Iran’s Foreign Minister Threaten Retaliation Or Something

Perhaps the Iranian big wigs should consider what Israel just did to Hezbollah after the Iranian backed Hezbollah was making threats

Iran’s Foreign Minister Vows ‘Definitive’ Retaliation Against Israel

Iran’s foreign minister again has referenced his country’s planned retaliation over the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

Abbas Araghchi said late Sunday he made the remark in a conversation with Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani by telephone.

“Iran reaction to Israeli terrorist attack in Tehran is definitive, and will be measured & well calculated,” Araghchi wrote on the social platform X. “We do not fear escalation, yet do not seek it — unlike Israel.”

Tajani said in a statement he “called for restraint and to pursue a constructive approach, in order to stop the cycle of military actions in the region, which only risks bringing more suffering.”

“It is important that Iran exercises moderation towards Hezbollah in order to avert an escalation on the Lebanese-Israeli border, where Italian soldiers of the UNIFIL contingent are operating, and towards the Houthis in order to avoid an increase in tensions in the Red Sea area, where Italy plays a leading role in the (European Union’s) Aspides mission,” he said in the statement.

Iran has been making threats for weeks that retaliation is coming soon, but, so far, have made no moves. Wisely. If there is any sort of buildup or pre-attack posturing, the leaky intelligence agencies haven’t given any indication of this.


Yahya Sinwar ‘dressed as a woman’ hiding among Gaza’s populace – Daily Express

Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s most senior leader, has “dressed as a woman” while hiding among Gaza’s populace during his time outside of the terror group’s tunnel network in the Gaza Strip, the UK’s Daily Express reported on Sunday, citing Israeli intelligence sources.

The New York Times on Sunday, citing American and Israeli officials, reported that Sinwar may have left tunnels in which he had been hiding on a number of occasions over the last year.

Sinwar has reportedly been moving from place to place in the Gaza Strip to stay ahead of Israeli efforts to hunt him down.


Read: Iran’s Foreign Minister Threaten Retaliation Or Something »

Climate Cultists Wants Everyone Else To Rethink Refrigeration

The crazies are telling you what they want, if only people would listen

Who the heck puts tomatoes in the fridge, unless you’ve sliced one and are saving the rest for later? From the link

The “cold chain” that delivers our food is inconspicuous but vast. The US alone boasts around 5.5 million cubic feet of refrigerated space (that’s 150 Empire State Buildings!) and three-quarters of the average American plate has spent some time in a commercial fridge. Now, the developing world is catching up.

Nicola Twilley, author of Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves, says this expansion of the world’s “distributed winter” has wide-ranging climate implications.

What Twilley is primarily yammering about is large scale refrigeration for shipping, which isn’t just from in your state or from across the country, but, from around the world, which, as you can guess, is Bad for ‘climate change’, hence, the use of refrigeration must be dramatically be decreased. And, who would implement this? Government force, of course!

It’s a very long interview with Twilley at the link.

Read: Climate Cultists Wants Everyone Else To Rethink Refrigeration »

LOL: Attendees At DNC Come Down With COVID?

How can this happen, when so many wear masks and got the initial shots and multiple boosters?

Democratic National Convention surprise guest turns out to be COVID-19 as multiple attendees test positive

Maybe there was a surprise guest at the Democratic National Convention after all.

Multiple attendees at the convention in Chicago last week subsequently tested positive for the COVID-19 respiratory illness, as health officials worry about infections spiking across the country.

“When you spend five days in Chicago for the DNC and come home with COVID-19. Womp womp,” Christopher Wiggins, a reporter at The Advocate, an LGBTQ magazine, posted on X.

Several others also shared their diagnosis on social media.

“Indeed. I arrived at the DNC healthy and hopeful and left very sick and disillusioned,” human rights lawyer Yasmine Taeb wrote on X.

How is this possible? It’s so weird that the people who have taken the most number of COVID shots (can’t call it a vaccine when it doesn’t seem to actually stop Wuhan Flu) seem to get it the most. Especially when they wear a mask.

Why do we have to keep getting COVID?

Nearly five years into life with COVID-19, I find myself selfishly wondering how many more times I – by which I mean, all of us – need to get it before we acknowledge that allowing multiple reinfections poses a very large problem? I thought my second bout of it (or was it my third?) in February, 2023, was tough – that one set me back a few months. But this nasty little bug, which is again surging here, there and everywhere, has bitten me once again, and has been a beast to overcome.

My latest infection – which began in June and is mild by medical standards – surprised me. I’m an active, healthy woman in her 40s. In addition to having been infected previously, I’ve gratefully received every single vaccine offered, including the booster shot only about 18 per cent of Canadians got last fall. I’m not sure I blame those who didn’t rush out in droves to get it. There was little public push to do so, and a general sense that infection after vaccination was okay so long as you’re “healthy.” Continued protection against a virus that makes swift and powerful adaptations is a hard sell when you don’t invest in the power of prevention, too.

Well, that shot sure isn’t protecting, nor do masks. I have yet to get it (knocking on my wooden table). I do not know anyone who got it a second time, and even most of my liberal friends and coworkers did not get more than the first booster. I only know a few who got it bad, like a bad flu, but, no one who had to be hospitalized.

(The Hill) Health experts are urging school staff and families to take active steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 amid rising infections as school districts stick to their previous plans to combat the virus similarly to how they would the flu or strep throat.

They’re really trying to ramp up the scaremongering over what is mostly like getting the flu or a cold pre-election, eh?

(NBC News) Free Covid-19 tests will be available once again come late September, the Biden administration announced Friday.

“These tests will help families and their loved ones stay safe this fall and winter season,” Dawn O’Connell, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services, said Friday at a briefing on the upcoming respiratory virus season.

Yeah yeah yeah.

(CNN) Newly updated vaccines against Covid-19 will be in pharmacies soon, just as the US is experiencing a surge of infections. But is it a good idea to get in line for a new shot pronto, or should you wait a few weeks to get optimal protection against a possible winter wave?

Experts say it depends on your health, whether you’ve recently had Covid-19, which vaccine you plan to get and when it’s convenient for you.

Will these work as poorly as the previous ones?

Read: LOL: Attendees At DNC Come Down With COVID? »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea because Other People use fossil fueled boats, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on thoughts over RFK, Jr endorsing Trump.

It’s easy peasy bikini week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

David Uhl Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the ducks are quacking, and I now know I’ll usually never have to bother watching the second half of NY Giants games this year. This pinup is by David Uhl, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Irons In The Fire: You get the feeling part of the problem is “We’re Feds”
  2. Jihad Watch: Germany: Islamic State claims responsibility for murder of three people at ‘Festival of Diversity’
  3. Legal Insurrection: Israel Launches Pre-Emptive Strike on Hezbollah After Detecting Imminent Attack From Lebanon
  4. Moonbattery: Australian Court Abolishes Womanhood
  5. Neo-neocon: The Democrats’ 2024 campaign: it’s lies all the way down
  6. Outside The Beltway: Do News Outlets Need All Those Talking Heads?
  7. Pacific Pundit: Massachusetts advising residents to stay indoors (soft lockdown) and imposing a 6 p.m. curfew until October because of mosquitoes
  8. The Feral Irishman: Here we are on the brink of WW3 and the Germans start with their $hit
  9. The First Street Journal: Once again, the left want to restrict our choices
  10. The Gateway Pundit: Breaking: Israel Launches Preemptive Strikes in Lebanon to Thwart Massive Hezbollah Attack
  11. The Last Refuge: Telegram Messaging App Founder and CEO Arrested in France
  12. The Lid: Five Secret Service Agents Suspended for Massive Failures Resulting in Trump Assassination Attempt
  13. The Other McCain: ‘Public Service Homicide’ in Killadelphia
  14. The Right Scoop: DUDE: Nebraska Chamber of Commerce told Tim Walz to STOP LYING about award from them
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone: Categorizing The mRNA-Vaccinated….Most Can Be Forgiven, But Some Cannot

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Colleges Say They Will Enforce Rules On Anti-Semitism

This has made the Jew haters and the Islamists on campus very upset

US colleges revise rules as campuses brace for more anti-Israel chaos

Critics say a wave of new rules limiting anti-Israel protests on college campuses impinge upon free speech. But a Cornell Law professor told Fox News Digital that many of these new policies are just explicitly stating already existing policies and protect Jewish and Israeli students’ rights to safety on campus.

The summer break provided a respite from the protests against the Israel-Hamas war that swept colleges nationwide. As students prepare to return to campus this fall, higher education officials have developed strategies in an attempt to balance the rights of protesting students with other students’ safety and their ability to get to the classes they paid for.

“Schools need to reach a balance between the right of students to an education and the rights of other students to protest,” William Jacobson, Cornell Law professor and founder of, told Fox News Digital.

Some of the new rules imposed by campuses include banning encampments, allowing protests only in designated spaces, restricting access to campus for those without proper university identification, requiring protesters to register in advance, setting limitations on amplified sound usage during class hours, requiring that signs be removed within two weeks of a protest, and limiting the duration of demonstrations.

In a statement issued last week, the American Association of University Professors condemned “overly restrictive policies” put in place, saying that they would discourage free expression.

So, let’s say people were protesting against blacks and wearing KKK stuff: would these same professors be fine with the restrictions? Of course they would. The very fact is that these Jew haters and terrorist supporters were engaged in abusing and intimidating Jewish students and employees and their supporters, which violated the code of conduct rules at all the schools where this happened. Many of the pro-Hamas demonstrators broke the law when they did things like lock people out of buildings and take over buildings. Many of them were calling for the eradication of Israel and a global Intifada, which is a call to kill Jews. They should have been, at a minimum, expelled. Many should have been arrested for making death threats against Jews. They can have their free speech, but, when it comes to death threats that is not allowed.

“Our colleges and universities should encourage, not suppress, open and vigorous dialogue and debate even on the most deeply held beliefs,” the statement read, adding that many policies were imposed without faculty input.

Risa Liberwitz, a professor of labor and employment at Cornell, told NBC that “we are seeing a resurgence of repression on campuses that we haven’t seen since the late 1960s.”

These people should be terminated, as they are calling for allowing violence, intimidation, abuse, and threats to Jews. There was no vigorous dialogue, they were screaming and breaking into buildings and calling for death to Jews. You know these same faculty members would be having hissy fits if the students were doing to them what they did to Jews.

“A lot of what is going on is not actually free expression, it’s intimidation. When you use a bullhorn inside a building, you’re not doing it to express yourself, you’re doing it to intimidate other people,” he said. “People who are complaining about these rules, for the most part, are people who want to intimidate others.”

“It’s trying to create a toxic atmosphere on campus for Israel supporters, particularly Jewish Israel supporters,” he continued.

You see the kiddies, and some college employees, wearing Intifada keffiyehs and even Hamas apparel, so, yeah, that’s bad.

Read: Colleges Say They Will Enforce Rules On Anti-Semitism »

Climate Cult Decides To Fearmonger Over Two Day Or Less Shipping

If you’re thinking climate cultists are sitting around going “hmm, what can we link to our doomsday cult?”, you’re entirely correct, and it matters not if it is some rando cultist on Twitter or CNBC

The two-day or less shipping Americans have come to expect faces a climate change threat

Customers have come to expect when they order something online, it arrives in two days or less. But with increasing adverse weather events like Houston’s heatwaves, Florida’s hurricanes and other extreme storms, it’s getting harder to ensure fast delivery.

Many logistics companies have warned about shipping delays due to extreme weather. Weather-related supply chain disruptions will cost the industry an estimated $100 billion in 2024, according to Freight Waves. Freight solutions company Breakthrough, which focuses on sustainable transportation, conducted a survey of 500 shippers and carriers this year that revealed extreme weather was cited as the top transportation challenge.

“Shippers and carriers continue to face a myriad of disruptions,” Breakthrough chief operating officer Jenny Zanden said in a statement. “Last year, transportation professionals were focused on reducing costs as a means to overcome volatile diesel prices. This year, sustainability and climate-related disruptions are driving the need for fuel efficiency and changes to transportation strategy.”

In March, an expected snowstorm hit the Sparks, Nevada. It led to the closure of Donner Pass, which many drivers use to traverse the northern Sierra mountain range. Walmart was unable to dispatch its grocery delivery from its Sparks center as a result. It turned to to predictive analytics and artificial intelligence to optimize last-mile strategies.

It’s called the weather. It happens. Also, notice these wackos are mentioning a snowstorm as a result of a (slightly) warming climate. Most of us in the real world understand that sometimes things happen. Heck, I wish sometimes the would hold off on delivering during weather events. When they delivered my weather station, ironically there were big rain storms, and the box was partially soaked even though it was on my porch.

Read: Climate Cult Decides To Fearmonger Over Two Day Or Less Shipping »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is LMAO, with a post on Democrats being stunned a lot.

Read: If All You See… »

How Bad Is Jew Or Israel Hatred On College Campuses?

It’s this bad

One-third of non-Jewish college students in US are hostile to Jews or Israel – study

Around one-third of non-Jewish college students embraced patterns of ideas hostile to Jews or Israel during the 2023-24 academic year, according to a new study by Brandeis University researchers.

The study, published Thursday by the university’s Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, helps paint a clearer picture of the attitudes undergirding the widespread tensions over Israel and Gaza that spread across campuses last year, leading to disruptive protests and university crackdowns.

It found that about 15 percent of students surveyed were hostile to Israel, with many believing, for example, that Israel has no right to exist. It also found that nearly a quarter of non-Jewish students overall said they did not want to be friends with people who support Israel’s existence as a Jewish state, a stance the survey said had the effect of “ostracizing nearly all of their Jewish peers.”

The survey found that 16% of non-Jewish students were hostile to Jews but not to Israel, believing in enduring antisemitic ideas such as that Jews have too much power in America. Two percent of respondents were hostile to both Jews and Israel, and exhibited the highest rate of antisemitic attitudes.

How many refused to say they were anti-Semites for the study? But, this is how you get the huge numbers of Jew haters protesting at places like Columbia University, which as a student population of over 36,000. Would it be acceptable to have 16% be haters of Blacks? Would the school hold lots of mandatory seminars and training sessions? Or just expel them? How about if these same people were involved in “Islamophobia”? Of course, the Islamists are the primary force driving the Jew and Israel hatred on college campuses, just as the Muslim Brotherhood intended, using the Muslim Students Association as the platform. For some reason the U.S. has continued to allow and bring in radical Islamists from around the world in a post 9/11 world.

Len Saxe, the study’s co-author, said dealing with campus antisemitism is “a solvable problem,” but that universities and the Jewish community need to do a better job of understanding the varied ways in which non-Jews think about Jews and Israel.

I hope that paragraph is not in full context, because, can you imagine the uproar if it was “the black community need to do a better job of understanding the varied ways in which non-blacks think about blacks”? It’s victim blaming.

Among the beliefs the survey put forward, 19% of non-Jewish students said that “Israel does not have the right to exist” and 24% agreed that “I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who supports the existence of Israel as a Jewish state.” Seventeen percent said they had a favorable view of Hamas.

Another statement, that “supporters of Israel control the media,” was endorsed by nearly 43% of non-Jewish students.

Colleges are hotbeds of Jew hatred and pro-terrorism.

Read: How Bad Is Jew Or Israel Hatred On College Campuses? »

Here’s Hoping: SCOTUS Could Kill Off Biden-Harris Coal Plant Rule

Once again I will mention that I am no fan of coal. Not from a ‘climate change’ point of view, but, from the ecological damage it does. But, until it can be replaced, it is needed. If Warmists would just let us use natural gas and nuclear power, coal wouldn’t be necessary

SCOTUS could deal another blow to climate action

The Supreme Court could stall action on climate change yet again as it weighs whether to pause new pollution regulations for coal-fired power plants.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized rules this year aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions from coal plants. But red states and industry groups are challenging the EPA in court and have asked SCOTUS to step in and stop the rules from being implemented while they duke it out.

The request is now in the Supreme Court’s so-called “shadow docket” — meaning SCOTUS can essentially issue a stay on the rules at its whim. The court has already made it way tougher for federal agencies to regulate industry since Donald Trump packed it with conservative-leaning justices. This is another opportunity to gut the EPA’s efforts to limit the pollution causing climate change.

The rules are a cornerstone of the Biden administration’s efforts to meet climate goals set under the Paris agreement. They require coal plants expected to continue operating for at least 15 years to reduce their climate pollution by 90 percent. Coal happens to be the dirtiest fossil fuel, creating more planet-heating carbon dioxide when burned than oil or gas.

Except, there really is no way to do that, meaning most coal plants would have to shut down. The suit is, as usual with the Biden-Harris administration, about their vast over-reach and failing to go through the duly elected Legislative Branch. Instead, they simply made up the rule using dubious language in other legislation. This was not specifically authorized.

When the EPA finalized the plan in April, it was arguably only a partial victory for environmental and health advocates. The rules had to comply with the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision on West Virginia v. Environmental Protection AgencyIt was a monumental opinion that strengthened the “major questions” doctrine, the idea that federal agencies shouldn’t have the authority to call the shots on issues of major national significance without Congress passing legislation explicitly allowing the agency to do so. The decision meant that the EPA wouldn’t be allowed to determine whether the US gets its electricity from fossil fuels or cleaner sources of energy like wind and solar.

And this rule blows past the doctrine of major questions. But, I guess we’ll see what the Court rules.

Read: Here’s Hoping: SCOTUS Could Kill Off Biden-Harris Coal Plant Rule »

Pirate's Cove