Say, What’s The Difference In The Books Liberals And Conservatives Are Banning?

I’m not quite sure what bee got in the burr of ABC News and writer Kiara Alfonseca, but, they decided to take on the the book bans in a neutral manner

How conservative and liberal book bans differ amid rise in literary restrictions

The country saw a growing effort to ban books in schools and libraries nationwide in 2022, and researchers expect to see more efforts to challenge books in 2023 as some Republican-backed laws across the country aim to restrict LGBTQ and racial content in school books.

While activists across the political spectrum have sought to restrict or protest some forms of literature, the vast majority of book challenges are from conservative-leaning groups, researchers say. Only a handful of efforts have also come from liberal sources, mainly targeting books with racist or offensive language.

See, of course it’s your fault

“If you get five people and they walk through a library and they are allowed to remove anything they think might get someone in trouble for it being there — Well, they’re going to start pulling all kinds of stuff, a conservative person and progressive person,” Jonathan Friedman, the director of free expression and education programs at PEN America, told ABC News. “We all have different issues that we think shouldn’t be in books — historic representations of racism, for example, something like Mark Twain is just as likely to [be seen as potentially controversial] as is ‘Gender Queer,'” a coming-of-age memoir about the author’s LGBTQ identity.

There were at least 2,532 book challenges from July 2021 to June 2022, affecting 1,648 book titles, according to a report by the free expression protection group PEN America.

“We’re in danger of removing from libraries, all kinds of materials, some of which are seen as classic forms of literature and some of which are now in danger of not becoming classic works of literature for the future because they’re being censored in this way,” Friedman said.

Yeah, most of those are from liberals

Books targeted by conservative groups were overwhelmingly written by or about people of color and LGBTQ people, according to anti-censorship researchers. According to PEN American and the ALA, many of the challenges reference the sexual content or inherent messaging in the books.

Banned Books Lists from the ALA show that these groups have challenged young adult books such as “The Hate U Give” and “The Bluest Eye,” which discuss racism in the United States, as well as book titles like “Gender Queer” and “All Boys Aren’t Blue” which discuss LGBTQ identities, sexuality and gender.

Meanwhile, liberal efforts criticized or restricted books in the name of anti-racism or progressive ideals.

Books like “Of Mice and Men;” “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” and several Dr. Seuss titles have been challenged in some schools and libraries due to racist language or imagery throughout the years, including the use of the n-word or insensitive imagery of racial stereotypes, according to the ALA.

So, liberals want literature classics removed from schools and libraries because they might get Offended, and, really, many are uber-white liberals being Offended on behalf of blacks. Conservatives want books removed from schools and libraries for two reasons: first, because these unhinged leftist books teach young kids that everything they do, everything they think, everything they are, and all their history is raaaaacist.

The second is because kids do not need to be seeing what are in essence pornography, teaching young kids about anal and oral sex, sex between same sex in a pornographic manner (you can bet parents would not want the same taught about opposite sex, because parents did protest this around 10 years ago), how to be transgender, and all sorts of stuff that is entirely not age appropriate. Children do not need to see this. Children do not need to be exposed to this. They should not be exposed to this. Especially as it’s being done to indoctrinate children, the same as all the CRT stuff.

Read: Say, What’s The Difference In The Books Liberals And Conservatives Are Banning? »

Warmists Still Pretty Upset Over People Daring To Post Truth On Twitter

In the early 2000’s, when the Internet was truly opening up, Skeptics were able to post the reality of what was called anthropogenic global warming at the time. Then the Fascist cultists worked hard, especially through tech companies, to minimize the outreach of Skeptics. They continued to work to do this with outlets such as Twitter and Facebook. They can’t do that with Twitter anymore, and it makes them mad

Twitter has always been a hotspot for climate change misinformation. On Musk’s watch, it’s heating up.

Twitter has always been a hotspot for climate change misinformation.

Under new owner Elon Musk, falsehoods about the warming planet are whipping around the social media platform at a sizzling pace, according to a study of climate-related conversations shared exclusively with USA TODAY.

The new report echoes recent research showing a surge in climate misinformation since Musk bought the company in October.

Tweets using terms associated with climate denial such as “climate fraud,” “climate hoax” and “climate scam” more than tripled in 2022, up 300% from 2021, according to Advance Democracy, a research organization that studies misinformation.

The cultists cannot prove they are “falsehoods”, nor do they even try.

“Musk has openly encouraged attacks on mainstream science with his own posts, has brought back previously banned anti-science-promoting accounts and has altered the site algorithm in a way that greatly limits the reach of leading climate communicators,” Michael Mann, director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability & the Media at the University of Pennsylvania, told USA TODAY.

Is it science if it cannot be questioned? If people cannot take it on?

Daniel Jones, president of Advance Democracy, says his research group also found increases on TikTok and YouTube.

“Last year, social media companies announced additional steps to combat the proliferation of climate change misinformation on their platforms. Despite these steps, Advance Democracy found that in almost all cases that the proliferation of climate change denialist content increased in the past year, and in many cases, dramatically so,” Jones told USA TODAY.

Warmists really do not like being questioned, nor will they abide anyone questioning their cult.

Read: Warmists Still Pretty Upset Over People Daring To Post Truth On Twitter »

Surprise: Second Batch Of Classified Biden Documents Found

Interestingly, the powers that be aren’t wanting to say where they were found

Report: Joe Biden Aides Discover More Classified Documents at Separate Location

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden’s aides have discovered more classified documents in his possession at a different location, according to a report from NBC News.

The report does not say where or when the new documents were discovered, but it is clear the White House is attempting to clean up Biden’s records ahead of a possible run for reelection in 2024.

The newly discovered documents are from a location separate from the private office connected to a University of Pennsylvania think tank that Biden had in Washington, DC, where the first batch of classified information was discovered.

Biden claimed Tuesday he was “surprised” that classified documents were found in his possession, repeating he was ignorant of their contents. (snip)

The White House has stonewalled any additional information about the documents that were first discovered just days before the 2022 midterm elections.

But, hey, it’s totally different from when Trump had them, right? You know, a guy allowed to declassify documents, vs a guy who was just vice president and did not have that power, right?

Read: Surprise: Second Batch Of Classified Biden Documents Found »

Rest In Peace Jeff Beck

Very sad

Growing up and playing guitar, this was the guy who ever professional guitarist said to listen to. One of the magazines would ask a pro every month to name their 5 essential guitar albums, and almost every single one would mention Beck’s Blow By Blow. If you play rock guitar, you are mandate by law to own that album, and, preferably Wired to go with it. This is the way you play guitar. This is how you put songs together. Beck could easily have made them all about him, but, no, he wanted compete songs, so, the bass guitar, drums, and keyboards featured heavily. There are lots and lots of keyboard solos.

And you can tell from all those big rock musicians tweeting out that he was beyond respected. He really is one of the greatest guitarists of all time, and one of the OGs, going back to the Yardbirds. Here’s a pretty good list of his top 10 songs, though it is missing People Get Ready. A lot of people who listen to rock would probably be surprised, not realizing it is Beck on stuff like

Blanket with Imogen Heap is pretty incredible, as well.

Read: Rest In Peace Jeff Beck »

We Can Totally Normalize Climate Cult Discussions Through Humor Or Something

Me, I’d think it would be about showing the science as performed via the Scientific Method, and Warmists doing their darned best to practice what they preach, but, meh, whatever

How to normalize talking about climate change? Through humor, says columnist

Comedy can be a useful way to understand and maybe cope with Earth’s bleak future. That’s according to Kasha Patel, a Washington Post writer and editor who covers climate change and the environment. She writes their “Hidden Planet” column.

“It’s very complicated when you talk about these big issues. … Sometimes the facts aren’t going to be the thing that appeals to other people because they’re basing it more out of emotion,” Patel tells KCRW.

They have to have facts to start with

She shares her best climate joke: “Climate change is one of the hardest things to write about, which is why I admire all the comedians who did it  here. But a quick joke for the audience is: My comedy career is a lot like climate change. It’s pretty unbelievable, even though there’s evidence of it occurring all around us.”

The best climate joke is that they’ve convinced a large swath of people that the Earth is doomed from a tiny increase in global temperatures, something that has happened many times, and been much warmer, but, this time it’s all the fault of Humanity. And we can fix this by taxing people and restricting their lives, putting government in charge of everything.

Beyond that, it’s a 12 minute podcast, which is rather nutty. So, flipping to that Washington Post piece

Comedy may not seem like a good vehicle to showcase grim news of our planet, but just because something is entertaining doesn’t mean it can’t be useful, too. Humor can provide many benefits in tackling serious subjects. Limited research shows that climate change memes can boost a person’s civic engagement. Good-natured comedy can also help process negative emotions about global warming and sustain hope. (A note: When I’m not writing about science, I’m also a stand-up comedian).

But the human-exacerbated deterioration of Earth is not easy to make funny, especially as some climate goals are seemingly impossible now. Additionally, poorly executed climate jokes can dissuade people from engaging in the topic.

Let’s look at a joke, like this from Michelle Wolf

“Climate change is a real big deal, and everyone says Mother Nature. And I do believe nature is a woman because she’s trying to kill us in the most passive-aggressive way possible. It’s not some sort of immediate fire or flood or cool explosion. She’s just like, ‘What? I raised the temperature a little. Oh, are you uncomfortable? Maybe I wouldn’t have if you’d taken out the recycling like I asked. I’m fine.’”

That’s a kneeslapper, right? Right? None of the others are remotely funny. These people need to listen to Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, Howie Mandel, even subtle stuff like Steve Martin and Robert Klein, to see real humor.

Read: We Can Totally Normalize Climate Cult Discussions Through Humor Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful urban jungle which will help save the planet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on eating bandicoots to save the planet.

Read: If All You See… »

California University Bans Use Of Word “Field” Over Raaaaacist Connotations

Seriously, these people are nuts. The meaning of the word goes back thousands of years, in meaning, and to the middle ages for the German and English words

California University will no longer use the word ‘field’ over racist ‘connotations’

The University of Southern California’s School of Social Work will no longer use the word “field” because it “may have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign,” according to a letter from the department.

USC’s Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work will make the change in order to ensure the use of “inclusive language and practice,” according to the letter.

“Specifically, we have decided to remove the term ‘field’ from our curriculum and practice and replace it with ‘practicum,'” the letter said. “This change supports anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that would be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant in favor of inclusive language.”

“Language can be powerful, and phrases such as ‘going into the field’ or ‘field work’ maybe have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign,” the letter continued.

The goal of the change was to “to honor and acknowledge inclusion and reject white supremacy, anti-immigrant and anti-blackness ideologies,” according to the letter.

I wonder if these people bothered to ask any blacks or illegal aliens if the word bothers them? Overall, the faculty for the School of Social Work is pretty darned white. Seems rather racist/bigoted for them to make this assumption, wouldn’t you say?

Additionally, the USC’s School of Social Work states that the “bedrock” of its values and principles is “to work together to train social work students today who understand and embody social and racial justice.”

So, their values and principles is to patronize all the black and brown folks that they think are going to be the primary recipients of their work? Huh.

Read: California University Bans Use Of Word “Field” Over Raaaaacist Connotations »

Biden’s Agencies Want To Redesign Communities To Get Everyone To Walk And Bike

Yes, they do want to force the peasants to give up their fossil fueled travel and keep them from traveling

Biden wants you to walk, bike more to eliminate transportation emissions by 2050

If the Biden administration gets its way, carbon emissions emanating from transportation sources will be near zero by 2050 in part because people will be doing a lot less driving and a lot more walking and biking.

The Departments of Energy, Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, along with the Environmental Protection Agency, released a “blueprint to decarbonize America’s transportation sector.” While that blueprint said most environmental benefits will come from spending billions of dollars on electric vehicles that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it also called for a sweeping effort to redesign communities all around the country so that walking and biking become more viable options.

The plan called for more “investments” in walking and biking infrastructure and said land-use planning will “tackle the problem at the root and make it appealing and practical for people to take fewer or shorter trips, or to walk or bike on those trips where that is feasible.”

It anticipated more spending on “green infrastructure – trees and planted areas along streets, parking lots, and other paved areas,” which it said “makes walking and biking more appealing.” It also called for re-imagining the way cities and towns are laid out in order to make walking a more popular option.

It’s a lot easier for government to control people when they can’t really go far, eh? But, remember, this is all about “science”, not politics and authoritarianism, right?

BTW, when is Biden going to start traveling in EVs instead of fossil fueled limos?

Read: Biden’s Agencies Want To Redesign Communities To Get Everyone To Walk And Bike »

GOP Approves Resolution To Probe Weaponization Of Government

This makes the people who weaponized the federal government to go after Republicans and average American citizens very unhappy

House GOP approves resolution to create panel to probe ‘weaponization’ of federal government

Republican lawmakers on Tuesday gave their approval to a new House subcommittee designed to probe the “weaponization” of the federal government, giving the panel access to sensitive intelligence and the power to oversee ongoing criminal investigations.

The resolution passed in a party-line vote, 221-211.

Of course Democrats would vote against this

The subcommittee, part of the House Judiciary Committee, is expected to be chaired by the full panel’s chairman, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

Such a move would give broad authority to Jordan, an ally of former President Trump who has railed against current and prior investigations of the former president.

“This is about the First Amendment, something you guys used to care about. And I’d actually hoped we could get bipartisan agreement on protecting the First Amendment — the five rights we enjoy as Americans under the First Amendment,” Jordan said during debate on the House floor Tuesday.

“We don’t want to go after anyone, we just want it to stop. And we want to respect the First Amendment to the Constitution that the greatest country in the world has. That’s what this committee is all about, and that’s what we’re gonna focus on, that’s what we are going to do,” he later added.

But, now we wait to see how hardcore the GOP goes after the FBI, DOJ, etc. Will they be asking pointed questions, holding people accountable, or simply bloviating too much, as members of Congress tend to do? Will they be demanding answers when federal employees try to skate around the questions?

For his part, Jordan pushed back against arguments the subcommittee was purely political.

“A ploy? It’s not a ploy when the Department of Justice treats parents as terrorists,” he said, referencing a memo that asked the FBI to consult with school boards as members faced an increasing number of violent threats.

“It’s not a ploy when the Department of Homeland Security tries to set up a disinformation governance board because we all know that the Department of Homeland Security can tell what’s good speech and what is bad speech,” he added later.

We’ll have to see how it goes.

Read: GOP Approves Resolution To Probe Weaponization Of Government »

Bummer: PRC Gov Newsom Proposes Climate Crisis (scam) Program Cuts

It’s a real shame when the real world intrudes and the money is drying up to deal with a scam, eh?

Newsom proposes cuts to climate change programs amid cloudy economic outlook

Facing a projected $22.5-billion budget deficit in the upcoming fiscal year, Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday announced plans to reduce investments in the state’s move to zero-emission vehicles, make cuts to other climate change programs and delay funding for 20,000 new child-care slots as California transitions from a time of economic surplus to shortage.

The governor’s administration blamed high inflation, the Federal Reserve raising interest rates and volatility in the stock market as the major forces causing state revenues to drop well below projections from last summer when he anticipated an $100-billion surplus in the current budget year.

His $297-billion budget plan for 2023-24 relies on delaying multi-year investments and shifting funding to bonds to offset the shortfall. Newsom said he was careful to preserve the state’s rainy day fund and its other budgetary reserves given warnings about a nationwide recession and possibility that California’s financial problems could become more dire in the months and years ahead.

But, since California has mismanaged itself from a budget surplus to a deficit

The governor said he was hopeful that federal funding would supplant the cuts proposed to climate programs and he promised that those reductions would be restored in the future if the state’s revenues turn around.

LOL. Good luck with the GOP House giving you money for your scam, Gavin. Anyhow, Gavin realized that there are real world things, like the massive amount of homeless people, that need dealing with first.

Read: Bummer: PRC Gov Newsom Proposes Climate Crisis (scam) Program Cuts »

Pirate's Cove