Of course, the Warmists who have been using fossil fuels and are mostly refusing to give up their own use of fossil fuels are exempt
The fossil fuel industry owes at least $23.2 trillion in reparations for climate change
A new study by the environmental research group One Earth estimates the world’s top fossil fuel companies have emitted around 36% of all global emissions since 1988. That amounts to 403,092 metric tons of CO2 emissions, based on the group’s 2023 analysis that builds on the Carbon Majors 2018 data set.
Have they emitted it themselves or just provided the fuel that runs the world that has created it?
The aim of the study is to provide, for the first time, a methodology to quantify the economic impacts of individual companies’ damage to the climate. Estimates for the reparations are conservative, as they do not take into account factors including lives and livelihoods lost, species extinction, and biodiversity loss.
The impacts disproportionately affect poorer regions: Oxfam estimates that carbon emissions of the world’s richest 1% is more than double the emissions of the poorest half of the world.
Global economic damages resulting from the climate crisis are projected to be $99 trillion between 2025 and 2050, and fossil fuel emissions are responsible for $69.6 trillion of that. Around one-third of that number rests on fossil fuel companies, amounting to $23.2 trillion, or $893 billion annually.
So, it’s basically a money grab. A shakedown. One that uses those poor folks as human shields, and, you know they wouldn’t really get the money. It would be siphoned off by government, lawyers, warlords in those 3rd world shitholes, and ‘climate change’ groups.
The top 21 fossil fuel-emitting companies owe $5.4 trillion, or $209 billion annually in reparations (excluding some companies such as those in Venezuela, which the study considers to be in too poor an economic situation to pay). Liability was also halved for producers in Russia, China, Mexico, Brazil and Iraq according to One Earth’s methodology.
Companies in countries that can afford to pay reparations include Saudi Arabia’s state-run oil and gas producer Saudi Aramco, which would owe the most at $43 billion annually, or about a quarter of its $161.1 billion profits in 2022.
In the US, ExxonMobil and Chevron would annually owe $18.4 billion and $12.8 billion respectively. ExxonMobil’s profits in 2022 alone were $56 billion, while Chevron made $35.5 billion in profits.
Yeah, well, good luck getting it. I’d believe this is real if the Warmists gave up their own use of fossil fuels.
Read: Climate Cult Is Looking For $23.2 Trillion From Fossil Fuels Companies »