Good News: Federal Judges Squash Biden’s Net Neutrality

This is excellent. Net Neutrality is a bad idea, that will damage innovation, increase prices, and give the federal government way too much power over the Internet, classifying it as a public, just like the energy sector. The minute the government took their hand off home phone service, along with long distance, that sector exploded, leading to the explosion of wireless phones. The internet has just been fine without the helping hand of government

Net neutrality dealt a final defeat in a blow to Democrats

A U.S. appeals court ruled on Thursday the Federal Communications Commission did not have legal authority to reinstate landmark net neutrality rules.

The decision is a blow to the outgoing Biden administration that had made restoring the open internet rules a priority. President Joe Biden signed a 2021 executive order encouraging the FCC to reinstate the rules.

A three-judge panel of the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the FCC lacked authority to reinstate the rules initially implemented in 2015 by the agency under Democratic former President Barack Obama, but then repealed by the commission in 2017 under Republican former President Donald Trump.

Net-neutrality rules require internet service providers to treat internet data and users equally rather than restricting access, slowing speeds or blocking content for certain users. The rules also forbid special arrangements in which ISPs give improved network speeds or access to favored users.

The court cited the Supreme Court’s June decision in a case known as Loper Bright to overturn a 1984 precedent that had given deference to government agencies in interpreting laws they administer, in the latest decision to curb the authority of federal agencies. “Applying Loper Bright means we can end the FCC’s vacillations,” the court ruled.

Good thing that Trump was able to put all those Constitutional judges on the Supreme Court, eh? Further, there is zero chance that the FCC will try to reinstate it over the next 4 years, and no way would it be possible for Congress to pass it, if the Democrats happen to take back the House and Senate after the 2026 elections.

FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel called on Congress to act after the decision. “Consumers across the country have told us again and again that they want an internet that is fast, open, and fair. With this decision it is clear that Congress now needs to heed their call, take up the charge for net neutrality, and put open internet principles in federal law,” Rosenworcel said in a statement.

Yeah, not happening, Democrat Jessica. If you explain the realities of what NN means most will say “nope. Keep your dirty stinking hands off the Internet, you damned Fascists!”

Read: Good News: Federal Judges Squash Biden’s Net Neutrality »

Biden Looks To Permanently Ban Oil Drilling Federal Waters Or Something

This is the same guy who jumps in a fossil fueled helicopter to ferry him a few miles away to jump on a FF jumbo jet to fly to Delaware with a backup FF jumbo jet and fighter jets, then drive in a FF limo with a large convoy of FF SUVs, right?

Biden Expected to Permanently Ban Oil Drilling in Some Federal Waters

President Biden is expected to permanently ban new oil and gas drilling in large sections of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as well as other federal waters, in a way that could be difficult for the Trump administration to unwind, according to two people familiar with the plans.

Mr. Biden intends to invoke an obscure provision of a 1953 law, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, that would give him wide latitude to withdraw federal waters from future oil and gas leasing, said the people. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the policy publicly.

The move would also cement Mr. Biden’s legacy on climate change as he prepares to leave the White House after a single term. President-elect Donald J. Trump has pledged to reverse virtually every law and regulation aimed at curbing carbon dioxide emissions, and to make it easier for companies to produce and burn more coal, oil and gas.

If Brandon is trying to stick it to Trump, he’s really sticking it to the American People

While section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act gives a president wide leeway to bar drilling, it does not include language that would allow Mr. Trump or any future president to revoke a ban.

That was tested after President Barack Obama banned offshore drilling in parts of the Arctic Ocean and dozens of canyons in the Atlantic Ocean. During his first term in office Mr. Trump tried to revoke the ban. In 2019, U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason in Alaska ruled that Mr. Obama’s ban could not be undone without an act of Congress.

Have they considered that the Trump admin could simply allow way more drilling in those areas which were not put under ban? I wonder if Trump can restrict Biden from using federal funds to purchase fossil fuels as he moves around as an ex-president? The question here is whether Trump will care? He’s not a big fan of offshore drilling. He’s more about on-land drilling. Also, will the GOP run Congress try and restore the ability to drill in those areas? If they were smart, what they would do would be to focus on allowing companies to build refineries. Ones that are more efficient and cleaner.

Read: Biden Looks To Permanently Ban Oil Drilling Federal Waters Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a world turning to sand from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on your smart air fryer spying on you.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Anchor Babies Worry Parents Will Be Deported Due To College Financial Aid Forms

If you immigrate legally and are going through the naturalization process, or are here on a visa, you are ineligible for government financial help. You have to be able to take care of yourself. Unlike with migrants/illegals. In this case, the parents are illegally present in the U.S. and had at least one anchor baby in an attempt to not get deported

College-bound students fear ‘outing’ undocumented parents on FAFSA financial aid form

A few days before winter break, Lynda McGee, a college counselor at Downtown Magnets High School in Los Angeles Unified, got an unexpected visit from a student’s father.

The man, a warehouse worker who emigrated from Guatemala 28 years ago, wanted to make sure that McGee knew his wishes firsthand.

“My daughter going to college is more important than my risk of deportation,” he said in Spanish as the student, a high school senior, translated.

He’s been here 28 years and hasn’t learned English? Really? I mean, that is like an intentional attempt to refuse to assimilate.

He insisted that McGee help the teen, a U.S.-born citizen, fill out the FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which is used by college-bound students to calculate all-important financial aid packages. But the application asks for parents’ Social Security numbers, which the father does not have because he is not a legal resident. A missing number could be a red flag about the father’s immigration status ahead of the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to track down and deport undocumented immigrants.

“Unfortunately, I have dozens of students in this same situation,” McGee said. “They have to choose between their future and that of their parents.”

They need to be blaming the parents for that.

Submitting financial aid forms this college application season has become a potentially life-altering family decision for California high school seniors with undocumented parents — a predicament also faced by many college students because FAFSA forms generally must be submitted annually to determine ongoing aid.

Their parents put them in this situation.

One of the top pupils in her class, the student lives with her parents in Koreatown and dreams of one day working in the film industry. She’s applied to UCLA, Stanford, Cornell and several Cal State campuses. But she has hit pause on submitting the FAFSA because of fear it could hurt her family.

“Why does Trump getting elected mean I might have to suffer as a citizen for my parents’ choice of moving to a better life in America?” said the student, who requested that her name be withheld to avoid identifying her parents.

See, it’s Trump’s fault that her parents broke US law and continue to break the law by being illegally present in the U.S. Oh, hey, perhaps she might have considered getting a job to earn the money to pay for college? Oh, right, because the next thing is that she’s demanding that her student loan debt be cancelled.


Eric Adams pushes feds to charge migrant who torched woman to death on NYC subway — in sign he’s opening up sanctuary city to Trump admin

Mayor Eric Adams is pushing the feds to charge the sadistic Guatemalan migrant who torched a woman to death on the subway – in the latest move he’s willing to open up the sanctuary city to the incoming Trump administration.

Federal arson charges against firebug Sebastian Zapete-Calil would be piled on top of local murder and arson charges against the illegal immigrant, who’s already facing at the hands of Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez.

Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea for the Biden-Harris admin to sic the lawfare dogs on Adams, since he now seems to want to cooperate with Trump on illegal immigration. Oh, and

Illegal immigrant arrested in Massachusetts migrant motel with AR-15, kilos of fentanyl

A Dominican illegal immigrant staying at a migrant motel in Revere is being held in jail after being charged with 11 counts including possession of an AR-15 and nearly five kilos of fentanyl with an estimated street value of $1 million.

Is this the kind of guy that Mass. Gov Maura Healey wants to protect?

Read: Bummer: Anchor Babies Worry Parents Will Be Deported Due To College Financial Aid Forms »

McDonald’s Customers Hating On Their “Sustainable” Straws

Personally, I do not notice the difference, not that I eat there that much, maybe once or twice a month, and I like to get the HiC orange drink or sweet tea. Maybe the local stores do not have these straws yet?

McDonald’s ‘sustainable’ move is ruining popular drinks, customers complain: ‘Not cutting it’

Take a sip of this.

Mike Haracz, a former corporate chef at McDonald’s, revealed how the fast food chain’s newest straws make beverages taste different.

“As many of you know, McDonald’s has switched out their iconic straw for something that is either a little more sustainable and/or cheaper,” Haracz explained.

McDonald’s nationwide has replaced its classic white straws with red and yellow stripes for a more sustainable alternative.

In the one-minute TikTok, uploaded on Dec. 20, Haracz explains his experience with the revamped straw.

“So it is now a very clearly more flimsy straw that as soon as it bends, as soon as you have to drink like a shake, if the shake machine is working, and it’s too thick and it collapses, these straws start breaking. These straws start bending, they start cracking and becoming unusable,” he declared.

While the upgraded straw isn’t receiving the recognition McDonald’s anticipated, it’s also changing the taste of the drinks.

And lots of people in the comments are apparently saying that the straws are bad. Though, many in Canada and Europe are saying it could be worse, since they have to use paper straws. Not so good for shakes, eh? And, ironically, the lid is still plastic, as are those for coffees. And many of the cups are plastic. Straws should be the last thing they worry about. Hey, I’m all for doing what one can for the environment, but, this whole sustainable movement is about the climate cult.

Read: McDonald’s Customers Hating On Their “Sustainable” Straws »

Cybertruck Bomber Apparently Shot Himself In The Head

I’m not really one for conspiracy theories, but, this seems a little weird

Vegas Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger shot himself in head before explosion, police say

An active member of the Army’s elite Special Forces shot himself in the head just before the explosion at the Trump Las Vegas hotel — but the FBI and local cops still do not know why he did it, authorities revealed on Thursday.

Matthew Livelsberger, 37, was found inside the vehicle with a “self-inflicted gunshot wound” to the head, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Sheriff Kevin McMahill told reporters.

McMahill added that a high-powered .50-caliber Desert Eagle handgun was found at Livelsberger’s.

His body was so badly burned, it was unrecognizable, authorities said.

So, why did he do this? Why did he shoot himself in the head before the truck went boom? He and the New Orleans Islamist served together at Fort Bragg, but

Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger was ‘Rambo-type’ patriot who loved Trump, uncle reveals

The uncle of Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger said his nephew was a “Rambo-type” patriot who loved his nation and President-elect Donald Trump.

Dean Livelsberger, an Air Force veteran, said he was shocked to learn that his nephew was identified as the man who allegedly detonated a Tesla Cybertruck filled with explosives outside the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas.

“He used to have all patriotic stuff on Facebook, he was 100% loving the country,” Dean told The Independent.

Yet, he blew a Tesla up in front of Trump Tower? If this is true. Did he become radicalized at some point? Was it linked to the Islamists in New Orleans? The timing would seem suspect otherwise. Considering the FBI has been utter garbage on going after terrorists, instead focusing on little old ladies protesting abortion clinics, could this be real? Could it have been programmed to drive to Trump Towers with Libelsberger inside already dead to divert attention? Will we ever truly know? It’s not like we can trust the FBI

Yeah, the FBI has refused to investigate the pipebombs, and has stonewalled Congress, refusing to testify.

Read: Cybertruck Bomber Apparently Shot Himself In The Head »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Making Plants Less Nutritious

You know, because all that CO2 plant food is bad for plants

Climate change is making plants less nutritious ? that could already be hurting animals that graze

More than one-third of all animals on Earth, from beetles to cows to elephants, depend on plant-based diets. Plants are a low-calorie food source, so it can be challenging for animals to consume enough energy to meet their needs. Now climate change is reducing the nutritional value of some foods that plant eaters rely on.

Human activities are increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and raising global temperatures. As a result, many plants are growing faster across ecosystems worldwide.

Here we go

Some studies suggest that this “greening of the Earth” could partially offset rising greenhouse gas emissions by storing more carbon in plants. However, there’s a trade-off: These fast-tracked plants can contain fewer nutrients per bite.

“Suggest”. In other words, they do not know. It’s all conjecture. So, it is fearmongering and not science.

We believe long-term changes in the nutritional value of plants may be an underappreciated cause of shrinking animal populations. These changes in plants aren’t visually evident, like rising seas. Nor are they sudden and imminent, like hurricanes or heat waves. But they can have important impacts over time.

You can believe all you want. Some people there are bigfoots and yetis. Neither is proof.

Over the longer term, it will be important to understand how nutrient dilution is altering entire food webs, including shifts in plant species and traits, effects on other animal groups such as predators, and changes in species interactions. Changes in plant nutritional value as a result of rising carbon dioxide levels could have far-reaching impacts throughout ecosystems worldwide.The Conversation

So give us lots of taxpayer money to study this, especially so we can travel a lot.

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Making Plants Less Nutritious »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Jimmy Carter never being a good man.

Read: If All You See… »

FBI Says People Seen Planting IEDs In New Orleans Weren’t Working With New Orleans Car Rammer

This seems like rather important information, because it would mean there were two groups working separately to kill Americans in New Orleans

FBI rules out involvement of 3 men, 1 woman allegedly seen planting IEDs around New Orleans near terror attack

Feds ruled out that the ISIS flag-flying terrorist who killed at least 15 people and injured dozens of others on New Orleans’ famed Bourbon Street had help from four people spotted on surveillance footage near the deadly attack Wednesday.

Video surveillance from the French Quarter seemingly showed three men and one woman planting explosives at multiple locations, a federal alert to police departments around the country said soon after the tragic attack.

Federal authorities have since ruled out their involvement in the tragic attack but still suggested that terror suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, was not “solely responsible” for the carnage.

Law enforcement sources told The Post earlier Wednesday that authorities were investigating whether the attack had connections to any international terror groups.

At least three IEDs, which were pipe bombs wired with remote detonators, were found at or near the scene, sources said.

That would mean that there must have been coordination from some terrorist group (or a false flag, as some would suggest. I do not buy that). Two separate attacks, one successful, the other failing to detonate their IEDs. What is the chance that two separate groups would pick the same area to attack on the same night? Supposedly, a few of the IEDs went off, but, were duds. Shamsud-Din Jabbar, the terrorist driver of the pickup truck, had IEDs in the truck, and they found bomb making materiel in his house. It should be concerning if another group were making bombs and planting them.

Read: FBI Says People Seen Planting IEDs In New Orleans Weren’t Working With New Orleans Car Rammer »

Bummer: CitiGroup, Bank Of America Bolt From NetZero Alliance

More and more companies are either abandoning their climate cult pledges or significantly reducing them. It’s all fun and games to attempt to be popular with a doomsday cult, right up till you realize the demands are ridiculous and do not help your business

Citigroup, BofA join US lenders in exiting Net-Zero Banking Alliance

U.S. banks Citigroup and Bank of America said on Tuesday they are exiting the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), a group of global banks that have pledged to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

They follow Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs, which both left the alliance earlier this month.

Financial firms, historically criticized for their connections to the fossil fuel industry, have made efforts to incorporate net-zero standards more prominently into their operations.

However, they have begun scaling back on some initiatives to avoid irking Republican policymakers who are opposed to limiting the financing of fossil fuels.

Well, that’s an easy excuse, and may play a small part, but, they’re seeing that the pledges waste time and money and do not really help their business activity. And most of the climate cultists are just loud: they do not have economic backing or power.

Citi said it had made progress toward its own net-zero goals and decided to leave the NZBA.

BofA, in an emailed statement to Reuters, said: “We will continue to work with clients on this issue and meet their needs.”

The NZBA aims to bring down carbon emissions from the lending and investment portfolios of its members to zero on a net basis by 2050.

A lot of yammering, but, have they really? And, are they acting in the best interests of their investors and shareholders?

Last month, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street were sued by Texas and 10 other Republican-led states, which said the large asset managers violated antitrust law through climate activism that reduced coal production and boosted energy prices.

It’s a little more complicated than that, but, yeah, those companies are doing shady things, and are not being responsible to their investors and shareholders. It’s all a scam.

Read: Bummer: CitiGroup, Bank Of America Bolt From NetZero Alliance »

Pirate's Cove