Your Fault: 2022 Was Another Mile On The Way To Climate Hell

How is this possible? I thought we all died from ‘climate change’ years ago? Or was that the end of Net Neutrality? Or Trump starting WWIII?

Environmental review of 2022: another mile on the ‘highway to climate hell’

Two events in 2022 symbolised the climate breakdown that humanity is careering towards and the real, though fast-fading, hope that the world can still be steered away from calamity.

The first was the apocalyptic floods that submerged a third of Pakistan, the world’s fifth most populous country, affecting 33 million people. Scientists found that the climate crisis had made the deluge up to 50% more intense.

The second was the re-election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as the president of Brazil. Experts had said the fate of the Amazon rested on the vote. Another term of the rampant destruction seen under Jair Bolsonaro could have pushed the world’s biggest rainforest past its tipping point, with global consequences.

Overall, however, the climate crisis is bleaker than it has ever been. In October, a slew of reports laid bare how close the planet had neared to irreversible climate breakdown, with one UN study stating there was “no credible pathway in place to 1.5C”, the internationally agreed limit for global heating, and that progress on cutting carbon emissions was “woefully inadequate”.

Well, if all the climate cultists would practice what they preach there’d be no problem, right?

Scientists had revealed in September that five “disastrous” tipping points may already have been passed due to the 1.1C of global heating to date. These included the collapse of Greenland’s ice cap, eventually producing a huge sea level rise and the collapse of a key current in the north Atlantic, disrupting rain upon which billions of people depend for food.

Who gets blamed when the Greenland ice cap doesn’t collapse? Who’s held responsible for the scaremongering?

The climate equation remains simple: carbon emissions must halve by 2030 to have an even chance of keeping to the 1.5C limit. But in 2022 emissions will have risen to a record level. “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator,” said the UN secretary general, António Guterres.

Read: Your Fault: 2022 Was Another Mile On The Way To Climate Hell »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow that will soon disappear forever, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on a boxing organization introducing a gender confused category for 2023.

Read: If All You See… »

Legendary NC State Broadcaster Suspended For Saying “Illegal Alien”

It’s a term that is actually embedded in federal law

NC State broadcaster Gary Hahn suspended indefinitely, officials say

North Carolina State University radio broadcaster Gary Hahn has been suspended indefinitely after making a degrading comment while announcing a bowl game score on Friday, CBS 17 has learned.

Hahn, an employee of broadcast company LEARFIELD Communications and the Play-by-Play announcer for Wolfpack Sports Network, referenced “illegal aliens” in Texas while announcing an out-of-town score during Duke’s Mayo Bowl. (snip)

CBS 17 has reached out to multiple N.C. State and LEARFIELD officials for confirmation on Hahn’s exact statement, that has been reported to have been made in reference to the Sun Bowl between UCLA and the University of Pittsburgh in El Paso, Texas.

“Several social media users reported hearing Hahn say ‘down among all the illegal aliens in El Paso it’s UCLA leading Pitt’ while giving the score of the Sun Bowl,” The News & Observer reported.

Hahn was recognized as the state’s Sportscaster of the Year in 2011 and 2020 and has been calling Wolfpack football, as well as men’s basketball, since 1991.

On one hand, why is he even bringing up illegal aliens while broadcasting a sporting event and reading out scores? On the other, it was very relevant in Texas, considering, as the News and Observer notes

The Sun Bowl canceled its annual fan fest last week because the city’s convention center is being used to house migrants awaiting immigration decisions, making El Paso a hot-button topic for political commentary.

El Paso is rather over-run with illegals at the moment. Back to the first hand: it wasn’t necessary, but, people say things that come to their brains that they should have skipped all the time, even professionals. Then, on the third hand, how often were we treated to planned and unplanned diatribes from sportscasters on major, national broadcasts on things like taking away our 2nd Amendment Right? You had wacky ESPN personalities like Jemele Hill yammering on and on about her abortion, supporting abortion, black supremacy, and other hardcore political issues. You had a planned Beyonce concert at Super Bowl 50 pimping police hatred and black supremacy. Broadcasters and players telling people to Comply with COVID lockdown/masking. The list goes on and on.

But, yeah, Hahn should have left that alone. He’ll be back on the air soon, I bet.

Read: Legendary NC State Broadcaster Suspended For Saying “Illegal Alien” »

Republican Get Ready To Challenge Democrats Climate Crisis (scam) Goals Or Something

Let me ask: do you really have confidence that Republicans are going to attempt to really do something? Even knowing that there’s little chance the Democrat run Senate will even vote on most House bills, and, even if they did, Brandon would veto them, will the House Republicans even try? Sometimes you have to vote on the legislation and put it out there for Americans to see. If they were smart (snicker), they’d pass lots of little bills that are easy to understand

Republicans get a louder voice on climate change as they take over the House

As Republicans prepare to take control of the U.S. House of Representatives next week, the highlights of their approach to climate change and energy issues can be summed up in a Toby Keith song.

“Made in America” centers on an aging farmer with “dirty hands and a clean soul.” The song says it “breaks his heart seeing foreign cars, filled with fuel that isn’t ours.” The video shows an older white man, flags waving and builds to a crescendo of, “He ain’t prejudice, he’s just made in America.”

The song, released more than a decade ago, played as Republican House leaders strode on stage near Pittsburgh in September to announce their “Commitment to America.” In addition to issues like crime and immigration, energy and climate policy comes under a section on the economy on current Republican leader Kevin McCarthy’s website.

That country song makes the uber-Elitist “journalists” at NPR very upset. All you rubes, ya know

The plans include boosting domestic oil and gas drilling, building more climate-friendly energy sources like nuclear and hydropower, changing environmental permitting to make construction easier, securing supply chains so other countries — notably China — can’t dominate them and planting trees to pull more carbon from the atmosphere.

Like Keith’s song, the plans may sound straightforward but dig deeper and it’s more complicated. It’s not clear these efforts would lead to the greenhouse gas emission reductions scientists say are needed to keep warming less than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and avoid the worst effects of climate change. Beyond that, it’s unlikely the slim Republican majority in the House will be able to pass the legislation proposed, because Democrats still control the Senate and the White House.

Because most Republicans do not care about the climate scam, and are not going to tank our economy to Do Something. Further, they are more interested in keeping the cost of energy low for American citizens along with making it dependable

Another way Republican leaders plan to use their new voice is by scrutinizing a budget law Democrats passed this year, called the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). It allocates the most money ever for climate change efforts, about $370 billion.

Some Republicans are particularly interested in a Department of Energy loan program designed to advance cleaner technologies the private sector won’t yet fund. Under the IRA, the program will be expanded.

“It’s Solyndra on steroids,” says Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who is the Republican leader on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and likely will become chair.

I really do not have faith Republicans will do anything. How about you?

Read: Republican Get Ready To Challenge Democrats Climate Crisis (scam) Goals Or Something »

Good News: Pelosi Gives Congressional Staff Pay Raise On Way Out The Door

It’s a nice gig if you can get it, and you do not really even have to do anything for the citizens who are paying your salary

Nancy Pelosi boosts maximum pay for House staff to $212,000 as she ends speakership

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday issued a new directive raising the maximum rate that lawmakers can pay House staff to $212,100 annually — $38,000 more than what members of Congress make.

The move comes after Pelosi already issued a directive earlier this year raising the maximum pay staffers can make from $199,300 to $203,700. At the time, Pelosi also instituted a minimum salary level of $45,000 for House staff.

The move was seen as precedent-breaking since for decades there were no official House rules governing staffer pay. Instead, House offices were free to negotiate staff pay individually. (snip)

The new salary cap means that senior staffers can make more annually than the lawmakers who serve as their employees. Both House and Senate lawmakers are paid $174,000 annually.

And what, exactly, are We The People getting out of these exorbitant salaries?

Overall, Issue One found one out of eight congressional offices were not paying wages that are comparable to the cost of living in Washington, D.C. The report estimated that there were roughly 1,200 congressional staffers making less than $42,610 annually.

Well, hey, that’s their problem. They took the job knowing the salary and the cost of living in the Democratic Party run city of D.C. And, come on, you can’t tell me they aren’t getting all sorts of massive government perks, not too mention all the insider trading tips.

Read: Good News: Pelosi Gives Congressional Staff Pay Raise On Way Out The Door »

Climate Cult Is Enthused For You To Electrify Your Life In 2023

If electrification is so great why are the rich folks who can easily afford this not doing it? If it will save you peasants so much money, why is it necessary for Government to help pay for it and to force you to do it?

Electrify your life in 2023 to fight climate change. Here’s help paying for it.

Moving to clean energy – electrifying our houses, cars, and appliances – is widely considered a necessary step to help stave off catastrophic global warming. Now, it may finally be financially feasible, through the federal Inflation Reduction Act – the mammoth clean energy bill Congress approved in August – and various state and local initiatives.

A few caveats to keep in mind: The energy grid is still far from clean. In Oregon, about half of all electricity is produced from renewables, including hydropower, solar and wind. That means the other half comes from fossil fuels, mainly from natural gas and coal from out-of-state plants. House Bill 2021 aims to tackle that problem by requiring the state’s two major power companies to achieve carbon-free electricity by 2040.

All those new electric vehicles (EVs), heat pumps, and induction cooktops will also need a lot more electricity than Oregon currently generates. That means modernizing the grid by building more transmission lines and on-site battery storage. While the endeavor may seem daunting, experts say electricity-generating capacity will increase to meet the higher demand as electrification efforts ramp up.

Well, good luck getting all that energy, Oregon. By the way, who’s paying for all this?

Here’s what you can do in 2023 to electrify, with the help of rebates and tax credits:

Replace your wood stove or fireplace: The smoke from burning wood for heating indoors carries tiny particles known as PM2.5 which cause burning eyes, runny noses and bronchitis. They can also trigger asthma and heart attacks, strokes and other conditions. Multnomah County residents can swap their wood stove or fireplace for an electric heat pump. Applicants receive a subsidy ranging from $3,000 to full cost of the replacement, depending on eligibility and household income. Renters can also qualify.

That’s just one thing. They also mention “rebates” for new and used EVs, get rid of the gas furnance and get a heat pump, get a new stove, weatherize your home, and buy solar panels (starting at $20K). Everyone has the money for all this, right? Because you will be paying money out of pocket. And where do the rebates and subsidies and giveaways come from? That money doesn’t just come out of thin air, right?

Read: Climate Cult Is Enthused For You To Electrify Your Life In 2023 »

If All You See…

…are mountains which will soon no longer have any snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on China sending their next pandemic right now.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Brandon Releasing Lots Of Illegal Alien Criminals Into U.S.

Remember who Democrats, including Biden, always said that they didn’t want the bad illegals, just the good ones? About that

Biden’s DHS Releases into U.S. Nearly 1.4K Illegal Alien Convicted Criminals in Less than Three Months

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released nearly 1,400 illegal alien convicted criminals from detention into American communities in less than three months, data shows.

The latest Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data reveals that from October through December 18, Biden’s DHS has released 1,363 illegal alien convicts into American communities along with more than 1,800 illegal aliens with pending criminal charges against them.

Of the illegal alien convicts released from DHS custody, 463 bonded out, 421 were given an order of recognizance, 371 were given an order of supervision, and 108 were paroled.

And they will never show up for any court hearings. They’ll just disappear into the nation and commit more crimes

RJ Hauman, with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), suggested that the Biden administration may be violating the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) with the mass release of illegal alien convicts from DHS custody.

Specifically, Hauman cites this INA statute:

The Attorney General may release an alien described in paragraph (1) only if the Attorney General decides pursuant to section 3521 of title 18 that release of the alien from custody is necessary to provide protection to a witness, a potential witness, a person cooperating with an investigation into major criminal activity, or an immediate family member or close associate of a witness, potential witness, or person cooperating with such an investigation, and the alien satisfies the Attorney General that the alien will not pose a danger to the safety of other persons or of property and is likely to appear for any scheduled proceeding. A decision relating to such release shall take place in accordance with a procedure that considers the severity of the offense committed by the alien. [Emphasis added]

“The law explicitly requires that those who cross the border illegally be detained, but the Biden administration clearly doesn’t want to detain or deport anyone,” Hauman told Breitbart News.

Biden doesn’t care. It won’t affect him. He’s protected. The more he releases, though, the more the amnesty forces can demand that all these illegals be given citizenship.

Read: Good News: Brandon Releasing Lots Of Illegal Alien Criminals Into U.S. »

We’re In A Climate Crisis, And Massive Snowstorms Prove It

I’d love to let this bit of cultism go, but, they’re keeping it alive, like the Walking Dead which went on too long, or the Halloween franchise. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Police Academy 4, Jaws The Revenge, Ghostbusters 2016, Fast And Furious 28….

We are in a climate crisis, not simply experiencing climate change

Buffalo and western New York clearly just suffered through one of the worst and deadliest snowstorms in memory. Severe and almost unheard of events are now apparent everywhere you look.

In just the last year we have seen droughts scattered throughout the U.S., major wildfires, record heat in Europe, unusually strong storms and tornados in December, disastrous flooding in our heartland, a hurricane that seemed to last forever, and severe loss of life and trillions in damage from floods in Pakistan.

We can’t keep saying that we are experiencing 100-year events, because you can be sure they will recur again in far less than 100 years. We need language and action that matches the urgency of our situation: We are in a climate crisis, not simply experiencing climate change.

And what can solve this?

Current legislation is attempting to address the crisis with financial incentives, often described as “carrots.” To really get serious, we also need “sticks” that raise the costs of all products and activities that are heavily reliant on fossil fuels.

A slowly rising price on carbon emissions with revenue returned to Americans can provide the “stick” in a manner that doesn’t harm the economy or hurt consumers, including those with lesser incomes. Virtually all economists agree on this approach, Canada is already using it, and new Climate Leadership Council and Americans for Carbon Dividends polling shows Republican voters want to see meaningful solutions as well.

Let your members of Congress know that you want to see bipartisan climate action in 2023.

Let Congress know you want them to raise your cost of living while reducing your modern life. Why do most Warmists not live the carbon neutral life?

Can you blame climate change for a ‘once in a lifetime’ winter storm?

It is tempting to blame climate change for any anomaly in the weather. Some of the blame is justified – like long droughts and extraordinary rainstorms – but winter storms do not fit neatly in the climate change narrative. The researchers at Climate Central say that winter temperatures in the United States have increased by more than 3 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 50 years and that northern areas of the U.S. have warmed the fastest.

Yeah, they’re blaming you for driving a fossil fueled vehicle for massive winter storms.

Read: We’re In A Climate Crisis, And Massive Snowstorms Prove It »

Strange: Wuhan Flu Is Spike In Peoples Republik Of California

I thought they were all good little Liberals who followed all the CDC and government recommendations, taking booster after booster. How does this happen?

COVID is spiking again in California. What experts say about new variants, mask requirements

After a brief dip in mid-December, California’s coronavirus transmission rates appear to be climbing once again as 2022 comes to an end, with a key metric reaching its highest point in more than four months, state health data show.

The California Department of Public Health in a weekly update Thursday reported the statewide case rate for COVID-19 at 16.9 per 100,000.

Though that is a 12% drop compared to one week earlier, testing volume also dropped significantly, likely due to the winter holidays.

As a result, California’s test positivity rate spiked to 11.9%, up from 10.5% one week earlier for the state’s highest percentage recorded since Aug. 10.

So, of course

Sacramento City Unified School District officials said students and staff will return to an indoor mask requirement upon return from winter break Jan. 9 — but only if Sacramento County is classified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the “high” community level for COVID-19 danger in the preceding weekly update, posted Jan. 5.

And that’s just a small taste of California. If all the vaccines and masking and everything are so great, why is California having such trouble? It’s almost like they inoculated them with fear, allowing government to control them.

Read: Strange: Wuhan Flu Is Spike In Peoples Republik Of California »

Pirate's Cove