If All You See…

…is a coconut, which shall soon grown on trees in the Arctic, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on Australia’s biggest renewable energy project grinding to a halt.

Read: If All You See… »

America’s Leaders Are Gasping For Answers On Balloons

Um, if they’re gasping for answers, then people are failing to do their jobs. They’re balloons. They were shot down. You’d think all those over-paid government workers would have a clue

A trio of new intrusions leaves America’s leaders grasping for explanations

A deepening national security mystery is threatening a political storm after US fighter jets scrambled three days in a row to shoot down a trio of unidentified aerial objects high over the North American continent.

The flurry of attacks on the unknown crafts came a week after the highly public tracking and ultimate downing of a Chinese balloon suspected of carrying out surveillance. Now, the thin details trickling out of the Pentagon and Capitol Hill about are making an already highly unusual international episode even more bizarre and confusing.

No one – not the White House, the Pentagon or the government of Canada, whose airspace has also been infringed – seems able to say exactly what is going on with these latest downed crafts. This raises questions for top military brass and US spy agencies as well as for the potential safety of civilian aviation. And it creates an information vacuum that Republicans are again using to question President Joe Biden’s leadership.

They’re either lying about knowing what’s going on, or they’re clueless. Both are concerning. And Biden hasn’t really said anything. And both Republicans and Democrats are demanding answers. Where are they coming from? Why are they popping up suddenly over installations? What do they do? What’s their payloads? Is the military catching them early, or missing them? Are they human made or extraterrestrial? Why did the US have to waste a very expensive missile to shoot down one over Canada? Is Canada’s air force too woke/weak to do it themselves?

Meanwhile, China is accusing the U.S. of flying balloons of their airspace (shocker!)

(Yahoo News) China on Monday said more than 10 U.S. high-altitude balloons have flown in its airspace during the past year without its permission, following Washington’s accusation that Beijing operates a fleet of surveillance balloons around the world.

Sure thing, Sparky, sure thing. Maybe we were just returning all the Made In China stuff?

Read: America’s Leaders Are Gasping For Answers On Balloons »

Idiots Discarding Their Legal Marijuana Making Dogs Sick

Again, I’m not against legal weed. I do not do it anymore, haven’t taken a toke in at least 15 years (it doesn’t interest me anyore), but, if you want to do it, feel free. It’s not as bad for you as alcohol. But, come on, be responsible with it. Back in my day we’d be very careful, as we did not want to waste it. A bud falls in the carpet? Believe me, we’d search till it was found. Now, though

Nausea, Wobbling, Confusion: Dogs Are Getting Sick From Discarded Weed

On a recent weekend, Lola Star’s dog Dazzle, a mini goldendoodle just shy of 2 years old, ate a joint she found on the ground in the borough of Staten Island. It wasn’t the first or even the 10th time the dog had done this, Star said with a prolonged sigh.

She had not seen it happen, but there was a telltale sign. “I was taking her out of the car, and I saw her little head bobble,” Star, who lives in the Prospect Park South neighborhood in the Brooklyn borough, said. “That’s when you know your dog is stoned.”

Her dog is not the only unwitting weed consumer. Now that marijuana is widely available in New York City — after the city legalized adult recreational use of the drug in 2021 and the first legal dispensary opened in December — veterinarians are saying they’ve recently noticed a steady increase in the number of cases of dogs accidentally eating cannabis products. And pet owners say their dogs are running into more dropped cannabis on streets and sidewalks during walks.

Seriously, you people are dropping joints on the ground instead of finishing them? Get with the program, Spicoli!

Veterinarians who used to see a case once a month now say they see several a week. Though most dogs recover, the symptoms can be scary: loss of balance and difficulty walking, nausea, sleepiness and even hallucinations. And some owners do not see right away when their dogs eat a small remnant of a joint while out on a walk.

Though dog owners are used to having to steer nosy pets away from trash, food and other dangers on the sidewalk, the weed is a new risk that’s suddenly everywhere, Star said. And so dogs like Dazzle get sick again and again.

Not cool, Cheech.

The trend is not exclusive to New York City. In the past six years, there’s been a more than 400% increase in calls about marijuana poisoning to the Pet Poison Helpline, a 24-hour animal poison control center — with most reported in New York and California. Last year, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ Animal Poison Control hotline fielded nearly 7,000 calls for marijuana toxicity, an 11% increase from the previous year.

Most dogs will recover….

But for particularly large doses of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis — such as when a small dog consumes food or candy infused with it — there can be risks of heart arrhythmia or seizures, she said.

Why are you discarding joints and stuff infused with THC? Just wait till people start leaving all their other drugs on the ground, like fentanyl, in Democratic Party run areas that are legalizing drugs and ignoring drug use.

Read: Idiots Discarding Their Legal Marijuana Making Dogs Sick »

Two Degrees Of Warming Is Even Worse Than You Think Or Something

It’s always some sort of doom with these folks

Myth-buster: Why two degrees of global warming is worse than it sounds

A couple of degrees Celsius might not sound like a lot. But in terms of global warming, it’s a big deal.

In fact, every tenth of a degree that the Earth warms in the future will make a difference in the impacts that people experience worldwide and in your neck of the woods.

Picture yourself:

  • In Phoenix, Arizona, where you have to endure roughly nine additional days of over 110 degrees Fahrenheit per year than people here used to.
  • In Montecito, California, where if you’re not shopping for new air filters due to expected wildfire smoke, you’re practicing your evacuation plan in preparation for the mudslides that are becoming more common on fire-scarred hillsides.
  • In a Gulf Coast community, where hurricanes are getting more frequent and more severe — like Hurricane Ian, which was 10% wetter than it would have been if not for climate change.

Those are just some of the impacts we’re already seeing as a result of the one degree Celsius the world has already warmed since the late 19th century.

If it’s so dangerous, why do so few Warmists practice what they preach? Why are their lives not carbon neutral?

By transitioning off fossil fuels and to clean energy, sucking carbon out of the air, and drastically slashing emissions, the world has a chance to limit global warming — averting the worst impacts and helping to preserve a safe and livable world.

Perhaps Yale should stop using fossil fuels to operate. Turn off their heating and AC. Limit the use of WiFi, electricity, stop serving meat, and so much more. But, this is only for Other People.

Read: Two Degrees Of Warming Is Even Worse Than You Think Or Something »

House Committee To Start Investigating Wuhan Flu Origins

This is going to make Democrats and people like Fauci very, very upset. I wonder how the Credentialed Media will portray Democrats when they attempt to stonewall the committee as it tries to delve into this subject?

House Oversight subcommittee to investigate COVID-19 origins and Wuhan lab funding

Republicans on a House Oversight subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic are launching an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and whether U.S. funds were sent to a lab in Wuhan, China.

The select committee on the COVID-19 pandemic is requesting information on the origins of the virus from current and former Biden administration officials including Dr. Anthony Fauci, formerly the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the president of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit pandemic prevention research organization.

“The American people deserve real answers after years of suffering through the coronavirus pandemic and related government policies,” Select Subcommittee Chair Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, said in a statement. “This investigation must begin with where and how this virus came about so that we can attempt to predict, prepare or prevent it from happening again.”

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chair James Comer, R-Ky., and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, demanded documents and information on COVID origins from the Biden administration last year. Republicans in the last Congress also sent letters to the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“Understanding the origins of COVID-19 is essential to providing accountability and protecting Americans in the future,” Comer said in a statement.

Will the Biden administration cooperate? Will the CDC, National Institute Of Health, CIA, and other alphabet agencies? Americans do deserve answers. It shouldn’t be controversial to search for answers. You know that Democrats will make it controversial, though.

If you look at the comments at the story, you can see that Democrats are, in fact, upset that the GOP would dare to investigate this, even after they wasted years investigating Trump. Probably because Democrats love using COVID to institute more government authoritarianism.

Read: House Committee To Start Investigating Wuhan Flu Origins »

White House Climate Cult Czar Met With Private Ecoloons Group On Banning Gas Stoves


No One Is Coming for Your Gas Stove Anytime Soon

And it’s totally non-existent

The Dumbest Reactions to the Non-Existent Gas Stove Ban

And they’re totally not taking them away

We’re not taking away your gas stove, regulator tells CNN

It’s all a conspiracy theory from you Kooks

White House climate czar met privately with eco group pushing gas stove bans

White House climate czar Ali Zaidi, who also serves as an assistant to President Biden, privately met with three officials with the Colorado-based Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), an environmental group pushing gas stove bans.

Zaidi met Jules Kortenhorst, RMI’s CEO at the time; John Coequyt, RMI’s government affairs director; and Sarah Ladislaw, RMI’s former managing director and U.S. program leader, on March 17, 2022, in the West Wing of the White House, according to visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital. The three officials have extensive records advocating for net-zero and climate policies weaning the U.S. off fossil fuels. (big snip)

“Across the United States, millions of homes and apartments rely on gas appliances for heating and cooking,” RMI states on its website. “Burning gas in buildings is not only a threat to climate action but also to human health, as these appliances are sources of indoor air pollution.”

RMI recently made headlines after it funded a study that highlighted public health dangers posed by gas stove usage. The study was cited in a Bloomberg article in early January that included comments from a Consumer Product Safety Commission member who told the outlet a gas stove ban was “on the table.”

Nah, just a conspiracy theory

(Laurel Leader Call) Well, it’s true. Weeks after being called kooks and conspiracy theorists to believe that the federal government was exploring banning gas stoves, it’s been proved true. The reasons cited for these bans were for safety. Somehow, after generations of using gas stoves, it is now a health hazard for young children. Paint us skeptical. Plus, if you have children and are concerned, by all means go get an electric stove. But if you are not concerned or do not have kids, who is being damaged?

Oh, we see, the environment. So this wasn’t actually about health, but another step toward bowing completely to some of the most evil, unhinged, self-important bunch of  climate zealots to ever wander the Earth. It is the people who flock to exclusive resort towns, all flying private jets to gather and make each other feel important under a ridiculous guise of saving the planet. Make no mistake, they are ridiculous in their efforts. But they will not be satisfied until the entire planet is living in the Third World, except for the self-anointed “elites,” who will be just fine. How nauseating these people are.

Climate lunatics are winning the war on oil. They are winning the war on coal. By even proposing a ban of natural gas stoves, the war against that energy source has begun. At one time, not too long ago, natural gas was a coveted alternative to oil. What happened? Climate lunatics, that’s what has happened.

I don’t have one. Mine’s electric, despite there being gas lines for the furnace and fireplace (strangely, not for the water heater, either), but, I’d love to have one. But, I’ll survive, been cooking on electric since I went away to college. Regardless, the government needs to stay out of regulating every damned bit of people’s lives.

Read: White House Climate Cult Czar Met With Private Ecoloons Group On Banning Gas Stoves »

If All You See…

…are rough waves from carbon pollution Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on when defoliating the Amazon is OK.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Climate Change Might Have Maybe Possibly Ended The Hittite Empire

If only the Hittites had driven EVs and powered everything with wind and solar, they could have survived

Climate change may have toppled Hittite Empire: study

Three years of extreme drought may have brought about the collapse of the mighty Hittite Empire around 1200 BC, researchers have said, linking the plight of the fallen civilization to the modern world’s climate crisis.

The Hittites dominated Anatolia in modern-day Turkey for nearly 500 years, even rivaling the power of the Egyptian Empire for a period.

They were one of several influential ancient civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East which were all toppled or severely weakened at around the same time, bringing the curtain down on the Bronze Age.

The Hittites mysteriously abandoned their capital and religious center Hattusa around 1200 BC, when the royal line died out and written historical documents dried up.

“Linking the plight”. Are they saying that the current climatic changes are being caused mostly/solely by nature? Because that’s damned sure what caused those years of drought. Interestingly, the Hittites thrived during a slight cooling period that was ending and into a slight warming period, similar to the current one. And then died out as a deep cooling period started.

Of course, they really do not know what truly caused the end

The rings showed three-straight years—1198 BC to 1196 BC—with “unusually” low growth, suggesting a prolonged and particularly , according to the study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.

The researchers suggested that the drought caused severe food shortages, particularly for the land-locked parts of the central Hittite kingdom, which depended on grain and livestock.

The food shortages could have led to political, economic and social unrest, ultimately bringing about the end of the empire.

The tree rings from a limited era “suggest.” Of course

Manning warned that current global warming means the  could face a “multi-year ” similar to the one that affected the Hittites.

Sigh. It’s all about the scaremongering.

Read: Bummer: Climate Change Might Have Maybe Possibly Ended The Hittite Empire »

California Democrat Has Solution To Prostitutes All Over All The Time: Legalize It

Remember this from Feb 9th?

California cities rattled by prostitution, human trafficking in broad daylight as cops pin blame on new law

Women wearing thongs in broad daylight on street corners, pimps following mothers taking their kids to school, and prostitutes twerking at traffic have become common scenes in California.

Local leaders claim human trafficking and prostitution are rampant in the Golden State after a new criminal justice reform that its author said aims to protect transgender women from being unfairly targeted by law enforcement.

So, instead of recommending that the law which “repealed a previous law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution” be repealed, well, this is the People’s Republik Of California, run almost solely by Democrats

California politician suggests fix to state’s brazen prostitution: Legalize it

A San Francisco County leader voiced support to legalize prostitution in the city as brazen soliciting spirals across the state after a new law took effect this year.

“What’s happening right now on Capp Street is it’s become more brazen, and bigger than we’ve ever seen it before,” county Supervisor Hillary Ronen told The Los Angeles Times last week.

“Instead of repeating the same cycle that we’ve repeated for decades, it’s time to try something new.”

Ronen called the situation “out of control” in comments to the San Francisco Chronicle, and pushed for San Francisco to install barriers on Capp Street in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District, after it became lined with prostitutes and pimps.

This week, she is expected to announce a resolution that will urge state lawmakers to legalize prostitution.

Well, that should totally solve the issue, right? Instead of cops being able to arrest prostitutes who are actually soliciting, now they’d be able to hang out all over with no worries. So, legalization would create more problems, because you know the Democrats won’t do something like restricting it to certain legal buildings or in homes. Nope, they will certainly just legalize it and move on.

Read: California Democrat Has Solution To Prostitutes All Over All The Time: Legalize It »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle in the carbon pollution heavy nation of America, you might just be a Warmist

The link of the day is Truth About Guns, with a post on New Yorkers shocked that gun free zone signs do not work.

It’s redheads week.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove