Surprise: More Americans Think Political Violence Is Justified

This must mostly be about Trump supporters, since it is in the UK Guardian, right?

‘Anger and radicalization’: rising number of Americans say political violence is justified

The June federal indictment of Donald Trump is “radicalizing” support for the use of force on behalf of the former president and current presidential candidate, according to the author of a recent survey about threats to democracy.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, support for violence to restore the federal right to an abortion has also increased over the last few months, researchers found, although there’s little indication that any organized groups support acting on this belief.

The Dangers to Democracy report indicates that a growing number of Americans support the use of political violence as the 2024 presidential campaign heats up and further indictments of Trump are likely imminent.

“The indictment is radicalizing support for Trump, but that’s not the only source of radicalization,” said Robert Pape, a University of Chicago professor who led the research. “You’re seeing growing anger and radicalization on the left as well.”

I like how it’s position as “oh, yeah, some democrats are supporting it, but, hey, those Trump folks!”

The number of Americans who believe the use of force is justified to restore Trump to the White House increased by roughly 6 million in the last few months to an estimated 18 million people, according to the survey conducted by the university in late June and shared exclusively with the Guardian.

Of those 18 million people, 68% believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and 62% believe the prosecutions of Trump are intended to hurt his chances in 2024. An estimated 7% of Americans now believe violence could be necessary to restore Trump to the presidency, up from 4.5%, or 12 million people, in April.

Seven percent! That’s horrible!

The university’s Chicago Project on Security & Threats (CPost) research center has been conducting Dangers to Democracy surveys of American adults on political violence and attitudes towards democracy since shortly after the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

The Chicago Project is a pretty darned left wing center, and should probably take a drive through parts of Chicago to see real violence. After a few more paragraphs on Trump

Democrats, however, expressed support for political violence for a different purpose. The survey found support for the use of force to coerce members of Congress to “do the right thing” grew from 9% in January to 17% – an estimated 44 million Americans – at the end of June, with the sharpest rise among Democrats. Support for violence to restore the federal right to an abortion also increased during this time.

Seventeen percent. Talk about burying the lede. That’s a whole heck of a lot more than 7%. But, not surprising. Democrats have always been willing to use violence for their political beliefs. We saw this in 2020 with all the BLM/Antifa riots. We saw this at so many protests prior to January 6th when Democrat supporters were present.

But, that’s all glossed over in favor of more discussion on Trump and his supporters. One would think that 17% would be a pretty important number.

The survey also found that nearly 90% of Trump’s most radical supporters believe the federal government is run by a “deep state” of immoral people.

I’m not sure about immoral people, but, those in the federal bureaucracy and high ranking positions are definitely leftists willing to use their government positions to push their leftist agendas. Something I’ve said for a long time is that Progressives had long term plans going back to the beginning of the 20th Century about capturing sectors. First, they captured the government bureaucracies. And they did that. There aren’t a whole heck of a lot of Republicans working in government, and the hardcore leftists force the non-hardcore leftists, Independents, and even Republican leaners to comply. Among the others that the Progressives captured were the entertainment industry, news industry, and unions (who started out willing to use violence), hence, they can push the hardcore agenda and whip leftists up to commit violence.

Then they went after the FBI and CIA, because they couldn’t abolish them, but, did not like things like the way they went after Communists. And the US military. They couldn’t kill off the military in the late 70’s, so, they slowly infiltrated the military, and now they support people with severe mental illness, the trans folks. They infiltrated the church, so many support things that are against the Bible, and have gone all SJW. They’ve made the environmental movement radical, and many of them and their climate cult folks are fine with political violence. They gather the sports and music folks, who live 1%er lives but are happy to push the government line. Push that government is great.

All these leftists are supporting political violence to support government tyranny.

Read: Surprise: More Americans Think Political Violence Is Justified »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Making Hurricane Season Longer

Is there anything it can’t do? Is there any length the climate cultists won’t go to in order to fearmonger?

Hurricane season is getting longer because of climate change, researchers say

Hurricane season, which officially runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, is getting longer because of climate change, researchers say.

“Seven of the last eight years we’ve had named storms form before hurricane season officially began on June 1. We technically had a named storm in January of 2023,” Barry Keim, Louisiana’s state climatologist and an LSU professor, said in a press release.

Keim and other researchers analyzed historic storm data and found hurricane season is starting earlier and ending later. He worked with other researchers from LSU, the University of New Hampshire, Colorado State University and the Southern Climate Impact Planning Program, a research collaborative.

Changing the official timeline of the season might allow coastal residents to be better prepared, the experts said.

“It makes sense to start thinking about hurricane season beginning before June 1 to help residents and emergency officials plan and prepare for storms,” Keim said. “We need to wrap our heads around that hurricanes are arriving earlier in the season.”

This couldn’t possibly have anything to do with it simply being a typical Holocene warm period, right? Not in climate cult world, where this is your fault. Yet, for all that, NOAA predicted a normal hurricane season. So far there have been just 5 storms, 4 which were just tropical storms, and one category 1 hurricane.

They cannot help injecting fear

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Making Hurricane Season Longer »

Media Very Upset Texas Is Using Disaster Declaration To Secure The Border

Really, Greg Abbott should ship many busloads to the leading news outlets. Drop them off at the home offices, see if ABC News, CNN, NY Times, etc will offer to feed and shelter the illegals. And at the US home office of the Associated Press, 200 Liberty Street, NYC

Texas is using disaster declarations to install buoys and razor wire on the US-Mexico border

Wrecking ball-sized buoys on the Rio Grande. Razor wire strung across private property without permission. Bulldozers changing the very terrain of America’s southern border.

For more than two years, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has escalated measures to keep migrants from entering the U.S., pushing legal boundaries with a go-it-alone bravado along the state’s 1,200-mile (1,930-kilometer) border with Mexico. Now blowback over the tactics is widening, including from within Texas.

state trooper’s account of officers denying migrants water in 100-degree Fahrenheit (37.7 Celsius) temperatures and razor wire leaving asylum-seekers bloodied has prompted renewed criticism. The Mexican government, some Texas residents along the border and the Biden administration are pushing back. On Monday, the U.S. Justice Department sued Abbott over the buoy barrier that it says raises humanitarian and environmental concerns, asking a federal court to require Texas to dismantle it.

They can get their own water. They voluntarily trekked through Central America to show up. If they’re worried about getting hurt, don’t try and cross into the U.S. at non-designated points. This is on them. It’s the government’s job to defend the nation from invasion

Abbott, who cruised to a third term in November while promising tougher border crackdowns, has used disaster declarations as the legal bedrock for some measures.

The article spends pretty much no time explaining the declarations, but, they go back several years, such as the one he renewed in 2021. Texas counties have declared them, as well. How many laws has Biden broken with his open borders policy? Since he won’t enforce these laws the governor of Texas should have the right to use any means necessary, short of armed conflict, to keep illegal’s out. Why should Texas have to foot the bill for Bidens illegal policies?

Anyhow, many illegal aliens supporters, like the ACLU, are very upset with Abbott, but, aren’t offering to shelter and feed the illegals themselves. Regardless, the goal here is to control the border, a core duty of the government. Especially the Congress. It’s written in the Constitution, and, since they make the laws, it’s up to the Executive Branch to enforce those laws.

Read: Media Very Upset Texas Is Using Disaster Declaration To Secure The Border »

Electricians Are Now Apparently Climate Workers

Everything will now be a climate cult job

Need a job? Hiring to flourish in these fields as humans fight climate change.

Climate change is reshaping the employment landscape, whether you want a career that helps the planet or just want a job in a growing field.

Environmental and sustainability studies are booming in colleges, with Millennials especially wanting to work for companies that are making a difference. A survey of Gen Z and Millennial workers found more than 40% either have or plan to change jobs due to climate concerns.

Well, most are still probably better than whatever is available for the degree they put themselves $100k in the hole for, especially things ending in “Studies”.

Truth be told, in the coming decades every job will have a climate component, whether it’s financiers, doctors and nurses, farmers, accountants, sustainability officers or policymakers, said Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

“It’s hard to imagine a field of employment that won’t need at least some expertise on climate change,” he said.

A job title doesn’t need to include the words “green,” “climate,” “sustainable” or “environment” for the work to be important to efforts to both stop global warming and deal with its effects.

This is a cult. And they want everything to be part of their cult, whether people like it or not. What are some mentioned?

  • Electrician
  • HVAC tech
  • Plant breeder
  • Building trades
  • Traffic engineer
  • Prescribed fire technician (these are people who do controlled burns, which, last time I checked, the extreme-enviros won’t allow to happen)
  • Hydrologist
  • Gardner
  • Disaster preparedness coordinator

And the stuff that goes with all these is just as wackadoodle, such as for Gardner

As droughts and excess rainfall increase, America’s lawns, gardens and public spaces will need to be redesigned to deal with the new realities. People will be needed who know the right plants for the right space, who can design drip irrigation systems and who can build landscape features that channel water to the right places. “A landscape transformation is coming and gardeners will be key,” said Pincetl.

In other words, people who will be empowered by government to tell you what you can and cannot do with your property. It’s all just nuts. Really, though, how many of these entitled kids will do any of these manual labor jobs? They’ve been taught that they’re better than that. They expect some sort of spreading awareness/supervisory job making big bucks to do nothing except tell other people what to do while they take selfies and TikTok videos.

