AOC Says It’s Like Slavery To Restrict Non-US Citizens From Voting In D.C.

She’s 7 beers shorts of a 6 pack

AOC says GOP reviving ‘legacy of slavery’ by ending non-citizen voting rights in DC

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., implied Wednesday that racism lies behind this week’s push by Republicans to end voting rights for non-citizens in the capital of Washington, D.C.

House lawmakers debated a resolution that would disapprove of a D.C. Council law allowing non-citizens and illegal immigrants to vote in the city. Several Democrats took to the floor to argue that Republicans were looking to micromanage the city, and Ocasio-Cortez went further by saying the GOP seems to be targeting minorities.

She said Republicans “claim they believe in the sacred right to vote while denying that right to vote to an overwhelmingly Black city,” and accused Republicans of trying to “meddle into the business of D.C. residents.”

Ocasio-Cortez added that while other cities around the country have allowed non-citizens to vote, Republicans are only calling up legislation dealing with Washington, D.C.

“They’re singling out the residents of the District of Columbia and expanding in the history of disenfranchisement that goes all the way back to the legacy of slavery,” she argued.

There’s no legal right for non-citizens, especially illegal aliens, to vote in the U.S., and, as the District of Columbia is ultimately responsive to Congress. It was never meant to be a town with residents and private businesses and such, and, even the D.C. government’s webpage, in whining for statehood, states that “The Constitution dictates that the federal district be under the jurisdiction of the US Congress.” At the end of the day, the D.C. government is under the control of Congress, and every time they let a non-citizen vote they’re reducing the power of legal U.S. citizen votes.

AOC’s idiotic, race baiting argument further reduces the history of actual disenfranchisement of those who had previously been slaves. But, hey, she doesn’t seem to know much about the subject she earned an economics degree in, so, why would she know anything about history?

Read: AOC Says It’s Like Slavery To Restrict Non-US Citizens From Voting In D.C. »

Sigh: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Causing More Earthquakes

I guess the editors at news outlets were giving a couple days respect for anywhere from 11,000-15,000 killed in the Turkey earthquakes

Climate change is triggering more earthquakes. Big Oil’s interests are a factor

On Monday, earthquakes in my country Turkey and neighbouring Syria left a trail of unprecedented devastation and a death toll surpassing 16,000 people at the last count.

We do not know for sure what triggered this horrific natural disaster, but we do know there is growing scientific evidence that climate change increases the risk of such tremors, together with tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

“If a fault is primed or ready to rupture, all that is needed is the pressure of a handshake to set if off […] Environmental changes associated with rapid and accelerating climate breakdown could easily do the job,” professor of geophysics and climate hazards at University College London Bill McGuire pointed out back in 2012.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Again, Turkey is at the intersection of 3 major plates, the Asian, European, and African, along with many minor plates, creating a vast network of major and minor fault lines

Furthermore, NASA scientists acknowledged that glaciers retreating due to global warming have been triggering earthquakes in Alaska in the last decades.

It’s Turkey. There are only a handful of places with glaciers, and none would have that type of effect

The impact is not limited to the Arctic. As melting glaciers change the distribution of weight across the Earth’s crust, the resulting “glacial isostatic adjustment” drives changes in plate tectonics that could lead to more earthquakes, awaken volcanoes and even affect the movement of the Earth’s axis.

And, according to the Cult of Climastrology, this is all your fault. Doesn’t matter that glaciers have been melting since the end of the last glacial age 20,000 years ago, or that there have been periods warmer than the current one, you need to be forced to change your life in a way that Warmists won’t in their own lives.

This particular consequence of global warming “warns us of a seismically turbulent future,” one recent study concluded.

F*ck right off, you insane loony tune doomsday cultists. How about being helpful, and do something for the people of Turkey, rather than being wackjobs?

Read: Sigh: Climate Crisis (scam) Is Causing More Earthquakes »

You Don’t Say: California Law Causes Prostitutes To Be All Over All The Time

When you repeal a law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution, well, what did you think was going to happen? Especially since California and so many Democratic Party run cities do not do anything about people wearing barely anything to nothing in public, performing adult acts in from of children, and just simple moral turpitude

California cities rattled by prostitution, human trafficking in broad daylight as cops pin blame on new law

unintended consequencesWomen wearing thongs in broad daylight on street corners, pimps following mothers taking their kids to school, and prostitutes twerking at traffic have become common scenes in California.

Local leaders claim human trafficking and prostitution are rampant in the Golden State after a new criminal justice reform that its author said aims to protect transgender women from being unfairly targeted by law enforcement.

“It’s absolutely out of control and dangerous — not just for the sex workers but for the community,” San Francisco Supervisor Hillary Ronen told the San Francisco Chronicle this week.

A road in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District has become lined with prostitutes and pimps, prompting city officials to install barricades as residents sound off that not only do they feel less safe – especially at night – but that they are worried about the women working the streets.

I wonder how many people voted for the Democrats that voted to repeal the law, and are surprised and upset over getting what they voted for?

Pimps in Oakland have reportedly stationed prostitutes outside a Catholic grade school, where parents said they walk their kids to school past women wearing next to nothing – or even naked.

“It’s every day, during all periods of the day,” mother Rosa Vargas told ABC 7. Vargas claimed that pimps have even followed Vargas down the street on a couple of occasions. Some of the prostitutes look very young and are likely underage, according to residents and local leaders.

And there’s a huge concern over many of the women being trafficked, but, the cops have their hands tied thanks to the law

Police departments and Republican leaders in the state are pinning blame for the overt prostitution on a new law that went into effect on Jan. 1. Senate Bill 357 repealed a previous law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution.

“California Democrats’ policy of legalizing crime is creating more victims by the hour,” GOP Assembly leader James Gallagher said in a statement.

“Under Democratic rule, families and businesses are moving out, while human traffickers are moving in,” Gallagher added. “It was clear from the get-go that this law would encourage and enable human trafficking, but that was apparently an acceptable result for the lawmakers who backed it.”

Per that ABC7 article above, it was introduced by State Sen. Scott Wiener because he felt that the law about going after those who had the “intent to engage in prostitution” was disproportionately targeting transgender women. So, to protect a tiny, tiny segment of the population, SB357 has now increased visible prostitution, put them in front of schools and children, made communities unsafe, and increase human trafficking. He and interest groups supported the repeal of the intent law, never really truly considering the effects, because that’s what Democrats do

But Los Angeles police sources who spoke to Fox News Digital said the law is “definitely” handcuffing them from cracking down on prostitution. The police said that because of the reform they can only make arrests if a suspect admits to prostitution, which they said is a rarity.

Don’t expect the loony tunes Democrats who run the government in full to do a damned thing. There will just be more people leaving the cities, at least those who can afford to.

Read: You Don’t Say: California Law Causes Prostitutes To Be All Over All The Time »

Climate Cult Scientists Want To Create A Cloud Of Moon Dust Around The Earth

What could possibly go wrong? Of course, the scientists will get lots and lots of government funding, and live pretty good lives with it

These researchers want to launch dust from the moon to help cool Earth

Imagine a world where global warming on Earth has meaningfully diminished. Fossil fuels are on the back burner. Affordable renewable energy sources run most of our activities. Oh, and there’s a cannon on the moon shooting lunar dust into space to help partially shield sunlight to Earth.

That’s one eyebrow-raising approach for cooling our planet proposed by a group of astrophysicists in a study published Wednesday in PLOS Climate. The team used computer simulations to model various scenarios where massive quantities of dust (and we mean a lot of dust) in space can reduce the amount of Earthbound sunlight by 1 to 2 percent, or up to about six days of an obscured sun in a year. Their cheapest and most efficient idea is to launch dust from the moon, which would land into orbit between the sun and Earth and create a sunshade.

Yes, the idea sounds like science fiction. Yes, it would require (a lot of) new engineering. Yes, there are more feasible climate mitigation tactics that can be employed now and in the near future. But the researchers view this rigorous physics experiment as a backup option that could aid — not replace — existing strategies to help humankind live on a more comfortable Earth.

Considering that most of their computer simulations have been wrong, from a bit wrong to spectacularly wrong, this won’t go well. But, they’ll piss away lots of your tax dollars for this pie in the sky idiocy.

(New Scientist) Launching a dust cloud from the moon to block sunlight reaching Earth could reduce global warming, but such a strategy may require more than a decade’s worth of research before it can be implemented. The risks involved with such an approach in terms of how it could affect agriculture, ecosystems and water quality in different parts of the world are also unclear.

They can run all the simulations they want, but, they really do not know the effects.

Read: Climate Cult Scientists Want To Create A Cloud Of Moon Dust Around The Earth »

Ron DeSantis Tells Trump He Doesn’t Spend Time Smearing Republicans

This stuff is not help

Trump shares photos of DeSantis alleging he partied and drank with high school girls when he was a teacher

Former President Donald Trump reposted a photo on Tuesday of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that accused him of drinking alcohol with minors when he was a high school teacher.

“That’s not Ron, is it? He would never do such a thing!” Trump wrote sarcastically on his social media app, Truth Social.

The picture shows a 23-year-old DeSantis smiling between three women with blurred out faces, whose ages aren’t clear. One of the females in the photos is holding a brown glass bottle but DeSantis isn’t pictured drinking. Still, the caption reads, “Here is Ron DeSantimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher,” followed by the vomit emoji.

Ron gave the perfect response

DeSantis says he won’t fight with Trump over Truth Social photos with high schoolers: ‘I don’t spend my time trying to smear other Republicans’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday responded to former President Donald Trump’s sharing of a photo alleging the governor drank alcohol with minors when he was a high school teacher.

“I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden,” DeSantis said during a press conference in Ocala, Florida. “That’s how I spend my time. I don’t spend my time trying to smear other Republicans.”

DeSantis generally takes questions from the media after most press conferences, on any topic. In this case the focus of the press conference was to announce massive tax cuts in Florida with GOP legislative leaders.

Unlike Trump’s freewheeling style, DeSantis is scripted and disciplined during his public appearances. He doesn’t take questions at the end of some events and at times he eschews public appearances.

Amid criticism from the former president, DeSantis generally has stayed away from hitting Trump directly. Instead, his messages tend to be more subliminal. On Tuesday, for instance, DeSantis held an event on defamation laws in which he praised a conservative lawyer who represented Dominion Voting Machines in its defamation lawsuit against Trump ally Mike Lindell.

Will Ron run or won’t he? Regardless, I’ve noted before that it’s a bad idea for Trump to be dropping blue on blue fire, as it damages other Republicans. Seriously, how does this help? The bull in a china shop act is old, as is smearing other Republicans, which harms them and creates divisions. And, let’s say Trump loses the primaries: he will have made it that much harder for the winner to win the White House, and can damage Republicans taking the Senate and keeping the House.

He really just needs to drop out. Let the ego go. His time has passed, and he really has no shot at winning the White House again, as I’ve said many times. His policies do not matter: it’s electibility. It’s gone.

Read: Ron DeSantis Tells Trump He Doesn’t Spend Time Smearing Republicans »

Say, What Causes Earthquakes And Are They Your Fault?

I tried to ignore the insanity of the climate cult linking the horrific Turkey earthquake with their Beliefs, and, thankfully, it was mostly just rando wackjobs on social media doing it, along with cult propagandists, like

But, good grief

Earthquakes: What causes them and is climate change involved? – explainer

Earthquakes are among the many dangerous and destructive natural disasters that can occur all over the world, and as the recent quakes that struck Turkey and Syria demonstrate, they are definitely something to be concerned about.

In the most recent earthquake disaster, over 11,000 people died, but the death toll keeps climbing days later.

It’s actually a decent article, explaining the mechanics of earthquakes, until

However, climate change can in theory have an impact on earthquakes. This is because the only real variable in earthquakes is the amount of stress on a fault line. According to NASA geophysicist Paul Lundgren, the main way this could happen is if climate change caused surface water to add to the stress on a fault.

These do happen and are known as microseismicity, tiny earthquakes with magnitudes below zero on the Richter scale that humans can’t feel.

Then there are droughts. As noted by NASA researcher Donald Argus, droughts can alter the size of mountains due to a loss of water. This could, in theory, result in a change of stress on faults. Other studies have also noted that groundwater extraction by humans during droughts can also impact stress by essentially changing the weight of the planet’s crust, which could cause changes between both sides of a fault line and could, in theory, cause an earthquake.

Then there are glaciers, which themselves move around. As glaciers move around due to climate change, these can cause glacial earthquakes. This can actually reduce earthquakes because it will reduce stress loads.

There are no glaciers anywhere near the Turkey earthquakes. There are simply massive fault lines in Turkey, being near three of the major plates: the African, Asian, and European plates, plus smaller ones. It’s similar to why Greece has a topography as it does.

Read: Say, What Causes Earthquakes And Are They Your Fault? »

If All You See…

…is an area that will Soon! flood from anthropogenic sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post wondering if the madness of the left ever ends.

Read: If All You See… »

The SOTU Has Become Uncivil Or Something

Time Magazine is Very Upset that Republicans were mean to Biden during his rants, like when he lied about Republicans wanting to kill Social Security and Medicare. Pushed to force doctors to perform gender confused surgeries.

14 Years After ‘You Lie’ Shocked Congress, Yelling at the President Becomes a New Norm

When South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You lie!” during a 2009 speech President Barack Obama delivered to Congress, the breach of decorum quickly became the evening’s most notable moment. Members of both parties condemned the outburst, which was a response to the President’s claim that his health care plan would not apply to undocumented immigrants. After being booed by his colleagues, Wilson issued an apology and expressed contrition to Obama’s chief of staff.

Obama did lie.

Fourteen years later, heckling, booing, and yelling at the President has become the norm.

During this year’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday, Republicans shouted at President Joe Biden on-and-off throughout the address. Though they were occasionally met by shushing and calls for order, those efforts didn’t end the interruptions.

Well, yeah. When Biden yammered about fentanyl crossing the border, it is his fault for doing little to secure the border. He said that illegal immigration is down.

Later in the evening, soon after Biden appealed to Republicans to help pass his “comprehensive immigration reform” plan, he prepared to move on to a discussion of abortion rights. But Republicans wouldn’t let him transition so easily, peppering him with shouts of “Secure the border!”

When Biden got to the portion of his speech devoted to China and didn’t mention the infamous Chinese balloon that dominated headlines last week, Greene interjected again.

“China’s spying on us!” she cried. Though she was promptly shushed by her colleagues, she continued speaking as Biden plowed on. Her mouth was still moving as Democrats drowned her out with applause and the President raised his voice.

Biden tried to get all big and tough on China. After just allowing a spy balloon to fly over the entire U.S.. Anyhow, no mention of Pelosi tearing up Trump’s speech, sitting there like stones and not cheering at all. Or

Well, that’s weird. The Credential Media wasn’t too upset over this, either.

Anyhow, don’t want booing, jeers, and interruptions? Don’t lie. Don’t fearmongering. Don’t stand there and Blamestorm the opposing party and expect them to sit there and take it. Don’t paint an overly rosy picture of the economy that doesn’t match reality

(Fox News) “President Biden wants to tell you that everything is great, but why aren’t people feeling great?” Rep Juan Ciscomani (R-Ariz) asked. “The American dream feels more unattainable, and sadly, President Biden fails to show leadership and present any viable solution.”

“The results speak for themselves. The cost of living is out of control,” the lawmaker continued. “The price of milk and bread continues to rise, and buying eggs is now a luxury. Gas prices are still too high which impacts everything we buy. It’s nearly impossible to buy a house due to high prices and high-interest rates.”

Biden doesn’t care. He wants to “complete the job on the economy.” No, thanks.

Read: The SOTU Has Become Uncivil Or Something »

Your Fault: Climate Doom To Lead To More Superbugs

How dare you!

Climate change is contributing to the rise of superbugs, new UN report says

st greta carClimate change and antimicrobial resistance are two of the greatest threats to global health, according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme.

The report, titled “Bracing for Superbugs,” highlights the role of climate change and other environmental factors contributing to the rise of antimicrobial resistance. It was announced Tuesday at the Sixth Meeting of the Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance in Barbados.

Antimicrobial resistance or AMR happens when germs such as bacteria, viruses and fungi develop the ability to defeat the medications designed to kill them. (snip)

The focus so far has largely been on excessive antimicrobial use, but experts say there is growing evidence that environmental factors play a significant role in the development, transmission and spread of antimicrobial resistance.

“Climate change, pollution, changes in our weather patterns, more rainfall, more closely packed, dense cities and urban areas – all of this facilitates the spread of antibiotic resistance. And I am certain that this is only going to go up with time unless we take relatively drastic measures to curb this,” said Dr. Scott Roberts, an infectious diseases specialist at Yale School of Medicine, who was not involved with the new UN report.

The climate crisis worsens antimicrobial resistance in several ways. Research has shown that increased temperatures increase both the rate of bacterial growth and the rate of the spread of antibiotic-resistant genes between microorganisms.

Remember how all those carbon emissions made the Black Plague worse?

“As we get a more extreme climate, especially as it warms, the gradients that drive the evolution of resistance will actually accelerate. So, by curbing temperature rises and reducing the extremity of events, we can actually then fundamentally curb the probability of evolving new resistance,” Dr. David Graham, a professor of ecosystems engineering at Newcastle University and one of the UN report’s authors, said at a news conference ahead of the report’s release.

Nothing but cult doom from these people.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Doom To Lead To More Superbugs »

Good News: IRS To Go After Service Industry Tips

Remember, those 87,000 new IRS employees will only go after those rich folks

Biden’s IRS plans to crack down on waiters’ tips

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) proposed a revenue procedure this week to crack down on the service industry’s reporting of tips.

The Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program would be a voluntary tip reporting system in which the IRS and service industry companies cooperate, according to the announcement Monday. As part of the proposal, the IRS will give the public until early May to provide feedback on the program before implementing it.

“Those 87,000 new IRS agents that you were promised would only target the rich,” tweeted Mike Palicz, federal affairs manager at Americans for Tax Reform. “They’re coming after waitresses’ tips now.”

According to the IRS, the program would seek to “improve tip reporting compliance,” reduce administrative burdens and provide more transparency and certainty to taxpayers.

How do you feel about defending the new IRS funding scheme now, Democrat voters? Do you get it now? Do you get that they won’t really be going after the rich, but, the middle and working classes, because it’s a whole lot easier, since they have less access to high price accountants and lawyers? The IRS gives a pinky promise that they won’t, but, that’s really where the money is.

“This is not a proposal for the auditing of servers,” an IRS official told Fox News Digital. “Yesterday’s action was a proposal for comment – not a rule – based on over a decade of feedback from restaurants and other businesses seeking the increased flexibility for their overall tax compliance on tips.”

And when the public says “don’t do this”, do you think the IRS will listen? And yes, a good chunk of those cash tips never end up being reported. Tough.


State stimulus checks: IRS plans to rule whether these payments are taxable this week

The Internal Revenue Service is expected to provide more guidance this week on whether stimulus checks that states issued in 2022 are considered taxable income on federal returns.

The agency urged taxpayers who are uncertain about the taxability of their state’s payments to hold off on filing their federal taxes until guidance is released, according to the agency’s announcement.

How these payments are treated could affect residents in at least 19 states that issued tax rebates after a revenue surplus or relief payments to help folks weather higher prices last year.

Guess which classes get boned if the IRS decides to treat the stimulus checks as income?

Read: Good News: IRS To Go After Service Industry Tips »

Pirate's Cove