Since this is the UK Guardia, do they mean $80tn U.S. currency, or would it be UK currency? If the number is UK, that would be $99.49 trillion U.S.
Rich countries with high greenhouse gas emissions could pay $170tn in climate reparations
Rich industrialised countries responsible for excessive levels of greenhouse gas emissions could be liable to pay $170tn in climate reparations by 2050 to ensure targets to curtail climate breakdown are met, a new study calculates.
The proposed compensation, which amounts to almost $6tn annually, would be paid to historically low-polluting developing countries that must transition away from fossil fuels despite not having yet used their “fair share” of the global carbon budget, according to the analysis published in the journal Nature Sustainability.
It is the first scheme where wealthy countries historically responsible for excessive or unjust greenhouse emissions including the UK, US, Germany, Japan and Russia, are held liable to compensate countries which have contributed the least to global heating – but must decarbonise their economies by 2050 if we are to keep global heating below 1.5C and avert the most catastrophic climate breakdown.
In this ambitious scenario, the study found that 55 countries including most of sub-Saharan Africa and India would have to sacrifice more than 75% of their fair share of the carbon budget.
So, developing nations would have to forgo all things that made 1st World nations 1st World nations.
On the other hand, the UK has used 2.5 times its fair allocation, and would be liable to pay $7.7tn for its excessive emissions by 2050. The US has used more than four times its fair share to become the richest country in the world, and would be responsible for $80tn in reparations under this scheme.
Piss off. Always wanting to take Other People’s money and spread it around, never wanting to give up their own 1st World carbon footprints, especially as this tends to be pushed by Elites with massive footprints. And how much in reparations will these industrialized countries receive for the technology they created improving the quality of life world-wide? Should be a lot more than $170 trillion.
Read: Crazy Climate Scheme Would Have U.S. Pay $80 Trillion In Reparations By 2050 »