Republicans Introduce The Be Gone Act To Hunt Down The Illegals/Migrants Convicted Of Sexual Assault

I wonder how many Democrats will vote against this, like they did with the bill to deport the illegals/migrants convicted of sexual assault, which still hasn’t gotten a vote in the Senate. This bill is slightly different from that one

15,000 illegal migrants convicted of sex assault are roaming US — and a new bill would force ICE to hunt them down and deport them

More than 15,000 illegal immigrants with sexual assault convictions are roaming the US — and a new Republican-backed bill would force ICE to track them down and deport them.

The bill — titled the “Be Gone Act” — comes after the acting chief of Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) last week that the US has more than 600,000 migrants with criminal convictions.

The figure includes both those who were allowed in despite committing crimes in their home countries and migrants who were convicted here.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) introduced the bill Tuesday to expedite the deportations of illegal migrants convicted of sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence, according to the text of the bill, which was first obtained by The Post.

“These violent criminals never would have entered America in the first place if we had real border security, but now that they’re in our communities, they need to BE GONE,” said Ernst in a statement shared with The Post.

“Since Border Czar Kamala Harris won’t protect this country, then I will. My legislation will combat sexual violence by ensuring predators are identified, stopped, and deported,” she added.

It is not clear how many of the 15,000 convicted migrants entered the US under the Biden-Harris administration, when illegal border crossings hit record levels and the feds were forced to release unprecedented numbers of them into the US with little or no vetting.

They’re here. They’re roaming around the U.S., possibly assaulting women and children still. They shouldn’t be here, and any caught at the border should have been vetted before being released, and convictions for crimes are immediate disqualifiers for entry, even after an asylum declaration. But, because the border was mostly open, we have 15K here. Don’t forget, sanctuary jurisdictions do not report to ICE when they catch an illegal, nor release to ICE without a warrant.

It’s time to control our borders and at least boot out those with criminal records.

Read: Republicans Introduce The Be Gone Act To Hunt Down The Illegals/Migrants Convicted Of Sexual Assault »

Zillow Will Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Listings

There’s nothing the doomsday cult won’t get their claws into

Zillow adds climate risk scores to property listings

When Leslie Watson and her husband were searching for their first house in the San Francisco Bay Area, they had a few priorities. They wanted an enclosed backyard for a dog and a spare room for playing video games. Also on the wish list: low climate risk.

“The main thing that I was the most concerned about was the flooding, because there are a lot of creeks that run through the area,” Watson said.

Yeah, and creeks never flooded before CO2 went above 350ppm, you know

Watson is especially aware of the risks. She’s a high school science teacher whose classes address the climate crisis.

“My opinion is, if you’re looking for a home now and you’re not considering climate risks, you’re not really very in touch with what is happening,” she said.

Home buyers now have more tools to assess those risks. This month, Zillow, the country’s largest real estate search platform, announced it’s adding information about climate hazards, and how they might grow over time, to all of its property listings. Users will be able to scroll down to see a risk score for flooding, wind, wildfire, extreme heat and air quality, along with insurance recommendations to protect against related losses.

In a recent customer survey, the company found that more than 80% of potential home buyers said they consider climate risk in their decisions. More than half of new listings on Zillow are at risk of extreme heat, Olsen said. Meanwhile, 17% face major wildfire risk and 13% major flooding risk — risks scientists say will continue to grow as average global temperatures rise.

In other words, they want to know what the weather is like in the area, which they can obtain with a quick search. Though, lots of people don’t. I can’t tell you the number of people who move to NC and are shocked by the heat. Seriously, it can be 50F outside but it feels much warmer with the sun out. That there are years were you might turn the AC on in February, because it’s high 50s low 60s and the sun is sending the thermostat up. There are many days where the heat never turns on during the day when the sun is shining in the winter. They’re shocked by pollen season. They’re shocked by thunderstorms. That’s the weather. It happens. It’s not climate doom

She and her husband ended up buying a place in San Leandro, California, and they did pretty well with the information they did have.

According to Zillow’s newly added climate information, their house faces minimal flood and fire risk — one out of ten, according to First Street’s scale. The biggest risk was air quality — seven out of ten — but that didn’t surprise Watson. They’re near an industrial area and the Oakland airport.

Air quality is environmental, not climate, and, not surprising being an urban area. But, the climate cult has placed all true environmental issues under their banner. Anyhow, I took a look at a Zillow listing near me, which would be very representative of my location. Hilariously, for all the big deal being made about it, you have to scroll almost all the way to the end of the listing

Not one of those is ‘climate change’. Even thought the river is right there, I’m not even in a 1,000 year flood zone. Fire? Not really. Nor is it climate. Wind? Well, yeah, it’s the South. Air quality? It’s actually pretty good here on the edge of Raleigh. Nor is that climate. Heat? Well, sheeit, y’all, it’s Raleigh. It gets hot. Duh.

Read: Zillow Will Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Listings »

Israel Warns Iran Of Consequences For Rocket Attack

And the Biden-Harris admin, but, they’re basically toothless. Harris had yammered about telling Iran “don’t”, and they did, just like Biden told Russia “don’t”

US, Israel Warn of Response to Iranian Missile Attack

The United States said Tuesday that it was discussing a joint response after Iran fired a barrage of missiles at Israel, warning Tehran of “severe consequences”.

Israel vowed it would make Iran “pay” for the attack, which it said saw 180 missiles fired at its territory, most of them intercepted by air defences.

Tehran meanwhile threatened to strike any forces that intervened on its soil on Israel’s behalf.

President Joe Biden said the United States was “fully supportive” of Israel after the missile attack, adding that he would discuss a response with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Asked by reporters what the response towards Iran would be, Biden replied: “That’s in active discussion right now. That remains to be seen.”

Yeah, yeah, of course, Biden has made no real statement. In fact, it was the Vice President, who is really nothing

Anyhow, Israel is a little stronger

(Jerusalem Post) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened that Iran would pay for attacking Israel with close to 200 missiles, as the region moved closer to an all-out war.

“Iran made a big mistake tonight – and it will pay for it. The regime in Tehran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and to exact a price from our enemies,” Netanyahu told his security cabinet. It met Tuesday in the shadow of Iran’s second attack against the Jewish state, following the one in April.

Obviously, the Israel haters cheered, and blamed Israel for this whole thing. Iran will surely not like the response from Israel.

Read: Israel Warns Iran Of Consequences For Rocket Attack »

Aholes Blame ‘Climate Change’ For Western North Carolina Disaster

This will be the one and only post on the subject. I’m just beyond irritated with these monumental asshole climate cultists, who would use a tragedy immediately to push their doomsday cult beliefs, and need to get it out of my system

‘Nowhere is safe’: shattered Asheville shows stunning reach of climate crisis

Nestled in the bucolic Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina and far from any coast, Asheville was touted as a climate “haven” from extreme weather. Now the historic city has been devastated and cut off by Hurricane Helene’s catastrophic floodwaters, in a stunning display of the climate crisis’s unlimited reach in the United States.

Helene, which crunched into the western Florida coast as a category 4 hurricane on Thursday, brought darkly familiar carnage to a stretch of that state that has experienced three such storms in the past 13 months, flattening coastal homes and tossing boats inland.

But as the storm, with winds peaking at 140mph (225 km/h), carved a path northwards, it mangled places in multiple states that have never seen such impacts, obliterating small towns, hurling trees on to homes, unmooring houses that then floated in the floodwater, plunging millions of people into power blackouts and turning major roads into rivers.

In all, about 100 people have died across five states, with nearly a third of these deaths occurring in the county containing Asheville, a city of historic architecture where new residents have flocked amid boasts by real estate agents of a place that offers a reprieve from “crazy” extreme weather.

The UK Guardian continues on and on, blamestorming their pet cult, as do many other outlets, such as the NY Times, Washington Post, ABC News, and so many more. They are use the deaths and the tragedy to push for Fascist government. It’s despicable. And they can all go fuck themselves. What are any of them doing to actually help the people in the affected areas? Nothing. Fuck them.

It’s worth clicking the tweet and reading the whole thing

Read: Aholes Blame ‘Climate Change’ For Western North Carolina Disaster »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on start meme up.

Read: If All You See… »

IDF Invades Southern Lebanon, Looking To Destroy Hezbollah

Unlike with Gaza, the Lebanese people are getting out of the way instead of acting as human shields for Hezbollah, as they are not fans of the terrorist organization

IDF invasion of southern Lebanon meets no Hezbollah resistance

The IDF’s invasion into southern Lebanon which started Monday night just before 10:00 p.m. has met almost no resistance from Hezbollah, with not a single IDF soldier killed so far.

The invasion is expected to end within weeks, and in some ways is viewed as a broadening of a large number of very short nightly special forces missions into southern Lebanon which have been going on for an extended period.

IDF sources explained that the heavy bombing campaign over the last two weeks, the massive tank and artillery fire just before entering, and months of wearing down Hezbollah’s forces seem to have moved them out of the area or into hiding.

Unlike in the 2006 Second Lebanon War, the IDF said that Hezbollah’s top and medium level command levels have been eliminated in substantial numbers, leaving a massive strategic vacuum.

Yup, when you kill the leadership it’s tough for the foot soldiers to coordinate and fight back, especially when Israel created the conditions where they do not want to use cell phones, pagers, and walkie talkies, after blowing up the latter two.

To date, the mission is narrow and involves an invasion only within southern Lebanon and only to destroy Hezbollah’s infrastructure in the area, such as to eliminate its weapons, which have been stored to be ready to invade Israel.

Israel knows that they will not completely destroy Hezbollah and their terrorist arms, especially when Iran supplies them, but, they can radically reduce the potential for things like rocket attacks, and, this allows the Lebanese government a chance to gain a foothold and control the area of southern Lebanon.

CNN seems upset

A humiliating pattern for the US on repeat
The pattern of American impotency and Israeli defiance has played repeatedly since the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel that killed about 1,200 people, which prompted the Israeli pounding of Gaza and the more recent attempt to destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Netanyahu often acts first and consults the US later, even when his actions are certain to buckle American diplomatic efforts and compound fears the US will get dragged into a disastrous regional war. The US was not informed in advance, for example, about the Israeli airstrike Friday that killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah even though its global shockwaves were bound to be severe.

This Israeli approach has often made the Biden administration appear a spectator rather than an active player in events, as should befit a superpower. Months of grueling shuttle diplomacy by Secretary of State Antony Blinken have mostly drawn a blank. And the US has incessantly pushed for a Gaza ceasefire that neither Netanyahu nor Hamas seems to want.

The thing is, this is not a humiliating pattern for the US. Most of us support Israel killing terrorists and destroying their bases and operations and weapons. And we understand exactly why Israel is blowing of the Biden-Harris regime: Israel has no interest in going soft anymore. They’ve had enough. Further, Israel cannot trust the Biden-Harris regime with their secret plans, not with so many Jew and Israel haters in the administration.

Read: IDF Invades Southern Lebanon, Looking To Destroy Hezbollah »

Your Fault: Dengue Fever Could Get Really Bad Because Of Global Boiling

A grand total of four people in California got it, so, that means a doomsaying article

California faces ‘unprecedented’ local spread of dengue fever, possibly driven by climate change

California last week clocked its fourth case of locally transmitted dengue fever this year — an alarming rise in a sometimes-deadly disease that experts fear could be fueled by climate change.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health confirmed the newest incidence of the mosquito-borne illness in a resident of Panorama City, a neighborhood in Los Angeles’s San Fernando Valley. The department noted that the individual had not traveled to areas where dengue is endemic, and that the case appeared unrelated to three others, also locally acquired, that were reported in the county earlier this month.

“We are seeing the local transmission of dengue, which is unprecedented in Los Angeles County,” Muntu Davis, Los Angeles County health officer, said in a statement.

Obviously, it has to be the mosquitos, rather, than, say, all the migrants/illegals coming from the Caribbean, particularly Haiti, and Venezuela, right? Or, all the ones flowing through areas of Mexico and Central America, right? Areas of high transmission risk. Transmission directly from person to person is almost unheard of, but, it can be through blood, like reusing drug needles. Or, say, when someone is imported to the US from an area where they caught dengue, then, a mosquito bites them and then bites someone else.

The incidence of dengue has risen sharply in recent years, surging from 505,430 cases worldwide in 2000 to 6.5 million in 2023, WHO reported.

The global health agency attributed that increase to a shift in distribution of mosquitoes that carry the virus, weather phenomena and climate change. The latter, according to WHO, has brought higher temperatures, rainfall and humidity — conditions that are generally favorable to mosquitoes.

Or, more people who are living in squalor in countries that are getting worse as they try socialism. A minor 1.6F increase in global temperatures since 1850 is no big deal.

Prior to the incident on Sept. 25, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced two cases in the city of Baldwin Park on Sept. 18 and one in the same city on Sept. 9.

“This year and last have been two of the high-burden years of dengue on record around the world, and climate change is likely playing a large role in this,” Erin Mordecai, an associate professor in biology at Stanford University, told The Hill in an email.

It’s not a science, it’s a cult.

Read: Your Fault: Dengue Fever Could Get Really Bad Because Of Global Boiling »

Harris Gives Complete Babble When Ask On How Something Becomes Law

So, Cackles sat down on the All Smoke Podcast and was given complete softballs, as expected, and this is what happens when someone who thinks they’re brilliant overthink an answer to an easy peasy question, especially after being in the US Senate and then being Vice President. This is the word salad of word salad

(Breitbart) I believe that the best way the system works is when the power is with the people, to then advocate for their [sic] and have their needs met. So that’s the big macro stepping back, right? One of the ways the system works to do that—that the system should work to do that, is we have elected representation who represent the people in these state legislatures, which is where laws get passed. Or in Congress, which is where the federal laws get passed. And for the system to work the right way, legislators, these members of the state legislature, let’s say it’s a state senator, state assemblymember, or your congressman or your United States Senator, will meet with and they’ll have ways of receiving information from the people about what they want. I think it’s really important always that we know our power to organize around what we need, and sometimes that will take the form of writing letters, sometimes it will take the form of mass protests to make sure the voice of the people is heard by their representative leaders who then have as their responsibility to write up some legislation that meets the needs of the people. And then when they write that up, they take a vote in their body, if it’s a statehouse or Congress, and if the majority of the people there agree with it, it becomes a law. So that’s how it’s supposed to work, and I mean it does connect to what we were talking about earlier which is then reminding folks they have a right and a right to expect that their leaders will hear them and take seriously their needs.

Seriously, I read it, so, you have to. It’s painful. The question was literally “Explain how a bill becomes a law.” We all learned this on Schoolhouse Rock, right? Kamala is of an age where should would have seen this on TV.

It gets even worse when you listen and watch. The absurd hand movements and eyes looking around, like a bad TikToker. And the hosts look like they are sorry they asked.

And, elsewhere, in case you missed Kamala’s big call

Read More »

Read: Harris Gives Complete Babble When Ask On How Something Becomes Law »

Good News: Your Chinese Made EV Could Be Spying On You

Realistically, it is spying on you

Why your Chinese electric car could be spying on you

The car was 12 miles away – but the hackers may as well have been inside it. Over a wireless connection, the small group was able to unlock the Tesla Model S’s doors, open its boot while in motion and – most concerningly – activate the brakes.

The demonstration, from security researchers at the Chinese technology company Tencent, was no more than that. The Tesla vulnerability was not used on the road, and the company fixed the problem.

But when disclosed eight years ago, it was seen as a worrying sign: that as cars became increasingly technologically sophisticated, with critical functions controlled by centralised computer systems, they also became more vulnerable.

Since then, hacking cars has become a regular stunt at cybersecurity conferences. But there is a growing fear that they will not even have to be hacked. What if vehicles could be controlled not by cyber criminals, but by hostile states?

Last week the Biden administration raised the alarm about the growing prevalence of Chinese components in electric and future self-driving vehicles, as it outlined plans to ban components “with a sufficient nexus” to China.

The US Department of Commerce said it planned to prohibit Chinese parts related to vehicle connectivity and automated driving, saying that “malicious access” could allow enemies to “remotely manipulate cars on American roads”.

But, would a Harris-Walz admin ban the parts, what with Walz’s massive connections to the Chinese communist government? Of course, many citizens might not care, considering that the use of TikTok means giving all your information to the CCP.

Chinese electric vehicle makers are becoming increasingly ambitious about Western markets. More than one in five electric vehicles sold in the UK are now made in China, according to Jato Dynamics.

Because of the much lower prices, these are what the working class and middle class can afford.

Martin said he expected that Britain would ultimately follow the US with a wider crackdown on Chinese parts. “If the past is any guide, the UK will probably end up doing something similar,” he said. “Decoupling is happening.”

And what happens then? All these Brits forced into EVs would now not be able to get parts.

This was from Helene

Read: Good News: Your Chinese Made EV Could Be Spying On You »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert due to Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on middle class Kamala’s $62,000 necklace.

BTW, I made the conscious decision to avoid blogging the disaster in the North Carolina mountains. There’s just too much information, the photos and videos are heartbreaking, especially since I’ve been out there many times and know people out there, and I do not want to dive into the politics or the ‘climate change’ stuff. Mentally, I just can’t do it.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove