Your Fault: Climate Apocalypse Could Maybe Possibly Cause Trade Wats

The NY Times is Very Concerned that this could happen, despite pretty much every climate cult prognostication failing

Climate Change May Usher in a New Era of Trade Wars

Efforts to mitigate climate change are prompting countries across the world to embrace dramatically different policies toward industry and trade, bringing governments into conflict.

These new clashes over climate policy are straining international alliances and the global trading system, hinting at a future in which policies aimed at staving off environmental catastrophe could also result in more frequent cross-border trade wars.

In recent months, the United States and Europe have proposed or introduced subsidiestariffs and other policies aimed at speeding the green energy transition. Proponents of the measures say governments must move aggressively to expand sources of cleaner energy and penalize the biggest emitters of planet-warming gases if they hope to avert a global climate disaster.

But critics say these policies often put foreign countries and companies at a disadvantage, as governments subsidize their own industries or charge new tariffs on foreign products. The policies depart from a decades-long status quo in trade, in which the United States and Europe often joined forces through the World Trade Organization to try to knock down trade barriers and encourage countries to treat one another’s products more equally to boost global commerce.

Now, new policies are pitting close allies against one another and widening fractures in an already fragile system of global trade governance, as countries try to contend with the existential challenge of climate change.

In fairness, this could happen to a minor degree, because all these climate cult crooks politicians are pushing all these silly cult policies to attempt to fix a pretty much non-existent problem. But, see, a trade war isn’t really what this is all about

“The climate crisis requires economic transformation at a scale and speed humanity has never attempted in our 5,000 years of written history,” said Todd N. Tucker, the director of industrial policy and trade at the Roosevelt Institute, who is an advocate for some of the measures. “Unsurprisingly, a task of this magnitude will require a new policy tool kit.”

The current system of global trade funnels tens of millions of shipping containers stuffed with couches, clothing and car parts from foreign factories to the United States each year, often at astonishingly low prices. But the prices that consumers pay for these goods do not take into account the environmental harm generated by the far-off factories that make them, or by the container ships and cargo planes that carry them across the ocean.

American and European officials argue that more needs to be done to discourage trade in products made with more pollution or carbon emissions. And U.S. officials believe they must lessen a dangerous dependence on China in particular for the materials needed to power the green energy transition, like solar panels and electric vehicle batteries.

The Elites are very unhappy that you peasants can get all sorts of goods at inexpensive prices

(Fox News) Business executives, celebrities, billionaires and government officials traveled to the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit last week largely using private jets, according to a Fox News Digital analysis of flight data.

During the conference, which began on Jan. 16 and concluded Friday, at least 150 private jets flew into three of the closest airstrips near WEF’s headquarters in Davos, Switzerland, according to data obtained from flight tracking software Flightradar24. The data suggests that conference attendees spewed hundreds of thousands of pounds and thousands of metric tons of carbon as a result of their private jet usage.

You have to pay the price for their Bad Behavior.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Apocalypse Could Maybe Possibly Cause Trade Wats »

If All You See…

…is a flooded world from too much carbon pollution Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the word “mummy” being cancelled.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Whine About Being Kept Off Key Committees

Politics is a dirty business with a veneer of civility, and, don’t want none, don’t start none. Payback’s a bitch. Welcome to Politics 101

Schiff, Swalwell, Omar respond after Speaker McCarthy keeps them off committees: ‘Political vengeance’

Reps. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar, who were stripped of their committee assignments by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, have accused him of “political vengeance” in a statement Tuesday evening after he again blocked their appointments.

“It’s disappointing but not surprising that Kevin McCarthy has capitulated to the right wing of his caucus, undermining the integrity of the Congress, and harming our national security in the process,” said Schiff, D-Calif., Swalwell, D-Calif., and Omar, D-Minn., in a joint statement.

The statement is the latest exchange in an ongoing tiff between McCarthy, R-Calif., and the three Democrats after he removed them from choice committee assignments after Republicans took over the majority, and he was elected Speaker.

“He struck a corrupt bargain in his desperate, and nearly failed, attempt to win the Speakership, a bargain that required political vengeance against the three of us,” the Democrats continued in the letter.

Aww, poor babies. Perhaps Democrats shouldn’t have started stuff when they had control.

After the three Democrats were unsuccessful in convincing McCarthy to reinstate their committee positions, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the highest-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, vouched for them.

In a letter, Jeffries said the legislators were “eminently qualified” and had experience justifying a position overseeing the nation’s intelligence community. Schiff and Swalwell previously served on the House Intelligence Committee while Omar served on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

We’re still waiting on all the Russia collusion information Schiff promised time and again. Omar is a Jew and Israel hater and supporter of Palestinian terrorism. Swalwell? McCarthy has said that Eric couldn’t get a security clearance in the private sector due to his dalliance with Chinese spy Fang Fang.

McCarthy also said, “It is my assessment that the misuse of this panel during the 116th and 117th Congresses severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions – ultimately leaving our nation less safe.”

Democrats always escalate, then whine when the Republicans actually respond. Oh, and from the Squish Caucus

With friends like Spartz who needs enemies?

Read: Democrats Whine About Being Kept Off Key Committees »

If You Have ‘Climate Change’ Trauma, You’re Not Alone (In Your Fake Mental Illness)

These people are convincing themselves that they have PTSD like soldiers in war from a tiny increase in global temperatures since 1850

Climate Change Trauma: You’re Not Alone!

A UC, San Diego team has just published a new study documenting the lingering PTSD-like symptoms of climate disaster.

Such trauma is more widespread than expected and can seriously disable cognitive function. Victims might not be fully aware of the impacts. You don’t have to live through a disaster to become disruptively anxious about global heating and erratic, extreme weather. It’s very hard to ignore.

Most of us are not in positions to do enough to make a major difference in the climate tragedy besetting us all. That being said, many experts tell us that the healthiest strategy is to be proactive on five fronts:

Two of them are bad

Stay informed on the science and news reports from reliable sources so you don’t get blindsided.

So, basically keep reading the same doom-mongering stuff that makes you wackadoodle in the first place

Meet regularly with equally concerned friends, relatives and neighbors to share information from the first four strategies.

So y’all can reinforce your lunacy. Strangely, nothing on stopping your own use of fossil fuels and making your lives carbon neutral.

Read: If You Have ‘Climate Change’ Trauma, You’re Not Alone (In Your Fake Mental Illness) »

Brandon White House Says It Will Cooperate With “Legitimate Oversight” On Classified Docs

Anyone else thinking that Brandon and his Comrades will deem everything to be illegitimate?

White House tells House Republicans probing Biden documents that it will cooperate with ‘legitimate oversight’

spite houseThe White House Counsel’s Office said it is reviewing recent requests from a GOP committee chair related to President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents and signaled it plans to cooperate to an extent.

In a letter sent to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and obtained by NBC News, White House counsel Stuart F. Delery said that since Biden’s personal attorneys found government records at the Penn Biden Center, the White House has “fully cooperated” with the National Archives and the Justice Department to ensure documents with classified markings were provided to the appropriate authorities.

“We are reviewing your recent letters with the goal of seeking to accommodate legitimate oversight interests within the Committee’s jurisdiction while also respecting the separation of powers and the constitutional and statutory obligations of the Executive Branch generally and the White House in particular,” Delery wrote.

Delery, however, suggested that there will be a limit to what the White House is willing to share with Congress. “As I’m sure you are aware, these considerations include the critical need to protect the integrity and independence of law enforcement investigations,” he said.

You just know that they are going to pretty much deem just about everything to no be legitimate. If this were Trump the media would be all over this, Democrats would be proclaiming obstruction. Transparency will be missing. Greg Orman at Real Clear Politics has a few interesting thoughts

Last week, CBS “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan asked Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman why President Biden would dispatch his personal attorney, who didn’t have proper security clearance, to his Delaware home to search for classified documents. Presumably, Brennan believed that when searching for classified documents, one should have the credentials to actually read them. Brennan’s focus on who was reviewing Biden’s papers touched on a potentially interesting line of inquiry. The question hanging in the air, however, relates to the discovery that started this whole process: Why would lawyers be “packing up” Biden’s office in the Penn Biden Center in the first place?

Not unlike other politicians, Joe Biden has done a terrific job of turning political success into a financial windfall. But someone who considered himself “middle-class Joe” for decades should realize the wastefulness of having lawyers perform a task that a trusted intern or aid could perform. As many big-time East Coast lawyers now routinely charge $1,000 an hour, it’s an awfully expensive packing crew – unless the intent wasn’t truly to “pack” but rather to purge.

The timing here is suspicious as well. Apparently, this moving crew was at Biden’s University of Pennsylvania office a week before midterm elections that were widely anticipated to turn control of the House over to the Republicans. As Republicans had signaled that they were going to be spending considerable time wearing out the subpoena powers of various House committees to investigate Biden and his family, it would be an auspicious time to get rid of anything damaging. By using lawyers to carry out the document purge, Biden would be able to attach attorney-client privilege to their efforts, thereby avoiding damaging testimony about the contents of any shredded documents.

He can certainly shred anything private when their is no subpoena or legal document request. But, it sure looks like the lawyers were trying to clean stuff up.

Read: Brandon White House Says It Will Cooperate With “Legitimate Oversight” On Classified Docs »

Intersectional Climate Scientist Goes On Rant About White Men Or Something

Remember, this is all about science, not sociology, politics, or anything else

Intersectional climate scientist goes on rant against ‘White men,’ compares pollution to ‘the fart of a dog’

An “intersectional climate scientist” compared pollution to the “fart of a dog” when explaining her approach to thinking about climate change.

A TikToker named Dr. Chandler Puritty who claims to be an “intersectional climate scientist” used a metaphor from the book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” which includes a three-headed dog guarding a trap door.

“I am a climate scientist, and I’m here to explain to you why we are definitely going to get this thing under control and why a lot of the narratives that we see predominantly from white men and professionals are so doom and gloom,” the TikToker said.

Except, she has a PhD in Biological Sciences (and, apparently, Victimhood), not climate science.

She proceeded to state that the three-headed dog Fluffy from the Harry Potter series represents capitalism, colonialism and White supremacy – all three of which she argued are barriers to solving the climate change issue.

“OK, so you have this three-legged dog. The three-head dog. Now the heart of this dog is CO2. OK. Carbon dioxide. White scientists are telling us that the reason that every time we send someone in to get the Sorcerer’s Stone, the cure to climate change, from under the trapdoor is to make the room smell less like farts instead of to get rid of the dog entirely,” Puritty said. “Take it as you will.”

The crazy TikTok is available at the link.

Read: Intersectional Climate Scientist Goes On Rant About White Men Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle in a muddy world from Bad Weather flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on emails showing Biden doing oil deals with China.

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenconomy: Americans Having Trouble Making Car Payments

Remember, according to Biden, the economy is now doing great!

As Biden touts US economy, Americans struggling to make car payments

As President Biden touts the state of the U.S. economy under his stewardship, a striking number of Americans with auto loans are struggling to make their monthly payments.

The juxtaposition between Biden’s rhetoric and the harsh economic realities for many people highlights what’s become a constant thorn in the president’s side: high inflation, which continues to eat away at household income, and public opinion disapproving of his handling of the economy.

Car loans are the latest sign of such economic problems. Indeed, loans delinquent by more than two months increased by 5.3% in December compared to the prior month and skyrocketed by 26.7% from a year ago, according to recently released data from Cox Automotive.

Of all December loans, 1.84% were severely delinquent (generally defined as more than 90 days behind on payments), marking an increase from 1.74% in November and the highest rate since February 2009, when the financial crisis crippled the the U.S. economy.

Part of the problem is that people’s car payments are higher than they usually would have been. For new cars, most dealers have been charging a “market adjustment”, anywhere from $1,000-$3,000 above MSRP (I had one guy from Virginia call to place an order because the dealer wanted to charge $6K above sticker). For used, people have been paying way, way above what should have been normal, sometimes more than a new car (in Jan of 2021, one used dealer had a 2022 with 1K miles that was $6,073 above MSRP).

Then you start adding in the higher interest rates over the last 9 months. Which is causing people to say “no” on those too high used cars.

New figures showing people not making their car payments come as Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to afford basic necessities.

About 72% of middle-income families say their earnings are falling behind the cost of living, according to a quarterly survey from Primeric report. A similar number, 74%, said they’re unable to save for their future. Both figures are up from a year ago. (snip)

“As inflation is coming down, take-home pay for workers is going up,” Biden said in remarks on the economy earlier this month. “Workers’ wages are higher now than they were seven months ago, adjusted for inflation. Wages for lower-income and middle-income workers have gone up even more. It all adds up to a real break for consumers, real breathing room for families, and more proof that my economic plan is working.”

The thing is, inflation is slowly slowing, not coming down. Prices are still up, and still going up. Pay is not going up to account for this. Biden is just gaslighting. As usual.

For several months, polling has consistently shown a majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation and the overall economy more broadly.

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll, for example, shows just 31% of the country approves of his handling of inflation and only 38% likes how he’s tackled the economy.

Fortunately, when prices go down, that’s due to Biden, when they go up, it’s Other Things

I filled up at a gas station on way back from gym a month ago and it was under $3. It was up to $3.29 on Sunday. LGB!

Read: Bidenconomy: Americans Having Trouble Making Car Payments »

Good News: The Fed Plans An Experiment On ‘Climate Change’

What could possibly go wrong with the Federal Reserve mucking around like this

The Federal Reserve is starting a climate experiment

The US Federal Reserve is running its very first climate change experiment.

The central bank this month announced details about how it will conduct a “pilot climate scenario analysis exercise” involving the six largest US banks: Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo.

The Fed basically wants major banks to game out how they’ll handle climate change-related shocks. For example, what would happen to their real estate holdings in the northeastern United States under a future hurricane when sea levels are higher? These scenarios are grouped together in the exercise as “physical risks.”

Then there are “transition risks”: How will financial institutions cope with a wholesale shift away from fossil fuels toward cleaner energy? What will happen to their investments in coal mines or gas plants? How will loans fare when customers turn away from businesses with a large impact on the climate?

These are immensely consequential questions, not just for the banks, but for everyone. How banks manage, or fail to manage, climate risks will affect things like home loans, business lending, retirement accounts, and insurance — things that will touch every sector of the economy. The Fed has set a deadline to receive these reports from banks by the beginning of August.

Oh, good, banks have to waste a lot of time with silly reports as the Fed involves climate cult business.

“The Fed has narrow, but important, responsibilities regarding climate-related financial risks — to ensure that banks understand and manage their material risks, including the financial risks from climate change,” the Fed’s vice chair for supervision, Michael Barr, said in a statement last week.

The only risk is banks being forced to change their business practices for the whims of climate cultists in government positions of power.

Read: Good News: The Fed Plans An Experiment On ‘Climate Change’ »

FDA Proposes Yearly Wuhan Flu Shots

My first thought on this includes the phrase “f*** off.” My second is “f*** right off.”

US proposes once-a-year COVID shots for most Americans

U.S. health officials want to make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the annual flu shot.

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday proposed a simplified approach for future vaccination efforts, allowing most adults and children to get a once-a-year shot to protect against the mutating virus.

This means Americans would no longer have to keep track of how many shots they’ve received or how many months it’s been since their last booster.

The proposal comes as boosters have become a hard sell. While more than 80% of the U.S. population has had at least one vaccine dose, only 16% of those eligible have received the latest boosters authorized in August.

The FDA will ask its panel of outside vaccine experts to weigh in at a meeting Thursday. The agency is expected to take their advice into consideration while deciding future vaccine requirements for manufacturers.

In documents posted online, FDA scientists say many Americans now have “sufficient preexisting immunity” against the coronavirus because of vaccination, infection or a combination of the two. That baseline of protection should be enough to move to an annual booster against the latest strains in circulation and make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the yearly flu shot, according to the agency.

If the vaccines were working as stated, it might make sense. They aren’t. Yes, yes, there are the side effects, but, realistically, how many meds/treatments do you see on TV with all sorts of side effects, up to and including death? I had to stay away from a certain allergy medicine because it was giving me bloody noses. But, the COVID vaccines are really not stopping people from getting COVID, now, are they. Are they really reducing the symptoms of COVID? I know a bunch of folks who have gotten COVID over the last 6-9 months, who haven’t had their booster, if they got one, since September 2021. They were fine. Now, maybe if they have serious pre-existing conditions, it might be worth it. But, with COVID changing so much, would they even target the strains? Every year the flu shot targets a bunch of different flu strains, and, hopefully you do not get a different one.

If they can develop a vaccine that actually works to stop people from getting COVID, I’ll take another.

Meanwhile, for a laugh

Read: FDA Proposes Yearly Wuhan Flu Shots »

Pirate's Cove