another local artist, MK Tuomanen, along with help from local climate activist groups.

The protagonist — and antagonist — of the show is Miss Hugh Manity. She wants to stop warming the planet, but she has a hard time breaking away from her “girl gang” of fossil fuels: Mx. Coal, Mr. Oil, and Mx. Natural Gas.

Oh, good grief, I just can’t read anymore after that. It can’t possibly get more batshit insane, can it? Of course it could.

Hugh Manity tries to buy her way out of climate change with carbon credits, but that doesn’t work.

Eventually, a character called Nonbinary Parental Guardian Nature tells Hugh Manity she can’t keep making everything about herself.


“I am noticing a difference and feel wildly overwhelmed by it,” Jarboe said.

The show aims to build a “shared space” for both this climate anxiety and climate hope.

“Especially for the young folks, the younger generation, who we’ve fracked over,” Jarboe said.

So, basically, indoctrination into the climate cult and gender confused insanity.

Read: Oh, Good: Gender Confused Hold Drag Show For ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Biden tripping on the AF1 stairs again.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove