If All You See…

…is horrible ice cream made from Evil cows and their planet killing emissions, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on days long fog in Germany killing solar power.

It’s skating week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Earl Moran

Happy Sunday! A wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s just a few more months to once and future is here. This pinup is by Earl Moran, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. No Tricks Zone: New Paper: Wave Height, Storm Surge Changes Over Past 30 Years Too Small For Measurable Impact!
  2. Real Climate Science: Angry Democrats
  3. Watts Up With That?: Scientific American Editor-In-Chief Has Spectacular Post-Election Social Media Meltdown
  4. Jo Nova: The lamest UN climate meeting starts with some moonlighting fossil fuels deals “on the side”
  5. American Greatness: The Aftermath: Trump’s Victory Sparks Media Outrage and National Introspection
  6. Chicks On the Right: BREAKING: Why don’t we know who is winning the House?
  7. Cold Fury: Can you say “weaponization of government,” boys and girls?
  8. Culturicidal: Liberals, Have You Ever Considered That the Problem Isn’t America, It’s You?
  9. Da Techguy’s Blog: Why We Need the 2nd Amendment: Nasty Dose of Reality in Amsterdam Edition
  10. Gates Of Vienna: Milan Celebrates the Pogrom
  11. Geller Report: Shackled, Whipped with Canes: Israel Uncovers ‘THOUSANDS OF HOURS’ of Sickening Footage Showing Hamas Torturing Palestinian Gays. Political Opponents, Adulterers, Anyone Accused of Collaborating With Israel
  12. Jihad Watch: Iran Grows Silent On Its Threats of Retaliation
  13. Legal Insurrection: Reverse-Discrimination and DEI Now Part of NY State Constitution as Proposition 1 Passes
  14. Moonbattery: Ivy League Moonbats Regress Into Early Childhood
  15. And last, but, not least, neo-neocon: What a great cover
  16. And one to grow on, Outside The Beltway has Election Post-Mortem Silliness

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

NY Times Wonders Why Kamala’s Wall Street Approved Economic Fell Flat

Will the Fish Wrap, er, NY Times, come to the real conclusion?

Harris Had a Wall Street-Approved Economic Pitch. It Fell Flat.

When Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to a locally owned brewery in New Hampshire to talk about helping small businesses — a major plank of her economic platform — she made sure that one group of Americans felt included: millionaires who wanted to keep more of their profits from selling stocks and real estate.

“If you earn a million dollars a year or more, the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28 percent under my plan,” Ms. Harris said in that campaign speech this fall. “Because we know when the government encourages investment, it leads to broad-based economic growth.”

The moment stuck out. In remarks that her campaign had pitched as a major address to the middle class, Ms. Harris offered a striking concession on tax rates for the wealthy — an olive branch that she used to present herself as more business friendly than President Biden, who had sought a higher rate.

Raising the capital gains tax is a striking concession? How does raising the rate incentivize investment? She is an idiot, or, at least her puppeteers are.

Her speech underscored just how much the advice of her allies and donors from Wall Street and Silicon Valley — as well as her own longstanding belief in pragmatic, incremental progress over sweeping, ideological change — was driving her messaging on the economy.

If the big money folks on Wall Street liked the plan, you know there were measures that would see them make a boatload of money. You know, the people who were dropping big money on her campaign. Seriously, this is giving me deja-vu for something I wrote on Hillary Clinton way back in the day, but, I’m not going to slog through at least 210 Hillary Clinton posts, but, really, she talked of raising taxes while taking lots of money from the Elites. Obama as well. Maybe the post was on him? Or both?

Mr. West, who served as a top Justice Department official in the Obama administration but has little background in economic policy, also flagged social media posts from her campaign and official accounts that he thought were off Ms. Harris’s economic message, one of the people said. He and Brian Nelson, a longtime adviser to Ms. Harris, were in frequent contact with business executives and Wall Street donors during the campaign.

Anyone else getting the idea she listened to her rich donors and uber-Progressive wackjob supporters but not the working and middle classes?

The result was a Democratic candidate who vacillated between competing visions for how to address the economic problems that voters repeatedly ranked as their top issue. Ms. Harris neither abandoned nor fully embraced key liberal goals for confronting corporate power and raising taxes on the rich. Instead, she adopted marginal pro-business tweaks to the status quo that both her corporate and progressive allies agreed never coalesced into a clear economic argument.

It was, to put it bluntly, a shitshow, and voters knew it. They knew her whole “price-gouging” schtick was BS and a means to patronize what she thought were stupid voters. I think a lot of voters realized that Kamala was an empty suit who treated the working and middle classes with derision on a wide variety of issues. And that the Democrat party has been doing this.

Voters ultimately preferred Donald J. Trump’s broad but vague promises to cut taxes and shake up the global trading system. And as frustration with the historic increase in inflation has led to losses among governing parties across the world, some Democrats doubt that Ms. Harris could have prevailed even with a stronger economic message.

She had to have a realistic plan to have a real message. People saw what Trump did his first term before COVID hit, so, he didn’t have to lay it out. Anyhow, this is a long piece that does, in fact, touch on the fact that her so-called policies stunk and drove people to Trump. No one trusted her. And no one wants to be treated as a dunce. Telling us that Wall Street approved of the message didn’t actually help with her Democrat voting base, either, because they hate Wall Street.

Read: NY Times Wonders Why Kamala’s Wall Street Approved Economic Fell Flat »

An Oldy But KamalaGoody

I love the look on the blonde’s face, which is the one you have when your drunk friend starts telling really bad jokes to the girl you really like. When your coworked is babbling on about something in a meeting that has no relevance or something that will never change and you have to smile as you think about throwing a water balloon at them.

And, since I don’t have much time today

Just like government: create the problem then institute a bad fix to the problem they created, that is too expensive and grows the power of government.

Read: An Oldy But KamalaGoody »

If All You See…

…is an area flooding from carbon pollution extreme rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the Met Office making up data from stations that do not exist.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: FEMA Official Told Workers To Blow Off Homes With Trump Signs

Wasn’t this one of the things that the Credentialed Media was calling disinformation?

FEMA official directed hurricane relief workers to avoid homes with Trump signs as agency conducts cleanup

A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) official has been removed from a role after directing disaster relief workers to skip homes “advertising” support for President-elect Trump after the devastating hurricanes in Florida.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, a FEMA spokesperson said the agency is “deeply disturbed” after the incident,” noting the official who gave the instruction “was given no direction to tell teams to avoid these homes.”

“While we believe this is an isolated incident, we have taken measures to remove the employee from their role and are investigating the matter to prevent this from happening ever again,” the spokesperson said.

“The employee who issued this guidance had no authority and was given no direction to tell teams to avoid these homes, and we are reaching out to the people who may have not been reached as a result of this incident.”

Why was this employee “reassigned” and not terminated? If you pulled something like this in the private sector you’d be promoted to customer. And probably lose their pension and any other perks. Quickly. How high up was this official? They may not have been directed, but, it’s wild that an official of FEMA felt entitled to pull this.

The Daily Wire first obtained internal messages about the incident.

In messages obtained by the outlet, a FEMA official instructs workers to “avoid homes advertising Trump.”

The outlet noted the aid workers would enter into a system tracking applications that they made no contact with the residents, blaming the directive — “Trump sign, no contact per leadership.”

So, there are actual messages, and the person is still employed. And never thought that anyone would find out. Or didn’t care if anyone found out.

In a statement on X, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced his administration is launching an investigation into FEMA.

“The blatant weaponization of government by partisan activists in the federal bureaucracy is yet another reason why the Biden-Harris administration is in its final days,” DeSantis said. “At my direction, the Division of Emergency Management is launching an investigation into the federal government’s targeted discrimination of Floridians who support Donald Trump.

If a FEMA official was willing to do this, what were other FEMA employees willing to do?

Read: Surprise: FEMA Official Told Workers To Blow Off Homes With Trump Signs »

NY Times Is Very Disappointed That You Americans Elected Trump, Who’s Bad For ‘Climate Change’

We’ve sent an alarming message to people who do not actually live in the U.S.

U.S. Election Sends Alarming Message for Global Climate Efforts

st greta carFor the second time in less than a decade, the United States is expected to retreat from one of the world’s most consequential challenges: limiting the deadly and costly wreckage of climate change.

The election of Donald Trump is not only a setback to the world’s ability to rein in dangerous levels of warming. It also signals to other nations that the new leadership of the richest country in the world, which is also history’s largest emitter of planet-warming greenhouse gases, is dismissive of the economic opportunities of transitioning to cleaner technologies. In addition it’s unlikely to be persuaded to change even as people worldwide are battered by extreme heat, fire and floods.

Last time I checked, Trump wasn’t president since January 2021, yet, according to Warmists, the output of “carbon pollution” continued to rise despite all the restrictive governmental policies and taxes. And almost no Warmists have given up their own use of fossil fuels.

Mr. Trump, who has called global warming a hoax, is all but certain to pull out of the Paris accord, the global agreement among nations to confront global warming, as he did during his first term as president. He is also likely to reverse a raft of regulations to clean up climate pollution.

In addition to largely isolating the United States on the global climate-diplomacy stage, actions like these would also hand a geopolitical win to the country’s main rival, China, which has spent a decade building up a powerful clean-energy industry and is now increasingly exporting it worldwide.

Wait, are they actually saying that China is Doing Something about global boiling? With all the coal power plants they are building in China and in African nations? Really?

The Trump victory is likely to embolden right-wing lawmakers in Europe to slow down European Union-wide climate targets, and some European lawmakers were quick to make the economic case for pivoting to clean energy. “The transition to climate neutrality is a cornerstone of our future competitiveness,” said Jennifer Morgan, the German climate envoy, speaking of the European Union as well as Germany.

Yeah, well, lots of citizens in the EU are done with all the taxes, fees, and government dictates

The Trump win raises a fundamental question for every other country: How important is the United States in preventing climate catastrophe?

“The rest of the world will continue working,” said Tasneem Essop, a South African and the head of Climate Action Network, an activist group.

Well, y’all have fun with that. Despite not really doing anything.

Read: NY Times Is Very Disappointed That You Americans Elected Trump, Who’s Bad For ‘Climate Change’ »

LOL: Sore Losers Threaten To Leave U.S. After Trump Win

Shades of 2004 when Bush43 won re-election and when Trump in 2016

Trump’s historic comeback leads to staggering 1,514% surge in Americans looking to move abroad: study

Sore LosersDemocrats are finally doing something about migration.

Donald Trump’s historic re-election to the White House led to a staggering number of Americans taking the left’s meltdown one step further by looking to relocate abroad this week.

Since the president-elect’s comeback victory became official on Wednesday, the number of related Google searches jumped 1,514% percent, according to VisaGuide.World.

Between Election Day on Tuesday and Wednesday, search traffic for “immigration”-related pages on the site grew by 338% — with would-be expats zeroing in on the easiest countries to relocate to, the site said.

Other pages that saw major traffic growth were more focused on specific locales — including a 375% interest jump for a guide on moving to the UK from the US and a 355% spike for a page about Ireland.

Do the nuts realize that both Ireland and the U.K. have rather restrictive abortion laws, and that the U.K. is descending into Authoritarianism and Islamism? Do they realize that most of what are probably white liberal women aren’t wanted, especially since they bring nothing more than a degree ending in Studies, the ability to make coffee, and knowing how to post videos to social media? Most 1st World nations want actual work skills.

Scandinavia also appealed to distraught voters, with a Norway guide seeing 437% more attention.

Germany-Visa.org saw a 336% increase in traffic on immigration pages — including special interest in the Chancenkarte, or opportunity card, which allows anyone from a non-European Union country to live in Germany for up to one year to find work.

Really, though, the vast majority are just posing: they are going nowhere. That would take effort, and money. They would actually have to work. Heck, even if they wanted to move to Mexico the immigration laws are pretty tough, and the government wouldn’t put up with the crap we see from the liberals.

Read: LOL: Sore Losers Threaten To Leave U.S. After Trump Win »

Teen Vogue Tells The Kiddies That Trump Is Terrible On Hotcoldwarmdry

Teen Vogue used to be a magazine for teen girls with things that teen girls were concerned with. Now it’s all about adult issues like sex and the climate scam, and works hard to make young girls mental messes

Trump Is Terrible on Climate. Conservationists, Activists, and Scientists Share What’s Next

The fight against climate change is not over because Donald Trump won the presidency. While there is no doubt that work to mitigate the already spiraling climate crisis will get harder, changing tactics and recognizing where the issues stand is critical for moving forward. We only have one planet, after all.

If you’re unfamiliar with where Trump is on climate policy, here is a little refresher: While in office, he pulled the United States out of the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty to mitigate climate change. Joe Biden signed the US back into the agreement when he took office,  but Trump’s move to pull out of it in the first place (which he could do again) immediately signaled how his administration would handle the crisis: through deregulation. In Trump’s four years in office, he rolled back regulations on airborne mercury emissions, coal ash storage, and more, according to the Brookings Institute. (snip)

It is understandable to feel discouraged, but the fight isn’t over — it can’t be. There is no choice, particularly for the mostly Black and Brown women globally who are most impacted by the effects of climate change. There are plans in place and work is already happening to make sure we stay the course, even if things need to shift a bit. As Elly Kosova, government affairs advocate for Conservation-Energy at League of Conservation Voters, tells Teen Vogue, “Your voice matters, even and especially when they would prefer your silence. We can and must stand up for climate and environmental justice, and together, we can emerge stronger to win critical advances in the months and years ahead.”

Below, read more from climate activists, conservationists, organizers, and scientists about the realistic next steps now that Donald Trump has won the presidency.

I always enjoy how the Warmists think that black and brown women cannot survive without the helping hand of government, that they are incapable of doing things themselves.

Zainab Salbi, cofounder, Daughters for Earth, and Women for Women International

“I have lived in and witnessed many dark days as a humanitarian and a women’s rights activist who worked with women in conflicts and those addressing climate change, and I have learned that nothing is ever over. If anything, the idea that things are over when we learn of the victory of a very worrisome leader — or any bad news, for that matter — is a privileged one. Most women, at the frontlines of fighting for their rights and the rights of nature, have no choice but to continue the fight no matter what politician takes office.

“The question, though, is not whether or not one continues to strive and fight for justice; the real question is how can we continue the work in what feels like dark days and years to come while also protecting our mental and physical well-being?

Yeah, complete wackos. Why are the activists always such Debbie Downers? Always a message of doom. And there is a lot more of this doomsaying in the screed. And, you know who is also bad on climate? All the same people complaining about the coming doom, who refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Teen Vogue Tells The Kiddies That Trump Is Terrible On Hotcoldwarmdry »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful city train, which should be mandatory in big cities, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Peanut getting revenge from the grave.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove