Chip Roy Introduces Bill To Reinstate Unvaccinated Military Members

How many Democrats will vote for this? I’m betting 8 in the House, and it will get no vote in the Democrat run Senate

Exclusive: Rep. Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Reinstate, Protect Unvaccinated Troops from Punishment

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) on Friday introduced a bill that would reinstate troops discharged over the Biden administration’s ill-fated military coronavirus vaccine mandate and protect unvaccinated troops, cadets, and midshipmen from punishment, Breitbart News has first learned.

Roy said in a statement:

Thanks to the hard work of many of my Republican colleagues, the Biden administration’s disastrous COVID-19 vaccine mandate was finally ended. But there is more work to be done. Republicans must fight to permanently end these mandates and make whole all the service members harmed by President Biden’s senseless policies. I’ve introduced the Service Restoration Act to do just that.

Roy’s bill, titled the Service Restoration Act, would prohibit any federal funds being used to require a member of the military or a cadet or midshipman at a service academy to receive a vaccine, and would prohibit any “adverse action” against them solely on the basis of not wanting to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

All discharged military members would be reinstated with full pay, their previous rank, and records expunged of adverse reaction. That said, how many will want to come back? Maybe those approaching their 20 years, ones who can come back and retire, but, will a lot of the others want to come back to a military which treated them with such dishonor? To a military that is going completely Woke?

Read: Chip Roy Introduces Bill To Reinstate Unvaccinated Military Members »

EPA To Prioritize Environmental Justice, Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Meanwhile, actual environmental issues will suffer as they are ignored

EPA Proposes to Add Environmental Justice, Climate Change, and PFAS to National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives for FY 2024-2027

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it is seeking public comment on its proposal to address environmental justice, climate change, and PFAS contamination in its National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives (NECIs). Every four years, EPA selects national initiatives to focus resources on serious and widespread environmental problems where federal enforcement can make a difference. The primary objective of these initiatives is to protect human health and the environment by holding polluters accountable through enforcement and assisting regulated entities to return to compliance.

EPA proposes to continue four of the six current national initiatives during the FY 2024-2027 cycle and return two of the current national initiatives to the core enforcement and compliance program. In addition, EPA proposes to address environmental justice concerns in all NECIs, and to add two new NECIs on mitigating climate change and addressing PFAS pollution, for the FY 2024-2027 cycle.

“The National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives identify serious environmental challenges where EPA can make a difference through a coordinated national approach,” said Larry Starfield, Acting Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. “We look forward to receiving public comment on our proposals for FY 2024-2027, which include both familiar and emerging issues. Of particularly importance, we have built environmental justice considerations firmly into every initiative in order to protect vulnerable and overburdened communities.”

They say they are adding these on to things like “Creating Cleaner Air for Communities by Reducing Excess Emissions of Harmful Pollutants”, but, these real issues will be secondary concerns while focusing on the environmental justice and ‘climate change’ scams, because dealing with real environmental issues just doesn’t give the EPA enough totalitarian power. They aren’t pushing the Waters Of The US insanity because it’s wise policy, but, to give the federal government ultimate control over private, local, and state property. And while the EPA focuses on this cult idiocy, you end up with real environmental issues like the Flint water supply, which, surprise, still hasn’t been fixed.

I’ve mentioned many a time that I have a big problem with the way the climate cult, and agencies that follow the cult agenda, reduces actual environmental issues, puts them under the climate cult banner, rather than focusing on them like they deserve. Even if the temperature increase since 1850 is mostly caused by human activities, why are all the policies about higher taxes/fees and government authoritarianism?

Read: EPA To Prioritize Environmental Justice, Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, water intensive golf course, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the German Green Party replacing a guy because he’s white, with a woman of color with zero experience.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Notices Biden’s 68 Days Of Silence On Classified Docs

Obviously, since this is a rather high on the page article, the NY Times is looking to defend Biden, rather than acting like smelling blood in the water sharks (non-paywalled here)

68 Days of Silence: Why the White House Stayed Mum on Classified Documents

The decision by President Biden and his top advisers to keep the discovery of classified documents secret from the public and even most of the White House staff for 68 days was driven by what turned out to be a futile hope that the incident could be quietly disposed of without broader implications for Mr. Biden or his presidency.

The handful of advisers who were aware of the initial discovery on Nov. 2 — six days before the midterm elections — gambled that without going public, they could convince the Justice Department that the matter was little more than a minor, good-faith mistake, unlike former President Donald J. Trump’s hoarding of documents at his Florida estate.

In fact, the Biden strategy was profoundly influenced by the Trump case, in which the former president refused to turn over all the classified documents he had taken, even after being subpoenaed. The goal for the Biden team, according to people familiar with the internal deliberations who spoke on condition of anonymity, was to win the trust of Justice Department investigators and demonstrate that the president and his team were cooperating fully. In other words, they would head off any serious legal repercussions by doing exactly the opposite of what the Biden lawyers had seen the Trump legal team do.

In other words, Biden and his people were looking to run the clock out along with simply hiding the whole issue from the people, while using lawyers with zero national security clearances to search for documents.

In the short term, at least, the bet seems to have backfired. Mr. Biden’s silence while cooperating with investigators did not forestall the appointment of a special counsel, as his aides had hoped, but still resulted in a public uproar once it became clear that the White House had hidden the situation from the public for more than two months. Mr. Biden’s advisers still hope that the trust they believe they have engendered with investigators by not litigating the matter in public may yet pay off in the long run, by convincing the special counsel that nothing nefarious took place.

It’s not about anything nefarious, excepting that Biden’s drug addled son had easy access to the documents in Biden’s house. Oh, and that they were hiding this from the citizens before an election. And that Biden is being treated differently than Trump.

That has proved true. Details about the documents — where they were found, what they are about, where they came from — remain elusive more than 10 days after their existence was first made public by CBS News.

The White House has refused to explain why it took nearly six weeks after the initial discovery of documents to search the president’s home in Wilmington, Del., where a second batch was found on Dec. 20. And it has not said why personal lawyers for the president who do not have security clearances were the ones conducting the searches, but people close to the case said that was done with the approval of the Justice Department.

If only there was some sort of person who would go hardcore on investigating this, using sources to expose what’s going on, rather than writing as press agents, and why the DOJ was working to help hide the issue

(Washington Post) Early on, Biden’s attorneys and Justice Department investigators both thought they had a shared understanding about keeping the matter quiet. But they had very different reasons.

The White House was hoping for a speedy inquiry that would find no intentional mishandling of the documents, planning to disclose the matter only after Justice issued its all-clear. Federal investigators, for their part, typically try to avoid complicating any probe with a media feeding frenzy.

Yeah, they both wanted to hide this from the American public. And the NY Times and Washington Post have both barely covered this, burying most stories deep in the paper.

Read: NY Times Notices Biden’s 68 Days Of Silence On Classified Docs »

New Pause Excuse: Dust In The Atmosphere

Last time there was a long pause there were at least 66 Excuses to try and explain the Pause. Is this a new attempt, or just a reason to say that warming should be way worse?

Extra Dust in the Atmosphere Could Be Hiding the True Effects of Climate Change

A dust storm covers the Persian Gulf and Middle East in 2014.

It’s no secret that humans have made big changes to Earth and its atmosphere. But as greenhouse gases have built up in the air and our planet’s average surface temperature has risen, a lesser-known phenomenon has been happening.

Earth’s atmosphere has gotten dustier since the pre-industrial age. And all those additional particles have likely been subtly counteracting some of the effects of climate change—cooling the planet a little bit, according to a review study published Tuesday in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

The effects of atmospheric dust are absent from nearly all climate studies and projections, according to the new analysis. Meaning that these models could be underestimating the warming associated with human-caused climate change. And, if the atmosphere becomes less dusty, we could be in for even more rapid temperature spikes.

“We want climate projections to be as accurate as possible, and this dust increase could have masked up to 8% of the greenhouse warming,” Jasper Kok, lead study researcher and an atmospheric physicist at the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a press statement. By adding the impacts of dust into future climate models, scientists could improve them, he continued. “This is of tremendous importance because better predictions can inform better decisions of how to mitigate or adapt to climate change.”

The New Pause is over 7 years, and most of the warming can be explained by regional effects, rather than global. Considering that we’ve only seen a 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850, how big is 8%, even if caused by Mankind? The cult has to cult, though.

First, they had to figure out how atmospheric dust has changed over time. Using computer modeling and existing data from ice cores and sediment records, they found that the amount of large dust particles in the atmosphere has gone up by about 55% in the present, compared with the pre-industrial age. The reasons behind our increasingly dusty Earth are multitude, but it comes down to land use changes like increased agriculture and development, along with climate shifts like drought, according to the researchers.

Land use? Hmm, that’s not actually global warming. Are they admitting that anthropogenic global warming is BS? If the dust is blocking sunlight and reducing what the warming should be, doesn’t that rather mean that the sun is the primary driver?

Read: New Pause Excuse: Dust In The Atmosphere »

US, Allies Upset Germany Blocking Tanks To Ukraine

They’re still trying to get us into WWIII

U.S., allies ramp up pressure on Germany to send tanks to Ukraine

A group of European nations is working to form a coalition to pressure Berlin to allow them to send their German-made tanks to Ukraine, as frustration mounts over Berlin’s insistence that the U.S. donate their tanks first.

The group, which will likely be led by Poland, could take its first steps at a Friday meeting of 50 nations committed to helping Ukraine in Ramstein, Germany, during a regular gathering of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group. The move is part of a new multi-front campaign by U.S. and Western allies to persuade German leaders to change their minds on the tank issue.

Twelve countries operate Leopard tanks, and many have said they want to donate them to Ukraine ahead of an expected spring offensive. But due to expert rules, they need Germany’s permission before they can transfer the vehicles.

A statement signed by nine NATO allies and released on Thursday said “Poland is ready to donate a company of Leopard 2 tanks with 1000 pieces of ammunition. Pending this, a wider coalition of Leopard 2 tanks donors will be established.”

Here’s the question: how does Russia react to NATO nations sending at least 14 Leopard tanks (supposedly Leopard 2’s, which are designed specifically to defeat Russian armor)? We keep being told that Putin is unstable. How well does this work out? Especially if Biden gives Ukraine main battle tanks?

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, meanwhile, is working to meet with as many of those nations as possible at Ramstein on Friday, one person with knowledge of the plan said. This person, like others who were interviewed for this story, asked not to be named in order to speak candidly about internal deliberations.

On Thursday, Reznikov tweeted a plea to those countries to join an international “tank coalition in support of” Ukraine.

This has been going on for almost a year, Russia is not really paying a price economically, and the war machine keeps marching on.

The war is entering a new phase, Kahl said, noting that the Russians are digging trenches, laying mines and fortifying their front lines. To break through these defenses, Ukrainian forces will need to attack enemy units in a deliberate way, using a combination of artillery, tanks, armored vehicles and infantry.

That’s why the U.S. is now sending Bradley Fighting Vehicles, which are tracked armored vehicles armed with TOW missiles and a 25mm cannon. And the Pentagon is looking at other capabilities that will help in the coming fight, Kahl said.

Digging us deeper and deeper.

Read: US, Allies Upset Germany Blocking Tanks To Ukraine »

Brandon Admin Trots Out Program Where Citizens Can Sponsor Refugees

Funny, the Biden admin is fine with letting enormous amounts of illegals and “asylum” seekers into the nation, but, with (possibly) real refugees, they want sponsors. How about asking members of Congress, their staffs, and high ranking members of the Executive Branch to be the first ones to sponsor them?

New program lets private citizens sponsor refugees in US

Everyday Americans will be able to help refugees adjust to life in the U.S. in a program being launched by the State Department as a way to give private citizens a role in resettling the thousands of refugees who arrive every year.

The State Department plans to announce the program, dubbed the Welcome Corps, on Thursday. The agency aims to line up 10,000 Americans who can help 5,000 refugees during the first year of the program.

“By tapping into the goodwill of American communities, the Welcome Corps will expand our country’s capacity to provide a warm welcome to higher numbers of refugees,” according to the announcement.

The State Department has traditionally worked with nonprofit groups that specialize in refugee issues to help people from around the world when they first arrive in the country and face a dramatically different way of life. Under the program being announced Thursday, five or more Americans would be able to form a group and fill this role as well.

They would apply to privately sponsor refugees to resettle in America, and would be responsible for raising their own money to help the refugees during their first 90 days in the country. Assistance would include everything from finding a place to live to getting kids enrolled in school.

Interesting. The federal government will let them in and then require private citizens to support them? Well, Congress members make some good money, right? They all surely have a spare bedroom, right?

A consortium of nonprofits with expertise in refugee resettlement will help oversee the vetting and certification of people and groups who want to be private sponsors. They’ll also offer training so private sponsors understand what’s needed to help refugees adjusting to life in America. The consortium will be responsible for monitoring the program.

Double interesting. These people will be vetted, unlike the millions showing up at the border and being let in. I’m sure Biden will get his base to put their money where their mouths are, but, will the rich supporters get involved?

Read: Brandon Admin Trots Out Program Where Citizens Can Sponsor Refugees »

Bummer: California Floods Not Your Fault

First up, though, it looks like the Californian Permanent Drought could be megaflood

California megafloods could be on the horizon because of climate change
With the parade of storms behind us, forecasters are looking ahead to what’s lurking sometime in our future. Darren Peck reports.

It’s simply a cult fearmongering video from CBS News. Hey, remember when the Australian Permanent Drought because Other People drove fossil fueled vehicles became all sorts of rain? Anyhow, the LA Times pours cold water (sic) on the climate doom notion

For all their ferocity, California storms were not likely caused by global warming, experts say

As California emerges from a two-week bout of deadly atmospheric rivers, a number of climate researchers say the recent storms appear to be typical of the intense, periodic rains the state has experienced throughout its history and not the result of global warming.

Although scientists are still studying the size and severity of storms that killed 19 people and caused up to $1 billion in damage, initial assessments suggest the destruction had more to do with California’s historic drought-to-deluge cycles, mountainous topography and aging flood infrastructure than it did with climate-altering greenhouse gasses.

Although the media and some officials were quick to link a series of powerful storms to climate change, researchers interviewed by The Times said they had yet to see evidence of that connection. Instead, the unexpected onslaught of rain and snow after three years of punishing drought appears akin to other major storms that have struck California every decade or more since experts began keeping records in the 1800s.

Well, now, that’s a bummer.

Mike Anderson, official state climatologist for California, suggested that the recent series of atmospheric rivers — long plumes of vapor that can pour over the West Coast — was a grim reminder that in a place so dry, sudden flooding can bring catastrophe.

“Each of the recent atmospheric rivers were within the historical distribution of sizes of atmospheric rivers,” Anderson said, “It will take further study to determine how warming temperatures influenced the sequence or the sudden transition from dry to wet and soon back to dry.”

Do warming temperatures play a part? Possibly. That doesn’t mean it has anthropogenic causation, other than things like land use.

(Enterprise-Record) I’m delighted that weatherman Anthony Watts has spot-lighted California’s “Great Flood” of 1861/62, because so few Californians know about it.  I taught about it in an OLLI class I called “Megageology.”

That winter, an atmospheric river brought 43 days of rain, killing thousands of people, drowning 1/4 of all livestock, destroying virtually all bridges and roads, and placing Sacramento under 10 feet of water for six months. The capital was moved to San Francisco, the state was bankrupted, and government workers received no pay for nearly a year! Much of our Central Valley became a lake — 300 miles long; up to 40 miles wide.

Geologists have drilled/core-sampled San Francisco Bay, plus lake and marsh sediments throughout California, to positively identify the stream gravels deposited by the 1861/62 flood.  Drilling deeper, they discovered that similar and even more devastating flooding occurred here in AD212, 440, 603, 1029, 1418, and 1605 — roughly every 200 years.

It’s not unusual, due to the location, for the People’s Republik Of California to go through drought then flood. However, if Warmists are so concerned then they should all give up their own use of fossil fuels, go vegan, move into tiny homes, and live like it’s 1499.

Read: Bummer: California Floods Not Your Fault »

If All You See…

…is an evil pool off of an evil golf course, causing temperatures to spike, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Merrick Garland approving Biden’s lawyers sanitizing his homes

Read: If All You See… »

Lockdown Queen Jacinda Ardern To Resign

While many are spinning this as having been from a nasty slip of the tongue, “calling opposition leader David Seymour an “arrogant p—-“” on hotmike, really, it’s that the citizens of New Zealand lost all faith and trust in her

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigns a month after hot mic insult

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Thursday that she would not seek re-election and will be stepping down next month.

Ahearn made the shocking announcement at her Labor party’s annual caucus meeting, saying she “no longer had enough in the tank” to do the job.

“I’m leaving, because with such a privileged role comes responsibility,” she said. “The responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead and also when you are not. I know what this job takes. And I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. It’s that simple.”

Her resignation takes effect Feb. 7.

Ardern became prime minister in 2017 and led New Zealand through a period of major incidents, including the COVID-19 pandemic and an attack on two mosques in Christchurch in which 51 people were killed. During the pandemic, she imposed some of the strictest lockdown rules in the world.

In August 2021, the country was put on lockdown for at least three days after a single case of the coronavirus was found in one community.

New Zealand was one of the worst in the world for their Wuhan Flu lockdown measures, and her party is paying the price for it, trailing badly in the polls, especially with their economy in the dumps.

(UK Daily Mail) New Zealand’s borders closed on March 20, 2020, and returning citizens had to endure two weeks of hotel quarantine.

A nationwide lockdown began on March 26 and lasted until May 27, so strict that Kiwis couldn’t even buy takeaway food like they could in Australia and other countries in lockdown.

More lockdowns followed in specific regions over the next year including two lasting several weeks across Auckland, NZ’s biggest city.

She and her party won in 2020 and 2021, but, the citizens became tired of this, along with the mask and vaccine mandates. Even The NY Times has noticed

The pandemic in particular seemed to play to her strengths as a clear and unifying communicator — until extended lockdowns and vaccine mandates hurt the economy, fueled conspiracy theories and spurred a backlash. In a part of the world where Covid restrictions lingered, Ms. Ardern has struggled to get beyond her association with pandemic policy.

“People personally invested in her, that has alway been a part of her appeal,” said Richard Shaw, a politics professor at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

“She became a totem,” he added. “She became the personification of a particular response to the pandemic, which people in the far-flung margins of the internet and the not so far-flung margins used against her.”

When new, more transmissible variants made that impossible, Ms. Ardern’s team pivoted but struggled to get vaccines quickly. Strict vaccination mandates then kept people from activities like work, eating out and getting haircuts.

The question now is, do other leaders and parties pay the price? Australia and Canada would be two to consider. None here in the states seem to be paying the price, because there is just too much partisanship. Hey, the wackos re-elected Gretchen Whitmer, who was one of the worst in the U.S.

Read: Lockdown Queen Jacinda Ardern To Resign »

Pirate's Cove