Read: Electricians Are Now Apparently Climate Workers »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on the “warming” in Antarctica.

Read: If All You See… »

UK Guardian Claims Never-Trumpers Get Brutal Wakeup Call

The Never Trumpers are odd birds. They claim to be Conservative stalwarts, that they believe in the standings of Ronald Reagan, that they are the True Conservatives, yet, they’re enabling the election of Democrats, many are mouthing Democrat policies and slogans, and are truly unhinged in Democrat fashion over Trump and those who support him, along with the truly outspoken Republicans. And the UK Guardian says they’re getting a wakeup call

Never Trumpers get ‘brutal wake-up call’ as Republican candidates flounder

For Asa Hutchinson, former governor of Arkansas, there were boos and chants of “Trump! Trump!”. For Francis Suarez, mayor of Miami, there were jeers and cries of “Traitor!” And perhaps most tellingly, there was no Florida governor Ron DeSantis at all.

The recent Turning Point USA conference brought thousands of young conservatives to Florida and there was no doubting the main attraction: former president Donald Trump, who made a glitzy entrance accompanied by giant stage sparklers. In a less than rigorous poll, 86% of attendees gave Trump as their first choice for president; DeSantis, who polled 19% last year, was down to 4%.

Events and numbers like this are cause for sleepless nights among those Republican leaders and donors desperate to believe it would be different this time. The Never Trump forces bet heavily on DeSantis as the coming man and the premise that Trump’s campaign would collapse under the weight of myriad legal problems.

But six months away from the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, none of it seems to be working. DeSantis’s campaign is flailing and leaving some with buyers’ remorse. Hutchinson and Chris Christie, outspoken Trump critics, are polling in single digits, sowing doubts about voters’ appetite for change. Never Trumpers have reason to fear that his march to the Republican nomination may already be unstoppable.

“They’re experiencing a brutal wake-up call that the party is not interested in hearing critiques of Trump,” said Tim Miller, who was communications director for Jeb Bush’s 2016 campaign. “The Trump challengers’ candidacies have been astonishingly poor and learned nothing from 2016. When the leading candidate gets indicted and all of his opponents besides Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson just echo his fake persecution complex talking points, it’s going to be hard to beat him.”

These Never Trumpers are crazy. Always have been, always will be. It’s pure Trump Derangement Syndrome. They’re only interested in the man, and, I’ll happily admit Trump is really not a good person. But, then, most politicians aren’t. Trump is just more open. They rarely talk about Trump’s policies, and have never attempted to drive policy. In fairness, Trump is almost as bad on those who oppose his agenda within the GOP, but, at least that is mostly about policy.

The NTs yammer about principles. If you’re enabling the election of today’s wacko, uber-Leftist Democrats, how does that help your principles? Unless you just want to be grifters like the Lincoln Project, the Bulwark, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, etc. Some Republicans can get all sorts of squishy, like on support for McCain and Romney. They sat out the elections. Would it have been better for McCain to defeat Obama for Conservatism, and especially spending? How about Romney? 2012 was the time to kill Obamacare. It’s never going away now. Is it better to have Trump or Biden (or whomever they replace Biden with) for Conservatism? Seriously, these NTs are so unhinged that they find ways to slam the people Trump put on the Supreme Court when they had their abortion and affirmative action rulings, among others.

Do you think I really wanted McCain or Romney? I hate voting for Thom Thillis, who became a Squish. Or Richard Burr? I was happy when Burr retired. If Christie or Hutchinson, or a GOP ultra-squish like Larry Hogan, somehow wins the primaries I’ll hold my nose and vote for them. Really, in my mind, I’m voting against Hillary, against Obama, against whomever. That’s what these NTs have to remember. They’re enabling Democrats. Politics is often a choice between bad and worse.

It’s also about putting up the person with the best chance of winning, and, I don’t think Trump can win the general election, but, that’s a separate blog post.

Read: UK Guardian Claims Never-Trumpers Get Brutal Wakeup Call »

The Earth Is Scream At Us Or Something

This is per Climate cult member Jay Inslee, who couldn’t even get his own climate cult agenda through in his own state which votes overwhelmingly liberal

Washington’s governor on climate: ‘The Earth is screaming at us’

st greta carWashington Gov. Jay Inslee said Sunday that this summer’s record-setting heat is proof that climate change is harming the planet.

“The Earth is screaming at us,” the Democrat said on ABC’s “This Week,” adding that the impact of climate change is being felt two decades earlier than scientists had expected.

June and July have seen scorching heat waves in the United States, Europe and elsewhere, with July 6t h having been identified as the hottest day in the world’s history.

“The fuse has been burning for decades and now the climate change bomb has gone off,” Inslee said Sunday.

No matter what’s happening, it always proves their cultish beliefs. In their world, there is zero way to disprove it. Hence, not a science. At least Scientology and most cults leave everyone else alone.

“We need to stop using fossil fuels,” he said, adding: “We do have the ability to restrain fossil fuels.”

Inslee said that individual states can be the leaders on the U.S. response to climate change, which needs to be “further and faster” than it has been. “States can act,” he said and added that his state has been a leader on the issue.

When does Jay stop using fossil fuels to travel himself? How about banning their use for all state operations? He could get a referendum on the next ballot which would ban all fossil fuels in the state. Think they would vote for that? How would that work for all the airports and seaports? Trucks bringing goods into the state? See, it’s easy to make this pronouncements, a lot hard in practice. Especially when you won’t do it yourself.

Remember, also, that weather is climate when it suits the cult.

Read: The Earth Is Scream At Us Or Something »

We’re At The Point In The 2024 Campaign That “Mama Bears” Are Now Extremists

This is a fantastic way to earn their votes, Democrats. Slurring them totally won’t make them vote Republican, right?

‘Mama bears’ may be the 2024 race’s soccer moms. But where the GOP seeks votes, some see extremism

In many election cycles, there’s a snappy shorthand used to describe the type of voters who may help decide the winner. Think soccer moms or security moms. Even NASCAR dads.

And now, the “mama bears.”

These conservative mothers and grandmothers, who in recent years have organized for “parental rights,” including banning discussion of gender identity in schools, have been classified as extremists by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have also been among the most coveted voters so far in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. (snip)

These so-called mama bears whom DeSantis and other Republicans are courting are conservative women living across the United States. They are largely white and may belong to official groups such as Moms for Liberty, which says it has 120,000 members nationally, or smaller ones like No Left Turn in Education. Some belong to no group at all.

See? They’re all racists. Except, the Moms For Liberty is comprised of whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics, among others. And they aren’t just Republicans, they are Independents and squishy Democrats. Even your average Democrat, the ones who aren’t the crazies, do not like what is being foist on their children.

Geralyn Jones, 31, of Marion, Iowa, said she was not active in politics until the pandemic, when she grew concerned about mask requirements and online schooling for her son, who was in kindergarten. She started asking questions and did not like the answers she was getting.

Jones pulled her two kids out of public school after the district approved a policy that allows transgender students to use the bathroom or locker room of the gender they identify as, without alerting parents,. She now leads the Linn County chapter of Moms for Liberty and said that seeing other moms get involved in politics is empowering.

And that’s extremist how, exactly? Not wanting her daughters having to being in bathrooms and locker rooms with biological boys with mental illness is extremist? Wanting the school to keep her, the parent, informed and involved?

Opponents say the warm-fuzzy image of a mama bear is a way to mask a cruel, extreme agenda that hurts children.

“Republicans have decided that this is, I think, their golden ticket for the primaries to rile up their base,” said Katie Paris, who runs Red, Wine and Blue, a network of women pushing back on GOP-backed policies such as the anti-LGBTQ and anti-trans efforts of Moms for Liberty.

“Call it ‘parents’ rights,’ call it ‘mama bears,’ and try to make it sound like something that would be common sense. … The reality about ‘parents’ rights’ is that it’s just about the rights of a vocal minority that is trying to carry out an extreme political agenda.”

Yeah, you keep going there, denigrating parents and see where that gets you. Funny thing is, a lot of these bat guano insane women pushing this do not even have kids.

Read: We’re At The Point In The 2024 Campaign That “Mama Bears” Are Now Extremists »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by climate supercharged storms, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the opposition to bug cuisine is winning.

It’s clearing the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Dodgers are playing like they’re supposed to. This pinup is by Arthur Sarnoff, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Sultan Knish discusses white men facing racism in the workplace
  2. Moonbattery covers Fox News matching donations to the Satanic Temple
  3. Legal Insurrection features a crazed feminist on the Oppenheimer movie
  4. Irons In The Fire discusses people who are shameless
  5. IOTW Report notes Egyptians are not pleased with Beyonce music at an ancient Egypt exhibit
  6. Geller Report covers the story on a Muslim immigrant planning a massacre in Fargo disappearing
  7. Don Surber notes Trumpism expanding to Spain
  8. Climate Depot discusses the Phoenix heat wave in 1974
  9. Chicks On The Right notes the attempts to cancel Jason Aldean failing
  10. Blazing Cat Fur highlights a Kentucky man finding hoard of Civil War gold
  11. American Greatness notes Fox News’ liberal agenda
  12. 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny features Biden shutting down lithium mining
  13. 357 Magnum wonders what you were doing when you were 15 years old
  14. Watts Up With That? discusses more ocean life making the sea greener
  15. And last, but, not least, Not A Lot Of People Know That highlights China rebuffing John Kerry

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove