If All You See…

…is hazy air from an oversatured atmosphere from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is neo-neocon, with a post on expensive eggs.

Read: If All You See… »

Nikki Haley Ready To Announce 2024 Presidential Run

Well, this should make the field interesting

South Carolina’s Nikki Haley to launch 2024 presidential campaign, joining Trump in nomination hunt

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who served as ambassador to the United Nations during former President Donald Trump’s administration, will join Trump in the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Multiple sources confirm to Fox News Digital that Haley will formally declare her candidacy for the White House at an event in Charleston, South Carolina, on Feb. 15, with an invitation soon going out to her supporters. News of Haley’s announcement was first reported by the Post and Courier newspaper in South Carolina.

Political pundits have long viewed Haley as a potential GOP presidential contender, as she crisscrossed the country the past two years through her political group Stand for America, helping fellow Republicans running in the 2022 elections. Haley’s travels brought her numerous times to Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada, which hold the first, second and fourth contests in the Republican presidential nominating calendar. Haley’s home state of South Carolina votes third in the GOP primary schedule.

She will be a good candidate. She’s pretty conservative on her positions. Abortion nuts rate her a 0%. The NRA rates her 100%. Very much pro-business. Is against illegal immigration. She’s pro-environment but against the climate crisis scam. I’m sure the Bulwark, Lincoln Project, and other Never Trump groups/people will come out against her for serving under Trump, meaning she’s a great candidate.

Speaking with reporters aboard his plane on Saturday as he flew from a campaign speech in New Hampshire to a leadership kickoff in South Carolina, Trump said that Haley had called him to discuss running for the White House.

“Go by your heart if you want to run,” Trump said he told Haley. And he said he told her she “should do it.”

But then he appeared to take a dig at Haley, noting that she had previously “publicly” said she wouldn’t seek the White House in 2024 if Trump ran again.

So, yeah, now she’s going to have to deal with Trump’s attacks. Which is a problem, because, as I’ve said, if he doesn’t win the GOP primaries he’s going to burn everyone else down.

Oh, and

(Breitbart) Former Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) said Tuesday on FNC’s “Your World” that he was seriously considering running for president in 2024.

On the 2024 presidential election, anchor Neil Cavuto said, “There’s talk that you will be among those candidates. Is that true?”

Hogan said, “I’m certainly giving it serious consideration. We’ve been really successful 30 miles outside of Washington, where everything appears to be broken and nothing but dysfunction. I got them to cut taxing eight years in a row, and I had the biggest economic turnaround in America. But we’re taking a close look at it.”

He’d still be better than Biden or any Democrat, but, he’s also really squishy as a Conservative. He was popular in a squishy state like Maryland, but, he loved him some COVID lockdowns and restrictions, and, being a staunch, unhinged Never Trumper, that’s a decent sized number of Republicans who would not vote for him if he won the primaries. Which, he won’t. But, hey, who thought Trump would win in 2016? Or Romney in 2012? Boring John Kerry in 2004?

Read: Nikki Haley Ready To Announce 2024 Presidential Run »

Biden Takes Massive Fossil Fueled Trip To Say ‘Climate Change’ More Dangerous Than Nuclear War

I’m not going to bother describing the vast amounts of fossil fuels Biden used to travel to NYC. You know all the planes and SUVs and limos and such. I will mention that Biden and his Comrades are working to get the world into WWIII with their support of Ukraine, which could lead to nuclear war

Biden calls global warming bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war during NYC speech

President Biden gave Manhattan donors an update on his thoughts about nuclear war Tuesday, saying that he currently views global warming as a greater threat — less than four months after he casually told a different set of New York City donors that the world was close to nuclear “Armageddon.”

“[Global warming] is the single most existential threat to humanity we have ever faced, including nuclear weapons,” Biden told a small group of supporters on the Upper East Side after headlining a rail infrastructure event nearby.

It’s unclear if the 80-year-old commander-in-chief elaborated on his reasoning. Reporters were only allowed to see part of Biden’s remarks, and video of the private event was not immediately available. (snip)

Despite warning of dire threats from global warming, Biden regularly takes fuel-guzzling helicopters to spend the weekend at his Delaware homes, where he’s passed nearly a quarter of his presidency. Some of his predecessors, such as former President Barack Obama, would stay at the White House on weekends, sparing the expense — and emissions — of multiple motorcades and flights.

Yes he does. A lot. And virtually no reporter will ask him why he’s fearmongering in this manner while use enormous amounts of fossil fuels.

Just like none will ask why Biden is pimping EVs and trying to force the peasants into them while traveling in a low MPG fossil fueled limo with around 18 fossil fueled SUVs in his motorcades. And that Hummer is around $110K, Every middle class person can afford that, right?

Read: Biden Takes Massive Fossil Fueled Trip To Say ‘Climate Change’ More Dangerous Than Nuclear War »

Bummer: Federal Court Stops NJ From Suing Gun Industry

It’s too bad the judge didn’t ask the simple question “If guns are so bad, why are employees of the state of New Jersey not disarming, especially those who have fully automatic guns?”

Court blocks New Jersey law that allows state to sue gun industry

A federal judge on Tuesday blocked a New Jersey law authorizing the state’s attorney general to sue gun manufacturers and sellers for endangering public safety, finding it ran afoul of a federal law protecting the gun industry from such claims.

The preliminary order by U.S. District Judge Zahid Quraishi in Trenton, New Jersey, means the law cannot be enforced while the judge considers a legal challenge by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a gun industry group. It comes a day after a different judge struck down parts of a separate gun control measure in the state.

“NSSF wholeheartedly welcomes this decision,” said Mark Oliva, a spokesperson for the group.

A spokesperson for New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said the governor was disappointed and confident the order would be reversed on appeal.

Probably not. Would the State sue knife manufacturers for stabbings? How about bat manufacturers if someone was beaten with a bat? Sue Ford because a drunk driver killed someone? Manufacturers aren’t responsible when someone uses a product illegally. How about suing makers of unhealthy foods for heart attacks and other medical issues?

The now-blocked law, passed last June in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling expanding gun rights, allows the state attorney general to bring lawsuits accusing gun manufactures and sellers of creating a “public nuisance” that endangers health and safety – for example, through dangerous marketing or failing to prevent illegal trafficking.

Quraishi found that it was in “direct conflict” with the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005 (PLCAA), which shields gun makers and sellers from being sued over crimes committed with guns they legally sold.

The law was passed simply to sue to cause gun makers and sellers to no longer due business in the state of NJ, meaning that law abiding citizens would have no lawful method of acquiring firearms for protect, hunting, or sporting, while criminals would feel free to arm up.

Read: Bummer: Federal Court Stops NJ From Suing Gun Industry »

Climate Cult Has Determined That Water Is A Climate Priority

Up till now, water was always a low priority of the Cult of Climastrology, though, it was a big part of the Progressive (nice Fascism) movement, because, controlling your water is controlling your life, hence why you had Obama trotting out the Waters of the US rule, and now Biden giving it a whirl. Have a pond on your property that may flood once in a blue moon so that runoff goes elsewhere? Los Federales then control your property. The climate cult has finally determined that controlling water is a great way to control you. And if you think I’m over-blowing this, you haven’t been paying attention to what the climate crisis (scam) is all about

How Water Finally Became a Climate Change Priority

Last year, the world watched as punishing heat and drought killed people in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, and floods destroyed parts of Pakistan and the Philippines. This year, we’ve seen torrential rain drowning sections of coastal California. These events underscore the devastating role water can play in a changing climate, something I have been studying for the last two decades.

Between all these events I attended my first COP—the United Nations’ major climate change conference. My expectations here were mixed; in conversations with members of the water networks with whom I work, it was evident that we would have a lot of work to do to make it a more critical component of the climate negotiations process. Yet, to my joy and surprise, COP27 did just that—policy makers and advocates focused on, for likely the first time, the interactions between climate change and water. The international agreement (called the COP cover decision) that came out of the days of negotiations prioritized the need to focus on “water systems” and “water-related ecosystems in delivering climate adaptation benefits.” This agreement solidified the idea that water is a valuable resource that can help society become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

This was a huge win. Talks at COP27 also reinforced the need for international cooperation to support countries and communities as they build water security—creating a reliable system in which society has enough clean water (not too much, not too little).

And who is in charge? Government, of course. Government that has no regard for you peasants. You elect them and they dictate your lives.

Water is complicated and simple at the same time. In the end, it’s about too much, too little, too poor quality in a particular place and time. A united voice for water accomplished something groundbreaking in November. We finally convinced the global political stage that the climate crisis is a water crisis. The real work starts now.

And what is the real work? Empowering government to control your water.

Read: Climate Cult Has Determined That Water Is A Climate Priority »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea that will swamp the whole world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on a pro-life activist found not guilty after the Biden admin went after him.

Read: If All You See… »

Weapons Biden Left Behind In Afghanistan Showing Up In Other Conflicts

I suppose this was bound to happen considering all the vast amounts of weapons left behind after Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal plan

U.S. arms left in Afghanistan are turning up in a different conflict

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanWeapons left behind by U.S. forces during the withdrawal from Afghanistan are surfacing in another conflict, further arming militants in the disputed South Asian region of Kashmir in what experts say could be just the start of the weapons’ global journey.

Authorities in Indian-controlled Kashmir tell NBC News that militants trying to annex the region for Pakistan are carrying M4s, M16s and other U.S.-made arms and ammunition that have rarely been seen in the 30-year conflict. A major reason, they say, is a regional flood of U.S.-funded weapons that fell into the hands of the Taliban when U.S.-led NATO forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021.

Most of the weapons recovered so far, officials say, are from Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) or Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), both Pakistan-based militant groups that the U.S. designates as terrorist organizations. In a Twitter post last year, for example, police said they had seized an M4 carbine assault rifle after a gunfight that killed two militants from JeM.

Militants from both groups had been sent to Afghanistan to fight alongside or train the Taliban before the U.S. withdrawal, said Lt. Col. Emron Musavi, an Indian army spokesperson in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir.

“It can be safely assumed that they have access to the weapons left behind,” he said in an email last year.

I guess the terrorism groups were given the guns as going away presents. Since the Taliban potentially has access to hundreds of thousands of military grade, fully automatic weapons, shouldn’t be any sort of problem, right? Plus all the ammunition?

While large numbers of small arms that had been transferred to Afghan forces most likely ended up in the hands of the Taliban, “it’s important to remember that nearly all weapons and equipment used by U.S. military forces in Afghanistan were either retrograded or destroyed prior to our withdrawal,” Army Lt. Col. Rob Lodewick, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, said in a statement.

Was this during the time when the Taliban was rushing to take over the country as Biden had U.S. forces fumbling to leave the country, abandoning bases, leaving U.S. citizens and allies behind?

“From the weapons and equipment that we recovered, we realized that there was a spillover of high-tech weapons, night-vision devices and equipment, which were left by the Americans in Afghanistan [and] were now finding their way toward this side,” Maj. Gen. Ajay Chandpuria, an Indian army official, was quoted as saying by Indian media last year.

I wonder what other goodies the Taliban is handing out like party favors to other terrorist groups?

Read: Weapons Biden Left Behind In Afghanistan Showing Up In Other Conflicts »

Good News: Climate Doom Again Pushed Out 10-12 Years

So strange that doom over breaking the 1.5C threshold keeps being pushed out

Plenty more out there (and smacked down here), but, now, instead of computer models, we have AI models

AI: World likely to hit key warming threshold in 10-12 years

The world will likely breach the internationally agreed-upon climate change threshold in about a decade, and keep heating to break through a next warming limit around mid-century even with big pollution cuts, artificial intelligence predicts in a new study that’s more pessimistic than previous modeling.

The study in Monday’s journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reignites a debate on whether it’s still possible to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as called for in the 2015 Paris climate agreement, to minimize the most damaging effects of climate change. The world has already warmed 1.1 or 1.2 degrees since pre-industrial times, or the mid-19th century, scientists say.

Two climate scientists using machine learning calculated that Earth will surpass the 1.5 degree (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) mark between 2033 and 2035. Their results fit with other, more conventional methods of predicting when Earth will break the mark, though with a bit more precision.

“There will come a time when we call the 1.5C target for maximum warming dead, beyond the shadow of a doubt,” Brown University environment institute director Kim Cobb, who wasn’t part of the study, said in an email interview. “And this paper may be the beginning of the end of the 1.5C target.”

So, what happens if this doesn’t happen? Who is punished for grossly irresponsible fearmongering? These climahysterics just can’t help themselves with their prognostications of doom

Read: Good News: Climate Doom Again Pushed Out 10-12 Years »

Brandon To End COVID Emergency May 11Th

Why wait till May? Why not right now, especially since Biden himself said COVID was over back in September

President Biden to end COVID-19 emergencies on May 11

President Joe Biden informed Congress on Monday that he will end the twin national emergencies for addressing COVID-19 on May 11, as most of the world has returned closer to normalcy nearly three years after they were first declared.

The move to end the national emergency and public health emergency declarations would formally restructure the federal coronavirus response to treat the virus as an endemic threat to public health that can be managed through agencies’ normal authorities.

It comes as lawmakers have already ended elements of the emergencies that kept millions of Americans insured during the pandemic. Combined with the drawdown of most federal COVID-19 relief money, it would also shift the development of vaccines and treatments away from the direct management of the federal government.

Biden’s announcement comes in a statement opposing resolutions being brought to the floor this week by House Republicans to bring the emergency to an immediate end. House Republicans are also gearing up to launch investigations on the federal government’s response to COVID-19.

If COVID is over, it’s over. The end isn’t some arbitrary date in the future, right? So, why wait?

Moments before the White House’s announcement, Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., accused the president of unnecessarily extending the public health emergency to take action on issues like forgiving some federal student loan debts.

Hmm, what will Biden and his Comrades try over the next almost 3 1/2 months based on the emergency powers? Because once it ends any authorization for student loan cancellation ends. And government workers need to go back to work in their offices. Oops.

Read: Brandon To End COVID Emergency May 11Th »

If All You See…

…is a horrible water using pool made with Evil concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on depending on the state.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove