Extinction Rebellion UK To Temporarily Stop Acting Like Wackos

Well, they state they are going to stop doing all the nutty stuff, like gluing themselves to roads and paintings, throwing liquids on paintings, blocking roads, etc. I wonder if the base loons will say “eh, they hell with the big wigs”

UK climate group calls temporary halt to disruptive protests

The U.K. division of climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion says its activists would temporarily stop blocking busy roads, gluing themselves to buildings and engaging in other acts of civil disobedience because such methods have not achieved their desired effects.

Gee, you think? When they end up annoying and causing problems for people who would be sympathetic to XR’s cause, to a degree, those people will say “F*** those wankers!”

I’m amazed that people do not take XR seriously

“As we ring in the new year, we make a controversial resolution to temporarily shift away from public disruption as a primary tactic,” the group said in a New Year’s Eve website post. “We recognize and celebrate the power of disruption to raise the alarm and believe that constantly evolving tactics is a necessary approach.”

To further its goals of getting politicians, corporations and the public “to end the fossil fuel era,” the group said it would instead focus on broadening its support with actions such as getting 100,000 people to surround the Houses of Parliament in London on April 21.

“In a time when speaking out and taking action are criminalized, building collective power, strengthening in number and thriving through bridge-building is a radical act,” the website post said. “This year, we prioritize attendance over arrest and relationships over roadblocks, as we stand together and become impossible to ignore.”

What will they do if they cannot get 100K? My be it 10K show up.

In its Sunday post titled “We Quit,” the U.K. branch of Extinction Rebellion said that while the group has helped bring about “a seismic shift” in the climate conversation, “very little has changed. Emissions continue to rise and our planet is dying at an accelerated rate.”

Maybe they should convince all their fellow climate cultists to make their lives carbon neutral instead of trying to get Government to force Other People to action.

Read: Extinction Rebellion UK To Temporarily Stop Acting Like Wackos »

Sigh: Trump Talks About Running Third Party

This won’t help. It would just split Right leaning votes between 2 candidates, and Biden, or whomever they replace him with, would easily win

Trump Appears To Float Third-Party Threat If GOP Won’t Back Him

Former President Donald Trump has appeared to float the idea of running a third-party campaign if increasingly disgruntled Republican leaders don’t get behind his 2024 run for the presidency.

Trump signaled the possibility by posting an article on Truth Social Wednesday ? “The Coming Split,” by Dan Gelernter, in the right-wing journal American Greatness ? promoting just such an option.

Gelernter believes such a move would torpedo Trump’s chances of winning the White House. But it would also wipe out Republican hopes, which Gelernter argued would be a deserving punishment for rejecting the popular former president.

“Do I think Trump can win as a third-party candidate? No,” he wrote. “Would I vote for him as a third-party candidate? Yes. Because I’m not interested in propping up this corrupt [GOP] gravy-train any longer.”

Gelernter claimed that the “Republican machine has no intention of letting us choose Trump again: He is not a uniparty team player. They’d rather lose an election to the Democrats, their brothers in crime, than win with Trump.”

He asked: “What should we do when a majority of Republicans want Trump, but the Republican Party says we can’t have him? Do we knuckle under and vote for Ron DeSantis because he would be vastly better than any Democrat? I say no, we don’t knuckle under.”

The problem is, even if a large majority of Republicans want Trump (which I seriously doubt at this point), he won’t get the Independents, squishy Republicans, and squishy Democrats who are tired of the Democrat insanity. It’ll look much like 2020. Even without all the Democrat cheating, there is no path to 270.

I suspect that a lot of Republicans who like Trump’s ideas and policies are done with him, because he cannot win. There is no surprise like 2016. This is about his ego at this point.

Read: Sigh: Trump Talks About Running Third Party »

If All You See…

…is a wall erected to stop sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on a quiet New Year’s Eve in France.

It’s bike week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The New Year is here, time to put away the old one, and hope that Democrats do not screw this one up like the last one. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jihad Watch notes that as the Taliban beats women Sec. Blinkin is releasing playlists
  2. Legal Insurrection says that Democrats may regret releasing Trump’s taxes
  3. Moonbattery shows EV charging stations becoming homeless encampments
  4. Pacific Pundit notes ABC Australia paying tribute to Olivia Newton John with a drag queen
  5. The First Street Journal covers how wealthy New Englanders fight ‘climate change’
  6. The Gateway Pundit discusses Brandon cheering his “historic” year
  7. The Lid wonders if China will reinfect the world
  8. The Right Scoop discusses Biden shipping illegals around the country
  9. This ain’t Hell…. has stupid people of the week
  10. Independent Sentinel highlights a dangerous shortage of regular medicines
  11. Not A Lot Of People Know That features the BBC warmists lying
  12. No Tricks Zone covers Germany public TV recommending only bathing every 3 days
  13. Real Climate Science notes another climate scam prognostication biting the dust
  14. The Air Vent highlights there being no acceleration in sea rise
  15. And last, but, not least, 357 Magnum wonders what the value of a university degree is

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

CNN: Trump’s Taxes Are A Big Nothingburger

For all the caterwauling by Democrats over the release of Trump’s taxes, it ended up being a big, big letdown for them. They thought that this would finally be the thing that put Trump behind bars. Or, at least embarrass Trump (can he be embarrassed?)

Opinion: Trump’s tax returns are much to do about nothings

Hallelujah! The House Ways and Means Committee has released former President Donald Trump’s tax returns from 2015 to 2020. If nothing else, this will – let us hope! – release me from being asked about the release of Trump’s tax returns, as I have been for over six years now.

There’s plenty we already knew. In 2020, the New York Times analyzed 20 years of Trump’s tax returns, including some of the ones released Friday. And earlier this month, the House Ways and Means Committee released two reports that found the Internal Revenue Service failed to audit Trump in the first two years of his presidency despite the IRS’ mandatory audit program for US presidents, and summarized in detail the top-line numbers for the full six years.

What we got from this latest data dump is thousands of pages of returns, exhibits, schedules and such. Dedicated accountants and journalists will pore over these documents and we are sure to see plenty of headlines like “Top 10 surprises in Trump’s tax returns” in the coming days and weeks.

But we have long known the basic story. Trump is a bad businessman who seems to lose money on everything from casinos to golf clubs, with steaks and vodka and even a so-called university in between. So the main reason he often pays so little, if any, in taxes, is that he often reports a loss. He also lost other people’s money and got big tax breaks for that.

If there was anything big in his returns it would be the primary headline. They even changed the headline on the front page to “The Real Outrage in Trump’s Taxes”, which is that The Rich aren’t paying their fair share or something. I really do not need to expound on the stupidity of this liberal HotTake, right?

The Washington Post still has no smoking guns, and coverage is dropped to way low, down into the Politics section. By Saturday night, the NY Times didn’t even have an article on it featured on the web front page. Same with the LA Times. Coverage is minimal at NBC, CBS, and ABC news. Cue sad faces. Maybe they’ll get him next time.

Did they ever consider that Trump was refusing to release his taxes was simply to mess with them?

Read: CNN: Trump’s Taxes Are A Big Nothingburger »

Your Fault: 2022 Was Another Mile On The Way To Climate Hell

How is this possible? I thought we all died from ‘climate change’ years ago? Or was that the end of Net Neutrality? Or Trump starting WWIII?

Environmental review of 2022: another mile on the ‘highway to climate hell’

Two events in 2022 symbolised the climate breakdown that humanity is careering towards and the real, though fast-fading, hope that the world can still be steered away from calamity.

The first was the apocalyptic floods that submerged a third of Pakistan, the world’s fifth most populous country, affecting 33 million people. Scientists found that the climate crisis had made the deluge up to 50% more intense.

The second was the re-election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as the president of Brazil. Experts had said the fate of the Amazon rested on the vote. Another term of the rampant destruction seen under Jair Bolsonaro could have pushed the world’s biggest rainforest past its tipping point, with global consequences.

Overall, however, the climate crisis is bleaker than it has ever been. In October, a slew of reports laid bare how close the planet had neared to irreversible climate breakdown, with one UN study stating there was “no credible pathway in place to 1.5C”, the internationally agreed limit for global heating, and that progress on cutting carbon emissions was “woefully inadequate”.

Well, if all the climate cultists would practice what they preach there’d be no problem, right?

Scientists had revealed in September that five “disastrous” tipping points may already have been passed due to the 1.1C of global heating to date. These included the collapse of Greenland’s ice cap, eventually producing a huge sea level rise and the collapse of a key current in the north Atlantic, disrupting rain upon which billions of people depend for food.

Who gets blamed when the Greenland ice cap doesn’t collapse? Who’s held responsible for the scaremongering?

The climate equation remains simple: carbon emissions must halve by 2030 to have an even chance of keeping to the 1.5C limit. But in 2022 emissions will have risen to a record level. “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator,” said the UN secretary general, António Guterres.

Read: Your Fault: 2022 Was Another Mile On The Way To Climate Hell »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow that will soon disappear forever, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on a boxing organization introducing a gender confused category for 2023.

Read: If All You See… »

Legendary NC State Broadcaster Suspended For Saying “Illegal Alien”

It’s a term that is actually embedded in federal law

NC State broadcaster Gary Hahn suspended indefinitely, officials say

North Carolina State University radio broadcaster Gary Hahn has been suspended indefinitely after making a degrading comment while announcing a bowl game score on Friday, CBS 17 has learned.

Hahn, an employee of broadcast company LEARFIELD Communications and the Play-by-Play announcer for Wolfpack Sports Network, referenced “illegal aliens” in Texas while announcing an out-of-town score during Duke’s Mayo Bowl. (snip)

CBS 17 has reached out to multiple N.C. State and LEARFIELD officials for confirmation on Hahn’s exact statement, that has been reported to have been made in reference to the Sun Bowl between UCLA and the University of Pittsburgh in El Paso, Texas.

“Several social media users reported hearing Hahn say ‘down among all the illegal aliens in El Paso it’s UCLA leading Pitt’ while giving the score of the Sun Bowl,” The News & Observer reported.

Hahn was recognized as the state’s Sportscaster of the Year in 2011 and 2020 and has been calling Wolfpack football, as well as men’s basketball, since 1991.

On one hand, why is he even bringing up illegal aliens while broadcasting a sporting event and reading out scores? On the other, it was very relevant in Texas, considering, as the News and Observer notes

The Sun Bowl canceled its annual fan fest last week because the city’s convention center is being used to house migrants awaiting immigration decisions, making El Paso a hot-button topic for political commentary.

El Paso is rather over-run with illegals at the moment. Back to the first hand: it wasn’t necessary, but, people say things that come to their brains that they should have skipped all the time, even professionals. Then, on the third hand, how often were we treated to planned and unplanned diatribes from sportscasters on major, national broadcasts on things like taking away our 2nd Amendment Right? You had wacky ESPN personalities like Jemele Hill yammering on and on about her abortion, supporting abortion, black supremacy, and other hardcore political issues. You had a planned Beyonce concert at Super Bowl 50 pimping police hatred and black supremacy. Broadcasters and players telling people to Comply with COVID lockdown/masking. The list goes on and on.

But, yeah, Hahn should have left that alone. He’ll be back on the air soon, I bet.

Read: Legendary NC State Broadcaster Suspended For Saying “Illegal Alien” »

Republican Get Ready To Challenge Democrats Climate Crisis (scam) Goals Or Something

Let me ask: do you really have confidence that Republicans are going to attempt to really do something? Even knowing that there’s little chance the Democrat run Senate will even vote on most House bills, and, even if they did, Brandon would veto them, will the House Republicans even try? Sometimes you have to vote on the legislation and put it out there for Americans to see. If they were smart (snicker), they’d pass lots of little bills that are easy to understand

Republicans get a louder voice on climate change as they take over the House

As Republicans prepare to take control of the U.S. House of Representatives next week, the highlights of their approach to climate change and energy issues can be summed up in a Toby Keith song.

“Made in America” centers on an aging farmer with “dirty hands and a clean soul.” The song says it “breaks his heart seeing foreign cars, filled with fuel that isn’t ours.” The video shows an older white man, flags waving and builds to a crescendo of, “He ain’t prejudice, he’s just made in America.”

The song, released more than a decade ago, played as Republican House leaders strode on stage near Pittsburgh in September to announce their “Commitment to America.” In addition to issues like crime and immigration, energy and climate policy comes under a section on the economy on current Republican leader Kevin McCarthy’s website.

That country song makes the uber-Elitist “journalists” at NPR very upset. All you rubes, ya know

The plans include boosting domestic oil and gas drilling, building more climate-friendly energy sources like nuclear and hydropower, changing environmental permitting to make construction easier, securing supply chains so other countries — notably China — can’t dominate them and planting trees to pull more carbon from the atmosphere.

Like Keith’s song, the plans may sound straightforward but dig deeper and it’s more complicated. It’s not clear these efforts would lead to the greenhouse gas emission reductions scientists say are needed to keep warming less than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and avoid the worst effects of climate change. Beyond that, it’s unlikely the slim Republican majority in the House will be able to pass the legislation proposed, because Democrats still control the Senate and the White House.

Because most Republicans do not care about the climate scam, and are not going to tank our economy to Do Something. Further, they are more interested in keeping the cost of energy low for American citizens along with making it dependable

Another way Republican leaders plan to use their new voice is by scrutinizing a budget law Democrats passed this year, called the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). It allocates the most money ever for climate change efforts, about $370 billion.

Some Republicans are particularly interested in a Department of Energy loan program designed to advance cleaner technologies the private sector won’t yet fund. Under the IRA, the program will be expanded.

“It’s Solyndra on steroids,” says Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who is the Republican leader on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and likely will become chair.

I really do not have faith Republicans will do anything. How about you?

Read: Republican Get Ready To Challenge Democrats Climate Crisis (scam) Goals Or Something »

Good News: Pelosi Gives Congressional Staff Pay Raise On Way Out The Door

It’s a nice gig if you can get it, and you do not really even have to do anything for the citizens who are paying your salary

Nancy Pelosi boosts maximum pay for House staff to $212,000 as she ends speakership

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday issued a new directive raising the maximum rate that lawmakers can pay House staff to $212,100 annually — $38,000 more than what members of Congress make.

The move comes after Pelosi already issued a directive earlier this year raising the maximum pay staffers can make from $199,300 to $203,700. At the time, Pelosi also instituted a minimum salary level of $45,000 for House staff.

The move was seen as precedent-breaking since for decades there were no official House rules governing staffer pay. Instead, House offices were free to negotiate staff pay individually. (snip)

The new salary cap means that senior staffers can make more annually than the lawmakers who serve as their employees. Both House and Senate lawmakers are paid $174,000 annually.

And what, exactly, are We The People getting out of these exorbitant salaries?

Overall, Issue One found one out of eight congressional offices were not paying wages that are comparable to the cost of living in Washington, D.C. The report estimated that there were roughly 1,200 congressional staffers making less than $42,610 annually.

Well, hey, that’s their problem. They took the job knowing the salary and the cost of living in the Democratic Party run city of D.C. And, come on, you can’t tell me they aren’t getting all sorts of massive government perks, not too mention all the insider trading tips.

Read: Good News: Pelosi Gives Congressional Staff Pay Raise On Way Out The Door »

Pirate's Cove